This bit was edited by Geeky and read by Sunshine.

We'll talk below…


"Jesus." I grunt, tightening my fist in her auburn bob. "That's it, babe." Moaning, I urge her to go deeper, and she does. Her cheeks hollow and her muscles expand, swallowing me halfway down her throat. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I mutter, chills racing across my skin.

Her palm comes up to cradle my sac, and her delectable fingers juggle my balls. It sends me spiraling into overdrive, and all I want is to bury my cock so deep inside her that she screams my fucking name, but I know better than to interrupt her when she gets like this. She's a woman on a mission, intent on sucking my cock dry so when she's done I'll have the stamina to take her to another motherfucking planet.

"Damn it." My eyes roll back in my head, the battle of keeping them on her lost to the sensation of her teeth scraping my shaft. "Dirty fucking girl."

She chuckles, and my cock vibrates, sending me careening over the edge. "Fuck!" I grip her hair and hold her down as I erupt, my hold lessening as more energy is sapped with each pulse. "Son of a bitch, babe," I breathe as she leans back to wipe the corners of her pretty fucking mouth. "That shit just gets better every time."

She stands, her eyes devilish as they rake across my bare chest. "Give it to me, Edward." She lifts to her tiptoes, her fingertips tightening on my biceps. "Please."

Fuck the weakness in my knees and the pounding in my chest. When this woman begs me this way, I'm unable to do anything but fulfill her every wish. I lift her in one swift move, tossing her over my shoulder and marching to our temporary bed only ten feet away. She ambushed me fresh from the shower, so I'm already naked and good to go, getting harder with every new thought of her tight pussy clamping around me.

I lay her on the edge of the bed and grip the top of her flimsy tank between my fingers, ripping open the front to let her perky tits bounce free. The scrap of lace she calls a thong is next—I don't know why she bothers. My eyes take in her flushed skin and heaving chest; they roam her flat abs before falling even lower to the neat patch of hair that graces her pubic bone.

I run my finger down her slit and dip it inside her warmth. She's slick and tight, and the breathy moan that escapes her lips heads straight to my throbbing cock.

What I get next is a straight-up growl. "Stop fucking teasing m—" She ends her sentence abruptly, her words turning onto a garbled moan.

"What's that, babe?" I ask, smirking as I dip the tip of my finger in her wetness. "You want me here?" I ask, circling. "Or here?" I push three of them inside. "You want me to fill you up?"

Her long, lean leg reaches out, and one beautiful foot traps my dick against my abs. "Use it or fucking lose it."

A chuckle erupts because my cock has no self-preservation. It twitches, which causes her to giggle, and I take full advantage. I deliver a stinging slap to her ass before bracing my hand at her throat, pressing just enough to put all joking aside. Her eyes spark with delicious fire, and I press more.

"You like that?" I smirk as her breathing escalates, a mixture of excitement and desperation. "My dirty girl needs to be punished."

Delivering another stinging slap to her ass, I plunge my cock inside, my grip on her throat tightening. Her eyes widen before her mouth pops open and a breathless moan echoes across the room. She's exquisite in her pleasure, and I drive into her, wielding my cock like a battering ram.

She moans, tightening her legs around my ass. "There." She arches her back, pulling me closer to her as I thrust deep. "Edward," she cries, swallowing against the pressure of my hand, and I relax my hold. "Harder. Faster."

I chuckle darkly as I pivot my hips with fury and pinch her pebbly pink buds just shy of causing pain. She clamps on my cock, her pussy walls spasming. I smack her ass again, and she cries out, her hands fisting the blanket beneath her as she falls into orgasmic bliss.

I clench my jaw, holding back as long as I can under the assault of her tight pussy before giving in and falling into my own oblivion. The knot in my stomach unravels and my knees become weak as my cock pulses inside her. With one final thrust, I grunt out my appreciation and fall into a heap on the bed beside her.

An incessant buzzing wakes me from my fuck coma, and I lift my head in search of the annoying noise. There, on the nightstand, is Bella's phone, lit up and vibrating its way across the wood. I groan, running my hand along the naked flat stomach beside me.

"That's you, babe," I grouse, my voice rough from the fuckhot sex we just engaged in. "Want me to grab it?"

"Ugh." She moans, moving for the first time. "Fuck it."

I chuckle, rubbing my hands over my face to clear that last bit of fog that's clouding my brain. "It could be important," I say, realizing that it's stopped buzzing against the wood. "Oh well." I roll onto my side, burying my face against her tit, only to curse when the noise starts right back up. "I got it."

I sigh as I move up the bed, and relief moves through me when I grab the phone and the buzzing stops, only now I feel it vibrate through my skull. "Hello," I mumble into the line, not even checking the screen.

"Edward," Charlie says, all happy and shit. "Just who I was hoping to get a minute with."

I flop back onto the bed with a sigh. "Is that so?" I say, eyeing my own phone on the nightstand. "I do have my own number."

"Yeah, but it's always a bright spot in my day to get a minute with Bella, too," he replies, and I roll my fucking eyes.

"Oh, Bella," I say, lifting up to smirk at the woman as she hastily shakes her head "You wanna talk to her? She's right here."

Her eyes narrow into slits, and my cock twitches. She notices and licks her lips. Jesus fuck. I groan, looking away from the temptation, only to realize Charlie is yammering away in my ear.

"What's that?" I ask, interrupting him. "Slow down. I got side-tracked and haven't heard a word you said since I asked if you wanted to speak with Bella."

He huffs into the line. "I'll talk to Bella in a minute. This call is about Seth."

"Shit." That little fucker must be messing up again. "What the fuck he do this time?"

