A/N:: So I have an issue: When I wrote this, I wanted to familiarize myself with the characters and give them an authentic feeling of having a history...so I wrote a prequel first. Now, I'm not sure certain things will make sense until you read it. Should I post that first and put this on hold until that's been posted? Or should I finish this part (year 1) and then post it? It would definitely make Harry's family more recognizable and less OOC...


ASGARD 2010, JULY 31

Harry's 11th birthday started just like his other birthdays had, with Hela bouncing in at practically the crack of dawn.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She said cheerfully, abnormally childish in her mannerisms this morning.

"Bloody hell!" Harry exclaimed, bolting upright and trying to get up only to get tangled in his sheets. He glared at his eldest sibling as she laughed at his disgruntled face and messy hair.

"Language!" She said in a mock stern voice.

He made a face, but couldn't hold it and ended up laughing, "Give me a minute."

She grinned and left Harry to negotiate his way out of his silk sheets and heavy fur comforter. His bed was larger than any normal mortal bed and shaped like an upside down egg. Instead of a traditional headboard, he had a curved block of gold that was engraved with scenes from classic Asgardian stories and had thin drapes above it hanging from the high vaulted ceiling, while his bed was even with the top step of the dais, that had a couple steps down to the floor all the way around, which acted as a bed frame.

His room had large windows on one side and a wall that simply stopped and left the room open a massive balcony on the other, thick curtains hung to block him from the elements and his bath was more of an infinity pool hidden partially by shelves and a dividing wall, and was partially on the terrace. There was a door over there that led to a proper bathroom with an overly fancy marble shower, toilet, sink and vanity counter, but Asgardian culture dictated that baths were considered proper, and showers were rushed affairs (this stemmed from the fact that after training baths were good for relaxing muscles and showers only got you clean).

He had a sitting room on the other side of the room with a large, roaring fire and lots of sofas, chairs, and tables. On the opposite end of the room from the bed, was several wall to ceiling shelves packed tightly with books, toys, and trinkets he'd collected or made over the years (he also had several tapestries hung on the walls). His closet was massive, but all of his favored weapons were hung on a large weapons wall visible from his bath.

He also had a study with his desk, more books, and Asgardian homework that could be accessed through a door near his closet and shared a fireplace with the living room (opposite sides of the wall). His favorite part of his room, however, was the TV he'd made after taking apart the TV his parents had agreed to buy him as a present. It was mounted on a wall in the sitting room and had a Wii and an Xbox attached, as well as a full shelf of games. The room was as godly as the rest of Asgard, though his workshop was in another part of the palace.

This room, or rooms, he supposed would be more accurate, had been customized for him several times over the years but mostly stuck to the gold, black, yellow, and blue color scheme with thick, soft fabrics for the furniture, though the tables, torches, and other "hard things" were made of gold and dark wood.

It was his closet he made for immediately, however, and he picked out a red top with gold embroidery (Asgardian tops were worn like shirts but meant to be like short tunics) and some brown pants to wear. He wasted no time securing his belt to his waist, on top of his shirt, and putting on a pair of sturdy black leather boots. They tightened around him automatically and he grabbed a, well he didn't know what it was made of but it was the same stuff his armor's cape was made from, cloak in black and gold, but did not put it on, instead he tossed it on his arm and walked out to the door, where he promptly passed it off to a servant, whom he asked to put the cloak in his saddle bag and have his horse, Gyllir prepared for a ride after breakfast.

He moved to the bathroom to swish around what amounted to mouth wash that took the place of brushing his teeth and to comb his wavy black hair (that he'd gotten from his father), which fell to just above his shoulders and curled in towards his head and neck.

He checked his appearance one more time, lest he miss something embarrassing and Loki never let him live it down. The walk to the private dining room was short because it was in the royal residence of the palace, like his room. The royal residence covered one of the highest floors of the palace and had all the rooms for the royal family, plus a family room, an old playroom, a nursery, an underused kitchen, a living room, three guest rooms, some storage closets, and of course, the private dining room.

