The Loud House:

Lisa's Day of Fun

A Fanfiction Story by Yaakov Lubin

Disclaimer: I am not the writer for The Loud House. All rights belong to ChrisSavinoand Nickelodeon.

We begin this little tale in the bedroom and laboratory of Lisa Loud, where we see the young prodigy walking in with her lab coat on about to partake in a brand-new science experiment.

Lisa (Picks up her clipboard and looks at it): "Let's see here, if my hypothesis is…"

But before Lisa could finish talking, a lot of commotion can be heard from outside.

Lisa: "Huh? I wonder what's all the hubbub is about." (Puts the clipboard down, walks over to the widow and looks through it): "Hmm…"

What's Lisa sees is a bunch of kids around her age and older, outside in the fresh air and sun rise, playing around with one another, and having a good time.

Boy (Runs over and taps another boy's arm): "Tag! You're it!" (Runs away): "Ha-ha!"

Another boy (Runs after the first boy): "I'm going to get you!"

Girl (Against a tree with her eyes closed): "…7…8…9…10!" (Opens her eyes and turns around): "Ready or not! Here I come!"

As the girl started the search for her friend, she failed to notice that…

Another girl (Hiding behind the exact same tree): "Tee-hee!"

Lisa (Still looking through the window): "Hmm… Not going to lie, but that really does look like fun." (Starts to feel sad): "Sigh. Too bad Darcy and her family are away for a little vacation though. I would've definitely had my parental units arrange a playdate for me and her."

But before the little scientist can leave the window, she soon spots two more kids, running outside. And from the way she's viewing them, Lisa can tell that the duo are brother and sister, due to their similarities.

Brother (Holds up a ball): "Come on sis, let's play catch!" Sister: "Okay Bro!"

Lisa (Gets an idea): "Hmmm…"

We soon cut to the bedroom of Lori and Leni, where we see the oldest of the siblings sitting on her bed, while talking away on her cell phone.

Lori: "Ha ha ha! Oh, Boo-Boo Bear. Huh? What's that? Oh! Okay then…Hmhm…You too. Bye."

As Lori hangs up, she starts to hear the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door.

Lori (Gets off the bed and starts to walk towards the door): "Coming…" (Opens the door to revel Lisa holding a checker board in her hands): "Hey Lisa, what's up?"

Lisa (Gives off a smile): "Greeting eldest sibling. I was kind of hoping if I could perhaps interest you in playing against me at a good old game of checkers. Or as the Japanese call it: Chekkāzu."

Lori (Confused): "Checkers?" Lisa: "Yup! You heard me correctly."

Lori (Takes the board): "Umm… Lisa? I'm literally not trying to be rude here when I ask you this. But aren't you more into chess?"

Lisa: "Well, I do enjoy a challenge. And let's not forgot about the countless different strategies that one can use to win the classic board game. I just thought it would be nice to play a more …simple game for a change." (Starts to get a bit annoyed): "Especially one where I don't have to keep on explaining the rules of the game to some of my opponents. Or which piece can move where when they keep on asking me every five to ten minutes. So, what'd you say?"

Lori: "Hmmm…Sure Lisa. Why not?"

Lisa: "Excellent."

Lori (Gives her sister a little smirk): "But I have to warn you though, I used to be pretty good at this game back at elementary school."

Lisa (Gets into a playful mood): "Care to put your old skills to the test then?"

Lori: "Are you challenging me?"

Lisa (Looks away, while smirking): "Maybe…"

Lori (Gets into a playful mood herself): "Oh! It's on now."

Lisa: "Then let the trial commence!"

Several games of checker later…

Lori: "Ha! I got you this time Lisa!"

Lisa: "Oh really? Care to explain?"

Lori (Points to the board): "Well you see, you only have one piece left and I have about four pieces plus one king."

Lisa: "Yes, I can definitely see that."

Lori: "You only have two squares where you can move your piece too. But whatever move you make; I get to jump you with two of my five pieces. So, I automatically I win!"

Lisa: "Oh, the contraire Lori. There is actually one other move that I could make with my remaining piece."

Lori (Raise an eyebrow): "Really? What is it?"

Lisa (Takes her piece and starts to move it): "It's…Jump! Jump! King! Jump! Jump! I win again."

Lori (Crosses her arms): "Dang it! How are you so good at this?"

Lisa: "Are you seriously asking me that question? Anyway, care to play again."

Lori (Unfolds her arms): "Fine. But I'm going to beat you this time."

Lisa: "Oh, we'll see about that."

The scene soon changes from Lisa and Lori playing checkers to Leni and Lisa doing a children's jigsaw puzzle together.

Lisa: "And this piece goes here."

Leni: "Wow Lisa, I'm having a lot of fun. Thanks again for inviting me to play puzzles with you."

Lisa: "No problem Leni."

Leni: "But I have to ask you though, aren't you, like, more into those very complicated puzzle thingies? That have like, millions to gazillion pieces? And it so complicated that it takes someone, like, forever to put together?"

