A.N: For a bit of context, in every fic I write, U.A is a university, meaning every character is of-age.

Piano, whilst not his favourite instrument (even sex was inferior to playing the bass), was the one he'd learned first, one that had stuck out to him. Normally, like Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, LCD Soundsystem and many before him, he'd found himself being better at one instrument and dumping the one that got him there for a newer, flashier, safer pick.

But the piano reminded him of her.

Dangerous, alluring, soft yet intense, but most of all, beautiful.

The piano reminded him of Momo more than the ukelele did of Ochako, more than the electric guitar did of Kendou, more than the drums did for Tokage and more, far more than the bass ever did and could remind him of Kyoka. It embodied her spirit like none other, perhaps, as he'd found out when recording a new track with her (no spoilers, dear fans), it did relay her emotions and thoughts better than even she could with her own mouth.

The way she gracefully skimmed the keys, the way she softly played, the intensity as it picked up and travelled up, the speed and finesse of her jazz piece, hell, she even made blues fun to listen to. She was a talented musician, beautiful too, stunning actually, so gorgeous on the inside and out... had he mentioned she was a beautiful soul by now? There really wasn't much left of him that didn't want her by his side.

No, there wasn't anything left that didn't want him by her side. While she wasn't perfect (nobody is, after all), she was the closest damn thing to perfect.

All this beauty, all this perfection, it had all came to a head when they recorded for the first time. This also caused one question to ring around his mind.

'Am I enough?'

He loved her (and many others), that much was certain, but he wasn't enough for her, that was also certain. Nobody ever could be.

Maybe he'd get an answer.

Mo x-

"hey u wanna practice today mo? x"

-Sent 8:03 AM

"Yes, sounds good Izuku. X"

-Sent 8:03 AM

"cant wait to make some tunes with my favourite pianist :-) x"

-Sent 8:03AM

"See you soon, Izuku. X"

-Sent 8:04AM

"see u soon mo x"

-Sent 8:04AM

"Soon" couldn't come soon enough.

"Soon" really hadn't come soon enough. Three hours isn't a long time, but after having an internal battle over how much you loved a girl and whether or not you wanted to confess your love to her for three fucking hours, "soon" felt like a massive fuck you.

1-A's admittedly brilliant custom-fit doorbell that played 'Uptown Girl' by Billy Joel rang loudly and proudly, definitely waking Tokoyami, Jiro and the other night-owls up from a tragically short sleep. Almost the instant that the sound ended, Momo opened the door, smiling shyly and gesturing him in.


He nodded and did as he was told, following the well-developed (to say the fucking least) girl up the stairs to her bedroom, where a baby grand sat in ths corner, the chair big enough for two and then some. Landing on the seat with a resounding 'plop', Izuku stared at the white-piano's faux-ivory keys, before inching near them with his fingers.

"Izuku, I just wanted to say..."

He turned to see a conflicted Momo.

"Yeah? I'm always listening."

"I-I-I love..."

'Fuck, no way! Is she gonna-?'

An ever-so-slight grin donned his features.

"You love...?" High high hopes were running through his mind, dominating it.

Her face was red, and she seemed to be having an internal battle that could put D-Day to shame.

"I lo-love your technique, Izu-Izuku!"

The grin fell for a split second, before coming all the way back in full force, yet refusing to meet the boy's eyes.

"Coming from an expert on the keys, that's one hell of a compliment."

'Yeah, there was no way after all.'

As he looked at the seat, he realised that Momo couldn't reach a single god-damned key if his large, muscular frame took it all up. He'd have to get up and play over her shoulders, or just sing, either of which were embarassing for her and heavenly for him.

"Mo, I'm gonna have to get up."

She caught on instantly, her face regaining the dark red hue it had fought so very hard to lose.


She took his place, and as his large arms were over her shoulders and her ears were tickled by his breath, Izuku could swear there was an abnormal amount of heat and thumping coming from next to him.

"One, two, one, two, three four..."

They both played, his hands over hers, both red-faced and breathing shaky.

