Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be seeing a timeskip of three years from when Naruto and Diana left Themyscira and arrived in the rest of the world. So, without further ado.
I own nothing
High above the planet Earth, a red spaceship could be seen, flying past it. The ships fuselage is in the shape of a large rounded disc, with a narrow spindle, topped by a circular projection, standing dead center on the upper surface, this being the bridge. Several spikes extend from the diameter, on either side, while two larger ones point straight ahead, to flank the main gun.
If one were to see the ship, it's appearance alone, would tell them that the ones manning it, were less than kind. Even more so, as within the ship, one could hear a drawn-out, muffled, blood-curdling scream. While walking down a corridor, towards where the screams were coming from, two bipedal reptilian creatures with wings and armed with spears, walked past several cages, containing various alien creatures.
The screams soon began fading into angered growls, along with the sound of fists being slammed against metal. As the two Gordanians walked through another door, and saw two more Gordanians standing on either side of a door.
All four Gordanians traded looks, before the screaming returned, as whoever was locked behind the metal door, began hitting it even harder. The Gordanians tensed, and gripped their weapons tightly, while looking at the door, apprehensively.
"The door will hold, right?" One asked, starting to feel nervous at the thought of the prisoner escaping.
"It must!" Said a second, only for more screaming and banging to be heard.
"The alien will be delivered on schedule. Lord Trogaar has commanded it." The third said, knowing their leader would see their prisoner delivered, no matter what.
"And if this thing gets loose?" Questioned the fourth.
"Then Zorg help us all." The first replied, all of them knowing if the prisoner escaped, they wouldn't live much longer.
The prisoner screamed in anger again, as the small glass window on the door began cracking, before two glowing green eyes appeared through it. The Gordanians stepped back nervously, now prepared for, not if the prisoner will escape, but when they will.
Not a moment later, a loud shout was heard in the cell, before the door fell down, with a resounding bang. The prisoner's glowing green eyes shined through the darkness of the cell, before they stepped out into the light.
The prisoner being an incredibly beautiful and stunning teenage girl, with orange skin, long fiery red hair that fell down to her waist, and her glowing green eyes, narrowed in anger at the Gordanians. Her attire consisted full-body armor, with a black crop top, mini-skirt, thigh-high boots, a metal crown framing her face, and large metal cuffs, restraining her hands.
The girl's expression was twisted into one of pure anger and rage, as she looked at the Gordanians.
"Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!" The girl shouted, before charging forward and slamming her cuffs into a Gordanian, knocking them into the wall, before rounding on the remaining three.
"Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!" Repeated the girl, slamming her cuffs into two more Gordanians, knocking them aside, as well.
The fourth Gordanian tried sneaking up, behind the girl, and take her out with his spear, only for her to block the attack, with her cuffs. Before proceeding to snap his spear in half, with her restraints, then jumping and delivering a spin kick, sending the Gordanian crashing into a control panel. This causing a series of alarms and flashing lights to god off, making the girl growling in annoyance.
"Heska vo." The girl whispered viciously, before smashing her way through the ship, knocking down any Gordanians she found, being sure they wouldn't get back soon, as she tore her way through the ship
Eventually, the girl flew into the air, before flying straight down through the floor, smashing her way out, until she entered the vastness of space, immediately making a beeline for Earth. Not knowing, what the planet was like, but knew she simply wanted to get as far away from her former captors, as possible.
*Jump City*
Meanwhile, down on Earth laid Jump City, situated on the West Coast of America, it was a relatively quiet city, with only a few minor crimes happening, every now and again. With no worries of any super villains showing up, to terrorize the people.
Currently, the streets of Jump City were mostly empty, with only a few people outside. With one such person being a burglar, running down the sidewalk, as the police chased after him, before ducking into an alleyway. Hiding around a corner, the burglar smirked, as he saw the squad cars race past his location, before continuing on his way, now that he was in the clear.
Only to suddenly stop, when he saw a shadow pass over him, the burglar quickly turning around, to see if someone followed him.
"Huh?" The burglar said, not seeing anyone else around, but was still nervous, knowing that a shadow passing overhead of guys, like him, only meant one thing.
A superhero was nearby, and given the atmosphere and current time, the burglar was nervous at the idea of having to face someone, like Batman.
Drawing a crowbar, the burglar slowly backed away, his attention now going up to the rooftops, for any sign of anyone, watching him. Only to be shocked, when something black and grey was thrown at him, knocking the crowbar out of his hand.
"I don't want any trouble, okay?" The burglar said, now even more convinced that Batman was here, and he didn't feel like taking a beating from a guy, who regularly tosses Meta's around, like they were nothing.
What he didn't see, was a black blur jumping down behind him, when suddenly a swarm of bats came flying out of the shadows, at him. This only further freaking the burglar out, and quickly dropped his stolen goods.
