Hello and welcome to another OP Naruto story! Oh god I cannot kill the fucking plot bunnies fast enough! Now this story begins just after the wave mission. Like my other stories Naruto and the gang are two years older than in cannon. In this story after a shocking reveal Naruto is contacted by three powerful beings. Afterwards he is given a summoning contract this world has never seen. What is this reveal? And what is the summon? Find out by reading and I hope you like it!

This story is only for fun. I am making no money off this project. Naruto and RWBY is owned by their respected owners. I own none of these series and I never will. Please don't sue me.

Harem-Hinata, Satsuki, Ino, Sakura, Temari, Tenten, Samui, Kurotsuchi, Shizuka, Fem Haku, Shion, Karin, Yugito, Fu, Fem Kyubi, Fem Shukaku, Matatabi and Kami

(I may add some others later as this list is not complete as I am keeping a few hidden as to not spoil a few things)

(Also, for those who wanted Tenten in the harem, you're welcome)


"Thoughts, Flashbacks and Telepathy"

"Biju, Jutsu's, and Summons"

(Locations and Music)

Chapter 1: Hurt, confusion, truth and a new King born

(Konoha/Forest of Death)

The sky was dark. The rain from the heavens fell with great force. A young man at the age of fourteen with blonde spiky hair with red tips, blue eyes and whisker like marks on his face ran thru the rain as tears streamed down his face. He knew this forest like the back of his hand due to living in the forest for years until Hiruzen Sarutobi the Sandaime Hokage gave him an apartment to live in. However, young Naruto still had a place to stay in the forest since the villagers of Konoha would attack him even in his home.

Now some of you must be asking why. Why is this young man running thru a place called the forest of death with tears in his eyes. The answer? He just found out a horrible truth. A truth that is breaking his very soul. And that truth is… his family is alive and well. And they lived a pain free life without him. Let's look back an hour ago to see what happened.

(Flashback/ Hokage tower)

"I wonder what Jiji wants with me? Well I better make this quick. I need to get back home to Haku-chan." Said Naruto.

It has been three days since he and his team returned from the wave mission. During the mission Naruto and co met and fought Zabuza Momochi the demon of the mist and his apprentice/adoptive-daughter Haku Yuki. After defeating the two of them and killing Gato, Zabuza went back to Kiri to help end the war while he asked Naruto to look after Haku when he saw that the two of them grew close to each other. Of course, the civilian council and Sasuke made a stink when she came to Konoha and tried to place her into a breeding program but thankfully Hiruzen and Mikoto stopped that dead. Now Haku stays with Naruto in his apartment. He tried to convince her to sleep on his bed while he slept on the couch, but she did not budge. In the end the two share the bed together.

Naruto walked up the tower to the very top. He then knocked on the door.

"Enter!" said Hiruzen.

Naruto then opened the door and in the room with Hiruzen stands two adults, three teenagers and two children. The male adult has spiky blonde hair and blue eyes and wears a trench coat with a Jonin vest. This is the Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze. The female adult has long red hair with purple eyes and wears a Jonin combat uniform with a Jonin vest as well. This is Kushina Uzumaki. The teenagers are around Naruto's age with two girls and one boy. One of the girls has spiky red hair that reaches her shoulders and purple eyes. This is Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze. The other girl has blonde hair that reaches her lower back with blue eyes. This is Natsumi Uzumaki Namikaze. The boy however looks just like Naruto except he has spiky red hair with blonde tips and purple eyes. This is Menma Uzumaki Namikaze. The two children are both girls around the age of seven. They both have red hair will one girl has blue eyes the other has purple eyes. They are Akemi and Akane Uzumaki Namikaze. On all of the children's cheeks are whisker like marks.

Naruto is surprised to see other people in the room but also to see the Yondaime alive and well. Oh yes Naruto knew of the Yondaime, he was Naruto's hero growing up in the village. So, to see him alive and well was a great thing. To bad it will turn into a nightmare soon.