He was the last to arrive to his own birthday breakfast, though that was probably by design, and smiled when he saw balloons decorating the room, a banner proclaiming Happy Birthday hanging from one corner of the ceiling to the another, and a delicious looking cake sitting in the middle of the table, which was laden with his favorite breakfast foods. There was a small stack of presents next to the table and several scrolls in front of his normal chair.

His father was seated at the head of the table, as normal, with his mother at the other end. Hela and Loki sat on one side and Harry usually sat with Thor on the other. All of them called greetings to him and he smiled ear to ear as he thanked them, wondering who'd gone to Midgard for the balloons, because birthdays were not celebrated on Asgard very often, and his family had only celebrated Thor's 1,500th birthday four years ago and Loki's 1,500th two years ago. Otherwise he'd never celebrated a birthday other than his own or one of his friend's on Asgard.

"Read your notes." Thor encouraged, looking more eager than Harry.

Harry eyes him suspiciously, growing up with Loki made him automatically wary of his siblings' excitement, even if Thor was the least likely to be pranking him.

He grabbed the first scroll in the pile (he didn't get decorated cards because frankly that would force them to either visit Earth and buy some (imaging Thor at Tesco made him want to laugh) or make their own (dad coloring also made him want to laugh). The scroll was his mother's:

Dearest Harry,

Happy Birthday, my son. You have grown so quickly into a strong young man and my heart bursts with pride every time I see you. I know you will be exceptional one day as you are already an exceptional son and an exceptional prince. You shine brightly in our family and your kindness allows you to stand out in a family that it can be hard to do so in. You are a special boy, and not just because you are my son. You have a great destiny ahead of you. Do not worry over things that you cannot change and continue to explore and learn the Nine Realms, it suits you as it did your Father and Thor. Do not let anyone tell you what you should be, but rather aim to become who you are. I love you and I am more proud of you than you know.

Your Mother,


Harry beamed at his mother and quickly enfolded her in a tight hug. She was perfect, in his opinion, and dear to the entire family; every single one of her sons was a bit of a Mummy's boy.

Her hugs were gentle and all encompassing, like standing in the warm sun on a cold day. She smelled like home and when she hugged him he could believe that all was right in the world.

They broke apart and he went to the next scroll, from Thor.


I cannot truly believe you are 11 already. It feels like just yesterday that Hela, Loki, and I were pacing outside the healing chambers, wondering what you would be like. I have cherished every moment with you, my baby brother, and enjoy going hunting or to handball games with you. I also love sparring with you, and I assure you, you have gotten to become mighty indeed. I know that I am about to become king, just a few short months from now, and while I regret that you must miss my coronation, I know you will be there, in my mind and heart, and, hopefully, me with you at school. I want you to know that despite the new roles we will all be taking when I finally do take the throne, I will make it so I can continue to enjoy time with you. Happy Birthday Haraldr, and I wish you the best of 11th years.



It was abnormally eloquent for his brother but the message was incredibly sweet, like always. He figured Sif had probably helped him write it, which was why it was longer than normal (and why he was so excited). Harry gave Thor a tight man-hug as well, for the thought and effort that obviously went into the note.

The next note was in Hela's flowing script.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday, brother! There are so many things I want to tell you, but I shall try to keep this short. You have made me want to come back into the fold of the House of Odin more than any other, and I cannot thank you enough for helping me, even when you did not know you were. You have always listened to my rants and put up with my sarcasm and I have endeavored to repay you by listening to you and supporting you as well. You are kind hearted and sweet, and I hope you never change, even when the world tries to bring you down. I know you will not allow yourself to be beaten, but know that should you ever need help, you always have me to draw sword alongside you. I am proud to call you my brother and I love you.


P.S. You better visit Niflheim soon, Fenris misses you.

Harry blinked, collecting himself to ensure no tears escaped, before only just remembering that there was a table separating him from his sister. He moved around it quickly and wrapped her into a bone crushing embrace. "You don't owe me anything." he whispered so only she could hear.

She tightened her arms around him, "You are my dearest brother, I will do it anyway."

