"And as you will recall from Mr. Ronald Weasley's testimony on Tuesday—"

"Excuse me, Interrogator Chambers!" Hermione spoke loudly, interrupting the ongoing closing arguments. She held her right hand up, slightly above her head, as if waiting to be called on in the classroom. Everyone's eyes had turned and became fixed on her, and Chambers gave her a hard look. "If you don't mind, I have a few questions."

"Ms. Granger," Chambers replied, clearly irritated that she hadn't returned to her seat, "unfortunately, witnesses are not allowed to ask questions, and your testimony was quite finished."

"If it's all the same to you, Chief Warlock, sir," Hermione turned her head, clearly ignoring Chambers, "we're talking about a ten year sentence in Azkaban, sir. Surely your court can spare a few minutes for me?"

"I'll allow it. You can proceed, Ms. Granger," the Chief Warlock responded, with a glint in his eye that she could see even from where she was standing, as if he wanted to see how this would all play out. He reminded her so much of her old Headmaster once more.

"Thank you, sir," she said, hoping that her voice held the perfect amount of appreciation, and turned back to Interrogator Chambers, who looked positively aghast. She folded her hands in front of her and took a small step forward, keeping Draco on her left.

"Interrogator Chambers, like I said, I only have a few questions. First, do you have anyone you love?" Hermione could see his puzzled look appear on his face, clearly not expecting that question to come out of her mouth. "Do you have anyone you would do anything and everything for? A parent or a spouse? A child, perhaps?"

Chambers nodded, quizzically. "My wife, Ella."

"And you would do anything for her? Do whatever it took to keep her safe and to ensure she knew that she was loved?" Hermione watched as Chambers bowed his head and nodded. "You see, Interrogator, I have that with my parents, and I'm sure Mr. Malfoy has someone like that as well." She turned and nodded to Draco, silently asking, and Draco nodded back confirming her statement, while the Members of Wizengamot looked on at them.

"We all have someone like that. Like I mentioned, I have that with my parents. I would do anything to keep them safe, to keep them protected. This brings me to my next question, Interrogator. Why am I standing here," and she unfolded her hands, pointing her open hands toward her feet, "and Mr. Malfoy is sitting there?" Then she pointed her open hands to where Draco was sitting.

Chambers spoke up, his hard voice returning, "He is on trial for the crimes he committed during the Second Wizarding War, Ms. Granger. Surely you were aware of that."

"Allegedly, Interrogator Chambers. Allegedly committed." She was sure to keep her voice even and steady, preparing herself to continue her testimony. "But back to point. Interrogator, I love my parents very much. As you can recall, right at the beginning of the war, I, an underaged witch at the time, performed the Obliviate charm and the false memory charm, on my parents. As everyone in this room is very much aware, I am Muggle-born. According to the Decree of the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, Paragraph C, it is considered illegal to knowingly perform magic in the presence of a Muggle, and we would need to take into account that I have two Muggle parents. Also, according to the Improper Use of Magic Act of 1719, Section C, Subsection E, Paragraph 2, any and all memory-related charms are not to be used by any witch or wizard, unless that witch or wizard works directly under the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and has reasonable cause to perform the charm. I broke four well-known laws that night, two for each of my parents, Interrogator, and another six lesser known laws on which I won't elaborate. I know you are well aware of it, as I had received a pardon, officially signed by all of the Members of Wizengamot, without having to testify at all. Now, I will ask again. Why am I standing here, free, while Mr. Malfoy sits there, accused?"

"Ms. Granger," Chambers began, "as you should be well aware, if you had taken the time to read your notice, you had been pardoned due to the circumstances upon which—"

"But Interrogator Chambers," Hermione interrupted, much louder than she had intended, finally taking another step forward, "you just told me not too long ago, that intent and circumstances were not to be considered in the Wizengamot court. It is do or do not, guilty or not guilty. Are you telling me now that the law is situational, selective depending on the witch or wizard performing the act?"

"Ms. Granger," Chambers started again, "you had performed your act to protect those you loved. Why are we discussing your case anyway? That had been cleared many months ago, Ms. Granger. We are here to discuss Mr. Malfoy's case, not your's. Why are you defending him? Why defend a man who stood there, doing nothing while you suffered?"

"And that brings me to my final question, sir," Hermione said, taking yet another step forward. "What would you have done differently? Let's say it had been your wife, suffering under the Cruciatus Curse, what would you have done?" One more step.