"Hey Jiji. You called me?" asked Naruto.

Hiruzen for the first time looked very uncomfortable in seeing Naruto this night. Not because he hated Naruto, no. He saw Naruto as a grandson, but he knew that after tonight he was most likely going to lose all respect and love from the blonde teen.

"Yes Naruto. I called you here for a very important reason." Said Hiruzen.

"So, what's up?" asked Naruto.

"Well you see Naruto these people are here to see you." Said Hiruzen as anxiety builds even higher in him.

Naruto then looks at the group and sees that they are smiling at him. Naruto is even more confused now. "Why would these people want to see me" thought Naruto.

"It is good to see you again Naruto. You have grown a lot since we last saw you." Said Minato.

"Oh, you have grown into a handsome young man. I just bet you have to beat off all of the girls that want to be with you." Gushed Kushina.

Naruto is even more confused. Why is the Yondaime and this woman talking to him like they know him.

"Minato, Kushina stop! I told you that there are somethings to discuss before you can talk with Naruto!" yelled Hiruzen.

"What do you mean Hiruzen?" asked Minato.

"Yes, speak plainly! I have not seen my son in years, and I want to make up for lost time!" yelled Kushina.

Naruto is frozen at that. Did this woman just say that he is her son? But that is impossible, his Jiji told him many times that his parents were dead and gone. So, why is this woman saying that she was his mother?

"Kushina! Enough! I said that I need to explain a few things to not only Naruto but to you both as well." Said Hiruzen.

Naruto then looks at Hiruzen with a shocked expression on his face. He knew. His Jiji knew about these people and he lied to him for years! Naruto's anger was raising while his heart began to plummet into a very dark place.

"What do you mean old man?" asked Menma. "Can't we say hello to our brother?" with the other teenagers and children nodding their heads.

Naruto then snapped his head towards the teenagers and children in the room with wide eyes. The boy said brother. That means that these children are his siblings! He has siblings and he never knew.

Naruto then noticed that the older siblings had an energy that he knew all to well. The Kyubi. Naruto sensed that the teenagers had some Kyubi chakra in their bodies. Naruto then realized something his siblings are like him. They too are Jinchuriki's. But unlike him, Naruto's siblings did not have to go thru the horror and pain that he went thru. Naruto suffered while his siblings grew up with smiles on their faces. Naruto had to sleep with an eye open every night while they got to sleep in peace. Naruto felt nothing but scorn and hatred while his siblings got the love of their parents.

Naruto began to hyperventilate. He couldn't believe this! All this time his family had been alive, and he was left in the village with no one to love him. His parents abandoned him! He couldn't take it! He needed to leave before he could explode!

Naruto's family noticed that Naruto was hyperventilating. His parents went over to him.

"Naruto? Are you all right?" asked Minato.

"Sochi? Are you ok?" asked Kushina.

"no. No. NO! NONONONONONONONONONONONOOOOOOOO!" yelled Naruto as he got out of his parents hold and ran out the door.

"Naruto!" yelled Minato.

"Sochi! Where are you going?!" yelled Kushina.

"Sigh, I told you both to not talk to Naruto until I could explain to him what was going on. But did you listen to me? No! And now Naruto is confused and hurt by all of this." Said Hiruzen.

"What do you mean Hiruzen? What is there to explain?" asked Minato.

"Minato, Kushina Naruto never knew about you." Said Hiruzen.

"WHAT?!" yelled out both parents. The children are confused by this. Their big brother never knew about them?

"What do you mean by that?!" yelled an angry Kushina.

"I mean that I was going to tell him when he was old enough to protect himself from your enemies. But I want to know how you are alive. The last time I saw you both were your dead bodies after the Kyubi attack." Said Hiruzen.

Both Minato and Kushina are now very confused by this. "What do you mean by that Hiruzen? Did Jiraiya not tell you about what happened with the seal on my children?" asked Minato.

