Phantom Justice
July 29, 10:16 EDT
"Oh, I can hear you trembling in your living rooms now," G. Gordon Godfrey says to the camera on the Galaxy Broadcast System channel. "But, G. Gordon, martial law? Isn't that a bit extreme? But martial law was invented for a reason, my friends. Isn't that right, Baron?"
"I'm afraid that is exactly right, G. Gordon," Baron Frederick Delamb said on the right side of the screen. "My sister and brother-in-law were assassinated by a Quraci metahuman. We need to vet every Quraci in the country for meta-human powers. And that cannot be done without giving Markovia's patriotic security forces the extreme authority to get the job done."
"Well of course not," Godfrey said. "Now what about the throne? Next in line is your nephew, Prince Gregor. Correct?"
"Indeed," Baron Delamb nodded. "But Gregor is only 17. So, until he comes of age next year, I will be acting as regent."
"And what will be the first stepzzzz—"
At that moment, the screen flickered until Galaxy Broadcasting System is replaced by a transition of a black and red flame. It faded into a red and black ringed backdrop. In the center is a top hat over an avian mask with a flaming eye. Underneath are the words 'Take Your Heart'.
"Ladies and gentlemen!" A distorted male, punk-like voice announced.
"Good evening to you all!" A distorted young women's voice said.
"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a message," a deeper, serious, distorted woman's voice said.
"We have come to answer the cries of the oppressed," a more refined, but still distorted males voice said. "We direct this message specifically to Baron Frederick Delamb."
"You may hide your true self behind a mask of patriotism," A distorted, yet more refined woman's voice declared. "But we know what you have done."
"Today was the last straw!" A boyish, still distorted, voice spoke. "We will no longer let you do as you please!"
"Tell him, leader!" The punk-like voice said.
"Sir Frederick Delamb," A new voice spoke. The screen became static and the background changed to a dark filled screen. In front of a white light stood a figure covered in shadow. The only things that could be picked out about the person are the messy hair and the white avian mask. "Or better yet, the Baron Bedlam…"
The man slapped a card onto the camera, showing the contents on the screen. Speaking as he read it aloud.
"The two-faced king of treachery," The man continued. "Your lust for power is so great that you would go to great lengths to obtain it. Even betray your country by selling its children all because they have the metagene. You even went as far as to sell your own niece to the metahuman trafficking. Now, by killing not just your brother-in-law but your own sister, you have forced our hand. Your treachery ends here. You will answer for your crimes. Today, we will steal all your twisted desires and make you confess your crimes with your own mouth. We are the Phantom Thieves."
By the time the screen flickered back to the Galaxy Broadcasting System, the entire world had seen it. Including the recipient of the calling card.
Markovburg, July 29 12:06 EEST
In the dead of night, eight figures stood on the street leading up to the royal palace. The figures gazed at the white walls with conviction. A man with messy black hair and glasses held up his phone.
"The calling card is sent," The man spoke. "Everyone ready?"
"You bet your ass I am," A blonde-haired man growled as he cracks his knuckles. "Let's dish out some Phantom Thief justice!"
"Even after all our work, this world is still tainted by people like him," A woman with blonde pigtails snarled. "But together, we can do it again!"
"His presence alone makes the beauty of this place into a travesty," A blue-haired man said. "As I said, abominations are fated to perish."
"I won't forgive him," A brown-haired woman growled. "A man who sells even his own family isn't worthy of being a regent."
"Much less a noble," A bespectacled orange-haired said in anger.
"I agree," A woman with auburn hair said with equal distaste. "The sooner we get his treasure, the faster this kingdom will be free. As for the rest of his victims."
"Gosh, I miss this!" A cat spoke from the man's bag. "So, are we going to stand here all day, or are we going to steal a treasure?"
As if to answer, the man tapped an app on his phone. The world around them rippled and changed. The night sky became red and distorted. The royal palace became a castle that looked dark and foreboding. It wasn't just the world that changed, it was the attire of the people as well.
"Let's go, everyone!" The man said as he tugged a red glove.
The cat, now bipedal with a large spheroidal head, nodded. It hopped onto the street, and with a puff of smoke, it became a bus. The bus proceeded to open its door for its comrades. The group of people, faster than the eye could follow, piled into the bus and it took off down the road towards the palace.
This wasn't just a heist. This is a declaration of war.
And that just happened.
I felt bad that I ended Fate/Astraea on my end, so I figured that this might make it up.
I know that was short, but this is supposed to be a teaser. Plus, I just came up with this idea on the fly. I wanted your opinion on whether I should continue this or not. Speaking of which, please post a review.
In the meantime, feel free to ruminate what will happen next. Keep in mind I intend to combine the continuities of Phantom Strikers and The Royal, so please look forward to the rest of the Phantom Thieves showing up. Also, I don't plan on doing the time and place thing they do on the show.
Also, what got them back into the Phantom Thief game? Will they discover another effect of the metaverse?
That will all depend on the next chapter. Assuming there will be one.
While you wait, riddle me this: In a war between Supervillains and Thieves, who would most likely win?