"Calm down," Charlie says sternly. "He is acting up, but you know he's just a lost kid who needs the right guidance."

I pinch the bridge of my nose and blow out a heavy breath. "Charlie, I'm going to say this one more fucking time. I'm not the right person to be guiding any kid. Is this really the lifestyle you want him introduced into?"

"It's good enough for my daughter," he counters, making an excellent goddamn point. "Am I supposed to believe she isn't going to live a good life with you and that club of yours?"

"Of fucking course she is," I snap, pissed that he has my number. "But she isn't some fourteen-year-old kid."

He snorts. "A kid who's been groomed to be a Wolf his whole life."

"Damnit." I curse because he's absolutely fucking right, but I've been resistant. I've been trying to help this kid and keep him at arm's length at the same time. "I don't know, Charlie. I don't think I'm good for him. There's a reason Bella and I decided we aren't going to have kids."

"And I respect that," Charlie says, surprising me. This fucker didn't accept it. At all. He whined and hinted and flat out demanded a grandbaby one time. But Bella and I stood firm. Neither of us wants the responsibility, and fucking frankly, we refuse to bring a kid into this lifestyle. Charlie's yammering buzzes in my ear. "But this kid's already alive, and he looks up to you. He needs a positive force in his life, and I can't think of a better person."

I roll my eyes, tired of having to counter him. "He looks up to me because I'm the leader of the Lions."

"Nobody said he was smart." Charlie chuckles into the line before heaving a sigh. "Just think about it. Please. It'd make my life a hell of a lot easier."

"You never said what he did," I prompt, lifting my head when warm, wet lips attach to my hip bone.

"Knocked down a few mailboxes."

"Okay." I pause, breathing deeply as Bella's tongue gets dangerously close to my hardening cock. "I'll think about it. Now talk to Bella for a minute. She's trying to take the phone from my hand."

My girl sits up abruptly, crossing her arms over her bouncy tits. "Asshole," she mouths as she begrudgingly holds out her hand. "Hey, Charlie." Her voice is perky and pleasant, and I close my eyes, sighing as I prop my hands behind my head and allow my mind to wander as their conversation fades to the background.

I know I'm a fool to stop her from sucking me off while I spoke with her dad, but his call has me a little disconcerted. We've known Seth for almost two years now. He popped up in Forks defacing public property within weeks of the Wolf downfall. A twelve-year-old little shit who was angry and looking for trouble. I was somehow able to talk him down—or maybe it was the threat—and he's chilled out for the most part, toning it down to skipping school and smoking in the movie theater.

Before now, that is.

I just don't know if I want the responsibility or the getting attached. If I bring him under my wing, he's destined for this lifestyle, and condemning him to that is a serious matter—something I'll have to consider carefully before giving in.

His face pops into my mind, cynical and angry, shooting fire from his eyes when he was no bigger than a fly. But he's matured since then, and he's turning into a man. Knowing I might have a sway on the type of man he becomes is almost too much to consider. Do I want that? Can I live with the outcome?

Would he live at all?

I shove that shit out of my mind and open my eyes, hearing Bella's soft voice as she and Charlie discuss when we're coming home—next weekend. Carl has a meeting he needs my help with, and we just arrived two days ago. You'd think we'd already been gone a week the way he's whining.

I smirk, rolling to my side and coming face to face with her naked stomach. Playing her game, I attack her belly button with my mouth, slipping my tongue inside and swirling it around. Her voice goes hoarse, and she chokes out a few words, telling Charlie she needs to go before tossing the phone to the floor.

Her fists tighten in my hair, and she pulls back so I'm forced to meet her eyes. "That was a dirty move, lion—fucking with me while I'm talking and shoving the call off on me to begin with."

I chuckle, her actions expected. "You know you needed to talk to him now or he'd only call back later this afternoon. He's acting like we moved away permanently, and we've only been gone for a couple days."

"Pfft." She rolls her eyes and releases my head, flopping onto her back. "Don't I fucking know it." She rolls to her side, facing me, and props her head on her palm. "So what did you think?"

I match her position, except I throw my thigh across hers, tugging her into the cavern of love. "About?"

She shakes her head like I'm a fucking idiot. "Seth?" She says it slowly so I can keep up. "I've been telling you …"

I sigh, moving my head up and down a couple times. "I know. It's just, I don't know if I'm ready to shape his life so definitively."

She scoots a little closer, bringing our chests within inches. "Just because you mentor him doesn't mean he has to be a Lion."

"I know," I say, reaching a lone finger out to circle her pert nipple. "But I'm ninety-nine percent certain it's what he wants."

She sighs softly. "Me too."

I scoot down so I'm eye-level with her tit. "And that doesn't bother you? You have no issues with me fucking up a young mind so thoroughly?"

"I …" She trails off as my lips attack her soft flesh. "I can't think of anyone more fit to shape this particular mind. He needs a firm hand."

I sigh into her skin, twirling my tongue around her nipple and scraping my teeth against it as I pull away. "Then I'll give it some thought." I push her onto her back and hover over her. "I know someone else who needs a firm hand."

So, here we are with His Dirty Girl. I'd call this the "first draft." It has not been edited (aside from 1-3 last year sometime), but the overall story is the same, except for some fine details. I "hope" I can remember all the little things and tweak them as I read these chapters, but I can't promise to get everything perfect. If you want that, you know where the edited, tweaked to satisfaction book is. It releases in 9 days, and we'll barely be into this one before Their Dirty End, book 3, also releases on Aug 20.

I'm Faye Byrd on Amazon!

I'll see you Monday :)'

Oh, and …

P.S. I hope you like sex. I didn't quite realize until the read-through just how frisky these two are, especially near the start.