"What do you mean? What happened with the seal?" asked Hiruzen.

"I put the soul of the Kyubi into Naruto while I put three tails worth of power into Naruko, Natsumi and Menma. But when the sealing was done the energy tried to leave them and go back to the Kyubi inside of Naruto. But the problem was that it was killing them in the process." Said Minato.

"I see. Well Jiraiya never told me this. I had seen your bodies next to Naruto. After that Jiraiya left the village and had not returned since." Said Hiruzen.

Minato's and Kushina's eyes widen at that. "What do you mean? Jiraiya told us that he and Tsunade were raising Naruto in the village for us since we had to leave to save all of my children. The only way to stop the Kyubi's chakra from killing them was to wait for the Kyubi to regrow its nine tails in Naruto and for the energy in the others to stabilize. It was the hardest day of my life to leave Naruto here." Said Kushina.

"Kushina, Jiraiya has not set foot in the village since you both died. And Tsunade has not been here since before you became pregnant. No one raised Naruto. I tried to help him, but the blasted council stopped me every time. They even stopped the other clans from adopting him as well." Said Hiruzen.

"What?! But we sent letters to Naruto almost every month!" yelled Kushina.

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow at that. "You did? But Naruto never received a letter, not even once."

Both parents are now shocked and scared. "Hiruzen. What was Naruto's life like in this village without us?" asked Kushina with a shaky voice with both fear and anger in it.

Hiruzen sighed and began to explain. After a half-hour both parents had tears of extreme sadness and rage falling down their faces. Their children are also crying at what happened to their brother. Both parents now understand why Naruto acted the way he did. He thinks they abandoned him when in reality both sides have been lied to and now a family is on the brink of destruction.

(Flashback end)

So, now Naruto runs thru the forest of death to his hidden home. The one place he could find peace in all of this madness he finds himself in. After an hour of running and dodging the hostile wildlife, Naruto made it to his hidden home. It wasn't much, just a treehouse in one of the largest trees in the forest, but it worked for Naruto. It was so deep in the forest that no civilian would come here and the only Jonin that would come out this far was the crazy snake lady that made this forest her personal training ground.

Naruto then made his way into his treehouse. He then went over to his bed that was in the house and laid on it. He let out more tears then all of the beatings he got over the years. The pain he got for those beatings was nothing at what he was feeling at this time.

"Why? Why did they leave me? What did I do wrong? Did I somehow make Kami mad or something? Or maybe I was an evil person in a past life. I don't get it. What did I do to deserve this?!" yelled out Naruto.

As Naruto sat in his treehouse, his is unaware of three beings around him. These beings mean Naruto no harm, for one wishes she could have done more for her champion.

"So, we are in agreement?" asked one of the beings with a male voice.

"Yes, Naruto needs all the help he can get. Plus, I want Naruto to have a better life than this. And the first step is to help him reconnect with his family." Said a second voice but it sounded female.

"I agree brother. My children have done enough damage to our home world. It is time for them to do some good in this world. Plus, I want to see what the boy will do to that pervert when he gets his hands on him." Said a third voice that sounded like a male.

"Very well then. Let us talk with young Naruto." Said the first voice.

Naruto was still in his tree house with tears falling down his face. He could feel his heart getting more painful as the minutes go by. Just as Naruto was about to collapse from exhaustion, a bright light surrounded him. And in a flash, Naruto was gone from his treehouse.

(Unknown Place)

When Naruto opened his eyes, he noticed that he was in a purple void. With black skies and lightning sparking in the horizon. The landscape had purple crystals that had energy flowing out of them.

"Great. The worst day of my life just won't end will it?" Naruto asked himself.

"Not to worry young man. Your day will change for the better." Said a voice from behind Naruto.

