To Alan's vague surprise, their makeshift family brunch was interrupted not by Deucalion but by a call from Scott. Alan's concern skyrocketed, but his fear was unwarranted and he hung up only a minute later.

"His neighbour found some abandoned kittens," he explained to Marin. "He's bringing them to the clinic."

"Of course he is," said Marin, but her eyes were fond. "Becoming a True Alpha hadn't changed him at all, has it?"

"I hope not," said Alan quietly. He quickly collected the remains of the breakfast and straightened. "You're still due to be released this afternoon?"

Marin nodded. "That's the plan. I can get a taxi if you're busy-"

"Absolutely not. I'll be here."

He would take being called overprotective over getting another call telling him his sister was in the hospital any day. Marin relaxed back against the pillows. "Thank you." She paused, expression turning thoughtful. "What about Deucalion?"

Alan paused. The other werewolf had wanted to talk to Scott, and the clinic was as good a place as any, but he didn't want to burden Scott so soon after his ordeal. Marin eyed him. "He'd want to know sooner rather than later, Alan, and you know it."

She had a point. Alan reached for his phone, then paused. "Does Deucalion have a cell phone?"

The hospital was a big place, and Scott was already on his way to the clinic. Marin shook her head. "He does, but the chances of him having it charged and with him... Try this." She raised her voice, "Deucalion. Alan's going to talk to Scott."

Alan stared at her. "He'll hear that? He could be anywhere."

Marin rolled her eyes. "It's called being polite and giving us some space, and trust me, he'll hear you." She pulled a face. "He hears everything."

Then she shot a quick look at the door, and Alan had to smile. "Maybe not quite everything," he murmured. He binned the last of the rubbish and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. "I'll pick you up later. Don't give the nurses a reason to keep you here longer."

"As if I would."

Alan didn't dignify that with a response. He shut the door quietly behind him, and took a moment to breathe. Overall, that had gone better than he had expected. He was still worried about both Marin and Deucalion, but the two of them working together were a formidable combination. They would be all right.

He hoped.

Alan couldn't find it in him to be surprised to see Deucalion waiting at the end of the corridor. The alpha had obtained a pair of sunglasses from somewhere, and Alan's breath caught for a moment before common sense reasserted itself. Nothing had changed. Deucalion still looked tired and worn, and his fingers continued to drum against his thigh as he fell into step beside Alan.

"Is Scott all right?"

"He's fine," Alan assured him. "A neighbour found some abandoned animals and he wants to get them checked over as soon as possible."

Deucalion's eyebrows rose slightly, but he said nothing. Alan just smiled. True Alpha he might be, but Scott was the same kind-hearted boy he had met all those years ago. It would serve him well in his new role.

A slight sigh escaped Alan before he could stop it. He had never wanted this for Scott. Scott should have been able to focus on school, go to college, become a vet, live his life and be happy. Now he was a werewolf, a True Alpha, and someone who felt responsible for every living being in Beacon Hills. It was a heavy burden to place on an eighteen year old boy.

Another alpha in Beacon Hills could ease that burden tremendously. Alan cast a sideways glance at Deucalion, who was once more radiating tension as he edged away from the crowds. If Deucalion did take Marin's advice then it would relieve a lot of the pressure on Scott. Scott would never stand by while innocents were in danger, but it would give him a greater chance of something resembling a normal life.

Alan shook his head and led the way back over to the car park. He was getting ahead of himself. They would talk to Scott. Then they would see.

Neither of them spoke on the drive to the animal clinic. Deucalion was deep in thought, and Alan was content to let him be. Melissa McCall's car was parked outside by the time they arrived, and the young alpha was crouching over a large cardboard box. There was a warm smile on his face as he played with the kittens, and Alan relaxed a little. Scott looked tired but otherwise recovered from the events of the previous day.

That all changed the moment Alan opened the car door. Scott's head snapped up, eyes flashing bright red before he spotted Deucalion and his easy smile was replaced by a grim look. Deucalion let out a faint sigh when Alan glanced at him.

"I'll wait here."

Alan nodded and walked over to Scott. Scott's nostrils flared slightly and he kept his eyes on Deucalion. "Doc? What's going on?"

Alan rested a hand on his shoulder. "Everything's fine," he promised. "Deucalion needed some guidance."