"Listen, baby,

Ain't no mountain high,

Ain't no valley low,

Ain't no river wide enough, baby,"

Izuku had began, playing the song his father (when he was alive, that is) had, in one of his epic tales, claimed to serenade his mother with. He did so to woo her before another student jn their by the name of "Yagi-something" could snag her, as he'd claimed it would've "hurt him more than any gunshot". She seemingly knew the song too, as he'd hoped, and had joined in, and five years later, he was born.

So, considering Momo had now joined in, did this mean that his father's luck was on his side?

"If you need me, call me,

No matter where you are,

No matter how far,

Just call my name; I'll be there in a hurry,

You don't have to worry,"

It wasn't fair that a rich, beautiful, genius girl with a truly loveable personality and everything in the world going for her also got to be one hell of a pianist and vocalist, but the world was never one for fairness.

" 'Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough,

Ain't no valley low enough,

Ain't no river wide enough,

To keep me from getting to you, baby,"

Faces burning and breath heavy, they turned to face each other, onyx pools matching with emerald flames. Playing subconciously, they stared at each other, still singing.

"Remember the day I set you free?

From that day on, I made a vow,

I'll be there when you want me,

Some way, somehow,"

He noticed her inching ever closer as they sang, and he followed suit.

" 'Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough,

Ain't no valley low enough,

Ain't no river wide enough,

To keep me from getting to you, baby."

The piano and singing stopped, the two teens staring into each other's eyes, less than an inch apart. Noses touching, faces red and both parties smiling, they closed the gap.

It was every bit as wondrous as Izuku had hoped it would've been. Her lips were soft, as were his, and where she was soft and tender, he was passionate and fiery. Her lavender scent mixed with his scent of cinnamon and apples, and the two moved from a tender kiss to a frantic, frenzied makeout-session, their tongues battling for dominance like two alphas over a female.

It was Heaven. True Heaven.

Eventually, after what felt like many, many hours (but was more likely a few minutes), the two seperated, a thin string of saliva keeping them connected. Both were red and panting, but not unhappy, no, they were blissful at that point in time.

"So... Mo. About us."

Her face fell.

'No way does she think I'm gonna leave?'

"I... I don't know how to say it."

Her face fell, tears pooling in those mesmerising eyes.

"I love you Mo. I always have, and you're so god-damned beautiful, so perfect, and I me, and I don't know whe-"

She cut him off with a far, far softer kiss, smiling softly.

"Don't be silly. I love you too, Izuku, and I've been struggling to keep this under control for a while."

The two kissed again, before falling back onto Momo's humongous bed, cuddling each other so tightly it seemed dangerous. Momo, the little spoon, was purring joyously into Izuku, the big spoon's large chest, with him being all-too-happy to let her stay there.

"Y'know what's funny, babe?"

She looked up at him lovingly. His heart melted.

"That this was the song my dad used to serenade my mom with. He sat in a tree, singing to her as she looked out the window, and he always told me that," he deepened his voice, doing his best impression of his late-father, " "Kiddo, if you love a girl, you sing to her. If she sings back, she's a keeper, if she ignores you, you try again.", and, well, you sung back instantly."

Her grip on him tightened, and she sighed contently.

"God, what did I do to deserve a guy like you?"

He snorted.

"Okay, hypocrite. You're literally perfect, and you imply you're punching"

She gasped, punching his chest lightly as he laughed at her antics.

"Don't sell yourself short, Izuku. You're the perfect guy, you know."

He shook his head.

"Agree to disagree."

She laughed. It was a beautiful sound, one rich with love and one without care.

'She should laugh more.'

"So... what does this make us, Mo?"

She looked up at him shyly, eyes full of hope.

"Are we a couple?"

He smiled back down gently.

"Only if you want that."

She returned the smile.

"I want that more than anything."

They sat in peaceful silence, simply embracing one another and loving the company.

"So, Mo," the big spoon piped up, breaking the silence, "Wanna make out for a bit?"

She smiled and nodded, closing their faces' distances, before their noses touched.

"More than anything." She whispered, before sealing the deal.

'Maybe this music thing wasn't such a bad idea after all.'

In all their happiness and love, nobody from Momo's room, or any other room for that matter, could hear the sobbing of Kyoka Jiro.

A.N: FIRST EVER ROMANCE CHAPTER! Let me know how it went! This one was a fucking blast to write! Hope you all enjoyed!