Naruto spins around and sees three people. Two men and one woman. The two men look like twin brothers. One had blonde hair and blue eyes with a monocle on his right eye. He wears a white and gold suit and had an air of kindness but a strict look in his eyes. The other brother had black hair and red eyes with a monocle on his left eye. Like his brother he too wears a suit that is black and purple with a bit of red on the cuffs for a bit of flare. This brother has an air of madness around him but also a sense of loyalty in him. The woman had to be the most beautiful woman he had even seen. The woman had long blonde hair that reached her butt, crystal blue eyes that you could get lost in. She wore a dress that hugged her godly figure well to the point that her breasts look like they were about to break out of it. She has sixteen golden white wings on her back, J-cup breasts, a plump butt and wide hips. To put in plain words, she is every straight man's perfect wet dream.

"Who are you?!" yelled Naruto.

"Easy kid. We mean you no harm." Said the man in black.

"Yes, calm down Naruto. You are safe here." Said the man in white.

Naruto eases a little bit but is still on guard. He then notices that the woman looks at him with sadness in her eyes.

"Ok, can someone explain where I am and why I am here?" asked Naruto.

"We can do that." Said the man in black. "But I think our lady friend needs to say something to you."

Naruto then looks at the woman with a raised eyebrow. The woman the goes over to Naruto and pulls him into a tight hug. Naruto is shocked and blushing like mad at the hug and the fact that the woman's breasts are near his head. He then feels something wet on his shoulder. He then sees that the woman is crying.

"I am so sorry Naruto. I never meant for this to happen to you." She said.

"What do you mean? Who are you?" asked Naruto.

"Allow me to explain. You may call me Light. The man to my right is my young brother Dark. The woman who is crying on your shoulder is Kami." Said Light.

Naruto is shocked by that. The woman who is hugging him and crying on him is Kami! The most powerful being in the world.

"Um, why are you crying Kami-sama?" asked Naruto.

"I am crying because of my mistake done to you." Said Kami.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto.

Kami lets go of Naruto and composes herself. She then look's Naruto right in the eyes.

"Years ago, I sent down a prophecy to about a person I have chosen to be my champion. It was my hope that those that knew of my prophecy would do the right thing, but one person perverted it for his own ends." Said Kami.

"And so, your life took a turn for the absolute worst. You had to endure what no one but the worst of mankind deserves. The life you have lived was not the one you were meant to live." Said Dark.

"So, because of a single person who tried to control what he should not have tried to control, I had to deal with hell after hell. Why me? What did I ever do to this person?!" yelled Naruto.

"Nothing. You have done nothing to this person. You were just chosen for simplicity in his hope to control the prophecy. Know this, your parents did not have a hand in this. They thought that you were having a good life in Konoha." Said Light.

"If they cared about me then why didn't they tell me that they were alive?! They didn't even write me a single letter to tell me that they loved me!" yelled Naruto.

"That is not true Naruto. They did send you letters. Its just the man they trusted did not give you them. He took them, read them and made response letters in your name just to hide the fact that he was not watching over you. He would then destroy the letters to get rid of the evidence. But I did save a few letters for you. Here you deserve them." Said Kami

Kami then handed Naruto four letters. Naruto read each one slowly. As he did more tears came down his face. In the letters they state that his parents love him with all their hearts and that they would see him in a years or months depending on the letter in question. The final letter is the most recent one in which it states that they would be in Konoha in a month's time.

"They do love me. They really do love me." Cried out Naruto.

The godly beings look on in sadness as they watch Naruto. Naruto has one of the brightest souls to ever be born and one man almost broke him and the bright light in him.

Naruto then looks up at Kami. "Thank you, Kami-sama. For bringing these letters to me. It means a lot." He says with a smile.

Kami smiles at Naruto. "You're welcome Naruto. But there is one more thing to discuss while you are here."

"What is it?" asked Naruto.

"As you know, someone has perverted the prophesy. When he did that, he broke an ancient law." Said Light.

"And what law is that?" asked Naruto.