When they broke up, he reached across the table to grab the second to last scroll, from his father, who seemed to realize this one was his because he stopped eating to watch him. The rest of his family was nibbling on their breakfast to give him privacy while he read all the notes.

Dear Haraldr,

It is rare I find myself without words to express how I feel about something, but I have never quite been able to find the words to describe just how dear you are to me. You left me speechless that day, 11 years ago, when your mother put you in my arms for the first time and you continue to do so. You hold a special place in my heart as my baby boy, a strange phenomenon that only a parent can truly understand, and that I do not expect you to understand. You make me proud with your accomplishments, numerous as they are despite your young age, but you also make me proud because of your goodness. You, my son, are kind, generous, forgiving, and gentle, things I can only try to emulate. You are wise beyond your years, more powerful than you know, and incredibly brave. You are truly a good person and if there is one thing I want you to be when you are older, it is yourself. I could care less whether you become a king or a warrior or a politician or a weaponsmith, as long as you are yourself you will be happy, which I want for you more than I thought possible.

I hope you have a wonderful 11th year and Happy Birthday,


Harry found himself speechless as well, clearly his family had pulled no punches on the emotional parts this year, but perhaps that was because they knew he wouldn't be living here most of the year for several years, if not longer, and wanted him to know exactly how they felt. His father, the least emotional of the bunch, had written a letter that shocked Harry for how plainly he'd acknowledged his feelings, though he realized he'd already known on some level that, while Thor was his protege and pride, he and Harry had a special bond.

He unabashedly gave his dad a hug, which was returned in full force. If his mother made him feel that all was right in the world, his father made him feel like nothing could ever touch him, because he was safe there.

Loki's was last and it was eloquent as always,


Happy Birthday, Harry. A better younger brother, I could not draw up, I imagine. I truly take joy in sharing spells and tricks with you and pulling pranks on everyone with you. You have made this palace fun once again, and our home more full of laughter and joy than it has, perhaps, ever been. You have that effect on people and it is powerful indeed. You have worked more miracles on our family than our family has worked on other people. I can't tell you just how much it means to me that you have done this and even made myself happier to be of the House of Odin. Know that no matter what happens in the future, you are the true crowning jewel of the Royal Family, even if you cannot see it yourself.

Your brother,


P.S. Did anyone ever tell you that I came up with your nickname?

Harry laughed at the postscript and gave Loki a final hug, having been given something to think about. He'd already been told he'd changed things greatly by one of the Norns, but to have it repeated by Loki, knowing he was unaware of that conversation made him curious. He couldn't imagine his family any other way than as it was. Could there have been a time when they didn't get along and joke like fools? When the serious and respectable royal family was not simply a front for the sake of decorum?

He watched Hela flick a piece of bacon at Dad, while Mum tisked at her, allowing Loki to use the distraction to dump a mountain of salt onto Thor's pile of strawberries. Dad enchanted Hela's pastries to run away from her in response, so now Mum was scolding him. Thor's expression said salty strawberries were not good, and his glare said he knew who was responsible. Harry realized his Mum had the last piece of cooked bread and nabbed it while she was distracted, only for her to tear it in half without looking to keep some for herself. Nah, these people couldn't go so long without an outlet for mischief.

He grabbed some cheese and grain crackers to watch the mayhem with a content smile. This was perfect, not like what the Dursleys were like at all.

After breakfast they moved onto the presents, which he tore into eagerly.

He got a Rolex Sky-Dweller with a dark blue face from Loki to add to his collection, a textbook series on Midgardian physics that was used in many universities from Hela, an viking shield done in Harry's colors and with his personal signet from Thor, and beautifully carved marble chess set from his parents. As well the obligatory gag gifts, a plastic tool set that looked like it was for toddlers, a pack of colorfully patterned undergarments, and a hot pink, singing, 3 foot tall, bilgesnipe doll. All purchased somewhere on Asgard.

He wondered if he'd be hearing rumors of the All-Father wandering about with a hot pink bilgesnipe. Probably, with Loki being how he was.

He thanked his family and they separated to get some work done before a "surprise" they apparently had for him later. He was both curious and excited, but pushed it to the side in favor heading towards the stables.