"I would have protected her!" Chambers yelled, clearly disturbed by thought of his wife in distress. "I would have attacked whoever was causing her pain. Even if it cost me my life, I would have done the right thing, instead of being a coward!"

"If cowardice were punishable by time in Azkaban," she said slowly, "we would need a much larger prison."

"Or smaller cells," replied Chambers, maliciously. "The point is, Ms. Granger, you claim he loves you. If that's how he treats people he loves, I can't imagine how he treats people he doesn't. Doing nothing—"

Hermione's voice went dangerously quiet. "Stop saying that. Stop saying he did nothing." Another step. "He didn't do nothing. He did the one thing he was capable of doing in that moment." Another step. She was back in the middle of the room now, right in front of the witness chair. "He protected me, Interrogator. He protected me. If he had moved at all, if he had given any inclination that he cared, he would be dead, his mother would be dead, I would be dead, and none of us would be here today." One more step. "He didn't. Do. Nothing. And if the Dark Lord was living in your home, Interrogator, I doubt you would've faired any better. You wanted my testimony. Now you have it." Hermione lifted her arms from her sides and curtsied to the room. She then stood up straight, turned around, marched straight out of the court, not looking at anyone, as the sound of her heels faded in the courtroom.

Draco took a deep breath and finally began to glance around the room. Harry Potter was about halfway between standing and sitting, his hands against the armrests of his seat in the witness booth, probably contemplating going after his friend, with George Weasley pressing his hand against Potter's shoulder, probably telling him not to be the hero. Ronald Weasley was pouting, as to be expected. Interrogator Chambers was still sitting, a befuddled look on his face. Draco chanced a look at the Minister, catching him in the eye. Draco rose his right hand to his chest, showing three fingers to the Minister. He counted down. Three...Two...One... The courtroom door slammed open, startling most of the people within it. Draco smirked, knowing the Hermione Granger who had just burst through the door. Her tenacity never failed her, and it didn't look like it was about to start now. Draco could just make out the small smile on the Minister's face.

"And another thing!" Hermione yelled from the doorway, storming back into the room, the skirt of her robes billowing behind her. "All you've heard during these days of his trial has been testimonies! You haven't even heard a defense for him! How can possibly judge fairly if you don't know all the facts?" She was no longer worried about keeping the poise she had earlier. There was fire in her eyes, and she was going to make it known.

"Alright, Ms. Granger, we'll humor you," Interrogator Chambers said sarcastically, as if he couldn't believe for a second that she had a strong defense for Draco. "What would you like to add that we haven't heard already?"

"Starting chronologically," Hermione started, as if reading verbatim from her notes, "Draco Malfoy is charged with three counts of attempted murder of Albus Dumbledore, one count of conspiracy of murder of Albus Dumbledore, one count of the use of the Imperius Curse of Madam Rosmerta, and one count of the use of the Imperius Curse of Katie Bell. This, of course, all occurred during our sixth year. For the Imperius Curses, I'm arguing that Harry Potter also performed the Imperius Curse twice during the following year, and he has since been pardoned for those acts.

"I am also going to lump all aforementioned charges together to argue that even Albus Dumbledore himself knew that Draco's heart wasn't in it when he performed those acts. Draco didn't want to harm anyone and only performed those acts under duress. He was taking the fall of his father's failures that year because Lucius Malfoy had been brought into Azkaban. Lord Voldemort had lost one of his strongest followers and brought that onto Draco. Lord Voldemort also threatened Draco with talk of killing Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, if he didn't comply, which added to the duress. One could also argue that if Lucius Malfoy hadn't gotten mixed up with the likes of Lord Voldemort in the first place, none of this would've happened to the Malfoy family at all. You could say that Lucius Malfoy defiled the Malfoy name, but I think it's always been defiled and that Draco is the only one who has ever tried to bring honor to it. Now, onto one count of treason, one count of murder by association of Charity—"

"Ms. Granger!" bellowed Minister Shacklebolt, shocking the entire courtroom. Hermione caught her breath. She had been so focused on remembering all of her notes that she lost herself in it; it certainly hadn't been the first time. She heard Kingsley continue calmly, "that is quite enough."

"Forgive me, Minister, if you could just let me finish. I have a few more counts to go through and argue," Hermione said still in a rush, but slowly catching her breath from the winded argument.

