It was normal day at school for Lincoln. It was lunch time Lincoln was waiting by the door for Ronnie Anne. Lincoln saw Ronnie walking with some other boy but Lincoln didn't get jealous.
R.A.: Oh hey there Lincoln this is Jarred. Jarred wait right here for a minute.
Jarred: Okay.
Then Ronnie took Linc into the janitors closest.
R.A.: Hey so I'm kinda into Jarred now he is way cooler than you so he decided to be my boyfriend. So I'm breaking up with you. Sorry.
Linc: Wait what?!
R.A.: Sorry Lincoln but me and Jarred kinda have a thing.
Linc: We had a thing too.
R.A.: But me and Jarred has something cooler he is way better at being rough and crazy and I love it.
Linc: Oh okay. He said sadly.
R.A.: Hey we can be sorta friends though. Well see you later. Then she left.
Linc: "Sigh". Were am I going to find the perfect girl for me. Then he went to eat lunch.
In the cafeteria.
Linc: "Sigh". Then Clyde came.
Clyde: Hey what's with the sad face.
Linc: Ronnie Anne broke up with me for Jarred.
Clyde: Ouch! Don't worry Lincoln I've seen this in movies your true girlfriend will come to you in a dramatic lovey dovey way I know it.
Linc: Thanks Clyde your the best.
Clyde: Your Welcome.
After school Linc walked home from school but then he saw Ronnie Anne riding on a bike with Jarred which made him sad.
Linc: "Sigh".
When he got home he saw his siblings at the front door.
Lori: Were sorry Ronnie Anne broke up with you. Bobby texted me about it.
Leni: How about I make you a feel better outfit.
Linc: Guys I'll be fine I'll find another girlfriend.
Luan: Want me to tell you a nice joke.
Lana: How about we go dive in dumpster it clears my mind.
Lola: Maybe a tea party.
Luna: Maybe a song will ease your pain bro.
Lily: Linky.
Lisa: Maybe I can do something about your brain to ease your sadness brother.
Lucy: How about I right a poem about your pain.
Lynn: Forget that maybe some sports will cheer you up.
Linc: Guys I'll be fine I just need some time alone and move on.
Luan: I guess so.
Linc: Thank you see you guys at dinner.
Then he walked upstairs and played some video games in his bedroom.
When it was dinner time Linc came downstairs.
Rita: Hey there Linc your sisters told us about your break up with Ronnie Anne.
Lynn Sr.: We're taking you and your sisters to the beach to cheer you up tomorrow.
Linc: Thanks you guys.
The next day was Saturday the Loud's were at the beach. Linc was cheered up a bit.
Linc: Hey you guys I'm going to get some shade over there.
Lori: Okay.
Lisa: Be careful not to burn your feet in the sand brother.
Linc: Okay. He went over to the umbrella tables for some shade.
That's when a dog a shaggy dog with white and grey fur ran towards Linc.
Dog: Bark Bark!
Linc: What is it is there someone in trouble.
Dog: Bark Bark!
Linc: Okay. Linc followed the dog until it reached the far part of the beach where there were boulders. The dog ran until towards the rocks.
Linc: Wait for me. Linc ran until he found someone on the rocks it was a girl.
She had long pink hair that reached down to her knees, with green eyes, whereing a blue ruffle one piece bathing suit.
Linc: Hello there.
Girl: I see my dog found some help.
Linc: This is your dog?
Girl: Yep his name is Max.
Linc: Do you need help?
Girl: Yes I pulled a muscle and I can't move very well.
Linc: Here I'll help you. He walked towards her and grabbed her holding her as if he was her prince charming.
Girl: My name is Ari.
Linc: Well Ari don't worry I'll help you okay.
Ari: Thank you what's your name?
Linc: My name is Lincoln Loud.
Ari: Well Lincoln your my new hero.
Linc: Well okay.
Linc carried her into the beach.
Ari: My blanket is over there. She pointed.
Linc: Okay. He settled her down on her blanket.
Ari: I'm new here in town. I'm starting school on Monday at Royal Woods Elementary.
Linc: That's my school.
Ari: I'm in Mrs. Johnson's class.
Linc: Hey that's my class. Maybe when you get there I'll show you around.
Ari: I'll love that thank you.
Linc: Do you want me to get you something to drink it'll make you feel better.
Ari: Thanks I love lemonade.
Linc: Good I'll be right back.
Linc came back with some lemonade for her.
Linc: Here you are Ari.
Ari: Thanks I'm so nervous about school. No one at my old school would be my friend cause they thought I was a little weird.
Linc: Weird?
Ari: I think it's about my hair.
Linc: Your hair is awesome.
Ari: Thank you your white hair is awesome.
Linc: Thanks. Would you like me to help you get to a hospital if you can't move.
