Au. Oritel and Marion had been torn apart by Valtor's cruelty after plaguing the kingdom into immortality. Valtor erased Oritel and Marion's memories of never falling in love or Oritel knowing that he's Daphne's and Bloom's father. Desperate and broke, Marion and her daughters are struggling to survive until Oritel request Marion and her girls for their magical talents.

Disclaimer: I don't own Winx Club, this is written for pure entertainment!

Warning: This isn't my usual fluffy family story, but this is rather a heartbreaking story. There will be mentions of rape, adult content, angst, but nothing to explicit of a scene. This isn't the genre/theme I usually write but I really want to dip my fingers into it and do a little exploring. So I've warned you all.

To Find You Again

Chapter One: "Broken"

Everything was so cold and frosty.

White snowflakes had descended from the dark gray clouds upon the kingdom. It was a brutal time of year once again as the season of winter had swept through the kingdom like a strong storm, casting out any warm sunlight from washing over the frozen lands. The winds were harsh and bitter, as the barren tree branches thrashed against each other violently. Thick blankets of white sheets had covered the lands.

Hardly any carriages roamed through the streets that were completely hazardous, since the roads were covered in a thin sheet of pure ice. Several signs had been put in order to warm the drivers of the risky conditions.

There hadn't been a person in sight.

Everyone was in their cozy home. Their fire crackled, giving them eternal warmth in contrast to outside world. People were safe from the extreme harsh cold weather and enjoying their time with their friends and family. Nothing but absolute love and protection from the dangers that lurked in the outside world. A safe little haven. They had no worries about what tomorrow would bring for them. Or what kind of food they had to bring on the table or if they can simply get a piece of bread.

Smoldering amber flames were burning within the lamppost, emitting a faint glow on the side road.

It was the crack of dawn.

Fog was slowly rising upon the city, making everything unseeable to the eyes from a few distance away.

A delicious smell had filled the cold weather, making its way to a young woman's nostrils. It had made her stomach grumble in hunger. Mindlessly the young woman placed her hand on her grumbling stomach, as if trying to ignore her starvation. The air was filled with sweet pastries and a strong scent of wonderful coffee beans being freshly brewed.

The redhead's teeth chattered intensely from the freezing weather. Just a few more steps and she and her family would be in the toasty pub safe from the snowstorm that just showered upon them mere moments ago. The three young women pushed through the uncontrollable blizzard and through the thick blanket of snow.

The woman placed her hand on the knob and opened it giving a slight ring. She had pushed the other two girls inside before managing to close the door behind her, as a few snowflakes drifted inside the toasty pub.

"You're an hour early than usual!" a plumped dark-skinned man in his mid-fifties spoke, upon recognizing the three young women in his pub as they took off their thick wool overcoat and unwrapped their patched coloured scarfs that kept the girls warms from the intense weather. Their bright wings unfurled from the coat as the girls continued to shiver from the frigid breeze. "Bad weather I presume?"

"It-it's free-freezing out there," the blond haired girl answered stuttering in her words. Daphne gently placed her things on the rack along with her mother's and younger sister's belongings that weren't worth much of anything since the pieces of clothing were tattered.

"Why don't you get yourself settled in and you should be warm within minutes. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" the plumped man asked causally. His soft grey eyes had fallen on the three waitresses.

Morel had felt sorry over the poor situation the fairies were in. If it only hadn't been over that wretched man who walked out on his family—taking all of his wealth and possessions with him and disappearing into the thin of night. He left the fairies with nothing to fend for themselves. Unforgivable. He was a cruel and heartless man.

Blood had instantly coloured their once pale faces due to the harsh cold weather and they had stopped with the shivering once the girls had adjusted to the warm temperature within the pub. The three fairies had made their way to a booth where Marion sat across from both her daughters.

Marion glanced at the little money she had in her palm. There were only three copper coins. It wasn't worth much but perhaps a little biscuit or rather half of a biscuit anyways. Not even a cup a freshly hot coffee that smelled insanely tasty to the tongue could be purchased.

