I won't, I won't, come to the tree,

Cause it was just a trap, set up for me,

I'm Alder Finley, and I lived in distric 13. Before the beining of the rebellion, I mean. Now, I'm a soldier. I live where I can, until we attack, or until we are attacked. We are the rebels. We lead the rebellion.

Strange things did happen here, I never though to flee,

This place that you knew, wasn't the Hanging Tree.

The other districts joined us at the very begining of the plan. Some of them took longer, like the districs Two, which always worked for the Capitol. But now, we are allied, all allied against the Capitol. We were all allied. The world is now fire. Fire, blood and ashes.

I won't, I won't, come to the tree,

Where everybody died, and that because of me,

I always tought that it would be easy, to take over the Capitol. It wasn't.

Stranges things did happen here yet nobody told me,

Maybe that rebellion, wasn't meant to be.

Half our army is dead. We lost hope. The only reason we continue is that we can't back up. The Capitol control everything, and we never saw it until we had nothing left. They took our weapons, our supplies. They took hostages. They took my sister and my mother.

I must, I must, come to the tree,

The tomb of our people, where lies everybody,

They took everything, and maybe that is the reason I can't back up. I had a friend from district 12. He sang that song, the Hanging Tree, when he felt bad. I never understood how that morbid song helped him to fell better. Until he died, and the song was the only thing from him that I had left.

Fire never hurt me, yes it was meant for me,

To guide our people, to build an army.

For him, for my family, I can't back up. I need to fight the Capitol until I win, or I die.

I will, I will, come to the tree,

And promise on my sword, you will be free,

I wish I could see you one last time. Maybe it would give me the strength to win that war. I will avenge you, I will free your spirit. That's what I thought, at that time. I was being childish. Naive.

Fire never hurt me, it will to nobody,

I promise on my sword, you will be free.

Because fire did hurt, and because I couldn't fight, I couldn't protect anyone. Because I am now old, and sometimes I wonder why I didn't died in that war. At least I would be with you. At least the pain would be gone.

Because I saw the first Hunger Games, and I was to weak to do anything.

The Capitol won, and it will always win. That is what I believed, at that time. That is what I believed until the day I died. And I hoped that, someday, i would be proved wrong. And I was.