"Simple kid. That is to never interfere with a prophecy or try to control one. To do so would make the prophecy null and void." Answered Dark.

Naruto nods his head at that. No human has any right to interfere with what is beyond their reach. But this person did, and it made his life hell for fourteen years.

"So, what happens now? Is the prophecy dead or am I no longer needed for whatever I was needed to do?" asked Naruto.

"Not quite. You see, you still have an important role in this world. The difference is that we can interfere with your life a little bit." Said Light.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Naruto.

"This world needs someone to help it. And due to someone interfering with the prophecy we can give you a bit of help." Said Dark.

"To put it simply, we are giving you gifts to help you with your life." said Kami.

"What kind of gifts?" asked Naruto with a smile on his face. He didn't get to many gifts in his life so any gift to Naruto is a good thing.

"Yes, gifts but before we give you them, we need to explain a few things to you." Said Light.

Naruto nods his head and sits down on the ground.

"Now first thing first. Me and my brother are not gods of this world." Said Light.

"What wait? You two are not gods of this world? Then where are you two from?" asked Naruto.

"My brother and I are from a world called Remnant. Long ago my brother and I were at each other's throat. We each tried to out do each other. In the end we destroyed each creation the other made. One of my creations are known as the Grimm. Beasts of great power and destruction. They helped to destroy much of our home world." Said Dark

"Wow. And I thought Itachi had problems with Sasuke." Said Naruto.

The gods have a laugh at that. They know of the tension between the two Uchiha's. For years Sasuke thought that Itachi was his brother and that Satsuki was his sister when in truth, they never were. Mikoto never loved Fugaku, in fact she hated the man. She never wanted to marry the asshole due to his ego being larger than the land of fire. Turns out Mikoto used her sharingan to place Fugaku in a genjutsu to make him think that he had sex with her, and she carried his children. But she never did. Itachi and Satsuki are siblings while Sasuke came from another Uchiha woman that Fugaku was seeing on the side.

Sasuke found out about all of this when Itachi stopped the rouge members of the Uchiha clan from starting a coup in a bid to control the village and then all of fire country. The only rouge member of the coup to survive was Fugaku and that was by sear dumb luck and that's it. Even now Fugaku is an S-rank Nuke-nin of Konoha. The good news is that only the rouge members of the clan were killed, and no innocent members were killed in the fight. Since then Mikoto has taken over the clan and put it on the right track of peace and redemption.

"Yes, while that is true, we must get back on track. Now then, the reason I bring this up is this, I want you to be the summoner of the Grimm." Said Dark.

"Really?! But I thought that they are beasts of destruction? How can I control them?" asked Naruto.

"Oh, that is easy kid. I created them eons ago. I can easily make it so that anyone who signs the contract can control all of the Grimm." Said Dark.

"And while my brother gives you that gift, I also have a gift for you as well." Said Light. "My gift for you is two-fold. The first is the use of magic in all of its shape and form. The second gift is the ability to make dust."

Naruto raises and eyebrow at that. "While the magic gift sounds cool but what would I do with making dust?" asked Naruto.

"Chuckle, not the kind of dust you're thinking of. No, the dust I am talking about is this kind of dust." Said Light. He then snaps his fingers and a crystal appears in his hand. "This is dust. A powerful element from Remnant. On Remnant the humans used this power to fight against the forces of the Grimm and each other. Each dust comes in either crystal or a powder form. I hope you use this gift wisely."

Light then gives Naruto the crystal. Naruto then looks at it with wonder in his eyes. "This is so cool! I can feel the power flowing in this crystal. The power is beautiful, it feels chaotic and balanced at the same time."

The gods nod their heads at that.

"Now for my gifts for you Naruto. I have three gifts for you." Said Kami.

