Hello everyone! So if you are wondering what this is all about I mentioned this in the author´s notes from the last chaper, basically there´s a lot of worldbuilding I need to explain to you guys, about the history of humans and pokemon alike, and also the state of society in general.
I kind of started doing that as Hiruzen´s inner monologue in chapter two but I don´t want to dedicate an entire chapter to the narration of past events, and I contemplated doing a special chapter explaining this sort of stuff but I realized that there´s a LOT of things that you guys need to understand, so that´s why I´m making this into a separate story, instead of breaking the narrative in the middle of a chapter with a flashback explaining things.
In naruto there were a lot of explanations about the world and chakra in the early episodes, sometimes in the middle of a fight, the excuse for this was that naruto is dumb so he needs to be explained about how his world works, even if it is common knowledge. I don´t like this approach because it makes him look more stupid than he actually is (he performed a jutsu without knowing what´s chakra), so this is why I´m doing this, in my story naruto is still naive and oblivious but not an idiot.
Remember: enlish isn´t my first language, please tell me if you spot any mistakes!
For many years after the leage was formed, it was debated if children should be allowed to be near pokemon, after too many years of fighting and killing the creatures there were a lot of infant´s deaths, and many people weren´t willing to forget easily the pokemons. With the great pokemon war many people used kids as a messure for desperate times, so when peace was established most people thought that they could raise their children at peace and away from those monsters.
But the first champion had a different view of pokemon, for him they weren´t monsters or weapons of mass destruction, for him they were living beings and deserved respect. He truly believed that humans and pokemon could live together in harmony, and so when the the nations started to notice that the people were getting tired of the peace, (because they were born in the middle of the war and didn´t know how to live in peace), the feudal lord asked for his opinion because lord Hashirama was a famous figure even before he was the champion.
While he liked the idea of people still having pokemon for jobs, he was against children getting involved, he lost two little brothers in the war and the reason why he wanted peace in the first place. So he devised an educational sistem sistem in which the young people won´t get involved with the fighting at a young age.
That sistem included a pokemon academy that children were able to enter at the age of six (later it was changed to eight), in there they would lear anything about pokemon, the champion wanted to only teach them about how to respect pokemon and the kind of jobs the people were able to achieve with them, but all the clanheads and the nobles argued that the new genererations should know how to fight in case of an emergency. After they were twelve, and if they passed the exam, they would graduate as trainers and start travelling around the world.
In the times of the second champion this was refined even more, creating a progressive rank sistem that allowed people to advance in their careers as pokemon trainers. This devided the trainers in various groups by their expierience and achivements:
-1 The rookie trainers: these trainers are just graduated from the academy, although they have a licence to use pokemon they aren´t allowed to enter oficial tournaments, and since most of them are children, most companies won´t hire them because of the laws against child labor, so there is no way for them to earn money as trainers, they just have a license for owning pokemon, but they can only capture six, if a rookie tries to catch one more, his pokeball will recieve a radio signal and won´t work.
The have two options at this point: they could go to a normal school, wait until they are adults, and then get a job. Or they could try to pass an exam to become advanced trainers, but this is too difficult for many people and the chances of approving are slim, and one person can only attempt the exam once every two years, besides they have a trial period of six months, and they can´t enter the exam in that time.
But whatever they may choose, this rank gives them the chance to travel and discover new things, since most unpopulated areas of the country are still full with wild pokemon it is unwise to travel without a trainer, so many commoners that don´t belong to a clan never get to see the world beyond their hometown. The rookies have the option to travel around the world in groups of three, obiously with the guide of an expert trainer, he or she would act as a mentor and an escort, the trainer has to be an adult with years of expierence not just with battles, but also with traveling.
The expert trainer will perform his duties and routines as usual, (traveling, competing, recieving missions and jobs) and his squad will learn from his example what´s the meaning of being a trainer, their journies would last for an indefinite time, until some of them or all pass the exam and become advanced trainers, or if they decide to return and disband the squad for whatever reason. Even if traveling with a squad is an optional task if they decide to take it, there is an obligatory period of a year, also it helps to gather expierence and credits for the exam, not a single person that decided to stay in their hometown has passed the exam.