"You should've thought of that, before you committed the crime." Someone said in a dark tone, as they stepped out of the shadows, revealing not the Dark Knight, but someone else.
It was a teenage boy, with black hair that spiked backwards, light skin, and having an athletic build. His attired consisted of green tights with black ankle-high steel-toed boots, green elbow-high gloves, a short-sleeve green t-shirt underneath a red armored vest, with a yellow letter "R" inside a black circle, over his left pectoral muscle, a black and white domino mask, a yellow utility belt, and a black cape, that has a yellow interior.
This was Robin, the Boy Wonder, and known partner of Batman.
Robin charged the burglar, before with a shout and delivered a high kick to the man's chin, sending him skidding back. The burglar then charged forward, with Robin backing up a bit, and blocks the wild punches arcing toward his head, before delivering a chop to the burglar's stomach, followed by kneeing him in the chest.
Though, while this would have taken the man down, Robin didn't stop there, as he jumped off a wall and flipped over the burglar, grabbing his shoulders, as he did so, and body slamming him into the ground. Before again grabbing the man, and throwing him against a wall.
"Hey! This isn't your town! Aren't you supposed to be with-" The burglar said, confused as to why the Boy Wonder was here, all the way from Gotham, and why Batman wasn't with him.
"Just moved here. And from now on, I work alone." Said Robin, cutting him off, and advancing menacingly towards him, even now refusing to let up on the beating, something unexpected from the normally more merciful Robin, when compared to his mentor.
This was due to Robin's anger, and the reason he moved to Jump City, in the first place. Which was due to him learning that Batgirl was actually his now ex-girlfriend, Barbara Gordon, and how Batman had hidden that from him. This leading to him leaving Gotham to go out on his own, to be his own hero, rather than Batman's sidekick.
Though, before Robin could continue his assault on the burglar, he stopped, when he saw a human shadow cast over him.
'Oh great.' Robin thought, scowling, while believing that Batman or Batgirl had followed him, all the way to Jump City.
Only to be surprised, when he looked, and didn't find either of them, but instead, it was a teenage girl.
The girl was very beautiful, having light blonde hair, that fell just past her shoulders, light skin, and bright blue eyes. Her attire consisted of red boots, a blue miniskirt, white gloves, a white crop top with black edging, and a short red cape.
The most eye-catching part of her attire though, was familiar red and yellow emblem, proudly displayed on her shirt, one that anyone in Metropolis would recognize.
"Supergirl?" Robin said, surprised at the Girl of Steel's presence, having heard rumors about Superman's younger cousin, but this is his first time seeing her.
"That's right, bird boy. Though I'm surprised, I thought you were the nicer half of the Dynamic Duo." Supergirl said, floating down to the ground, having seen the beating Robin gave the burglar, and was surprised at the brutality.
"That's none of your concern. Why are you even here, shouldn't you be in Metropolis?" Questioned Robin, with Supergirl shrugging and crossing her arms.
"Same as you, actually, I went out on my own, to be my own hero. Plus, do you have any idea of how overprotective, my cousin can be? It really gets annoying." Supergirl said, frowning, given that despite the fact she had the exact same powers as him, Superman treated her like a helpless little girl, eventually she couldn't take it anymore, and left, wanting to show him she could be a hero, as well.
"Well I'm not looking for a partner, or to team up." Stated Robin, adamant on working alone.
Though suddenly, both Robin and Supergirl looked up, when they saw a green light shooting across the sky, watching as it descended, before crashing somewhere in the city.
"That's not good." Supergirl said, narrowing her eyes, while using her X-Ray Vision to see what had just crashed landed.
"No, it's not." Said Robin in agreement, before narrowing his eyes at the burglar.
After tying up the burglar for the police to find, Robin and Supergirl took off running and flying, respectively, towards the crash site, of whatever hit the city.
What the two didn't know, was that they weren't the only ones to see what had happened, and weren't the only ones heading there.
*Crash Site*
Meanwhile, having already arrived at the crash site, were the now sixteen-year-old Naruto and Diana, standing on the edge of a rooftop, looking at crater emitting green smoke.
The two were also wearing very different attire, compared to when they left Themyscira. With Naruto wearing a black bodysuit, with some light armor over it, while having dark orange lines along his legs, sides, and gauntlets. Along with orange sunglasses, a black half-facemask, to cover the lower-half of his face, and a black cloak, with the hood over his hair, given how his hair and whisker-marks were rather eye catching, and easy to give him away.
While Diana was now wearing Amazonian Battle Armor, consisting of dark blue boots that went up to her thighs, silver metal kneepads, a dark blue, red, and silver leotard with silver stars on her hips, matching dark blue arm sleeves with her bracers over them, and silver tiara with a red star.
When Diana had snuck onto Naruto's boat, that she had also managed to steal some armor and weapons, including the Lasso of Truth and Armor of Athena. The latter of which, Diana plans to wear once she's older, since it currently didn't fit her. Though she did have the Lasso of Truth wrapped around her torso, and had a sword sheathed at her side.