Kami then walks over to Naruto and places her hand on his head. She then begins to glow and then Naruto glows as well. After a moment, Kami stops glowing while Naruto continues to glow. After another moment Naruto stopped glowing but he felt different, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Then Naruto felt two arms wrap around his body and felt two large soft mounds of flesh on his back. Then someone new speaks from behind him.

"I am glad. I can finally hold you in person Naruto-kun." Said the voice.

Naruto knows that voice. She had been with him for years now. Naruto turns around to see who had spoken. The woman looked around his age. She had long reddish-orange hair that reached her butt. She had beautiful red slitted eyes that held a lot of love in them. The woman had a red kimono on with flames on it. She also has a necklace around her neck with the kanji 'seal' on it. She has a figure that any woman would want. An hourglass figure with E-cup breasts, long legs, wide hips and a plump butt. The most distinguished features on her are the fox ears on her head, the whisker like marks on her cheeks and the nine fluffy red fox tails with white tips on the ends of them coming out of her back.

"Kurami?" asked Naruto.

The fox girl nods her head. "Yes, it is me Naruto."

Naruto hugs Kurami in a tight hug. Which she returns fully. Naruto met Kurami years ago when he was nine. When he first met her, she had no idea who see was. Turns out the sharingan used on Kurami affected her mind and she lost her memories. Naruto spoke with her as much as he could. As the years went by, she remembered more of her past, but she still didn't remember of the night when she was sealed into Naruto. She didn't even remember when she was sealed away the first time. The two of them grew very close as the years went by.

The gods then coughed to get the two teens attention. The two blushed brightly when they remember that they were not alone.

"Now Kurami. While it is nice for you to see Naruto in the flesh, we still need to discuss what I have done for Naruto." Said Kami.

The two nod their heads. They then sit back down on the ground next to each other.

"Now then, Naruto as you have seen I have released Kurami. But she is still connected to you. As you can see on her neck by the necklace." Said Kami

Naruto and Kurami look at the necklace on her neck. Their they see the symbol for seal on it. "Why can't you release her from the seal?"

"Unfortunately, since the seal was done by my brother, I cannot change too much of it, but I was able to modify it to let Kurami out of the seal." Said Kami with a smile.

"I don't care about that. I am just glad that I get to be out of the seal and be with the one I have come to love." Said Kurami. She then pulls Naruto into another hug which he returns.

"So, cute. Now then, Naruto." Said Kami. Naruto then looks back at Kami when she says his name. "Your first gift is of course having Kurami with you at all times. Even thou she is out of the seal you will still have access to her chakra. The second gift from me is also two-fold in which I have given you two bloodlines. Those bloodlines are Dead Bone Pulse and Crystal release. I believe those bloodlines will help you with the gifts given to you by Light and Dark."

"Thank you, Lady Kami." Said Naruto.

"Your welcome Naruto. Now my last gift is to awaken your semblance." Said Kami.

Naruto is confused by that as is Kurami. "What is a semblance?" he asked.

"A semblance is the power of your very soul. Each person is different and very few have the same semblance. When you awaken your semblance, you will get stronger than before due to your aura awakening as well. But even we do not know what your semblance will be. You and you alone must figure it out. But we know that you will." Said Light with Dark nodding his head.

Naruto had stars in his eyes at that. "This is all so cool! So, how do you awaken my semblance?"

"Allow me Lady Kami." Said Light. Kami nods her head and Light walks over to Naruto. "Now Naruto stay still for just a moment." Naruto nods his head while Light places his hand on Naruto's forehead. "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee."

Naruto then glowed once again as his aura and his semblance was awakened. He then floated off the ground for a moment as he then softly landed back on the ground.

"Whoa, that feels awesome!" said Naruto with excitement.

Kurami and the gods giggled or laughed at Naruto's excitement.

"Now Naruto. Before we send you back, we also leave you with some knowledge on how to use these abilities, but it is up to you to figure out how to use these abilities to their fullest. Also, should you choose to, you can awaken other people's aura and semblances." Said Dark as he left the void.

