A/N: This is watching Katniss on tv during her interview, chariot ride, and first games!! From Buttercups perspective!!!!!! This will probably just be a really long one-shot. Read and Review!! Disclaimer:I don't own the Hunger Games, the characters, or the cat!
I watch as the mean sister puts on a blue dress, and her mom pulls her hair up into a braided bun. The kind sister looks much prettier, I think.
As much as I would like to hiss at the mean sister, I don't. I know this day even if I am a cat. It's reaping day.
Reaping day happens once a year, and all it results in is a bunch of crying for about three weeks from my owners. Some years ,I even watch the glowing screen, and I see bloody bodies, and death.
They head out of the door, and knowing they will be out for a long time, I decide to take a nap.
They return, but not all of them. Where is the ugly, mean sister? The nice sister cries her heart out, and the older lady looks almost dead. She doesn't move at all. There is darkness in her eyes, as if she has lost the will to live.
Prim picks me up carefully letting the liquid falling from her eyes fall on my thick fur. I feel sad for the girl. I'm not sure why she is crying, because I am glad the mean girl who tried to drown me isn't here.
They stay like this for a couple days. Crying and clinging on to me. Until one day they reach, and turn on the glossy screen using the black stick.
The weird song comes on with a black screen and white words. My owners never watch it unless those white words comes on.
The flat thingy with things that roll on the bottom of them start to move. There is a bunch of people that ride out on them. One girl and one boy per- thingy.
They shake there hand back and forth, to people that are on tv.
Riding on the last thingy is the mean sister. Holding some dudes hand. So that's where she went. She went to be on tv.
As the tv finishes up the nice sister starts crying again. She pics me up , and rubs my fur ever so gently.
It's been a couple more days again. Everyone not eating , and still crying. Often a brown hair dude comes to the house , and gives some food to the nice sister. Even though he is feeding her; he never gives me anything. Therefore I don't like him! Even the mean sister feeds me.
They turn on the glowing screen again. This happens every year too. Each person on tv has to talk, and tell a guy about them. I watch twenty-two of them until finally the mean sister comes on.
Oh no, she is going to burn. There is fire all around her, but then she stops and sits down. Interesting, I think.
More days past until they put the glowing screen on again. This time they are in a forest. Fighting. Blood everywhere. I see the mean sister take off, and she climbs up into a tree.
She stays there for a while, before deciding to eat some stuff she got out of a backpack.
Next thing I know , a forest fire comes through. She gets out of the tree, and starts running. Dodging the fire, but it keeps coming. Oh no, she stops, and fire burned her leg! She continues moving through it though.
She finally gets to a lake in the clearing, and hops in. Then I see them a group of five people trying to kill her. They end up chasing her into a tree!
The group of people waits under the tree. She ties herself onto the tree, and decided to rest.
I study the people trying to kill her more carefully. Three muscular boys and two girls. I saw one of those boys with the mean sister! Now he is trying to kill her! I wish I could get ahold of him. Gut him, like I do to my mice I catch.
It's been a couple hours, and I'm a cat so I like to sleep. I think I'm starting to like the mean sister. Maybe I always had. No, no, thats not right! Well since I don't care about her I'm going to take a nap.
I twist and turn in the nice sisters lap, but I can sleep. I've finally come to the realization that even though I don't like her that much; I don't want her to die. I watch her the whole night.
She has help from a dark skinned girl about the size of the nice sister. They drop some nasty bugs on the bad people. The tiny girl saved the mean sister, and puts green leaves on her big stings.
They eat some good looking meet, and decide to go to the place where all the supplies are.
There is a big pile of bags, apples, blankets, and different kinds of weapons.
Next thing I know all of them burst into flames and disappear.
She runs quickly away from the explosion, and calls out to the dark haired girl, but she gets no answer. She runs even faster, and finds her. Then all of the sudden a pointy stick shoots into her stomach. I think this means she is dying. The mean sister immediately shoots the guy who shot the little girl, and he dies instantly.
As the little girl is dying the mean sister starts singing...
Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft and green pillow...
I stop listening after that, maybe because it's too sad, or her singing is awful.
That night she is alone again. She is siting in a tree, that she has tied herself up to.
Then all of the sudden a persons voice says a bunch of nonsense words that I do not bother messing with. The mean sister sits up strait, and yells into the open then places her hand over her mouth quickly.
She waited until morning, and began walking towards the stream as if she was tracking someone. She tracked his footprints in the dirt, until it lead her to the stream. Then when she reached the rock there was blood prints. She stoped at the stream when there was nothing else to follow and no where else to go. She swiftly took another step when the rock suddenly had deep, blue eyes, and a pink mouth. He rose out of the rock, and the mean sister helped him get cleaned up. She let him use her to help him walk until they found a cave. They stoped there, and she carefully tucked him into her sleeping bag. No one was about to kill them, and they were safe inside a cave. So I let myself dose off for a couple hours.
As I awake in the nice sisters lap, it was still dark out so I assumed I wasn't asleep for more than a couple hours. I look up to the glowing screen making sure they were both still alive, and find them sleeping peacefully together. Since they were still sleeping I decided to make a quick detour to the liter box.
After I did my doody, I climb back into the nice sisters lap, and begin to watch the glowing thingy again. They are being very boring. All they are doing is purring(that means snuggling with each other in cat terms lol) ,and licking eachother.(kissing:)
I dose off several times. If I don't close my eyes that mouse I ate is threatening to make a return. Watching all that licking.
The next couple days are like this. Me dosing off, and the love birds licking. Gross.
The most interesting it gets is when they go hunting, and the dude keeps being loud. The mean sister gets upset, and it's really funny. Right after that though some berries kills a girl. The mean sister thought it was the dude, and got scared though. I think the mean sister loves the dude. Anyone can see it. They head back to the love cave, and it's boring again. They sleep, and I sleep.
I think it was the next day when all the action started. The mean sister and the dude ran out of water. They went to the stream, but it was dry. They then went to the lake, and they found water. They also found another dude. He was running from some kind of mean, gross dog. All of them got chased on top of a silver loopy thingy. The bad dude held the nice dude hostage. Cutting off his breathing. The mean sister took one of her pointy things, and stabbed the nice guys hand letting him get free. He quickly threw the bad dude over, and into the horrible dogs. Oh how I wish I could attack the dogs right now.
The next thing that happens is a dude's voice comes on, and says stuff I don't understand. The mean sister takes some nasty looking berries out, and gives it to the dude. Next thing I know there is a helicopter that comes down, and picks them up.
The nice sister starts screaming, and laughing. The mom is joyfully glowing. I think her, and the nice dude won? Does that mean I will see her again?
A couple days past, and the mean sister is home. I didn't realize how much I loved her until she was gone.
I had a couple more years to go from that day, before I died. I spent the remainder of my life with the mean sister, the nice dude, and their kids. The nice sister died a year later from a explosion. It was sad, but at least I got new kids to play with before I died.
A/N: There you go! I hope you enjoyed! Pls review, and if you want more of this kinda stuff let me know!