Bloom had managed to pull out one sliver coin that she saved for awhile from her skirt pocket.

"Mum do you think. . . " the young redheaded fairy's voice trailed off as her big blue eyes filled with pure despair and sadness. It was the only coin she managed to earn, but at a high price in which she hadn't wished to think about. A part of her regretted what she had done, but there was no turning back. What was done, was already done even though the guilt was consuming her piece by piece. The man lied to her face.

"Bloom, where did you—how?" Marion looked at her youngest daughter with a heartbreaking expression.

"It doesn't matter how I got it. We could use it to buy a good meal." Bloom pointed out, dismissing her mother's bewildered facial expression. She could feel her stomach grumble in absolute hunger.

Daphne glanced at her mother and younger sister.

Confusion and hurt flickered in the girl's hazel eyes.

"Bloom." Marion said in a stern motherly voice, a voice that demanded her daughters' attention towards her. "I'm not going to repeat myself again, how did you get this sliver coin? Silver coins don't rain from the sky or is easy to earn. So how did you get it, young lady?"

Bloom stiffened in her spot.

The eighteen-years-old fairy hadn't realized that her mother wanted to know where she'd gotten this sort of money from. Bloom practically assumed her mother and sister would be delighted to see that she had earned a bit extra to what they normally wouldn't get (or at all).

She couldn't face Marion nor Daphne in the eyes, they simply wouldn't understand what she had done to get that sliver coin. It was defiantly worth it even though it could buy them one proper meal for the day than being partially starving to death. Money was scarce these days.

"Please, I can't take money from you. It's on me as always. I don't understand why you keep insisting on it?" Morel couldn't accept a single coin from Marion or her daughters. He knew they were downright broke and money was tight for them.

Marion flushed—her cheeks staining a vibrant red. "It's the least we can offer you for all you've done for us."

The man shook his head, still refusing to take their only little money they had. He turned on his heels and walked up to the counter, where the cooker was preparing the food, to be precise breakfast. "I'm going to have three omelets, with fruits, and three cups of coffee for the ladies."

"Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness." Marion smiled warmheartedly at the man.

Bloom's eyes gazed downwards, as she fiddled with the torn fabric of the patched skirt. She knew her mother was going to get back on the topic. A tear formed in her eyes. It wasn't her fault. Bloom had only done it for the sake of herself, her older sister, and her mother. They needed some extra money. They were barely scrapping some good food on the table that barely managed their hunger for the day.

Sure it wasn't the best option, but it was the only thing she could think of at the time for her family.

Bloom lifted her head upwards with fresh tears spilling down her face.

"I'm sorry Mum. We barely have any money and no one pays us well for our healing abilities since we never completed our education. A man offered me some good money to help heal his sick daughter and of course I accepted. But it turned out the man had manipulated me. He forcefully grabbed my arm and dragged me to his private bedchambers and he kissed me like there was no tomorrow. . ."

Bloom swallowed hardly, tears dripping into her lap. Her body trembled. The girl simply couldn't forgive the man who sexually abused her to his own pleasures. It was utterly revolting! Her heart was shattered to a million of pieces. Bloom felt unbearable amount of pain in her heart. She could never forgive that bastard for his dirty crimes.

"What?!" Marion glanced at her daughter outrageously.

"Bloom," Daphne said sadly, looking quite angry over the fact that the man played her younger sister and committed a terrible and unforgivable crime.

"He was a disgusting man in his late forties and overweight might I add. With his entire weight on me, I was terrified that he might just break me." For one single moment, Bloom had wished that all of their problems would simply vanish into thin air with nothing to worry about, but it would never be possible. Life was cruel.

Marion had reached out to Bloom, trying to grab her daughter's delicate hands into her own for comfort. Daphne had allowed her sister to rest her head on her shoulders for moral support.

Fury had ignited in Marion's bright emerald eyes over seeing her beloved girls suffering in the cruel world. She had cursed the man who walked out on her and her daughters when Daphne and Bloom had been young children, leaving them strapped for crash and without anything to fend for themselves.

