The next day Lin felt worse and Su's advisor talked her in to see the acupuncturist. She wasn't thrilled but figured it was what she had right now. With Zaheer on the loose she didn't have the time to waste being weak.

"Relax and Take a deep breath." The acupuncturist said as he began placing the needs on her skin. She closed her eyes and let out the air in her chest. She could feel herself falling back through her memories as each needle was placed. Land on the week before their family had fallen apart. She watched it all floating above her younger self as if it was one of Bolin's bad movers. She saw Su hanging out with the thugs and the two of them arguing. She saw herself telling Toph about it half heartedly on the way out the door to go see Tenzin already knowing Toph won't care.

Growing up under Toph's roof meant three things you had to be good at bending, arguing and self seificent. Lin and Su just wanted nothing more than their mother's attention. They picked two different ways of trying to get it though, or maybe it was Su saw Lin fail and tried the exact opposite. Lin tried to do everything perfectly to impress Toph and earn her mother's paise. It didn't work. So, Su did everything she wasn't supposed to do to get their mother to look at her. Where Lin was a straight A student, Su didn't go to school. Where Lin mastered earthbending and was well on her way to mast metal bending at 14, Su only ever practiced when Toph made her or for fun, never for fighting. Lin didn't drink until 17, the first time she saw Su drunk the girl was 14 and said it wasn't the first time. Su strategy worked better than Lin's, or more aptly, Katara, Aang and Sokka all made Toph deal with Su if they saw or found out about anything bad she did. Toph could care less if either of her kids went to school or could read.

The memory shifted to the day she got her scars. She watched helpless to stop it as she caught the robbers and fought with her sister. In slow motion the look of anger and hate when Su cut the metal rope, splitting the ends and it slowly whipping back at Lin to cut open her face. She still flowed above her body kneeling on the ground now holding her face with what she remembered as sharp pain. She could now see the look of surprise on Su's face as if the thought for her being hurt by a sharp thin piece of metal flying back at her face faster than you can blink never entered her mind.

Lin sat up fast pushing all the needles off her and into the walls. The acupuncturist was quick to stop her as she tried to get up. "You need to finish this or you'll be too weak." Lin stubborn as ever tried to walk but could feel her legs not work and gave up.

"Fine" she grunted as the man helped her lie back. This time she felt back into the same moment. Su approaching her, her cursing Su, backup arriving, trip back to headquarters, all passed by at warp speed. Then they're standing in front of mom's desk in her office. She's mad she sends Su away and yells at Lin because spirits forbid they interrupt her life. The memories begin to fade. It was long after that she was pretty much living with Tenzin on air temple island because her and toph could barely work together, nevermind to live together. Lin was done with Su, time to find korra and opal and get out of here. When Lin opened her eyes she sat up, seeing the acupuncturist putting the needles away.

"You will be tried for a few days," He said, turning to her. "Don't do anything too strenuous." He warned.

"Yeah okay" Lin threw over her shoulder as she left to find Korra.

Stewing over night with Tenzin's words had not helped Korra let go of her curiosity with what was between the Biefong sisters. Korra had meant to ask at breakfast but after telling Su about Opal being yelled at by Lin. She decided it wasn't the time to ask.

"What about you Korra, you must know how to metal bend?" Su asked Korra, breaking her thoughts.

"Ah no actually I don't" Korra confessed.

"Lin never taught you." Su said.

"No and I never asked." She elaborated seeing Su's look. "I had to learn airbending, then the equalist attacked, then the water tribe civil war. It's been a busy few months."

"Well I'm sure it's for the best. Lin would be a horrible teacher. Don't you think?" Su said off handedly.

"Uh" what all Korra could say catching Mako and Bolin's eyes both who looked equally shocked .

Opal saved them from answering. "Bolin you should learn too."

"Aw I don't think so I'm more of an earth guy." He responded. After breakfast everyone came down to the meteorite garden to watch Korra learn.

"I didn't take responsibility for something and Lin never forgave me." Su finally said turning away from them.

"Mom, what could you two fight over that would mean not speaking for 30 years?" Opal asked.

"Yeah Su why don't you tell them exactly what happened." Lin said she apparently had been leaning against a column in the shade. How long she had been there Korra had No idea, but she began making her way to them arms crossed.

"Mom?" Opal said, concerned. Korra turned back to Su.

"Tell them" Lin challenged "Or will you stay quiet like that day in mom's office."

"I've made some mistake in my past but I'm a different person now." Su said hands behind her back trying to keep her composure.

"Some mistakes?! You haven't changed a bit. No wonder you have an air bending daughter all you do is cut and run." Lin shot back.

"No you haven't changed! You think only of yourself no wonder tenzin left you!" Su snarled.