His loyal mount, Gyllir, was an Asgardian Smoothbred, a horse breed native to Asgard that was extremely intelligent, incredibly strong, averaged 17-18 hands, and could run about 480 kph (300 mph). It also weighed enough to support the fact that the average Asgardian weighed three times what a human weighed and could lift several tons by their second birthday. Gyllir was 18 hands, and neither lean nor bulky, and pitch black, except for a white star on his face and four white socks. He was incredibly smart, and could understand Harry perfectly, even if he could not speak, and was able to understand what was happening and if Harry was in need of a rescue. They had been together since Harry had watched Gyllir's birth in Lord Ullr's stable when he was 6.

The horse was standing out front next to the stable boy who had tacked him up. Harry quickly thanked and dismissed the teen before he led Gyllir to the gate and jumped up into the saddle.

He rode first to Nastrond, the territory directly neighboring Asgard to the East, where his friend Herleif lived, as his father Lord Ullr, was Jarl of Nastrond. To understand everywhere that could be called Asgard, Asgard was the name of the universe, or realm, they lived in, which his father was king of. It was one of Nine Realms, or universes, which were connected by Yggdrasil, the world tree. Asgard was the also name of the very flat planet they lived on, the seat of power for this universe, and indeed, all the universes (though Midgard was the biggest and most populated universe). Asgard, the planet, was named for the first city the Aesir founded on it, Asgard. Asgard, the city, was the capital city of Asgard, the territory, Asgard, the planet, and Asgard, the realm. All named for the city of Asgard, which is what most people thought of when they heard "Asgard" the same way most people thought of London, tea, or the Queen when they heard England. And Nastrond was the territory East of Asgard the territory, but still on Asgard the planet.

He made it to his friend's home in Nastrond in just under an hour of riding at not quite full speed, for Gyllir, as Leif lived rather close to the border.

The estate that was home to the Jarl of Nastrond was large and encompassed part of a nearby forest, a lake, and a sprawling one story mansion that was constructed in the shape of a horseshoe. Harry rode right up to the front and was met by a servant, to whom he handed Gyllirr's reins before he went inside.

Herleif lived on the right side of the horseshoe and after nearly 6 years of friendship, he knew exactly where the young God of Archery's room was.

"LEIF!" He yelled as he threw open the doors to his friend's rooms.

He heard a crash from further inside a muffled swear.

Leif, it seemed, had a response prepared. "YOU SON OF A-"

"QUEEN?" Harry finished loudly. "The Queen, and King, yes." He added when his slightly taller friend came into view.

Herleif Ullrson, the God of Archery and future Jarl of Nastrond, being Lord Ullr's only child, was even taller than Harry and already was beginning to show signs of being broad shouldered, rather looking like he would be matching Thor in physique. His hair and eyes were the exact same shade of brown and he had a perfectly generic face, which made him rather charming, apparently.

He lived with his father in Nastrond, but also spent half his week in Asgard because his father was an increasingly important noble in the King's court. Normally a noble child could simply stay with his mother but his had died when he was young, so he had to go along.

This made it natural that they would meet, which they did when Leif's father agreed to start tutoring Harry in horsemanship, etiquette, culture, archery, hand to hand combat, and the basics of other weapons as well as how to deal with armor. In exchange, Leif had gotten to tag along to Harry's lessons with Lord Heimdall and Lord Tyr, Odin's brother. Heimdall had taught them history, astronomy, and all about the other realms and planets out there, while Lord Tyr had taught them war strategy and history, how the government worked, and more advanced weapons and fighting. They both had private tutors for sciences and reading, while Harry's mother and brother taught him magic.

Leif had had a more traditional Asgardian education, however, he'd learned math and reading at home before joining training camp (training camp was not mandatory but almost everyone did it because it was considered a basic qualification and cost no money if you were poor), like all Asgardian children, with Einherjar at 8. He'd finished early and gone into officer training at 10, with Harry, and was scheduled to graduate in several years' time. Most kids got out of basic training at 11 and then went to school until they were 18, before either getting an apprenticeship, joining the family business, getting a job, or joining Einherjar as an infantry member and working their way up.