In the past three years, the two have gained a reputation as freelance heroes, as they aren't stationed to any one city, and have been seen all around America. With Naruto being known as Inari, and Diana known as Wonder Girl, despite having initially planned to be called Wonder Woman. She unfortunately got the former name, and eventually just accepted it.
It had also been a shock for Naruto and Diana, when they first arrived in the United States. Being completely blown away by the technological advancements the world had, when compared to their own homelands.
Currently, the two had just arrived in Jump City, and originally planned to enjoy some relaxation, until they heard the crash, and went to investigate what it was.
Though Naruto and Diana turned away, when they heard two people land behind them, seeing Robin and Supergirl, with the two being surprised at their presence.
"Woah, cool! Inari and Wonder Girl!" Supergirl said, smiling in excitement at getting to meet two other teen heroes.
"What're you two doing?" Questioned Robin, frowning in annoyance that even more heroes are showing up, along with recognizing them from reports of their heroics, across the country.
"Well originally we were here to relax, and take a break from crimefighting." Naruto said, with Diana pointing at the crater.
"But then we saw that crash into the city, and came to investigate. I take it, that you two are doing the same?" Said Diana, with Robin and Supergirl nodding in confirmation.
Their attention was then pulled to the streets below, where they saw the thing that had crashed, was in fact a teenage girl, and was smashing her metal cuffs against anything, and everything, around her. Including a support pillar for a balcony, that people were currently standing on.
Acting quickly, the four heroes jump down, or flew in Diana and Supergirl's case, down to the street with Robin throwing a birdarang at the girl, impacting the side of her crown. This also turning the girl's attention to them, with an annoyed growl.
"Who are you?" Robin demanded, getting ready for a fight.
Rather than answer, the girl leapt forward, with a shout, raising her cuffs above her head, to bring them down on Robin. Only for Supergirl to fly in front of her, and stop her attack, being slightly surprised when her hand was pushed back a little, before the Girl of Steel immediately smirk.
"You're pretty strong, meaning you can take the hits, just as easily." Supergirl said, before pulling her fist back, and slamming it into the girl's face, sending her crashing back into the ground, which cracked under her.
Not even a moment later, the redhead got up, looking more angered than hurt at the attack. Charging forward again to attack, this time with Diana intervening, and blocking the strike with her sword.
"Calm down, and we don't wish to hurt you." Diana said, hoping to calm the girl down, only for her to shout something in an alien language, before Diana grunted in pain, when the girl slammed her foot into her stomach, sending the Amazon skidding back.
Naruto then appeared behind the girl, and gave a sweeping kick, knocking her legs out from under her. With Robin following up, by flipping over Naruto's shoulder, and giving a kick to the girl's face, knocking her back.
The girl growled, as she landed beside a car, with the four watching in surprise, as she seemed to casually throw the car into the air, with her foot. Before proceeding to kick it towards them, at surprising speed, with the four heroes dodging it, with Diana quickly flying a head, stopping the car from hitting a building, and hurting anyone.
"She's much stronger, than she looks." Said Robin, seeing the girl was strong enough to do that, and take hit from a Kryptonian.
Naruto then pushed Robin out of the way, and raised his arms to block an attack from the girl, grunting as he was pushed back slightly. Before quickly delivering a kick to the girl's chin, launching her into the air, where Diana met her, and punched her in the face, sending her crashing into a car.
But once again, the girl removed herself from the wreckage, and even gave them a smirk, as she cracked her neck.
"Zota." Said the girl, before leaping at them again, to attack with her cuffs, with the four preparing for the attack.
Only to be surprised, when a green ram suddenly appeared and slammed into the girl, knocking her away. Even more so, when the ram turned into a green-skinned kid, wearing a black and purple uniform and mask.
"Ex-Doom Patrol member, Beast Boy, sir! How can I help?" Said Beast Boy, while giving a salute, before his eyes went completely wide, at who he saw.
"Wowzers! You're Robin, Supergirl, Inari, and Wonder Girl, aren't you?" Beast Boy said, amazed at meeting these four in person.
"Uh, yeah, we are." Supergirl said, blinking slowly at how he seemingly appeared, out of nowhere.
"And if you wanna help, don't call me, sir." Said Robin, since the title reminded him too much of his training, under Batman.
"Well, let me just say, that it's a real honor to be-" Beast Boy started, his eyes sparkling in admiration.
"Beast Boy, was it?" Naruto asked, stopping the kid, before he could start to ramble.
"Yes, sir?" Said Beast Boy, while saluting.
Wordlessly, Naruto pointed to the girl he had hit, showing she had recovered from his charge, and was now lifting a bus over her head. Which she then proceeded to throw at the five teens, intent to crush them.