-2 The advanced trainers: Or simply called "trainers", these are the trainers that passed the most difficult exam of them all, but their journey isn´t over. In this rank people don´t have the limitations of a rookie trainer: they aren´t limited to a team of six pokemon, being able to catch as many as they want, and take all of them, they can earn money with almost any job that includes pokemon and, since the exam is every two years, and most trainers need more than two tries to approve, advanced trainers usualy aren´t children.
Even though they can earn money with jobs, they are restricted to works that don´t include fighting, so they are in places like factories, construction/demolition sites, metalurgy, schools, hospitals, offices, and many of them help scientists with their research. But they still can´t enter in any form of an official tournament, meaning that all the glamorous part of being a trainer, the fame, glory, fans, and easy money, is still out of their reach.
In order to get to the next rank they need to face the greatest challenge: obtain eight gym battles in less than a year, if they are able to do that they will become an expert trainer. But doing that is a hard task, all the gyms are apart from each other within the country, it´s a lot of traveling for someone unexpierenced, and the leaders are fearsome rivals, so it´s no surprise to know that almost half of the actual trainers, are people who decided to stay on this rank.
-3 The expert trainers: If a trainer manages to get his eighth medal before the spam of a year, it can consider himself lucky, because now he or she is part of the selective group of trainers that can earn money by fighting and competing. The variety of jobs they have include: escorting people trough the wild, fighting in exhibition matches, patroling the frontier, acting as bodyguards, working for gym leaders, leading squads of rookies, and every other job for the advanced trainer, besides they can enter every single unofficial match or tournament for free, and that will help them with their popularity.
Of course not everything is easy for them, since they are considered a form of entertainers now, they have to keep their fans satisfied or else their popularity will drop, and that affects the amount of money they make. It´s for this reason that pros can´t take vacations, and many elite trainers prefer to be escorts or bodyguards, also this is why many famous trainers in the league are relatively young people in their late twenties and early thirties, this isn´t a lifestyle healthy for a family.
-4 The gym leaders: If an expert trainer accumulates enough wealth, popularity, and expierence, he can become a gym leader.
Although this rarely happens, the maximum number of gyms a country can have is eight, acording to the peace afterwar treaty, and the fire county always had enough, the only possible way is to make the leader bet the title on a match and defeat them, or to reach an agreement. The last one is less likely since the gyms are always managed by the clanheads, and they would never give up their titles. Most people think there´s a written rule that says the gyms are owned by the clans, but that´s not true, the only qualifications for being a gym leader are the following:
1) the candidates must have been an expert trainer for over a year.
2) they must be over twenty-five years of age apart from a few exceptional cases.
3) they must have battled in official match of the league before, and have a high challenge and aproval rating.
4) they need the approval of a city, town, or a settlement with people in order to build their gym there.
5) they need to pay a large amount of money to the state, and not only for construction proposes.
With these regulations anyone with enough skill to take the job can do it, but since the politicans and landlords can vote for or against a new gym leader, clans can (and they have) use their power to influence the outcome. As a gym leader they have almost the same benefits and responsabilities of a town mayor: they are the maximum pokemon authority in the place, they regulate and control everything, from the new recluits, to the squad disposition, to the gym challengers.
-5 The elite 4
Along the years there´s been many remarkable trainers with great martial prowress and fame, people who dedicated their lives to win the league championship more than once, people who are not only strong but also care for the well being of the country, if they are lucky, they get selected for the elite 4.
There aren´t many known requirements for being choosen, other than being a gym leader for a considerable time, and wining the pokemon league tournament at least once, but the ones choosing are the champion, some feudal lords, and the previous elite 4, so the criteria they use for candidates is a secret.
The reason why so many people with power are involved in the selection, is because of the amount of responsabilities that come with this position. The elite have a seat in the council and their influence isn´t restricted to pokemon matters, they have political and economic power.
-6 The champion
The head of the council, and the leader of the country along the feudal lord, also crowned the strongest trainer in the region, this is the position that everyone dreams to have.
Although most champions of the five nations champions were previous leaders and elite, it´s not really a requisite, the only way to become a champion is to defeat the entire elite 4 and the former champion in a series of combats that are broadcasted to the whole world.
Welp there you go, I´ll keep updating this from time to time, please send me a review with your opinions!