Daphne personally blamed her father for every ounce of suffering they had faced. It had been his fault. He practically left his own family for another strange and younger woman than Marion. It had enraged her to see that their father had been a heartless man. A man who didn't care or love his family.

"I'm sor—"

"No Mum. It's not your fault. It's mine and I should've known. . ." Bloom shook her head.

"It's no one's fault but Dad's. He walked out on us, throwing us out on the streets like we never mattered to him. A complete bast—"

"Daphne," Marion reprimanded her oldest daughter for her use of language about her father. "No matter what happened girls he will always remain your father."

Bloom and Daphne snorted at the idea. They hated their father over the way he'd treated them and their mother. They would never acknowledge his existence as if it were for the better.

"How could you possibly defend that man?" Bloom asked faintly, a single brow raised.

"I'm not defending him girls. I know you hate him and you have every right to be angry with your father and I am too, but calling him names. . . please I don't want to hear any of it. I had raised you two better than this." Marion gave her daughters a pointed look even though they had a point.

Morel served the girls their breakfast as they had thanked him once more.

The food was hot as the steam rose into the air—filling their nostrils with a delicious scent. Bloom had started to eat, enjoying the flavorsome omelet that satisfied her hunger.

It was a genuine offer of the man to give them free food during their time of shift as they couldn't afford to buy any other freshly meals from the market.

The girl glanced at the frosty window, her mind escaping the harsh reality of the world, into a world of fantasy as Bloom took sips from her coffee. If only she could be as free as a flying bird—spreading her wings far out and soaring through the endless blue skies.

To everyone else, winter had seemed to be a magical and wonderful time of the year where young children had played with snow and giggled with their family. It was a simple reminder that her own childhood days weren't filled with happiness but with distress and fear of the harsh world. The moment their father walked out on the family, was the day that their lives had changed forever.

The redhead girl pushed her plate and mug forward once she was done followed by Marion and Daphne. There was no time to dwell on fantasy dreams that were only broken (even though she had wanted to), but it wasn't the real world. The pub will soon be packed with busy clients. Most of them were the regulars they had on the daily basis and they weren't the pleasant type of men either.

The Dragon's Amber Pub was heavily inhabited by young and the old men, as they erupted into laughter that bounced the stoney walls. Many well known lords of well respected houses were in here discussing business with their partners as they gulped down their beer.

The wizards were in their own little circle were discussing private affairs. Many different magical beings had filled the place from all parts of the lower east side of the kingdom along with the middle class and a few spotted high nobles.

Meanwhile the peasants were gambling with all their money, as they smoked heavily lit tobacco that filled the entire pub to the fairies disgust, but they were accustomed to the atmosphere of pub. Occasionally, there were times they had witnessed a full blown out dispute leading men to be at each other's throat with knifes and firearms—erupting into long lasting bloody fights.

It was always like this nothing unusually different.

Bloom, Marion, and Daphne had fluttered around quickly, as they wrote down the orders onto the parchment and zoomed off to the cook and returning back with trays settling it on respective tables.

"Oh, waitress!" a man, in his late forties bellowed loudly, trying to catch Marion's attention as she was the only one who was near by.

For Marion's part she was thankful that her daughters were serving at the other ends of the pub—though they did glance at their mother in worry since most of these low life men hadn't had the decency to respect women who took their order at all without giving them a slap on the arse.

Marion swallowed hardly, as the woman fluttered towards the man. "Welcome to The Dragon's Amber, my name is Marion and I'll be your waitress today."

The man revealed his yellowish teeth causing Marion to be disgusted by the sight and the way the man reeked of pure filth. He leaned back in his chair, showing off his well-rounded beer belly to the redheaded woman. Her vividly green eyes had fallen on the buttons on his v neck loose shirt was on the edge of popping off, and his thick curled black chest hair was exposed from the opening.

"Marion. That's a beautiful name. Why don't you be such a doll and grace me with your presence, woman," a huge grin formed on the man's face. The man gazed at the beautiful woman, though her appearance was uncannily familiar to the other redhead girl he'd forcefully shagged with. "You remind me of that very girl I forcefully shagged a few nights ago. She believed my foolish tale and assumed I would pay her a little extra for healing my sick daughter."

