Sorry it took me so long to write I have been at my grandmas all day. :)

disclaimer: I own nothing! Stephanie Meyer owns all!

We got into our cars and drove away. I was beyond ticked. I knew Rosalie had never liked me-Or Bella Swan- but I never thought she would slap me. I'm even more surprised that I held back. If it wasn't for Vicky one of us would be ash-most likely Rosalie-. As we pulled into the hidden driveway. I was out of my car before it rolled to a stop. I sprinted into the forest and started to take my anger out on anything in my way.

I caught the smell of a grizzly and took off running toward my prey. The grizzly was by a stream when I found it. I low growl escaped me as I sprang onto its back. I snapped it's neck and bit into the bears soft skin. When I finished my snack I uprooted a tree and placed the bear under it.

I still wasn't calm enough. So I took off running towards his meadow. I knew it was dumb but I couldn't help myself. The meadow was a happy place he said it was a good place to calm down. I remembered all the times he took me to that place. We were happily in love. Well I was.

A sharp pain rippled through my chest. Way to go Bella. This is what you get for thinking about him. I signed as I went to the middle of the meadow and lay down in the soft grass and flowers.

He was right. I could feel myself calming down now. I new my eyes must be a silver color now as I felt the sun peak out of the clouds above me. Warming my cold skin. It felt nice. I closed my eyes becoming a perfectly still statue.

I'm not sure how long I have been sitting their but out of no where something came flying towards me. I growled at whatever it was that was now beating my face into the ground. I had enough of this. I used my telekinesis to sent it flying backwards. I know that my face was all cracked up so while I waited for it to heal I put up my physical shield. Now that I could see I scanned the meadow for the thing that had attached me.

He was on the other side of the meadow where I kept him pinned down with my telekinesis. "What was that for!?" I screamed at him. "What are you doing here!?" He said ignoring my question. "I came here to cool off" I said annoyed. "But why did attack me!? What did I do?" I hissed. "You know things about my Bella! You know where we would go on our free time...please just tell me." His face crumbled as he added his last words.

"You don't deserve to know." I hissed. "Please! And release me!" He shouted. I released him but I kept my physical shield hugging it to my body. He jumped up and started pacing. "This meadow, is...very special..." he whispered." you take all the girls you lie to here...interesting." I said.

"What? NO!" He yelled again. "Then why did you take m-Bella swan- here?" I asked. I almost slipped.

"Because I love her! Because I wanted something special for us! And this place is special." He whispered that last part.

"Love..."I whispered."Love?..." I said a little louder. "Love!?" I screeched. "Love is always being their for the person you claimed your love to! Love is staying with them through all the tough times! Love is not leaving! Love is this worm fuzzy feeling in your chest that makes you feel like your flying! You don't leave the person you love to sob and scream every night from the horrible nightmares! If you loved her you never would have left! She never would have been in pain! You know nothing about love! All you know how to do is leave!" I screamed at him.

He looked like I had just ripped him to shreds. I felt awful. I turned and sprinted in the direction of home. Leaving a shocked and pained Edward in the meadow.

EdwardPOV(cuz we all know you want it)

After Bella and Victoria left school

They left us their shocked. Emmett was the first to break the silence. "That did not go as planned" Rose smacked him. "Hey!" He said rubbing his back. Alice was pulled into a vision then:


The sun peeked out of the clouds as the students finished their lunch. All of us were sparkling. The students stared with wide eyes.

End vision.

"We gotta go." Alice said. Jasper was about to ask why but I shot him a dirty look shacking my head no. As I grabbed Rose and Jaspers hand we rand at human speed to the cars getting in just as the sun peaked out of the clouds.

The drive home was silent. We arrived back at the house in record time. We got out of the car and into the house. "What are you kids doing back so early?" Esme asked."Ali here had a vision of the sun coming up." Emmett said while messing up Alice's hair. "EMMETT!" She shrieked. Everyone but me laughed as Alice ran upstairs to her room to fix her hair. She came down a minute later with her hair looking like it was never touched.

"Oh, mom! Guess what happened today!" Emmett said, exited. I decided it was time to leave. I didn't need to hear everything again. I took off towards my meadow. That was what I needed. I needed to lay down in my meadow and as the sun warmed my skin. I pushed myself faster, eager to get to my-no our- meadow.

I caught the sent of another vampire and slowed down. I followed it quietly but quickly. It led to our meadow. As I arrived to our meadow I saw none other than Bella Queen lying in the spot my Bella laid it so many years ago. I was furious! I acted on my rage, launching myself at her. A growl escaped her throat as we collided with her punching her face over and over beating her into the ground. I was seeing red. All the anger and pain I had for the past 121 seemed to flow from me and onto her face.

Suddenly I was flown across the meadow. She didn't touch me, yet here I was on the ground. I tried to jump to my feet but it felt like a weight was holding me down, I could only move my eyes and mouth. I looked up at her as she waited for her face to heal. Once it did she scanned the meadow her angry eyes resting on my face. "What was that for?!" She screamed at me. "What are you doing here?" I hissed, ignoring her question.

"I came here to cool off." She said. "But why did you attack me?! What did I do?"she snapped. "You know about my Bella! You know where we would go on our free time...please just tell me." I could feel my face crumble. "You don't deserve to know." She hissed. "Please!...And release me!" I shouted. I could feel the weight lifting and I jumped to my feet and started to pace.

"This meadow is...very special..." I whispered. " you take all the girls you lie to here...interesting."she said. I looked up at her shocked that she came to that conclusion. "What!? NO!"I shouted.

"Then why did you take m-Bella Swan- here?" She shot back. "Because I love her! Because I wanted something special for us. And this place is special." I whispered the last part.

"Love..." she whispered. "Love?..." she said again bit louder this time."Love!?" She shrieked. I was confused now."Love is always being their for the person you claimed your love to. Love is staying with them through all the tough times! Love is not leaving! Love is this warm fuzzy feeling in your chest that makes you feel like your flying! You don't leave the person you love to sob and scream every night from the horrible nightmares! If you loves her you never would have left! She never would have been in pain! You know nothing about love! All you know how to do is leave!" She screamed. She was right. I knew she was, but it hurt so bad.

She turned and sprinted away, leaving me to my grief.

A/N: Finally!! Ugh! This took soooo long!! Lol I hope everyone liked this chapter!!