The five prepared to get out of the way, only to suddenly have a red and yellow blur with lightning trailing behind it, grab them, and get them out of the way. While a broad figure, wearing a gray hoodie, dark gray gloves, and black pants, jumped in front of the bus, and managed to actually catch it, and set it on the ground.
Meanwhile, the red and yellow blur was revealed to be a young male teen, wearing a bodysuit that was red on his legs, forearms, and shoulders, while being yellow on his stomach sides, upper arms, back, and yellow lightning bolts on his shoulders. Along with having several, yellow and red lightning bolts on his elbows, feet, waist, with the red and yellow sections on his chest and back, resembling lightning bolts, where they met. Finally, he was wearing a yellow mask with red lenses, exposing the lower part of his face, and the top of his head, showing blonde hair.
"Wow! Kid Flash, too!" Beast Boy said in amazement and excitement, at meeting another young hero.
"Man, talk about a serious party going on, glad I got here." Kid Flash said, smirking, while glad for the chance to help fight.
"Yo! Who's here, messing up my neighborhood?" Said the second newcomer, wanting to know who was destroying everything.
"She started it!" Beast Boy said, pointing to the girl.
The girl stood amongst the rubble, before bringing her arms straight up, and slamming right back onto the ground, creating a shockwave, that destroyed several windows. The young heroes watched as the metal restraints fell off with a resounding clang, revealing the normal restraints underneath, with her hands now being freed.
Which the girl then raised, with a green aura flickering around them, before without warning, she shot off a barrage of starbolts, forcing them to get out of the way. The girl continuing to rapidly fire starbolts at where they were, before seeing them run out of the smoke, making her begin firing all around her, blasting buildings, signs, and cars.
Seeing this, Diana and Supergirl flew around, with Diana deflecting the blasts with her bracers, while Kara grabbed an empty car, and used it as a shield to take the blasts. While Naruto, Robin, Beast Boy, Kid Flash, and the other newcomer, hid behind a bus.
"Girl's gonna wreck the whole city." Stated the newcomer.
"I won't let her. I won't lose this fight." Robin said, refusing to lose the first serious fight he's had, since going out on his own.
"We just have to get in close, and restrain her." Said Naruto, having a feeling that something else was going on, especially given those cuffs, the girl had been wearing.
"I can get in close." Kid Flash said, before running out from behind the bus, the others following after the speedster, to provide distractions for him to get to the girl,
But before any of them could get close, a black energy barrier sprung up in front of them, in the shape of the bird. The sudden barrier's appearance surprising them, along with Diana and Supergirl, as they flew back down, when the starbolts stopped, before they heard someone speak.
"Maybe, fighting isn't the answer."
Looking at who spoke, they saw another girl, wearing a long dark blue cloak, with a hood pulled up, showing only the lower part of her face, and her amethyst purple eyes. The girl then looked away, as the barrier vanished, showing she was the one who created it.
They then looked, and saw the girl kneeling on the ground, her hands smoking from her attacks.
'She wasn't attacking us, maliciously.' Naruto thought, realizing that the girl didn't attack them intentionally, and only did so after they attacked her, first.
She was just scared and confused, while trying to get those restraints off her arms, and reacted to their attacks.
"Stand down." Robin said, coming to the same conclusion as Naruto, realizing the girl wasn't an actual threat, as well.
"What do you think, you're the boss or something?" Demanded the hooded newcomer.
"Just relax, she's not going to hurt us, or anyone." Naruto said, while approaching the girl.
The girl panted, feeling tired from the fighting, before seeing Naruto approaching her, and quickly stood up. Aiming her fists at him, as they glowed menacingly, with Naruto remaining calm, and raised his hands.
"Gokta!" Warned the girl.
"Easy. My name is Naruto, and I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help." Naruto said, calmly, while slowly reaching into one of his pouches.
"Gokta! Gokta buhovna!" The girl shouted, believing he was reaching for a weapon.
"It's okay. Look." Said Naruto, revealing he had only pulled out a lockpick, waiting a few moments, to show he wasn't going to hurt her, before grabbing her cuffs and began unlocking them, with the girl's hands, losing their glow, along with her eyes, revealing their dark green color, with lighter green sclera.
Once he finished unlocking the cuffs, they fell to the ground, as the girl massaged her now freed wrists.
"There. Now, maybe we can-" Naruto said, hoping they could now talk things out, civilly.
Only for what happened next to shock all of them, along with making Diana scowl jealously. As the girl placed a hand behind Naruto's head, and pulled him straight towards her, while pulling down his mask and pressing her lips against his.
Naruto's eyes shot open, at the sudden and unexpected, even more so, when the girl then pushed him back, her eyes now glowing green again, and spoke perfect English.
"If you wish not to be destroyed, you will leave me alone!" Said the girl, before flying off into the air, leaving the others to look, where she flew off.
"So…I'm Beast Boy. Who are you?" Beast Boy asked, while looking at the hooded boy.