Marion froze in her place, nearly dropping the parchment.

She was scarlet in the face, as her blood boiled within her in outrage. She kept a forced smile on her face despite wanting to wrap her fingers on his neck, and squeeze the life out of him for abusing her daughter. The man had the audacity to ask for her presence. She was absolutely appalled by his request.

The redhead woman narrowed her green eyes on him. Her hands was curled into a fist ball. "I do apologize, but at Dragon's Amber we refuse anyone who's showing tendency of sexual harassment."

The man licked his lips with his tongue, completely unimpressed with the woman's response. He threw a dirty glare at Marion. He grabbed her frail wrist, yanking her towards him as she whimpered in fear. He settled the thin woman into his lap, his hand placed on the lower curve of her back.

"Oh really? And who's going to stop me? Or perhaps I should remind you of who I am and what kind of man I can be . . . " a cruel smile played his lips, watching the woman's emerald-green eyes going utterly wide in fear as he whispered his words into her ears. Tears were springing to her eyes. "Have we got ourselves a deal, woman? You'll be watching me gamble and you know the consequences if I win."

Cold chills ran down Marion's spine.

How dare that filthy, and spiteful man gamble with her and her daughters' lives for his own gratification just because they were fairies? Feno Gilralei wanted her and her daughters for their magical gifts.

Apparently the man discovered their talent after he forced Bloom to use her own healing magic on him after sustaining serious injuries after her daughter had burned him with her flames—due to Feno's harassment upon her. Marion was secretly pleased with the idea of her daughter defending herself against the man's cruelty.

"Morel!" he bellowed out to the owner of the Dragon's Amber Pub, appearing in the matter of minutes. The owner wasn't looking too pleased by Feno's appearance in his pub. That man was always looking for trouble.

"Feno." Morel greeted thickly. His eyes drifted onto Marion who was forcedly sitting in the man's lap and raised a questioning brow directly at him. He was disgusted.

Feno's hand was on Marion's thigh, looking deeply uncomfortable as Feno leaned in and kissed her on the neck. Morel hadn't blamed her for feeling this way. Feno's method with women was utterly revolting—the man had no respect for women of any kind.

"The reason I called you here is because I'm doing a gamble with your three waitresses," he said bluntly.

"You're not gambling for my waitresses. Leave them alone!" Morel said angrily.

"They aren't simple waitresses, but fairies with magical talents that should be put to better use." Something sinister lurked in the man's voice as he addressed Morel.

"What does that entail exactly?"

"That is none of your concern is it now?" Feno smiled wickedly. "Just one game is all I am asking. If not, I do have the authority to shut this pub down and I will personally make sure you live in absolute poverty. And of course, please do call the other waitresses, as I can't start without them."

Morel sighed, gazing at Marion with a heartfelt expression and wished he could help them somehow. He was truly sorry for her and her daughters. Bloom and Daphne were glaring at the man furiously over seeing their mother practically forced into his lap.

Bloom had nearly gasped upon recognizing Feno's appearance. That was the man who manipulated her and abused her for his own selfish needs. Her big blue eyes were filled with horror. The redhead girl had whispered into her older sister's ear about that man. Daphne was livid once Bloom had told her who he was exactly.

Feno cracked a grin and barked. "Sit besides me now, girls!"

The two fairies had simply obeyed his command—finding theirselves sitting besides Feno. Morel sat across from Feno, shuffling the deck of cards in a swift manner—organizing the game of cards.

Bloom bit her lips.

Her eyes darted between the two men, as they laid out their cards on the table. She had no idea what was going on but from the looks of things, Bloom had a bad feeling crawling at the back of her mind that wouldn't allow her to be at ease.

Marion had secretly prayed that Morel would win instead of Feno who had wicked plans up his sleeves. She had an inkling as to what Feno wanted from her and her girls—after all he wasn't a magical being, but a regular man. Feno had wanted to make use of their magic to his own advantage. Marion glanced at her daughters to see that they were both in distress, unsure of what their future possibly held now.