Ari: I'll be fine.
Max: Bark Bark! He licked Linc's face.
Linc: Good boy.
Ari: I have to leave can you help me get to the parking lot my family's here to pick me up.
Linc: Sure thing.
Ari: Thank you.
He carried her to the parking lot while Max grabbed her blanket and followed him.
A huge family van came and it was Ari's mom.
Ari's mom: Honey are you okay?
Ari: I pulled a muscle but my new friend Lincoln Loud helped me.
Ari's mom: Thank you Lincoln.
He helped her get into the van.
Ari: Here's my phone number call me Linky. She gave him a piece a paper after scribbling her number on it.
Linc: Bye Ari.
Ari: Bye Linky.
Max: Bark Bark!
After that event the Loud's went home and Lincoln told them about Ari and Max her dog.
Lori: Wow she sounds like a nice girl.
Leni: That is like so sweet.
Lily: Linky.
Linc: I'm going to call her tonight.
Lynn: Good luck bro.
When he got home he went into his bedroom and called Clyde.
Clyde: Lincoln what's up.
Linc: I found a new girl at the beach I think she's the girl for me and she's going to our school and class and I think she likes me.
Clyde: Congrats man what does she look like?
Linc: She has long pink hair green eyes and she really thin and beautiful.
Clyde: Wow Linc she sounds so pretty.
Linc: Yep I'll see you on Monday at school.
Clyde: Okay.
Linc entered Ari's phone number in his cellphone and called her.
Ari: Hello?
Linc: Hello this is Lincoln Loud.
Ari: Oh Linky!
Linc: Yep it's me so at the beach you said people called you weird what did you mean by that?
Ari: I eat stuff like form Japan as if it came out an anime. I also like magic and myths. And
sword fighting. And I go on nature walks. And I like motorcycles.
Linc: That makes you sound amazing. You know I had a girlfriend named Ronnie Anne but she broke up with me cause I'm not all extreme. But when I saw you I felt...
Ari: Love!
Linc: Yes.
Ari: Me too. I can't wait to see you again. Hey so I feel better now. Thanks to you. How about I bring you a few thank you gifts.
Linc: Me too I want to bring you a thank you gift for cheering me up.
Ari: Okay bye bye.
Linc: Bye Ari.
...Time Skip...
It was Monday and Lincoln was waiting outside of the school with a gift for Ari it was pink sword scabbard for her.
Linc: Come on Ari.
Then Linc saw Clyde.
Linc: Hey Clyde.
Clyde: Hey there Lincoln, Are you waiting for Ari.
Linc: Yep.
That's when Ronnie Anne came with Jarred acting all lovey dovey.
R.A.: Hey Lame-o.
Jarred: Hey there.
Linc: Hey you two.
Jarred: Did you really date this lame kid.
R.A.: I guess. HAHAHA! Man what was I thinking.
Clyde: For your guys information Linclon here is a great guy and he already found another gal for him.
R.A.: He did?
Linc: There she is. Linc ran towards Ari. Ari was whereing a long sky blue dress, with a white hat, and white dress shoes.
Ari: Linky!
Linc: Hey Ari this is for you.
Ari: Thank you it's beautiful.
Ari: Here this is for you. She gave him a mini box. Inside was a orange rhinestone necklace with a silver chain. Try it on.
Linc: Okay shall I show you around the school. He put it on.
Ari: Yes. They holded hands and he walked her into the school.
R.A.: Wow.
Jarred: Man.
Clyde: She is breath taking.
Linc: And here is our classroom Ari.
Ari: I'm shy Linky.
Linc: I'll be here for you okay.
Ari: Thank you Linky.
Then they walked inside the classroom.
Lin and Ari entered the classroom.
Mr.J: Oh you must be the new student Ari.
Ari: Nice to meet you.
Linc: Here Ari I'll show you to your seat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To make the scene more romantic play "Every time we touch"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Linc and Ari were always together hugging cuddling and even kissing. Ronnie Anne didn't seem to mind her at all.
One time Ari was going to fall from the rope in gym class but Linc ran towards her and caught her.
Class: WOOOO!
Clyde: That was awesome Linc.
Linc invited her to the group of friends she made him brownies of love.
Linc: They taste great Ari.
Ari: Thanks Linky. Want to trade lunches?
Linc: Sure.
Linc got Ari's lunch which was octopus hotdogs, rice, dried tomato, and pineapples.
And Ari got his regular PB&J.
Ari and Linc played video games together at his house and they even danced together. They went on nature walks together picking roses. Sword training the even read motorcycle magazines.
One day she and Linc went to the park and Ari gave him a pink rose.
Ari: Linky you showed me how to be happy again and to love one.
Linc: And you showed me the world can be full of people who are special.
Then they kissed each other.
*********************************************END OF THE STORY********************************