Once in a while Gran Torino would ask Izuku to do hero work with him to check out his progress. Today was such day.

During patrol they caught a lead on Kurogiri and while following it they found the mist man himself and started a chase. The moment they found the lead they called for back up from the police and send periodic updates.

The chase after Kurogiri led them to the forest near Musatafu. They really didn't know what the warp gate user was doing there or didn't warp away the moment he realised they were after him, all they knew was that he was a man on a mission. And what a mission was that, he was going to contract the old bodyguard of All for One, Gigantomachia.

The further they went the more anxious Kurogiri became. Come on Gigantomachia. Where are you? Young master needs you. The mist man thought. That was when the giant showed himself from the trees in his whole 20 metres glory. When the chasing heroes saw him they were shocked but for different reasons. Gran Torino was shocked that someone so big existed and dreaded having to fight him. As for Izuku...

"Machia?" The teen asked and braced himself, after all the giant can be rather... loud at times. How his father didn't go deaf was the question of the century.








Kurogiri and Gran Torino were looking between the two as if they were aliens. And they might as well have been.

The giant grabbed the green haired boy gently and hugged him to his face while crying as emotionally as the boy's mother and blabbing unintelligent things about missing the Little Lord.

Izuku laughed and hugged the giant back.

"Awww, Machia, I missed you too. But..." When Machia heard that 'but' he knew that the green bean will ask a question he wouldn't know how to answer, "Why aren't you with papa?" And he wasn't disappointed.

"Uhh..." What would be an appropriate answer? Gigantomachia wondered with a strange expression on his face which reminded Gran Torino of a classic confused bully.

That was when Kurogiri snapped out of his shock and warped away. It was as clear as day that Gigantomachia won't be joining the League of Villains anytime soon. Gran Torino didn't even bat an eye at the retreat I would react in a similar manner if I was him. the elderly man thought.

"Because Lord wanted me to become your bodyguard if you ever found me." The red brown-ish haired man answered and game himself a mental par on the back for the dodged bullet but it was to early to celebrate, Izuku had more questions.

"Why was Kurogiri after you?"

"Where is papa?"

"Why did he stop calling and writing two months ago?"

"How are you so big? I remember you being only 3 metres tall."

Gigantomachia didn't speak for a minute which Gran Torino used to call All Might, the police force which will catch up to them soon and Aizawa to update them on what happened.

Izuku smiled and patted Gigantomachia on the cheek which scared the tall man. That gesture didn't bode well for anyone, the boy's father included, and scared the receiving person more than all of their nightmares combined.

Gigantomachia whimpered like a puppy which knew it will be kicked and thought I am sorry Lord.

Several hours later

"So you mean to tell me that this guy over there" Aizawa started while gesturing to a 3 metres tall Gigantomachia, "was your father's bodyguard who is the villain whom sent All Might in retirement?"

"Yes" Izuku chirped. The boy had a strange smile which send shivers down Aizawa's spine every time their eyes met.

Aizawa sighed, "I don't get paid enough." he grumbled while Izuku spinned several thousand plans about what do with his papa with Nezu cackled in background and All Might thanking all deities and the previous One for All users that the young man takes after his uncle and mother morality wise.

One month later

All for One could only wonder why the guards took most of machinery and too tight clothing off him. Then they put a some strange bracelets on him which rendered all of his active quirks useless, inspired from Eraserhead's quirk Erasure, and took him to a different room where he was informed that the person who wanted to meet his was going to be there shortly. If the man had any eyebrows left they would have been raised so high that they would have reached his no longer existing hairline.

It wasn't long before a person entered the room. They had quiet steps, as if they either trained a lot or were light by birth.

Then a familiar shiver went down his spine, a small hand patted his left cheek and the person, no young man said, "Hello papa"

The villain would bet his 500+ quirks that the young man who said that was his son, Midoriya Izuku and has that smile which never fails to send shivers down his spine and squeaked, squeaked, "Hello Izukun."

The people who were watching this through the CCTV didn't know whether to faint, bang their heads in the nearest surface of laugh at that squeak.

AN: Annnnd another one-shot has been written.

Me: Looks towards the old plot bunnies.

Me: Nudges them with a leg.

They: In coma.

Me: Seems like I am on my own. Wish me luck.

Writer's Block: Sits on my head like a hat, refusing to leave.