That drew Scott's attention away from the other alpha. "He did? And he came to you?"

"You and Derek gave him a lot to think about," said Alan. He paused. "We've just come from apologising to Marin."

Scott blinked. "Ms Morrell? Is she all right?" Then the rest of Alan's words sank in and his jaw dropped. "He apologised?"

Alan cast a quick glance back. He knew Deucalion could hear them, but the werewolf was glaring pointedly out the window. Alan turned back to Scott. "Marin is doing well, thank you. She will be released this afternoon. And Deucalion… He is trying to change."

Scott held his gaze for a moment, then shook his head rather helplessly. "Okay. That's good. But why is he here?"

"Partly to apologise to you," said Alan. "But he also has a suggestion." Scott's eyes narrowed slightly, and Alan hurried to add, "But it is up to you. He will leave if you don't wish to see him."

Scott's eyes drifted past him, and Alan glanced back in time to see Deucalion nod. Scott eyed him for a moment, then sighed. "I'll hear him."

Deucalion needed no further encouragement. As with Marin he stopped well out of arm's reach. "Scott."

"Deucalion." There was a hint of steel in Scott's voice that Alan had never heard before. "I thought you were leaving."

Deucalion didn't react to either his tone or the stare. "I had some apologies to make first. And I owe you one too." He sighed, and for a moment the mask dropped and he looked just as drained as Alan knew he was. "I am sorry for what I did to you. And what I tried to do." His hand moved towards his eyes before he dropped it again. "I owe you a debt."

Scott continued to watch him, but Alan saw something flicker in his dark eyes. "You're still wearing glasses."

Deucalion's lips twisted into a bitter smirk. "The light hurts. It appears there are limits to even the healing powers of a Dark Druid."

Scott drew in a sharp breath. Alan could only stare. Admitting a weakness like that to a former enemy was practically suicidal. The Deucalion of twenty-four hours ago would never have considered it.

The Deucalion Alan had first known would have asked for help without hesitation.

Deucalion hadn't moved. Scott glanced at Alan, then drew himself up. "You had a suggestion for me?"

Hope blossomed in Alan's chest. He would have understood if Scott had wanted nothing more to do with Deucalion, and would have supported him completely, but the more people Scott had to rely on the better. Deucalion straightened under the scrutiny.

"Alan and Marin tell me that the Nemeton is awake," he said. "And that is partly my responsibility. We do not know the consequences will be."

Scott frowned. "No, but whatever happens, I will deal with it."

"I know," Deucalion agreed. "But you should not have to do so alone."

Scott stiffened slightly. His eyes narrowed as they searched Deucalion's face. "What are you saying?"

Deucalion hesitated a moment, but seemed to settle when Alan gave him a slight nod. "I am offering you my help. Only if you want it," he added hastily. "It is your decision. I would not intrude after everything that I have done. But I might be able to help." His mouth turned up in a bitter smile. "I do have some skills that might prove useful."

Scott's eyes flashed red for a split-second as he bristled. "I don't want you killing anyone!"

Deucalion raised an eyebrow at him. "I wouldn't," he said, and he must have been telling the truth for Scott relaxed with a faint huff of relief. He continued to watch Deucalion with clear suspicion though, and Alan coughed.

"Many of the skills you used for evil could be turned to good."

Deucalion inclined his head. Scott's frown deepened and he folded his arms. "Why?"

Deucalion was silent for a minute, then pulled off his sunglasses. He flinched at the sunlight, but met Scott's gaze steadily. "Because I caused you harm. I cannot change that, but I want to do better." He glanced at Alan. "And there are people here who can keep me in check."

Alan's heart clenched at the thought, but he refused to let it show. He didn't want to have to stop Deucalion, hated the idea with every fibre of his being, but the one thing worse would be to see his friend degenerate into a monster once again. He couldn't, wouldn't, let that happen again. He wrenched his attention back to the present, and blinked to find Deucalion still watching him. The werewolf's expression was softer than Deucalion had seen it in a long time, and though he looked away quickly it left Alan shaken. It had been a long time since Deucalion had looked at him like that.

Scott let out a low sigh and ran a hand through his hair, and Alan refocused. Scott's scowl had faded, but the indecision was clear in his face. Deucalion gave a faint sigh.