Harry had started learning to read, write, and do math at 4, magic at 4 and a half, started mortal school (he was eons ahead of his class) at 5, never needed to learn half of science and technology because of his divine domain, gotten in and out of basic training by 10, and into officer training shortly thereafter. He'd also been tossed into crash courses in culture, history, customs, law, and the other realms so he would be capable of his princely duties. He'd basically completed Asgardian school, already as well as finishing primary mortal school and being halfway to earning the title of Hird, having completely skipped infantry (perks of being a prince). But he still had yet to learn mortal magic beyond how it applied to enchantments. Part of his accelerated pace was due to enhanced intellect, part due to the sheer amount of study he did to pull it off, part due to his domains being more relevant to school than, say Thor's, and part because all of them did have overlaps, which made lots of it redundant.

Leif was just smart and had a best friend who he needed to keep pace with, even if it meant sneaking out to practice every night to ensure he was good enough to move to officer training with him. He did have the advantage of being a divine Asgardian, like his friend, however.

"Happy Day of Birth!" Leif said, instead of answering.

"Thanks!" Harry grinned, "Wanna go to the sea?" He asked, "I heard that there was a kraken spotted off the coast not too far from here."

Leif grinned, "I heard about that, we must, of course investigate, as the future Lord of the land and a prince of the realm."

Harry smirked, "Just what I was thinking, my dear shield brother."

"Allow me to grab my stuff, then." He said and turned to run back into the depths of his bedroom, while Harry asked a servant to go get both of their horses.

Herleif showed back up a few minutes later, dressed similarly to Harry and with a quiver of arrows slung on his back and an ornate longbow in hand.

"Let us set off!" He exclaimed, not even stopping his walk and making Harry have to jog to catch up.

Leif rode a dark brown horse with a black mane that was roughly the same size as Gyllir. They made off without another thought in search of adventure and made it to the shoreline in exactly minute (Leif's home was less than a mile away), and slowed their horses to a walk as they rode on the cliff overlooking the beach. There were few fishing boats in the water, despite the lack of waves today, because of the kraken rumors, which suited the boys just fine. Less chance of their fathers finding them doing something dangerous.

They watched the water carefully for signs of movement as their horses meandered down the coastline. Once or twice they saw a movement below the surface that could have been a tentacle or a sea snake, but they could not be sure, so they did not get closer.

"Do you think there is actually a kraken out there?" Harry asked.

"I am not certain." Herleif admitted, "The rumors are consistent, but vague."

Harry hmmed his agreement, "They usually are."

Herleif was silent for a moment as his eyes remained trained on the water. As God of Archery, he had perhaps the best eyesight on Asgard short of Heimdall.

"Are we going to even be able to contact each other while you are at Hogwarts?" Leif asked out of the blue.

"I'm not sure." Harry admitted, "Dad seems to have a way of getting messenger owls to go Earth and back, but I don't know how he does it."

"Who knows how Lord Odin does anything?" Leif joked, "I'll try to ask him."

"I can too." Harry offered. "But I really need to figure out how to get cell service up here, service that connects to Earth."

"I was going to say, didn't you make your own satellite for Asgard?" Leif said, trying to remember.

"Yeah, it's good for things I've downloaded and games and movies, but I can't connect to anything from Midgard that isn't up here." Harry said, frowning.

"Have you figured out your other project?" Herleif asked.

"The space car?" Harry asked, "I'm still working out how to seal the AC off from space while not frying the electronics with magic."

"Tell me you at least have a color?"


"Asgardian magic is even worse for electronics than Midgardian, right?" Herleif vaguely remembered a conversation about this.

"Yeah, but not much worse." Harry agreed.

"The difference in the two being?" Herleif asked.

"Our location in Yggdrasil make it easier for us to draw on energies outside our soul energy, which is what Midgardian wizards draw on. Because soul energy is limited to the soul the person has, they are limited in scope, but can have incredible control because it is their own soul. Though Asgardians can draw on their soul's energy, it is harder because we have weaker emotions. Also Asgard has closer connections to the other energies of Yggdrasil as well as the physical ability to wield them, even if some of us lack a divine connection, we naturally use those. Now most Asgardian magic is based on that, which means the magic is more powerful and unlimited in scope, but is hard to arrange the power in the correct way to get the desired effect."