The group stood in silence, looking off to where the girl had flown off, before Robin began walking, in the same direction.
"Looks like we're done, here. I appreciate the help." Said Robin, wanting to see if this girl was a threat, or not.
"You're gonna track down the alien?" Questioned Raven.
"I have to find out, if she's a threat." Robin stated, before looking at Naruto, as he began walking beside him.
"I don't think she's a threat. If she was, then why didn't she keep fighting? Instead, she just left." Said Naruto, feeling like something else was going on, thinking that it almost seemed like the girl was running from something, or someone.
Robin thought about it for a few moments, before nodding slowly in agreement. But still wanted to make sure, just to be on the safe side.
"I say we just let her leave." Diana said, annoyed at going after the girl who kissed her crush, but followed, anyway.
"Count me in." Said Supergirl, flying beside them, seeing the girl was just like her, an alien arriving on a new planet, with no idea what it was like, or where she was supposed to go.
Raven, Kid Flash, and the other newcomer though, traded looks, before beginning to walk away, seeing as their business was done. With Beast Boy looking around, before following after the still unknown newcomer.
"So, uh, what's your name. I'm Beast Boy. I-I haven't really had anybody to hang out with, since I quit the Doom Patrol. This is gonna be fun. Can we play video games-" Beast Boy said, still feeling overwhelmed by everything that's happened, only to stop, when he bumped into the stranger, who had now pulled down his hood, revealing his partially cybernetic head, before turning around, showing most of his head, except the right half, was entirely robotic.
"There! Take a good, long look! I had an accident, and now, I'm a monster, all right? A cyborg!" Shouted Cyborg, expecting them to be disgusted at his appearance.
Only for the others looking at him in surprise and amazement, not being disgusted, or scared, at all.
"Cyborg? Cool! You're like Robot Man 2.0!" Beast Boy said in amazement, as he looked Cyborg over, with Kid Flash speeding over, as well.
"No way! You're a cyborg, that's so cool! What're your systems like, any weapons, could you interface with technology, what about being able to upgrade yourself?!" Kid Flash asked rapidly, as he sped around Cyborg, wanting to know how his cybernetics worked.
Naruto had to admit, he was also amazed at seeing Cyborg's appearance, and that he was part machine.
"You're some weird, little dudes, you know that?" Stated Cyborg, not understanding how they couldn't be freaked out, at his appearance.
"You called me, dude. Dude!" Beast Boy shouted, before he looked up, seeing the Gordanian spaceship in the sky, with everyone else looking, as well.
"Looks like Space Girl has friends." Cyborg said, as the others joined him.
"Or enemies." Said Robin, while narrowing his eyes.
A giant hologram of the Gordanians leader, Trogaar, appeared.
"People of Earth! We come to your planet, hunting an escaped prisoner, a very dangerous prisoner. Do not interfere, and we will leave your city, with only minimal damage. But if you attempt to assist her…your destruction, will be absolute." Trogaar threatened, before the hologram disappeared.
The heroes watched, as the ship opened up, revealing dozens of Gordanian troops, that took flight into the city.
"You're still going after her, aren't you?" Cyborg questioned, looking at Naruto, Diana, Robin, and Supergirl, with the four nodding at his question.
"Well with those guys looking for her too, you guys might need some back up." Said Kid Flash, knowing they'd all need to work together, to find the girl, and deal with those other aliens.
"I suppose I could team up, just this once." Robin said, smiling slightly, with the others smiling as well, before they began going to where the girl flew off, all of them, except Raven.
"You coming?" Naruto asked, while looking at Raven, with the others stopping, to see she was still standing there.
"I'm not the hero type. Trust me. If you knew what I really am…you wouldn't want me around." Said Raven, turning away, knowing if they knew what she really was, they wouldn't want anything to do with her.
Only to look, and see Naruto with his hand on her shoulder, while taking his sunglasses off.
"I know more, than you'd think, and I understand that feeling." Said Naruto, with his eyes flashing red with slit pupils, for a moment, before returning to normal, with Raven looking at him, in surprise.
Naruto smiled at Raven, who hesitantly returned the smile, before joining them in tracking down the girl.
After a while of searching, with Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg using their respective tracking skills, they were able to locate the girl. Finding her inside a video store, where they saw her devouring all the snacks, that were put out.
"Uh, those usually taste better, if you take the wrappers off." Kid Flash said, surprised at how much she was eating.
This getting the girl's attention, as she turned around, glaring at them with a growling, with her hands and eyes glowing.
"It's all right. We're friends, remember?" Said Naruto, raising his hands, to show they didn't mean her, any harm.
"Friends? Why? For what purpose did you free me?" Demanded Koriand'r, or Kori, for short.
"We're just trying to be nice, there's no need to fight." Diana said.
"Nice. We do not have this word, on my planet. Closest is rutha. Weak!" Kori retorted.