"This is your decision, Scott," he repeated. "This is your home, and you have suffered enough on my account. I wish to help, but not at your expense."

Alan glanced at him. The more he heard, the more optimistic he became. Scott nodded slowly. "I need to think about this."

"Of course," said Deucalion immediately. "I will stay out of your way." He hesitated. "You should know that Aiden and Ethan expressed an interest in staying at Beacon Hills. They also regret their actions."

Scott's eyes narrowed, but he just nodded again. Alan suspected the twins would need to make their own apologies before Scott was anywhere near ready to accept them, but at least he would be prepared for the possibility now. Deucalion glanced at Alan. "Thank you," he said. "Your help today has been invaluable."

"You're welcome," said Alan quietly. "What are you going to do now?"

He still had to see to the kittens and talk to Scott, and although he didn't think Deucalion would do anything untoward he couldn't help a flicker of concern. Deucalion started to shrug, then paused. "Is the library on Wisteria Drive still open?"

Alan smiled. He should have known. "It is."

A more genuine smile touched Deucalion's face. "Excellent. I have a lot to catch up on. Audiobooks simply aren't the same." He put his glasses back on, nodded to Scott, and left without another word.

Alan waited until he was sure Deucalion was out of earshot before turning back to Scott.

"Are you all right?"

Scott shook himself and gave him a weak smile. "I…yeah. Just a bit confused." He shook his head again and turned to pick up the box. "C'mon. I think they're just hungry, but I want to make sure."

Alan didn't press the matter. It had taken him most of the night to process Deucalion's change of heart. Scott was very quiet as they carried the kittens through to the back, but they had done this often enough that words were unnecessary, and Alan let himself focus on his work while Scott thought things through. Tending to the kittens was soothing for both of them after the events of the last days and weeks and months, and Alan felt Scott's tension drain away as he helped check over the little creatures.

Only once all four kittens had been fed, washed, and settled did Scott finally sigh.

"Do you trust him?"

Alan gave the question the due consideration it deserved. He thought of everything he had seen so far, of the sincerity in Deucalion's apologies and willingness to make amends, and gave a slow nod. "I am beginning to," he said. "But this is his one chance, Scott. He knows that. If he should revert, I will deal with it."

Scott blinked, then shook his head. "It was me and Derek that gave him the chance-"

"Scott," Alan interrupted gently. "I'm the one who encouraged him to stay."

Scott still didn't look pleased, but Alan held his gaze and after a moment Scott looked away. Alan squeezed his shoulder. "Being an alpha doesn't mean doing everything yourself, Scott," he said. "Talia knew that. So did Deucalion before everything went wrong. Derek never did."

"I guess," Scott mumbled. He took a deep breath and looked up. "He would be a good ally."

It wasn't really a question, but Alan nodded anyway. The very qualities that made Deucalion such a terrifying enemy also made him a valuable ally. Scott made a noise in the back of his throat. "Did you know him well? Before?"

Alan opened his mouth, then hesitated. Thinking about those days hurt, but Scott deserved to know. It might even help. He nodded. "He spent some time learning from Talia and her mother. His own alpha… Well, let's just say he would empathise with your struggles with Peter."

Scott's eyes widened. "Really? What happened?" Then he blushed. "Sorry. That's probably personal."

Alan shook his head. "He never tried to hide it. The man who bit him was a monster, and it wasn't consensual." He shivered, remembering the scared teenager who had stumbled into Beacon Hills with the remnants of a traumatised pack. "Deucalion killed him in self-defence. He was sixteen."

Scott leaned against the wall, eyes widening further in horror. "Six-sixteen? How?"

Alan pushed a stool over to him, and sat down heavily on his own. "I don't know. I don't think he does. But he was known as the Demon Wolf long before he killed his pack."

Deucalion had loathed the epithet, but no one could deny that it was well-earned. The few local betas stupid enough to try and challenge the young newcomer had had a rude awakening. Alan blew out a long breath. "He was always powerful," he said quietly. "And he was absolutely vicious in a fight, but he never wanted to be. Talia's mother, Moira, was alpha before her and she taught him everything his own alpha should have, and he found his own way."

"And then Gerard ruined everything," Scott finished. He was staring down at his hands. "And he went back to trying to survive."

Alan nodded. Scott rubbed his eyes. "He must hate himself."