Lin responded by throwing a boulder at her sister's head. Su ducked and set one of the meteorites back at her. She wasn't about to hear it from her, hell she had basically protected her sister for all of these years by doing as their mother wished and staying quiet. The truth certainly didn't hurt her. Lin thought bitterly as she flung the metal shit back at Su landing a decent hit. Lin could feel her strength leaving her faster than normal, that acupuncturist wasn't kidding. Lin dodge three more head sized rocks thrown at her unfortunately all she could do for the fourth was raise her arms to take the hit and break it. She was about to kick some of her own at Su when Opal was between and blew them both back. Lin hit the deck hard and rolled back managing to kneel.

"Stop this!" Opal cried. "Your sister, why are you fighting?"

Lin could see the look of defiance and anger on her sister's face start to fade, but it didn't matter Lin was tired of lying. "Because your mother robbed a bank and made me and Toph cover for her." Lin hissed out before she all but collapsed.

Korra hadn't really been surprised when Lin had chucked a rock at Su's face. The Tenzin thing was kinda low blow but Bolin and Mako seemed to think fighting was normal for siblings so Korra just watched. It was Opal who lost her nerve first and separated the two. Su tumbled backwards but was able to brace herself. Lin who had already been off balance fell hard before rolling up into a kneeling position. Lin had seemed off all fight not as quick or creative as she normally was.

"Stop this!" Opal cried. "Your sister, why are you fighting?"

Korra looked between the two sisters and saw something pass over Lin's face before she said. "Because your mother robbed a bank and made me and Toph cover for her." Lin hissed out before she all but collapsed. Korra's instincts were the only thing that made her rush forward to catch Lin before her head hit the concrete. While her body might have reacted, her mind was still standing next to Mako and Bolin mouth agape like them. She looked and saw horror passover Opal's face before her eyes landed on Su whose eyes were closed with acceptance and regret written plain as day on her face. However she too rushed forward when Lin complasped.

"Is she alright?" She asked Korra kneeling next to them both. Korra had pulled water from the stream and was trying to heal Lin.

"Uh yeah I think she's just really tired. I can't sense much wrong with her but some bruises." Korra explained.

"Mom?" Opal started.

Su bowed her head. "Let's get Lin back to her room. There I will tell you guys the full story."

Mako and Bolin helped move Lin back into the guest house. Su sat in a chair next to her sister. The other pulled chairs around or sat on the floor.

Su let out a deep breath, eyes scanning the room before settling on Lin sleeping form. "Lin and I are six years apart" She started. "Mom worked a lot we were often either with Aunt Katara or on our own. Lin took up a lot of the responsibility raising me when mom wasn't around. And when we were young it worked. I worshipped Lin, and she put up with it even if she rather not have a six year old following her, Tenzin and his siblings around. But eventually we started competing for our mom's attention, it quickly pitted us against each other and our relationship fell apart by the time I was 12."

Su pauses with a small smile on her face thinking of happier times. "Lin was always goody two shoes, I was the rebel. I thought if Lin can do everything perfectly, good grades, master bender at 14, then if I wanted my mother's attention I would have to try something else. Neither really worked, Toph didn't care that I would skip school really, she never went. Lin ended being the one to try and keep me in line, which made us fight. I grew to resent her and to make a long story short I fell in with the wrong people I was maybe 15 when it started. Just regular street rats, the type of guys who were petty thieves. Lin would get mad telling me they were using me and they weren't really my friends, she was probably right might you. She was becoming a cop which in my mind was the worst thing because then she'd be with mom all the time. By 16 my boyfriend at the time was in the terra traid, Lin and I were speaking she was pretty much living with Tenzin, she had no idea. One days my boyfriend tells me he needs some help. I was to drive the getaway car. Him and two other robb a bank everything goes as planned. They got the money and we were getting away until the police caught up. It was Lin that caught up flipping the car and tying up my boyfriend and the other before she even knew I was there. Lin was surprised naturally, she yelled at me. I brushed her off and tried to walk away. Lin's cable grabbed my arm and I just broke it. I wasn't really think, I was just mad. The cable hit her face, that's how she got her scars." Su continued.

Korra was surprised she had no idea how Beifong got her scars but her sister was the last thing she would have thought. Tenzin words came back to her 'Some wounds take a long time to heal and the scars never go away', it hit her that he had meant literally. She looked over at Opal and saw she had connected those dots as well. Su had told Korra the broad strokes but the details were kind of heart breaking.

"I didn't even consider that she would actually get hurt." Su said sadly. "We went into mom's office, she was pissed and yelled at us. She said she couldn't have a kid in jail. So she sent me to live with her parents and tore up the report. I know it must have killed Lin, she's so stubborn and unyielding. To cove it up was a betrayal to everything she worked so hard for, it must have eaten her up. Until two days ago we haven't spoken." Su finished.

They were all a little speech less, Chief Lin Beifong was not an open book, so to speak. They had all just learned far more about her life than they had in the past 8 months combined. Opal crossed from her place across the room and hugged her mom.

"Thanks for finally telling us mom." Opal said.

"It's not something I'm proud of and I've tried to move on." Su said quietly hugging her daughter back. "Why don't you all go eat dinner? I'll sit with Lin."