Lisa: "Well, as I already explain to Lori earlier before, I thought it would be nice to do something more…simple for a change."

Leni: "But why?"

Lisa: "I figure it would be fun."

Leni: "Oh. But I wouldn't mind trying to do one of those hard puzzle thingies with you Lisa."

Lisa (Surprise and confused): "Wait…You wouldn't?"

Leni: "Totally. I think it would be fun."

Lisa: "But they are very complicated."

Leni: "So what? All I can do is try. And besides, as long as we're doing it together that's all that matters."

Lisa (Thinks for a second): "Hmm…" (Starts to smile): "Thank you Leni, I really appreciate that offer. But if it's okay you, I wouldn't mind just focusing on this puzzle for the time being."

Leni: "No problem." (Picks up a piece): "Now...Where dose this piece go? Aha!" (Tries to place the piece into the spot): "Rghh! It's not fitting."

Lisa: "Umm…Leni? That's clearly not the right…"

Leni: "Hold on…" (Turns the piece around and places it in the puzzle): "I did it!"

Lisa: "Sigh. Excellent work Leni, excellent work."

After they finish their puzzle, Lisa wishes farewell to Leni and decides to head to one of the other rooms where…

Luna (Very confuse): "Hold it right there dude. You want me to do what now?"

Lisa: "As I said third oldest sibling, it will be most kind of you, if you could serenade me with the classic song; Wheels on the Bus."

Luna: "But I thought you were into opera and all that jazz."

Lisa: "I am. It just that…I didn't hear that song in a while. And thought it be would be nice to have you sing it to me. If you are please to do so that is."

Luna (Starts to think): "Hmmm…Alright little sis…" (Gives her sister a smile): "…I'll do it."

Lisa (Returns the smile): "Thank you Luna. I really apprei…"

Luna (Raises her hand): "But only on one condition though."

Lisa (Very surprise): "Oh…And what might that be?"

Luna: "You have to sign along with me." Lisa (Taken a bit back by this): "Oh! Umm…" (Starts to think): "Hmm…I believe that's only…"

Luna: "And you have to play an instrument."

Lisa: "Ahhh… I certainly did not expect this. But…" (Fixes her glasses): "…if you insist."

Luna (Picks up her guitar): "Then pick out an instrument sis and let's jam!"

Luna then points to a pile of musical instruments, which Lisa starts to walks towards.

Lisa (Looks through the pile): "Hmmm...I'm sorry Luna. But these instruments…" (Turns around and spots a trash can): "Aha!"

Luna: "What is it Lis?"

With great speed, Lisa runs over to the trash can and takes out: A empty tissue box, a paper towel roll, and old rubber bands. She then uses these three items to make a…

Luna: "A home-made guitar?" Lisa: "Affirmative."

Luna: "Umm…Whatever floats your boat dude."

Lisa: "Now older sister, shall we…what you like to call it…jam together?"

Luna: "Let's!"

With that, Luna starts to strum the strings on her guitar and begins to sing the lyrics to the song, "Wheels on the Bus", while Lisa plays and sings along. Pretty soon after, the scene changes from the duo having a singalong to Lisa and Luan playing with puppets.

Mr. Coconuts (Being controlled by Luan): "Well hey there! I believe I have never seen you around here before. Name's Mr. Coconuts. And you might be?"

Other puppet (Being controlled by Lisa): "My name is Robotic-Puppet 1000. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Mr. Coconuts: "Same here buddy."

Luan: "Wow Lisa! That very neat puppet you got there."

Lisa: "Why, thank you Luan. It is pretty nifty isn't it?"

Luan: "Where did you get it from anyway?"

Lisa: "I made it of course."

Luan: "You…made it?"

Lisa: "Indeed."

Luan (Gets a bit nervous): "Umm…in that case, is it going to explode?" (Starts to back away): "Because if it is, I don't want to be here when it happens."

Mr. Coconuts: "Me neither."

Lisa (Shakes her head, while giving off a little smile): "Relax fourth to oldest sibling. I didn't build the Robotic-Puppet 1000 in my lab."

Luan: " didn't?"

Lisa: "Of course not."

Luan: "But how did you…"

Lisa: "It was quite simple actually. I just took your common average everyday old sock. And with a little help from Leni and her sewing machine, I was able to transform the piece of clothing to the subject of fun and entertainment that you see before you now."

Luan: "Oh. So, that puppet doesn't have any electronics in it at all?"

Lisa (Takes the puppet off her hand): "Come take a look at it yourself, if you don't believe me."

As Lisa starts to turn the puppet inside out, Luan walks up to her sister to get a closer look.

Lisa: "As you see Luan, there aren't any wires or lights blinking on and off whatsoever in this object of amusement, just cloth . Thus, making this puppet 100% child friendly and explosion proof."

Luan (Revealed): "Whew! That's a relief."

Mr. Coconuts: "You said it. Boy, I sure would have hated it, if today was the day that I meet my breaker. Hahaha!" Luan: "Get it?"

Lisa: "Augh!"

To be continued…