"If it's all the same to you, Ms. Granger, I don't believe any further statements will change the minds of the Members of Wizengamot," Kingsley responded. Hermione looked around at the Members before returning her eyes back to Kingsley. She was very close to ignoring him and continuing her list of prepared arguments regardless, but the look on his face halted her voice. She nodded, undisputedly.

"Wonderful! Now, all in favor of sentencing the accused, Draco Malfoy, to the maximum sentence of ten years in Azkaban..." Interrogator Chambers help his hand up to his shoulder, ready to raise it up completely, but upon seeing no one else had their hands raised, instantly put it down. "And all in favor of sentencing the accused, Draco Malfoy, to the minimum sentence of six months house arrest..." Hermione started to count the hands, but instantly stopped upon noticing that every single Member of Wizengamot had his or her hand up. Hermione took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

Kingsley began speaking again, "On behalf of the Members of Wizengamot, Mr. Malfoy, I sentence you to six months house arrest, with limited visitation rights and the confiscation of your wand for during the duration of the time. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Draco whispered, his voice horse from underuse. He coughed and tried again. "Yes, Minister," not sounding much better. The courtroom started buzzing with sound, everyone recapping what had just transpired.

"Excellent," Shacklebolt continued, "Since your wand has already been previously confiscated, one of the Aurors just outside the courtroom doors can see you home. Just give us a few moments to get the paperwork in order. After that, you'll be free to go, Mr. Malfoy." At that moment, Hermione ran over to Draco, instantly wrapping her arms around his neck. Draco didn't register her but instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Um.." Draco tried clearing his throat again, but with still no luck, "Could you say that again?"

"You're free to go, Mr. Malfoy," Shacklebolt said, smiling, "and if you don't mind me saying, you have a brilliant witch in your corner. Be sure not to let her go."

"Yes, sir, the brightest of our age," Draco said, finally registering the woman, who still had her arms wrapped around his neck, her face pushed up against his chest. He put his arms around her fully, holding her close for first time in well over a year.

"Are you alright?" Draco whispered in her ear. Hermione looked up at him and smiled, shaking her head.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You look like you haven't eaten or slept in weeks. I've been really worried about you," she whispered back, patting his chest with right hand while the left was still wrapped around his neck.

"Well, when you're terrified of all the food being poisoned, it really destroys your appetite. When it comes to sleeping, I've found my nightmares are worse than Azkaban." Draco spoke somberly, and Hermione knew to change the subject.

"I promised your mother I would let her know how your trial went before she reads it in the Daily Prophet. I got approval for visitation for this evening with her." Hermione started, before she saw his eyes go wide. "Oh, her trial was over a few weeks ago. She was sentenced to house arrest too. I'm sure some of your paperwork will include which parts of the Manor you'll be allowed to stay in. I hadn't thought to ask her that." Draco nodded, looking relieved, still taking everything all in.

Hermione glanced over to Harry and Ginny who were walking toward them (Ron was still sulking, talking with George in the witness booth), and spoke softly to Draco. "I think I owe a couple people some explanation too. You have plenty of paperwork to go through before they can release you anyway. I'll try to get visitation rights with you for tomorrow, okay?" Draco nodded and leaned his forehead against hers.

"Thank you," he said, tightening his hold on her waist.

"There's nothing to thank me for. This was all you. I just relayed the facts. I really should get going though, or we'll be here all day. I'll see you tomorrow," she said reassuringly. "I'll check if they can approve some dreamless sleep potion for you. I can't promise that though. They've already raided the entire Malfoy estate and confiscated everything magical; they're going through it all, testing and such, before it can be released back to the estate. I'll try though. I think some sleep would do you good." Draco nodded, and they both fell silent for a moment before Hermione heard someone cough.

"Are you ready to go or do you need another minute?" Hermione looked up and saw Ginny with a sly grin on her face.

"I'm ready," Hermione said to her and turned back to the man still holding her. "I'm going to go now, okay?" She watched Draco nod slightly, and they began to release their arms from around each other.

"Hermione, I love you," he said as he squeezed her hand in his. In that moment, she saw the future he promised her in his eyes; the wedding in the gardens; the cottage on the hillside; the boy who inherited all the Malfoy traits and the girl with bushier brown hair than she had; the peace they had been waiting for.

"I love you too," she said, squeezing his hand back. She finally let go and followed her friends out of the courtroom, grateful that the Wizengamot trial ended exactly the way she wanted it to. Now she just needed to get through the Potter and Friends trial, and she had a feeling that this questioning wouldn't be as forgiving.