I am a dauntless born but I am always told that I am to "nice" and "soft" for dauntless and I think that they might be right.

"SCARLETT WAKE UP!" I guess my mom got my sister to wake me up, "ok ok I'm up" I say,

she leaves my room but I just lay there for a moment wondering what will happen if I switch factions? What my family will think of me? What will my friends will think of me?

I go downstairs to see my mom and Ruby, she is just a year younger then me so she will choose her faction next year.

I am walking towards the table when I walk into the cabinet and knock off everything on it including a picture of our dad, he sadly passed away when me and Ruby were really young.

"Oops, sorry mom" I say with some dread knowing that she will yell at me like she does every time we mention dad, but surprisingly she doesn't she just says "no it's fine just eat your breakfast I will pick it up."

So i go and sit down "Are you nervous?" Ruby whispers to me, I think that she knows I will switch factions

"No" I say. I am a very good liar so I know that I'm not in Candor but there are still three other factions that could be the right one for me

After eating me and Ruby go to the tracks and meet up with our friends.

Everyone thinks I'm to soft so I don't really have any friends... well I do have one Marlene, but she doesn't really talk to me she just helps me hide the fact that I don't belong in dauntless.

We hear the train and start backing up,

and then it passes I am sort of scared of it so I just let everyone else go first, I start running and grab a handle on the outside and Marlene helps me in as usual

"You better choose a new faction Scarlett you can't keep pretending like this" she says "yeah I most likely will don't worry" I say as she goes back to her other friends, I think their names are Lynn and Uriah but I was never really sure.

The train started slowing down and we got ready to jump, everyone else landed it but I like always landed flat on my face. As I'm getting up I catch an Abnegation girl watching us get off the train through the window, she is small and blond with blue eyes and I feel like i've seen her before, as always Ruby is there waiting for me "What were you looking at when we got off the train?" She asks "I just thought I saw something but it was nothing" I say.

After our classes me and Ruby go to the cafeteria and sit with rest of the dauntless, all I can hear is chatter and chaos around me as I'm watching the Amity table. I look at the Abnegation table to catch the eyes of the same girl who was watching us get off the train and I still can't put a finger on who she is.

The test administrator starts calling names and kids come in and out for about 20 minutes until my name is called

"Dauntless SCARLETT JONES and MIKA RITTER, Amity LILY MEYERS and RITA JOHNSON, Abnegation BEATRICE PRIOR and SUSAN BLACK, Candor MARK PETERS and KATRINA LINARD, Erudite JACOB DOURS and MILLARD MILLER" And then I remember the small abnegation girl was in my faction history class, and I stand up with Mika and head towards the aptitude test hallway and go down to the last door.

Inside is a abnegation woman of course, it's always the abnegation who volunteer. "Hi my name is Julia and I will be administering you test today" she says "you can have a seat", so I sit down in the chair while she sets up the equipment, she gives me a small glass vile of blue liquid and says to drink it, I do and a minute later everything goes dark.