Title: Timeless

Rating: PG-13

Pairings: Sora/Riku

Warnings: Yaoi or boyXboy love, references to intense situations, rating may change later

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own anything from Kingdom Hearts. I don't own any characters or places or anything.

Summary: After the doors were closed, Riku has been in the shadows but in the shadows, there is no such thing as time because time is meaningless. So what happens when Sora opens the door five years later? SoraxRiku


It was dark. It was always dark. He couldn't see a centimeter in front of his face. But he didn't walk blindly. He walked carefully and in short strides. His ghastly pale arms hung down at his sides, occasionally hitting some foreign object, but otherwise were still. His clothed fingers hid calloused hands and unusually baggy clothing hid a lean, but not weak, body.

Distance noises could be heard ahead. He whipped his head up, silver hair flying into his barely useful aqua colored eyes. Within an instance of the noise, more followed. Rushed footfalls came towards him. Screeching pierced his sensitive ears and dull yellow eyes could be seen coming closer. He wasted no time calling upon his heart. A comforting weight settled into his right hand and then in his left. A dead smile crossed his too pale lips and he waited.

Within moments, the first arrived. He made a quick rush to the side, twisted around, and sliced through the moving black blur. He jump in time to miss a hit to his face. He flipped in air and brought his weapons down on either side of him. Wails of agony sliced through the air and more followed. He kneeled on the ground, crossed his weapons and waited. He felt two behind him and one in front. He snapped up and spun, letting his weapons cut through the enemies.

He sighed to himself as he soon realized this was no challenge. He then willed the weapons away. He closed his eyes and kneeled to the ground with his left hand on the cold floor. With deep concentration, he called forth one of the many types of magic he knew.

While light gathered at the tips of his fingers and spread to his whole hand, the light then began to sink into the ground around him, forming a circle around his body. There, it showed him in a brilliant light but he could not look to see. The light hurt his eyes like a thousand needles pushing into his eyes. He let his head fall back a bit and he whispered the word to unlock the seal.

"Holy." He never would have thought that such an element would have existed in such a dark place, but it was entertaining to see the results.

The white light shot up in a column around him. It then exploded outward in a circle with about a half mile radius. Screams, wails, screeches, and howls sounded through the atmosphere. Beasts not even in the encounter were being burned alive, or what could be considered alive, by the light and vanishing. Some left a few green spheres but no more than two or three.

When the light died out, he picked himself off the ground and collected two green spheres. He would have to crack them open later. He didn't have time to stand there and procrastinate. Beast would be coming his way any minute now and he didn't have the strength to beat them off.

He rushed off, in an eastward direction, that would take him to his home. The only place where he could sleep, if any, and be safe. There were protections spells around his home that were almost impenetrable but there were still a few mishaps. At his home, there was also food, which he needed badly. He had be gone for a long time now. He never really knew how long because there were no clocks in here. Not that it would matter.

He let out an inaudible sigh and reached the first barrier to his home. He touched the invisible wall and concentrated on opening the door. He did so quickly and then moved to the second. He walked through it effortlessly and stopped. He reached for the front gate and walked through. He saw the outline of his home, or what more people would call a shack. He didn't care though. It was home. He pushed open his door and picked up a heavy robe off the floor. He put it on and tied it at his waist with a piece of cloth. Grabbing another piece of cloth, he placed it upon his eyes and held his breath for only but a moment. He then reached toward an enchanted chest and opened it. A golden light filled the shack and he cringed. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the two spheres and placed them inside. He grabbed another sphere that had been in there for a while before closing the lid tightly.

He pulled the cloth off his eyes and pushed it into his robe pocket. He held the sphere tightly in his hand and sat on the ground. Grabbing the other side of the sphere with his other hand, he twisted it until he heard a crack. Quickly, he grabbed a stone bowl he had made long ago and then poured the contents of the sphere into the bowl. He let the liquid sit for a while before swishing it around and then gulping it down.

Immediately he could feel his deteriorating health increase. He felt much better. He pushed the bowl aside and leaned against the cold shack. He brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs. He placed his head upon his knees and closed his emotionless eyes.

The past then began to haunt him. Periwinkle blue eyes shined with untamable light and warmth encircled him, but never touched him. Sounds of laughter haunted him and visions of sunsets and moonlight hurt him. Remembrance of happiness and joy that he was once filled with intruded upon his mind and then the darkness set in. Thoughts of a silver haired demon and then a black hearted woman and a dragon.

He shook his head furiously. He didn't want to think of them. He didn't want to think of anyone. It hurt to think that he hadn't heard his friends' voice in so long or felt the warmth of love. It always made him think of the silver demon and the wicked lady. It hurt so much to think of those. He physically ached when his mind drifted towards them.

He gave a strangled cry and smashed a his fist against the cold ground. Pain raced up his arm and through his knuckles. He felt the blood trickle out and pool around his wounded hand. He paid it no mind as he brought his hand back around his legs and laid his head down.