"Well, around here, nice means nice. And if you want us to keep being nice, you better tell us why the Lizard King took you prisoner." Said Cyborg, with Kori lowering her hands, as they and her eyes stopped glowing.
"Not prisoner. I am…a prize. The Gordanians were delivering me to the Citadel, to live out my days, as their servant." Said Kori, while looking down, knowing if she hadn't escaped, she'd have suffered a fate worse than death.
"And the Citadel are…" Raven trailed off.
"Not nice." Kori stated, bitterly.
"Then you're not going with them. Not if we have anything to say about it." Said Naruto, even more determined to help her get away, from the Gordanians.
Suddenly, the wall exploded, revealing a group of Gordanians, with the heroes looking at the aliens, in surprise.
"Seize her!" one Gordanian shouted, as they flew in to capture Kori.
Looking at each other, the heroes nodded, before charging towards the Gordanians, each of them taking out several of the alien invaders. With it not being long, until the Gordanians realized how outmatched they were, and quickly retreated.
"I believe your expression is, thanks." Said Kori, appreciating their help, in stopping the Gordanians from capturing her again.
"Aw, man, my suit!" Said Cyborg, seeing his clothes were completely shredded from the fight, exposing his entire cybernetic body.
"So? You look way cooler, without it." Beast Boy said.
"Yeah. Like I'm taking fashion advice, from the guy in the goofy mask." Cyborg retorted.
"Goofy? My mask is cool. Isn't it? Raven? Kid?" Asked Beast Boy, looking at Raven and Kid Flash, who both shook their heads.
"But…what about my secret identity?" Beast Boy asked.
"Dude, you're green." Kid Flash stated, with the changeling thinking very hard about this, before nodding, and took off his mask.
"This isn't over. Now that we've interfered…" Robin said.
"Trogaar will strike harder. It is only a matter of-" Said Kori, only to be cut off, when another hologram of Trogaar appeared.
"Fools! You Earth scum were warned. Your insolence will be punished. Your city, shall be destroyed!" Trogaar said, as the Gordanian ship moved over the city, with its guns taking aim at it.
"So, after trashing a pizza place and a perfectly good video store, now we've managed to make a humongous space gecko mad enough, to vaporize our entire town?" Beast Boy asked, while freaking out.
"Go team." Muttered Cyborg, sourly.
"All the fault, is yours! I commanded you leave me alone, but you insisted upon the being nice!" Kori shouted, while glaring at them.
"Our fault?! You attacked us, blasted us, but you never stop to mention, that they have a gigantic particle weapon?!" Retorted Robin, while glaring back at her.
"Guys, maybe we should calm down." Naruto said.
"We are doomed! I can't believe, I let you talk me into this!" Beast Boy shouted, while looking at Cyborg, who glared at the changeling.
"Say what?! I was ready to walk, before you-" Cyborg yelled, as the two started arguing.
"I don't think that fighting among each other, is helping." Said Supergirl, playing peacekeeper, along with Naruto and Diana.
"Nomosguoguomuozog! GUO ZOG!" Kori shouted.
"We can't understand what you're saying!" Shouted Kid Flash.
"Perhaps we should all take the time to calm down, and think of a plan." Said Diana.
"QUIET!" Raven shouted, feeling her own emotions starting to rise from all the arguing, this also being enough to snap everyone out of their shouting, and look at Raven.
"Um, hi." Said Raven, timidly, at the attention now being on her.
"Look. It doesn't matter how we got into this mess. We're in it, and we will get out of it, together." Naruto said, looking at them all, with the young heroes, all nodding in agreement.
"Come on. We've got a city to save." Said Robin, while smirking.
"We just need a way, onto that ship." Supergirl said, while looking up at the Gordanian ship.
"I can get us in there, just stand close to me." Said Raven, with the others nodding, and moved in close to her.
Not a moment later, they were surrounded by dark energy, before it vanished, with the heroes along with it.
*Gordanian Ship*
The black energy dome reappeared within the ship, before dispersing, revealing the heroes.
"We have to get to the firing controls. There isn't much time." Robin said, getting nods, before they began moving, and made their way to the gun controls.
Though Raven hung back, and looked at them, before looking away.
"Mind telling me, why you're always by yourself?" Cyborg asked, with Raven looking up to see Cyborg and Naruto, standing there.
"I don't exactly fit in." Stated Raven, doubting she'd be able to be a hero, like them, especially with her heritage.
"Beast Boy's green, half of me is metal, and those two are from space. You fit in, just fine." Cyborg replied, with Naruto nodding in agreement, and put a hand on Raven's shoulder.
"I may not know, what you went through, but I can take a guess. You were hated and feared for something you had no control over, you were alone, and had no one who understood the pain, you felt, every day. That no matter how hard you tried, or what you did, it never made a difference, and people were still scared of you, until you believed the only thing you could do, was isolate yourself, to avoid being hurt, again." Said Naruto, with Raven and Cyborg looking at him, in shock.
