Red Tiger, Red Wolf

Title: Red Tiger, Red Wolf
Rating: T
Fandom: One Punch Man; Detective Conan
Summary: Garou died in his fight against Superalloy Darkshine. But he didn't stay dead; instead, he was reborn into another world—one without monsters or heroes—as Akai Mako. Despite having a new body, his mindset is still the same. He still hates heroes and wants to become the absolute evil. He'll take the world by a storm and become the symbol of fear.

"You people…Monster Association, Hero Association…" Garou grinned as he got into his martial arts stance. "You will both be annihilated tonight! Now die in peace!"

"Then allow me to end it right here," Superalloy Darkshine charged forth towards the Hero Hunter.

Garou was no idiot. He knew a powerful attack when he saw one. 'If that lands, it would be instant death! Should I deflect that!?' He attempted to do so but it proved futile. 'Deflection is not possible! There is so much power in a single tackle! Not even that shitty geezer's Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist can deflect it!'

He coughed up blood once he felt the full brunt force of Darkshine's attack. The tackle had mainly hit his upper torso, but it did serious damage. Garou could feel his entire ribcage shatter into dozens—no, hundreds—of pieces. With the momentum of the tackle, the fragments didn't stay in place and instead they pierced his lungs and heart.

Garou couldn't breathe. He couldn't even move properly. All he could do was cough up more blood as he was sent crashing through rubble and was eventually buried by the concrete chunks. He wanted to get up. He was trying to get up. But his entire body wouldn't respond. Even his eyes were struggling to stay open.

'I'm going to die! It's over for me. I can't believe that I lost to a hero,' Garou laid paralyzed in the pile of debris. 'My body's not moving! Get up! Move, damn it!'

As he tried to blink to clear his eyes of the dust from the battle, they remained closed.

"Is it over?" Darkshine asked.

Indeed, the hard fought battle between Garou the Human Monster and Superalloy Darkshine had ended with Darkshine being victorious.


When Garou regained conscious, he realized that he wasn't in the Monster Association's headquarters anymore. 'Something's wrong,' His body felt odd. It felt as if it wasn't his body. He couldn't feel his strength anymore. He…he felt weak. It wasn't weak from fatigue and injuries such as from his battle with Watchdog Man. No, it was weak as if he didn't have his muscled physique from years of training.

He then realized he was being held. On instinct, he thrashed around and tried to maneuver out of whoever's arms he was in.

"You're going to fall if you keep moving like that," A young male voice said. "You're very energetic for a baby,"

Garou glared at the owner of the voice. 'It's a child? No, that can't be. He looks like a kid but he's much bigger than me. A giant? A monster that looks exactly like a human except for size?'

Then he heard crying, very loud crying, as if the kid were next to him. He turned in the direction of the voice and not even a foot away from him was a wailing baby. But from his perspective, the baby was the same size as him which was impossible. He noticed that whoever was holding that baby was also holding him. He followed the arms up to the face of a woman with wavy light blonde hair and sharp green eyes.

'Are they a family of giant monsters? They can't be human because not even the largest of heroes reached this size. But if they were monsters, they would've killed me. Is this some kind of mental torment, an illusion to break my fighting spirit? But I was fighting against Darkshine, not a monster, and none of his abilities involved illusions,'

"What are their names, Kaa-san?" The boy asked the woman.

"The girl is Masumi and the boy is Mako," The woman answered in a tired tone. Of course she was exhausted. After all, she had just given birth to twins.

'Boy?' Garou looked around the room but could find no other baby besides the crying girl near him. 'Is she referring to me!?' He attempted to speak up only for his words to come out as garbled speech. He moved his tongue around his mouth and realized the absence of teeth. 'Where are my teeth!?' He looked down at his hands and saw that they were tiny and chubby.

It finally struck him. He was now a baby. The woman had called him Mako.

Garou had been prepared for death, or even torture if he was captured. But he had not been prepared to be transformed into a baby.

This is a story idea by Cloverhead123. Garou would die from Superalloy Darkshine's tackle and be reborn into the Detective Conan world as an Akai sibling. Garou's limiter is still intact at the moment and he has yet to break it.

This is my first time writing a One Punch Man fic and I'm not as well-versed with it as I am with One Piece and Detective Conan so I apologize if Garou comes off as OOC.

The Red Tiger part of the title comes from Akai (red) Mako (真=real 虎=tiger). The Red Wolf part comes from the color of Garou's eye and hair in his half-monster form and his name, which means wolf.