Daphne was fiddling with the strands of her long blond hair, and as for Bloom, she had a habit of biting her lips whenever she felt the anxiety pulse through her blood.

Feno had a pleased smile—tasting his near victory—as he placed his final and remaining card on the table. But it had took him by complete surprise as his last card wasn't one of the number to finish the deck. His bright olive eyes had widen in disbelief. He couldn't have lost to Morel. No.

"It seems that I have won and you lost, Feno. Now, unhand that woman from your grasp and leave them alone." Morel ordered. He glanced at Marion, Daphne, and Bloom with a sympathetic expression. "Why don't you three take a twenty minutes break and freshen up, alright?"

Marion had guided her daughters away from the man's presence. Pure relief had filled her chest. She owed Morel. Technically, they owed Morel a lot of things for his kindness and for protecting them from ruthless men like Feno and his likes.

The once lightened skies was slowly darkening.

Marion, Bloom, and Daphne were finishing up their last shift for the day. The pub was less packed than it had been earlier this day. Most people were already returning back to their family.

Bloom had finally wiped down the last counter, as she headed back into the kitchen. Before she could step her foot inside the kitchen, the redhead girl had spotted her mother sobbing while Morel was trying to comfort Marion in her moment of utter despair.

For the first time, Bloom's heart broke upon seeing her mother so shattered. Marion had always been a strong woman in front of her and Daphne. Bloom had never imagined that her mother would need a shoulder to cry on as well. Their mother was slowly crumbling to pieces and she hadn't wanted to know about it—keeping it more to herself as to not worry her daughters.

Tears were slowly welling up in her blue eyes, as her heart ached terribly for catching the sight of her mother breaking down into tears. Her mother had been so strong for her and Daphne, but she was broken into a million of pieces just like herself and Daphne. A part of her understood why Marion had grown angry at her earlier.

Marion hadn't wanted either of her daughters to live through pain that she had experienced herself or to suffer life's cruelty. But they had anyways.

"Please, I can't . . . not after all what you've done for me and my daughters. You saved us from his wicked grasp. I can't be certain what he would have done with us if he had won." Marion inhaled, breath ragged and shaky as she gazed at Morel.

"Marion, that man had sexually harassed you back there and it was indecent of him to do so. He had no manners nor he has any kind of respect towards women. Please you have to accept it, Marion, and I'm not going to all you to leave the pub without receiving something in . . ."

Bloom peeked a little from the edge without being seen, stopping her older sister from walking in. There was a decent size sac that was what Bloom assumed to be filled of copper coins. Daphne glanced at her younger sister with a concerned expression upon hearing their mother's sniffling. "Poor Mum."

"I refuse to take it Morel. Please do you know what kind of image this would represent me or my daughters. If anyone knew, it would destroy our reputation and that's the only thing that isn't damaged."

"Marion, I can assure you that it's not what you're fearing to be or for that particular reason. I was going to give you a little extra anyways for all the help I'd received from you and your girls." Morel pointed out.

The conversation had slowly become muffled. Daphne and Bloom glanced at each other with utter hesitation, as they were unsure if they should walk into the kitchen.

"Come on, let's see how Mum's doing Bloom," the blond-haired girl told her younger sister who agreed with her decision. They had to comfort their mother's troubles, slowly soothing Marion as she had done that for them when they'd been little girls.

"Mum," Daphne and Bloom said.

The girls had approached their mother, easily spotting the tears stains on her pale face. Bloom placed her hand on her mother's shoulder as Daphne had grabbed Marion's hands into her own, looking at Marion with her warm honey coloured eyes. "Are you alright?" Daphne asked softly.

"We're always here for you mum. It's our turn to return the favor. Don't you ever forget that we love you," Bloom kissed her mother's head, reassuring that everything will be alright as long as they were together.

"Oh girls, I never wanted yo—"

"Please don't say anything. We just want to soothe your worries, mum," Daphne said.