"H-how could you know that?" Raven questioned, shocked and worried by how Naruto could know her past, like that.
"Because that was my life for most of my life. I was hated for something, I didn't understand, I was either ignored or hated, even being kicked out of stores. The worst part though, had to be the loneliness, people acting like I didn't exist, like I was even less than the dirt they walked on. No matter what I did, I was ignored, so I did anything I could to get attention, being loud and pulling pranks, which made people see, as an annoyance. But at least then, they acknowledged my existence, and that was all I ever wanted." Said Naruto, the two looking at him in shock, horror, and sadness at how anyone could treat a kid like that, with Raven also seeing more, about what he meant earlier.
"How…how did it get better?" Raven asked, hopefully.
"I found someone who cared. And Raven, I care about you, we all do." Said Naruto, with Cyborg nodding in agreement and putting a hand on her shoulder, with Raven looking behind them to see the others, who were also shocked, horrified, and saddened at what Naruto went through, aside from Diana, who already knew about her friends past, but was still saddened from hearing what he went through, before meeting her, and also nodded.
Seeing this, Raven couldn't help, but have a small smile, and nod, before the three went joined the others, as they continued making their way, through the ship.
With Kori looking at Naruto, as they reached a corner.
"I bring you…apology. For my actions, and what you went through." Said Kori, with Naruto looking at her, and waving it off.
"It's fine, you had every right to be distrustful, after what you went through." Naruto replied.
"And again, you are…nice. On my world, only my k'norfka has shown me, such kindness." Said Kori, smiling at Naruto, which he returned.
"Well, things are different, here." Said Naruto, with Kori blushing slightly, before Beast Boy pointed behind them.
"Uh, guys? I think they know we're here." Beast Boy said, with everyone looking to see, they were surrounded by Gordanians.
"Well, so much for subtlety." Supergirl said, cracking her knuckles.
"Meh, subtlety's overrated." Stated Kid Flash, before speeding around and taking out some of the Gordanians, with the other heroes jumping into action, as well.
The heroes then began fighting their way through the Gordanians, making their way towards the bridge, to deactivate the gun. Soon reaching it, where they heard someone speaking, from behind the closed door.
"The Earth scum shall learn…it takes more than nine juvenile heroes, to defy the mighty Lord Trogaar!"
"Let's show this guy, what we can do." Said Naruto, with the others nodding in agreement, before Supergirl slammed her fist into the door, destroying it, as they all jumped in.
"We're not nine heroes. We're one team." Robin said, as they all stood together, against the Gordanians.
Trogaar growled in anger, at their continued interference, before smirking.
"Do not think I came unprepared for you, Kryptonian." Trogaar said, while pressing a button, before suddenly, the walls of the bridge opened up, revealing glowing green rocks.
Supergirl's eyes widened in shock at the rocks, before groaning as she fell to the ground, feeling her powers leave her.
"Supergirl!" Diana said, while going to her side.
"Kr-Kryptonite." Muttered Supergirl, growing weaker, the longer she stayed near the radioactive rocks.
"How did you get Kryptonite?! How did you even know it would affect her?!" Naruto demanded, knowing what Kryptonite was, and how it affected Kryptonians.
"Hehehehe. It was provided to me, by my benefactor. It was why we were crossing so close to Earth, in the first place, because our benefactor has an interest, in the last two Kryptonians. And they supplied us with the means to subdue, and capture, them. Now, attack!" Trogaar ordered, as the Gordanians all attacked the heroes.
The heroes couldn't move, without leaving Supergirl defenseless, leading to them standing together, to fight the aliens. Unfortunately, for every Gordanian they took out, more seemed to keep showing up, and now they were starting to feel the effects of all the constant fighting, as the Gordanians, began moving in closer.
"Cyborg, can you rewire that, into some sort of weapon?!" Robin asked, punching a Gordanian, while pointing to his sonic analyzer, hoping he could provide them some extra fire power.
"I can try!" Said Cyborg, but couldn't get time to work, as they were surrounded.
Seeing this, Raven's eyes and fists glowed, with dark energy.
"Get away from my friends! Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven shouted, as her power exploded off of her, throwing all the Gordanians back, along with destroying the bridge, which also destroyed the Kryptonite, with Supergirl feeling her strength starting to return.
"Insects! You shall regret, interfering in my business!" Trogaar growled, as his claws extended, intent to kill them, himself.
"And you'll regret ever coming here!" Retorted Naruto, while rushing Trogaar and kicking him the chin, launching him into the air, right where Diana and Supergirl were waiting, as they flew straight at the alien, and slammed their fists into his face.
This sent Trogaar crashing into a partially destroyed all, before falling onto the floor. With the alien still refusing to give up, as he shakily got up.
"I-I a-a-am Tr-Trogaar, and I will n-not be beaten, b-by the l-likes of-GAH!" Trogaar said, only to be cutoff as he gasped in pain, when an arm burst through his chest, shocking the young heroes.