"Good luck Naruto. Live a good long-life. You only have the one and should live it to the fullest." Said Light as he too left the void.

"I am sorry for what happened to you Naruto. I truly did not want that for the beginning of your life." said Kami.

"It's okay, Lady Kami. You had no hand in my suffering. Thank you for the gifts." Said Naruto.

Kami smiles at Naruto. She then pulls Naruto into a kiss. This shocked not only Naruto but also irritates Kurami. After the kiss Naruto has a blush on his face that only Hinata could rival.

"You're welcome Naruto-kun. And Kurami, you shouldn't be jealous, since Naruto will need to take multiple wives in the future. So, you will have to share." Said Kami with a small smirk on her face.

"Hump! It doesn't mean I have to like it!" said Kurami.

Naruto is totally confused by this. "What are you both talking about?"

"You will find out in time Naruto-kun. I will see you again Naruto-kun and until then, stay safe." And with that Kami snaps her fingers and Naruto along with Kurami disappear in a flash of light.

Kami remains in the void for a moment. She then turns to see two other presences in the void.

One wears a black cloak that covers most of his body. Has long white hair and has the air of death around him. This is the God of Death, Shinigami.

The second wears a black and red kimono that barely covers her impressive figure. She has black hair that reaches her lower back and purple eyes. This is the Goddess of Darkness, Yami.

"What are you two doing here?" asked Kami.

"You know the rules Kami. We are not allowed to interfere in mortal affairs." Said Shinigami.

"I know that brother. But I also know of one loophole in the laws." Said Kami.

"And what pray tell is this loophole?" asked Yami.

"Simple Yami-chan. Should someone interfere in a god's domain then said god or goddess in question is allowed to interfere as he or she sees fit. So long as the interference does not harm another god or goddess." Said Kami.

"I see. But was it wise to ask for help from gods beyond our realm?" asked Shinigami.

"It is fine Shinigami-kun. Besides Naruto needs all the help he can get for what is to come in the future." Said Kami.

"Giggle, plus it does make Naruto much cooler then before. And I can smell a very peculiar scent on our dear sister." Laughed out Yami.

Kami glares at her younger sister as a blush appears on her face. While Shinigami just sighs at the scene.

"If that is all then Kami. I will take my leave." Said Shinigami.

"Wait." Said Kami. Shinigami stops in his tracks and turns to look at his sister. "I need a favor from you Shinigami-kun."

Shinigami raises an eyebrow at that. It had been some time since his older sister asked him for anything. "What do you need?" he asked.

"When the super pervert dies, I want his soul." Said Kami in a dark tone that sent shivers up her sibling's spines. The last time she was that mad, a whole continent sank into the ocean.

"Very well sister. Just so that you are aware, he is not meant to die for a while." Said Shinigami.

"I am a patient woman. I can wait." Said Kami. She then left the void leaving her sibling's there.

"Ouch, I do not pity the super pervert right now." Said Yami.

"Neither do I sister, Neither do I." said Shinigami.

"You know, I am going to keep an eye on young Naruto." Said Yami.

"Oh? And why would you do that?" asked Shinigami.

"For my own reasons of course." Yami said with a grin on her face. She then left the void leaving only her brother.

"Sigh, why did I have to get sisters like them?" Shinigami asked no one in particular. He then left the void as well.

(Konoha Forest of Death seconds after Naruto left)

Naruto opens his eyes and sees that he is in his treehouse.

"Was that all a dream?" asked Naruto.

"It was no dream Naruto-kun." Said Kurami.

Naruto turns around and sees Kurami sitting behind him with a smile on her face. Naruto then hugs her.

"It wasn't a dream! Thank goodness." Said Naruto.

"Its okay Naruto-kun. I am here and I am not going anywhere." Said Kurami.

The two stay there for a few minutes just enjoying each other's embrace.

"So, what do we do now?" asked Naruto.