Alan raised an eyebrow. "He does."

And he was very interested in knowing how Scott had come to that conclusion so quickly. Scott ducked his head. "Peter tried to make me into a killer."

Alan followed his thoughts and suddenly felt very cold. He crossed the room to grip Scott's shoulder. "You would never become like him."

"But I could have," Scott protested. "He didn't want to hurt anyone, he only wanted peace, and then all that stuff happened and he killed so many people-"


Scott broke off abruptly, chest rising and falling as he sucked in breath. Alan crouched in front of him. "Listen to me, Scott," he said fiercely. "You will never be a killer. Peter, Derek, Deucalion, they all tried to make you into one and you fought them. You are stronger than you think."

"I would have killed Jennifer," Scott croaked. "If she hadn't stopped, and if Deucalion hadn't-"

"There is a difference between killing in defence of yourself and others because you have no other choice, and killing just because you have the power to," said Alan firmly. "You are a good man, Scott."

The doubt in Scott's dark eyes sent a sharp stab of pain through Alan's heart. His grip tightened on Scott's shoulders. "You are," he insisted.

"But I've made so many mistakes-"

"Because you're human," said Alan. "What matters is that you have learned from every one of them, and you are always trying to do better."

Scott didn't look completely convinced, but this was a battle Alan had been fighting for a long time and it wasn't going to be won in one more conversation. He stepped back, and started to clean away what little mess they had made. After a minute Scott shook himself and looked up.

"Um, Doc?"


Scott rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, but…You didn't actually answer my question."

Alan thought back and coughed. "I didn't, did I?" He had got a little caught up in explaining how Deucalion came to be the way he was. Scott shook his head, and Alan leaned back against the table. "He travelled a lot, but he returned to Beacon Hills frequently. After I became Talia's Emissary she introduced us, and we found we had a lot in common."

Not that least that they both adored Talia, but both had known nothing would ever happen there, and they had found enough to common ground that Alan looked forward to the werewolf's visits. Those had been good days.

Scott sighed, and Alan wrenched his attention back to the present. The younger man gave a small smile.

"You want to give him a chance."

"What I want doesn't matter," said Alan immediately. Scott opened his mouth, but Alan held up a hand and he subsided. "Yes, Deucalion was a good man once and I miss my friend, but I wasn't the one he hurt. Neither you nor anyone else he has hurt should have to work with him. Your feelings and your trauma matter too."

A slightly bitter snort escaped Scott. The young man promptly looked mortified, and at Alan's frown he ducked his head. "Sorry," he muttered. "It's just, it would have been nice if Lydia had had that option with Peter."

Alan swallowed down the now-familiar flicker of rage. "Or you," he said quietly.

Scott said nothing, but the flash of pain in his eyes was heartbreaking. He was silent for a long minute, but when he looked up again his eyes were clear. "Peter never apologised," he said. "He never gave a damn about us. Nor did Derek, at first."

Alan grimaced. Derek had never mentioned their brutal first meeting, the assault and the kidnapping, and Alan couldn't deny that it still stung. Scott shook his head. "Deucalion apologised. He wants to do better. That's more than Peter's done." He nodded to himself. "I'll talk to the others, but… If he can help, then I will call him."

Relief left Alan light-headed. "Thank you, Scott."

Scott shook his head, eyes softening. "I trust you. And you're right. He feels different." He shrugged. "I can't explain it, but maybe he does deserve a chance."

Alan smiled at him. A chance was all they needed. He had faith that Deucalion would be able to make the most of it. Scott grinned back, but then his expression turned more serious. "Hey, Doc, are you okay?"

Alan blinked. That was about the last question he had been expecting. "Of course. Why?"

Scott looked away, but not before Alan caught the blush spreading across his face. "No reason," he said quickly. "'re always looking out for me and the others, and now Deucalion, but I worry about you too."

Alan opened his mouth to tell him that his concern was unnecessary, then paused. For one thing Scott would never agree with that statement, and the other… Knowing that someone other than Marin was worried about him was a strange feeling, but not at all an unpleasant one. He smiled, and patted Scott on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Scott."

Scott smiled back, and for the first time in weeks Alan let himself breathe. He didn't know what the future held, but it was looking brighter than he had ever thought possible.

Thanks for reading! Any feedback would be appreciated.