"I see now, that entrusting you with a such a vital task was foolish, Trogaar. Consider our deal, to spare your worthless planet, null and void. As it seems, I should have completed this task, myself, to begin with." Said a synthesized and mechanical voice, as Trogaar's body was tossed, aside.
The heroes saw the one responsible, was a tall humanoid being, with turquoise skin and solid white eyes. Along with having three gray dots on his forehead, arranged in an upside-down triangle, with two lines connecting the dots together. While wearing a purple bodysuit, as well as having a silver collar around his shoulders, and on his neck.
"Brainiac?!" Supergirl said, shocked to see the Android, having thought her cousin destroyed him.
"Greetings Supergirl. I had intended for Trogaar to capture you and Superman, but I see now, that I had vastly overestimated his abilities. Now, I shall deal with you children, myself." Said Brainiac, as the heroes tensed, ready for what was sure to be a tough fight.
And it was, as despite this body not having many abilities, outside of super strength and energy blasts, Brainiac was able to systematically take the heroes down, one by one, until eventually only Naruto was left. With the fight eventually being taken to the cargo hold, after Brainiac smashed Naruto through the ground, and into a nearby crate.
"Your efforts are futile. You cannot hope to best me, not even Superman could ensure my total destruction. You children cannot hope to win." Brainiac said, while lifting Naruto up by his throat.
"Maybe. But you know you wanna know something? I have something, that Superman doesn't." Said Naruto, while smirking at the rogue Kryptonian Super Computer.
"And what is that?" Questioned Brainiac.
"He's got back up!" Robin said, while throwing a birdarang at Brainiac's head, getting the Androids attention.
Only for him to then be blasted by Cyborg's new Sonic Cannon, making Brainiac release Naruto, as he was pushed back into the wall.
"I'll only say this one, booyah." Cyborg said, with a smirk, once the blast from his Sonic Canon had ended.
Seeing his chance, Naruto held out his hand, and began forming a Rasengan, with it being different from a normal one, due to it being more white than blue, and having four mini blades, circling it.
"Wind Style: Rasengan!" Naruto said, while slamming the attack into Brainiac's chest, with the Android smashing through the wall, as his body was sent flying out into the distance, crashing landing into the forests, outside of Jump City.
Seeing this, Naruto sighed in relief, and nearly fell out of the hole in the ship, but thankfully, Supergirl arrived, and caught him.
"I got ya. Now, how about we get out of here, this place is kind of a dump." Supergirl said, while supporting Naruto, with Robin and Cyborg nodding in agreement, as they went to get the others.
The heroes, minus Kori, stood on the island, just outside the city, taking in the view of the rising sun.
"That's quite a view." Raven stated, with the others nodding in agreement.
"Somebody oughta build a house out here." Said Cyborg, knowing it'd be the perfect place, with a view like this, of the city.
"Definitely, nothing, but beaches, water, and an awesome view, wherever you look." Kid Flash said, in agreement.
"Please. Do I look…nice?" Kori asked, with everyone looking to see her wearing a different outfit, being a purple version of the black outfit, she wore, along with just looking much…brighter, in comparison to before, as well.
"You look great. Though, we still don't your name." Said Naruto, curious of her name.
"My name is Koriand'r. But in your language, it would translate to, Starfire." Starfire said, as she introduced herself.
"Welcome to Earth, Starfire." Said Supergirl, while smiling at her fellow alien.
"I thank you all, for your bravery and help, and I wish to ask permission…to remain here. Where the people are most strange…but also most kind." Said Starfire, while blushing lightly, when she looked at Naruto.
"You don't need our permission." Stated Raven.
"But if you want our friendship, you've got it." Naruto said.
"Guess we could all use some new friends." Said Cyborg, knowing after his accident, he isolated himself, but now it felt good to be around people, again.
"Besides, we kind of made a good team." Beast Boy added.
"I thought we might want to keep in touch, so Cyborg and I designed these." Robin said, pulling out several black and yellow circular communicators, while handing them to the others.
"Made 'em outta my own circuits." Said Cyborg, with the heroes looking over the communicators.
"When there's trouble, you know who to call." Robin said, while smirking.
"What are we, a bunch of super friends?" Kid Flash asked in amusement.
"How about…Teen Titans." Naruto said, with everyone looking at him, before smiling in agreement at the name.
With that, the newly formed team looked out over Jump City, with the remains of the Gordanian Spaceship sticking out of the island, knowing they'll do what it takes to protect their city.
So, what did you think, good. Yep Naruto and Diana are in Jump City before the formation of the Titans and now have joined up with Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire, along with Supergirl and Kid Flash to fight against the Gordanians and the surprise appearance of Brainiac. All of it eventually leading up to them joining together as one team (also note, the Justice League is nowhere near being formed yet). So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.
Storm out