Okay. I've been neglecting the fandom. Frankly, I've been neglecting everything lately. But my children are still alive and happy, so I guess that's my job done.

But a few days ago something must have happened to my brain (maybe I snapped from all the stress), and I've been spouting poetry ever since, mostly haiku poems. And, yes, I know that haiku poems are incredibly pretentious, and actually, these aren't real haiku poems because haiku poems are usually about nature and they're supposed to juxtapose two subjects together, but... I'm rambling.

Anyway! Here are a series of poems that follow the 5-7-5 syllable structures. Call them what you will.

The Radio Man

I cannot go out

I stay down in dark tunnels

I question my worth

My comrades return

Pumped full of adrenaline

I watch with envy

I listen to plans

And know I will not be there

To see them blossom

The radio calls

Relaying information

That will lead to death

It's dangerous out there

Not always for saboteurs

Innocents today

Defeated shoulders

Slump in shame as they return

Nightmares lurk behind

Injure my body

Not one word I will complain

I cherish my mind

I see the machine

And I am grateful for it

For it protects me