"Which is why nobody does magic up here, besides runes and potions, because those are easy and already arranged for us?" Herleif finished, questioningly.


"But you want to learn Midgardian magic?"

Harry shrugged, "I'm the God of Enchantment amongst other things, I already have the ability to use every energy in Yggdrasil to work with enchantments, so it shouldn't be too much of a stress. Plus I've lived their long enough that I should have an easier time than other Asgardians."

Herleif sighed, "I wish I could come with you, but on this journey I cannot."

Harry gave him a grim smile. "You are my best friend and like a brother to me, you've been there through everything and know all of my secrets. This shall pass eventually and in the meantime, I shall still see you for a couple months out of the year."

"You always know just what to say." Herleif smiled, "Must be your blue blood."

"I knew I was going to regret showing you that movie." Harry grumbled. "It's actually Loki's fault."

Herleif laughed, "Do you always get away with blaming him?"

"Depends on how you look at it." He said, "Does anyone believe me? No. Do I get a lighter sentence, in my opinion? Yes. Does Loki really get in trouble? No."

"Your brother is hilarious." Herleif snorted, "Are you excited for Thor's coronation?"

"I'm not even going to be there." Harry said dryly, "Neither is Hela, actually."

"Really?" Herleif asked.

"Don't tell anyone, but Thor and Hela got into a really big row when my father first announced this, because he was being a bit of a prat. They've gotten over it, but I think Hela is worried Thor's too hotheaded, and she does do things as Queen of Niflheim, apparently."

Herleif laughed at his wisecrack at the end but then frowned, "What do you think?"

Harry shrugged, "He's my brother, I'll support him."

"That's the most rehearsed answer I've ever heard you give." Leif accused.

"He's a bit rash and I don't think he's mature enough for this yet, but as long as he listens to dad he'll be fine." Harry told his friend truthfully.

"And what does the rest of your family think?"

"Mum agrees with me and Loki agrees with Hela."

"Only the All-Father thinks he's ready?" Leif blinked.

"My dad has his reasons, and I trust him." Harry said bluntly, "But I don't know what they are so I have to go on what I do know."

"Mature." Herleif smirked, "He turns 11 and suddenly he's the God of Wisdom, too."

"Haha." Harry snarked.

"Don't you have to be home in an hour?"

"Hel!" Harry cursed, glancing at his watch.

"I'm supposed to meet my dad in the city tomorrow morning anyway, I'll ride with you." Herleif offered.

"Are you packed?" Harry asked worriedly.

"I'll just take your stuff." He shrugged, "Like I do when you're on Midgard and I forget something." He smirked at his friend's outraged face.

"WHAT!?" Harry exclaimed.

"You mother's totally fine with it, too." Herleif informed him.

Harry just snorted, "How typical."

"We are almost the same size."

"Just start riding." Harry grumbled.

They made it back to Asgard and Leif split off from him to go to his father's property just outside the main city while Harry rode straight to the palace stables. The first thing he did was hand off his cloak to a servant.

Once he departed from Gyllir and went up to his forge for a while. He had a car body to work on.

He had designed himself a flying car, for space and planetary travel, made the W16 engine, configured the entire frame, put together the engine and transmission and even picked his tires, but he had yet to paint anything, which he would be trying to start today, if he could settle on a color.

He eventually settled on silver, a color that would help the car blend in on Earth and suited Asgard.

He didn't get far in modifying his spray gun's enchantments to do the car when someone knocked on the door.

"Hold on a sec!" Harry yelled, putting down the spray canister and securing the top before he walked towards the front of his work area.