If the visions were to come now, then let them come. He would have to face them sooner or later. He had all the time in the world to relive them, why not now? He comforted himself for a while before letting his mind take over.

And take over it did.

It slipped back to where there was an endless vision of water and a small island was the only thing in sight. There were kids along the shore line and music was ringing in the night air. A blonde haired boy raced around a wooden table with a brown haired girl screaming after him, waving her fist in the air. Another boy watched and smiled at his two friends. Further away from the younger kids, there was a brown headed boy sitting in the sand making a mediocre sandcastle. He had a smile plastered on his pink lips and his periwinkle eyes sparked with life. He hummed along with the song and bobbed his head up and down to the beat.

A few minutes later, he patted the top of his last tower and jumped up. He ran over to the water's edge and found his silver headed friend, brooding again. He tugged at the boy's arm before dragging him to his castle. The silver headed boy stood up and whipped himself off before taking a look at the castle. They talked for a bit before smiling and laughing.

As the picture faded, another took it's place. It was a red headed girl. She was sitting on a rock watching both the brown headed and silver headed boy. She rooted each on as their wooden swords clashed. She cheered more for the smaller boy and added a few in for the taller. She laughed with all her might as the silver headed boy won. He grinned at his opponent and put his sword away.

Then, the darkness came. The silver demon grabbed the silver haired boy's arm and slammed him against the wall. Tan hands swept across pale cheeks and then on his shoulders. Hate filled eyes narrowed at aqua eyes. The young boy whimpered and tried to pull away but the silver demon wouldn't allow it. The silver demon held the younger boy's arms above his head with one hand and let his other roam the boy's body. The boy struggled harder but a blow to his cheek stopped all movements.

A woman then came. She came in black and deep purple with horns upon her head. She had the face that only a horse could ever compare to only because it was so long. Her voice was ear piercingly high and hurt the silver haired boy's ears when she spoke. The wicked lady hollered at the boy and sent black lightning at him. The boy didn't move as it hit and not a sound came from his mouth. The wicked lady smiled and sent him off.

The vision wavered and then it came to the doors. The silver haired boy had won control and was helping to pull the doors shut. He looked into his once friend's periwinkle colored eyes. He nodded to his friend and told him to take care of the other. His friend missed him shed the single tear.

Another followed. It was where a small mouse was taken from the silver haired boy. The mouse had found a door out but he couldn't hold it open. The mouse had tried so hard, but the silver haired boy didn't make it. The mouse was gone in a swallow of light and the boy landed on his knees. The boy was now utterly alone.

More memories flooded his mind and he let them control him. His body tensed as the darker memories surfaced and relaxed when lighter memories came. It continued, for, he didn't know how long, before he heard it. His mind reeled back and was fully alert. Then, the noise came again.

It was ripping. Something was being ripped. He pushed himself up and looked out his small window. He looked about and spotted it. A creature was ripping his barriers. It was striking it repeatedly over and over and over. It didn't stop. He calmed his hatred and called upon his comfort. The weight in his hands appeared and he waited. The outer barrier was the strongest, the inter was only for the smaller, weaker creatures to stay away.

It seemed like eternity before the outer barrier collapsed. It shattered in a explosion of blue light and he screamed in pain. It hurt so bad. He dug into his pocket and pulled out the cloth. He put it over his eyes and relied on his senses to direct him. He listened intently for the next barrier to be crossed. It was... but with unusual sounds. It was not sounds like the shadows or the invisible forces, but it sounded the same as his own two feet crossing them.

He re-focused his mind back to the steps and tightened his grip on the weapons. The creature was coming forward. He could feel it. As he waited for the creature to make the first move, he felt magic gather. His instincts told him to run and his mind panicked. He stood stock still as a white light exploded through the dark. The light caused so much pain, even through the cloth, that he screamed and fell to the ground. His voice ripped through the thick silence and he heard voices. For the first time in a long time he heard voices.

He then felt hands, all over his body. He couldn't fight them though. His head was pounding and his body was in shock. He was shutting down. He felt his eyes begin to roll into the back of his head. Before he could drift into unconsciousness, he heard someone call his name. He could have sworn it was his brown haired friend, but that was impossible. He was in the shadows and his friend was in the light. It wasn't possible, was it?

Then darkness claimed him but more words reached him.

"Gods! I found you! Riku, I found you!"


Author's Notes Okay, this is my very first Kingdom Hearts fanfic. (Not that you care but still!) I do want to point out that I HAVE played the game and finished it and seen the "secret ending" so I do know what happens. I've combined them to make something different. Also, I want to thank anyone who reads this or reviews, I appreciate them very much. I would also like to point out that the next chapter will not be written in the same style as this. There will be names used! Woohaw! Thanks again to anyone who cared to read or review! I'll be back with more soon hopefully!

PS: Revisions start on next chapter.