Hey there again! You are about to read the third chapter of this Hunger Games fan fiction! We left off on a very big cliffhanger, so let's continue!

SkiGirl121: Thank you, you are so kind I love getting comments it makes me feel more motivated to write!

"And the female tribute is..." The orange and pink haired man says, "Kata.. umm Kataleya Mellark!"

It feels like a stone just hit the back of Peeta and Katniss's head. Or like the beautiful, sunny bright day turned gray. Katniss's pale blue dress feels no longer like a pretty color, it feels dark and grey.

"Come on, give a round of applause for Kataleya!" The man says, "Come on up dear."

Katniss looks over at the girls section and watches as Kataleya makes her way through the crowd up on stage. She is terrified. Kataleya looks over at her parents, hoping that this is just a nightmare that she can wake up from, but she knows it is real.

"Wait a minute," says the weird hair colored man "You're Katniss and Peeta's daughter! Ahh, what an honor! Following in you mother and fathers footsteps. Wow, just wow!"

Katniss can't stand this, her own daughter gets picked to fight, murder, and possibly die.

Katniss hugs Peeta whimpering and short of breath.

"Why?" Katniss whispers, "Why does it have to be her?" Tears now rolling down her face.

Peeta has a stronger grip on Katniss now "She is strong, a fighter like you. I know she can do this!" Peeta kisses Katniss's head, and rubs her back.

Looking back at the stage now, Katniss can't help but feel a little bit relieved because she has Peeta. Peeta is always there in hard times, and knows what to say to make her feel better. Still even the best of people can't always cheer you up.

"Ok, now onto the Male tribute," The man walks towards the bowl opposite from the female's. Once again, he dramatically sticks his hand into the bowl and searches until he is satisfied of the paper that he has picked.

Now walking back towards the microphone he clears his throat and says "The male tribute that will represent district twelve in this years hunger games is..."

The man is taking so long, Katniss and Peeta want to get over this because things can't get any worse.

The man unfolds the paper slowly and says "Well, well, well what a surprise!" He continues "Now the male tribute is Rye Mellark!"

I guess things can get worse for Peeta and Katniss.

Peeta and Katniss watches Rye slowly walk up to the stage, crying. All Katniss wants to do is wake up from this terrible nightmare.

"Now," The man starts "would our two lovely mentors like to come on stage?" Using his hands to usher them on stage.

Katniss goes first, Peeta following close behind. They stand behind the announcer, who is yet to tell his name.

"Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds..." The man says.

Katniss finishes the sentence with him but instead saying "And may the odds, never be in your favor."

Leaning her head on Peeta's shoulder, everyone takes three fingers to their lips and put it up in the air. As a show of respect for their braveness, and kindness. Katniss starts to cry, it feels like her first Hunger Games all over again. She just can't help a tear roll down her cheek.

"That is very kind." The man with weird hair says "The reaping is over you can all go back home."

Everyone going home, knowing that they are going to survive another year. Happiness is what they feel, but sadness and anger is what the Mellarks and Katniss feel.

"Alright now chop chop." Says the man clapping his hands and starts walk towards a small carriage that has pulled up. "Kids come with me and mentors follow the peacekeepers." He says starting to lead Kataleya and Rye along with him.

Without even knowing why they are both going in different directions Katniss and Peeta get pulled by the peacekeepers and go down the steps of the stage and into a big building.

The man tells Kataleya and Rye to sit in the back. The carriage is small and pink, a very ugly hot pink.

"To the train!" says the man, now sitting in the front seat. Turning around to face Kataleya and Rye he begins, "Hello, I am Hector."

"You two must be so proud, following in your parents footsteps!" Hector says with a big smile on his face.

"You must be wondering what I do." Hector begins trying to get an answer out of Kataleya and Rye. "Well, I help organize and schedule events. For example," Hector says taking a clipboard out from behind his back. "The train has to leave at exactly 3:35, otherwise we will arrive late in the capitol!"

Rye is still confused of how there was a clipboard behind his back, Kataleya is just ignoring his words as she looks out of the window wishing she was part of those happy families.

The carriage hits a bump, then another, there are things in the back that goes boom, crash and bang.

"Is any of that important?" says Kataleya pointing towards the trunk.

"No of course not!" Hector says. "Those are just your clothes."

"Wait, so you knew we were going to be reaped?" Kataleya asks alarmed.

"No, all parents are required to pack their children's bags incase they are reaped."

"Oh ok." Kataleya sighs, wishing that that was the case, so that she could expose the capitol and not have to fight in the Hunger Games.

A few minutes later, they arrive at a grey and ugly train station.

They get out and are greeted with peacekeepers, who lead them to the train with their bags of clothes in each hand.

As they step onto the train, immediately a smell of expensive perfume surrounds them. As they walk into a seating area, their parents run up and hug them.

Thank you for reading, please make sure to tell me if you loved it, or what i can improve on! Watch out for the next chapter!