AN: For the #TyzulaTuesday prompt "soft."

Ty Lee smiled, blushing as she removed her petal pink silk robe and entered the expansive palace bath with her girlfriend, Azula. She still was getting used to this kind of sensuality with the woman of her dreams.

The water was searing hot but she did not care. She just wanted to be close to Azula.

The beautiful rose petals in the bath stuck to her skin and tangled in her braid as she sank deeper into the steamy warmth.

Ty Lee swam through the water and kissed her girlfriend softly on the lips. Azula smiled as the kiss broke and drew Ty Lee closer to her.

"Your hair is tangled. Turn around," ordered Princess Azula, and Ty Lee of course obeyed as always.

Princess Azula untied Ty Lee's braid and unwound her hair with a gentle touch. Her hair fell around her like a glossy curtain.

Azula ran her hand down Ty Lee's wet shoulder and then kissed her neck before slowly untangling every last rose petal from Ty Lee's hair. Ty Lee shivered at the beautiful and seductive touch.

Softly, Azula combed through Ty Lee's hair with her fingers, sharp nails dividing it smoothly as she brushed through the tangles without causing even the slightest twinge of pain. She took her time and Ty Lee was lost in the moment and dizzy from the scented steam rising from the floral bath.

She could not remember the last time she felt so wanted, or the last time she wanted someone so much.

And in that moment, her life, her world, truly started and ended with Azula.

She began to cry. She wanted to stop herself, to control herself, but the tears poured from her eyes and her naked body shuddered with sobs.

Azula pulled away slightly.

"Did I hurt you?" There was no trace of concern in her cold voice but Ty Lee knew Azula cared if she did or not.

"No. I just, I've never, I've never been touched like that before." Ty Lee swallowed a sob and wiped her tears, only making her face more wet with her soaking hand. "It feels so good. I've never felt loved like that, princess. Never."

"You had boyfriends and girlfriends before me," said Azula coolly, although her voice cracked ever so slightly.

"Yeah, but… nobody's ever…" Ty Lee just turned around and crushed her lips against Azula's as she let the tears flow.

Azula embraced her softly.

And there they stayed, until Ty Lee at last stopped shaking and sobbing.

Because no one had ever touched Ty Lee like that, and until this moment, no one had ever so truly and deeply made Azula feel as if perhaps she deserved to be loved.