Morel had watched a beautiful scene between mother and daughters. It had touched his heart greatly. Their love for each other was just delightful to the eyes. Their love burned brightly in the darkened world that had surrounded them—just being grateful to be in each other's company as if their stress had vanished for a single moment.

Marion stood on her feet, feeling much better than before once her daughters had given her their own support—that she wasn't alone and they would always stick by her side during thin and thick times. No matter how worse life had gotten, Marion will always fight for her and her daughters' future. To never give up. She had appreciated her daughters more than anything in the entire universe. They were her world.

"Thank you my darlings," Marion smiled warmly. "I don't know how to repay you Morel for everything, but one day, we truly hope that we can return the favour back."

"Don't worry about a thing, you need it more than I do." Morel beamed, a twinkle was shown in his eyes.

Marion had tied the sac of bag around her waist that contained a possibility of a hundred or more of copper coins. She wore her wool coat on and wrapped the thick patched scarf around her neck for warmth. The woman had glanced at her daughters who were in layers of warm clothes—ready to face the freezing weather outside. It would take them a good half hour to walk to their small apartment.

Brutal bitter winds had greeted their faces once they stepped out of the pub.

The warmth of the day was long gone and so was the powerful snowstorm that had been going on all day. They were utterly glad that it had stopped. The redhead had placed her hands behind her daughters' back and they had their hands on her own back.

Half-hour later, they had found themselves at their apartment, walking up to the last floor. Water was dripping from their skirts due to walking thick blanket of snow that were completely piled up. Bloom was shivering tremendously, unable to to stop with the shivers. She could easily see her shaky breath in the air.

Marion had placed the key into the door knob, unlocking the wooden door. They had stepped inside and close the door behind her. The apartment wasn't much to look at—it was small. There was a little kitchen with a stove that was lit by fire and a small sink.

There was a decent sized refrigerator that had just a little bit of left over food from the previous day. Several cracks were shown on the stoney walls. The wooden floors creaked as they walked further. There was only one single bedroom, with a large metal sized bed in which Marion, Bloom, and Daphne slept on.

Daphne had tossed herself onto the medium sized tattered couch as she let out a moan in frustration— completely exhausted from her place at employment. Bloom had followed her mother into the bedroom. At the very least, they had thick patched colourful blankets that kept them warm through the freezing night.

"I'm going to hide this under the mattress, Bloom. We'll only use it in times of emergencies," Marion said.

Bloom nodded.

Her big blue eyes had fallen on a colourful picture that had been taken several years, back when everything had been perfect in their lives. Bloom had picked up the picture.

The large smiles that was plastered across their faces even her mother's—if only her father hadn't tossed them out of his life. It was only of Marion, herself and Daphne, and as for the man in the picture it was torn. Tears dripped onto the photo. The girl felt a hand being placed on her shoulder, to see it was Marion's heartbreaking expression.

If only things had been different.

Author's Note

So what do you think of it? Was it too dark? I don't think I'm going much darker, but there will be some against elements in the story. Valtor will make his appearance in this story, after all he's a cruel villain. I decided to write this one first out of my three ideas.

It's a heartbreaking (hurt/comfort/angst fic) family fic.

I have the basic outline or idea of how the story would be like.

The girls were pretty young when their memories of their father had been erased from their minds by Valtor. At the start of the story, Bloom is eighteen and Daphne is twenty (young adults). It's been thirteen years since Valtor had erased their memories of Oritel. Not only their memories but the entire kingdom as well of the former queen and princesses as if they'd never existed in Oritel's life. I thought I should still mention it.

Marion x Oritel

I might include a side relationship of their daughters. It's not going to be a main focus as Oritel and Marion and their family relationship.

Daphne x Thoren

Bloom x Sky or Bloom x OC since I don't like Sky that much. I'm still thinking about it.

So I hope you liked (or sorta liked) this new story. I keep thinking about To Find You Again or Everlasting Love or Eternal Love or Love Will Shine Again title of the fic. I could be so indecisive about it

Like always please leave your reviews and comments down below! I really do appreciate it and love to hear your thoughts about it!

Until Next Time!