"Well I think we should go home and check up on Haku. It has been about an hour and she is probably worried by now." Said Kurami.

"Ok. But what about you?" asked Naruto.

"Simple, we tell her the truth." Said Kurami.

"Really?" asked Naruto.

"Of course." Said Kurami with a smile. "I mean you did tell her about you being a Jinchuriki days ago, so telling her that I am the Kyubi no Kitsune will not be to much of a problem."

"Ok. Um, Kurami. What do I do about my family?" asked Naruto.

Kurami frowns at the question. "I believe you should talk to them tomorrow. You have had a lot put on you for one day. As much as I don't like Minato for sealing me away years ago, I know that I was not in my right mind. But when you go to them tomorrow keep an open mind. Remember what the letters and Kami have told you."

"Your right, again." Said Naruto with a smirk on his face. While Kurami puffed out her chest and made her breasts jiggle a bit. "Ok, let's go home. Oh, can you change your appearance so that no one tries anything to stupid."

Kurami nods her head at that. She then changes into a normal fox. She then jumps onto Naruto's shoulder and wraps herself around his neck. Naruto then left the forest. The rain had increased as Naruto entered the village. As Naruto walked down an empty street, he sensed a small number of weak chakra signatures following him. Naruto looks back to see around twelve villagers with blunt weapons in hand.

"Well, well. We found the demon walking around late at night. What are you doing demon? Looking for innocent people to kill?" asked the lead civilian.

"Why can't you idiots leave me alone? All I am doing is going home." Said Naruto as Kurami is snarling at the idiots.

"We will never stop until your dead demon! And when we are done with you, we will pay a visit to you demon whore you got in your place." Said another idiot with a lust filled smirk on his face.

Naruto is now seeing red at that comment. "You will not touch her!"

"Oh? What are you going to do? Touch any of us and the council will have you executed in a flash." Said the lead civilian with a grin as the rest of the group laugh at that.

Naruto snarls at that but then gains a wicked smirk on his face. "Your right. I cannot touch you. But my friends can."

Kurami then grins a fox grin and laughs when she figures out what Naruto is going to do.

"Oh? And who are these friends of yours huh? Some demon traitors? Well bring them on! We will kill them, and you can watch as they die for you and when their dead you will join them!" yelled the lead idiot.

Naruto then smirks. "Very well then." Naruto then uses his new magic powers to summon a few Grimm. Four Beowolves to be exact. The civilians backed-up in absolute fear. That fear caused the Beowolves to notice them. "Meet my Grimm summons. These fine specimens are called Beowolves. And right now, they are hungry." The civilians are now terrified as the giant wolves stalked closer to them. "Boys, sick'em."

The Beowolves howled into the night sky and pounced on the civilians. The twelve idiots stood no chance at survival as the Beowolves ripped and teared the idiot's apart piece by piece. Due to the heavy rain no one not even the ANBU heard the cries of pain nor the begging of mercy from the fools who tried to harm Naruto. When the Beowolves were done, they went over to their new master and bowed to him.

"Nice job you guys. And thank you for helping me." Said Naruto as Kurami yipped at the wolves as well. The Beowolves then howled and then disappeared in a poof of smoke. Naruto and Kurami then went back to walking to Naruto's apartment, this time without interruptions.

It was on this night that a new power was born. A powerful force born of two worlds. A world of Ninjas and a world of bloody evolution. On this night a King is born. The Grimm King.

To be continued

Completed on July 21, 2020

Yes, first chapter done! I hope you all like it! Now this story will be a long one and I have a few ideas. Now, before anyone askes, yes one or two people from RWBY will be in the harem. Who will they be? I am not telling you until we get to that part. How will they be in this story? Even more not going to tell! I know, I am evil.

Also, all Grimm look like their most resent models in the show.

So, until next time. Elementor Jinchuriki chapter 4 is almost done should be out in another few days.

Stay safe out there and have a good day!