The shop was split into five areas like a snowflake, the door was next to all the protective equipment, all of his tools, gadgets, and materials, got their own wing, he had a lab in another wing, a fourth wing was set up for pottery, sewing, smithing, forging, and woodwork, and the final area had a gravitational repulsion platform surrounds by several work tables (the mechanical engineering lab) so he could tinker with several projects at once. The center area was a complex Asgardian "computer" called programmed using AIS tech, which was the technological coding system and hardware for most Asgardian tech. His "computer" was like a soul forge, digital data storage, design program, and simulation running/probability calculator in one 3-D, holographic display. Everything in the room was completely magic proof, of course.

He was working in his "tinkering area" so did not take off any of his protective gear, an enchanted lab coat, a head band that created a protective force field around his head, and gloves made from Breidablikian dragonhide.

He pulled off his gloves and deactivated the head band before pulling the reinforced stone door open. "Yes?"

Standing on the other side was a man dressed in fine, but simple, Asgardian clothing who bowed as soon as he opened the door.

"His majesty has requested you return to the private residence as soon as possible, my Prince." The servant said.

"Alright." Harry sighed, "You may go."

The servant bowed and scurried off while Harry went through the process of taking off his gear and putting it in the shoot to the laundry rooms below the palace, while he was scanned for dangerous, unknown, or unauthorized chemicals and substances. One look at his watch said it was already very late at night on Asgard. Once he was clear he lazily went to the elevator and punched in the 24th floor and waited. Despite the incredible speed of the elevator thanks to its enchantments, his lab was on the 6th floor, though it extended up to the 7th (a floor being 15 feet tall because Asgardians were so big).

The library alone went from the 3rd floor to the 8th, and took up the leftmost side of the palace, and the banquet hall, was tall enough to reach from the ground floor to the 3rd, but was more in the right center of palace, and the ballroom went from 2 to 4, while the royal residence was actually the top 3 floors (24-27). The kitchens was located on the first floor, between the Banquet Hall and the smaller royal dining hall. The Einherjar mess hall was one the same floor as the training courtyards (which were basically just the roof of the floor below with walls designed for training) and was on the 15th floor and had its own kitchen. The right side of the palace, from floors 11 to 16 were almost entirely servant and Einherjar quarters and such. The palace was massive and probably housed a thousand people (more like 650) every night, not even counting which visitors might be staying in a guest room (there were 100, from floors 7-14, in the middle of the palace, for optimal view).

But Harry really only traversed certain parts of the palace, for example, he did not venture into servant or Einherjar quarters, nor did he spend much time at the government offices located in the palace, which mostly belonged to his parents' direct staff.

The elevators were all over, of course, and this one would drop him off on the 24th floor, the highest all but one went. The bottom floor of the Royal residence was a living room, dining room, kitchen, and reception room that was heavily guarded and that all ways up to the residence funnelled to.

Harry stepped into the reception room, which was really just a stone room with 8 Einherjar stationed around a large double door that led into the living room. There was a tapestry on one wall and an open balcony where the right wall would have been. He walked past the guards without a second thought, the doors opening automatically.

Their living room went all the way from the reception room to the back of the palace and subsequently had an excellent view of the "back city" and surrounding mountains, on a terrace, which of course, had no wall separating it from the room.

His father was seated at a desk on one side of the room because the King and Queen's rooms were the only ones without a study (apparently his mother had converted the study, which was connected to their room, into a nursery, to stop her husband from working too much while up there). His mother was sitting on a sofa conversing quietly with Thor, while Loki and Hela were engaged in what looked like a chess game by the fire. They all looked up when he entered.

Harry just about fainted when he realized what they were all wearing. His mum looked rather hot (gag) in a form fitting silver formal dress, from Earth. Hela was wearing a slightly younger looking formal dress in dark blue, also from Earth. His dad, Thor, and Loki, had all donned suits, with ties and everything, his dad and Loki in black and Thor in navy blue. All their shirts were crisp and white, while their ties matched their jackets. Harry blinked.

"You had better get cleaned up, brother." Loki said casually, "We have a dinner reservation in Copenhagen, Denmark in…." He looked at his watch, "45 minutes."

Where it would be dinner time, thanks to the time change.

Harry grinned like an idiot before saying "I'll be right back!" And running to his room two floors up at full speed. He already knew which watch he'd be wearing.