Albus Dumbledore, Leader of the Light picked up the delicate frame of the baby girl. No, this brat could not stay here. Now that Lily and James were dead, he could bring young Max to Hogwarts and shape him into the weapon to use against Tom. Yes, he would send Jane to the Dursleys, and the girl would be humble and meek, shadowed by her great brother. What he did not know was that just then, he made a grave mistake that would backfire on him many years later.

The deer turned and sniffed around. It could detect a scent…whoosh. An arrow blurred through the air and with a thud, the dead deer hit the ground. Moments later a young girl with soft curls of black hair that grew to her ankles and gentle, almond shaped green eyes hopped out of the tree, arrow still in her hand. The girl knelt down and began to prepare her dinner.

The fire crackled and popped as Amaryllis 'Amary' Woods took out her dagger and cut a small piece of meat and began chewing. Her companions and only friends, the twin wolves Ash and Rose snuggled by her feet, noses twitching as they eagerly waited for the decent portion Amary left them. Ash was a grey wolf, with black tips at the top of her tail and a completely black right ear. Rose was a grey wolf, with unique reddish-pink topping her tail, with one left ear the same colour.

Waiting for the wolves to finish the deer, Amary surveyed the cave she lived in. It had walls of stone, with the previous entrance blocked by stone so that the cave would be completely dark if not for the light that seeped in through cracks and the makeshift torches she hung about with her special glue. A small bookshelf she had found discarded shelved an assortment of books on hunting, plants and the typical advice on the way to survive in the Irish woods. Ever since she had been dumped here by her aunt, uncle and cousin, she had relied entirely on natural supplies.

A stolen rug, a couch and an armchair filled up the other corner of the cave. She had found the armchair and couch with the bookshelf and they added a 'homier' feel to the dark stone and dirt ground. She slept on a mattress of moss, leaves and two blankets she had snitched from the old cabin by the lake close by. A fireplace was the closest to the exit, which was a tunnel she and the wolves had dug that led to the entrance which was located to a hollow tree beside a ring of scrabbly bushes.

Amary felt a thrill pass through her as she realised what day it was tomorrow. Her eleventh birthday. She vaguely remembered how her 11th birthday was supposed to be special, but the memory was hazy. Her time at the Dursleys was horrifying, how they called her a 'freak' and let her be bullied at school. Dudley only laughed and helped the other children.

Clenching her fist, she sprinkled some sand onto the fire to smother it. She did not use water; her cave would grow mould. As she lay down with Ash and Rose burrowed into her side, she wondered about herself. She was special, she knew it. Not only did she have strange abilities, she also could talk to snakes, and was immune to poison, as well as her ability to understand what animals could say.

Sighing, she drifted off, not knowing how the next day would change her life forever.