Hey guys!

I'm here with this new fanfic for you all!

Ok, admittedly this fic is already going on and already have a few chapters posted, but I thought I'll let you see it for now.

I might post the next chapter in the future but I'll see when the time is right.

I'm already working on the few stories I have already and about to update TBE, so look forward to that.

In any case! please enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you guys think!

A\N - I don't own Kim Possible... sadly... if I did Ron would receive the appreciation he deserves! and the show will have 25 more seasons at least!

It helps to know you people liked it!.

Id like to give a HUGE! thanks to 'JRC1700' for agreeing to Beta so the fic will be even better! You are awesome on so many levels!


I have created a P a treon . account to help and support my hobby! If you want you can support me or just feeling generous so I can get the chapters out faster and maybe something more if anyone is interested so go and check it out! :) Ps - some new stories over there!.

P a treon . com (slash) blue_eye_white_wing


Chapter 1: The Plan

Possible? Kim Possible?

God, that name was so annoying!

She absolutely hated it, with a burning passion!

Never, in her life, had Bonnie hated someone in such a way. To make her sneer, as soon as she spotted them. The little redheaded girl was TOO perfect. It annoyed her, a lot!

No matter what Bonnie did, no matter how hard she tried, it never made any difference.

Cheering? Kim was the captain of the squad. The redhead was notorious for ignoring Bonnie whenever she'd offered up a better routine, one that she'd come up with on the spot!

Popularity? Kim didn't care about it in the slightest! Which had resulted in making her even MORE popular with many of the students at school.

Boys? She was currently dating Josh Mankey, who was the hottest guy at school by far, and made sure to keep him on a tight leash. As she should!

It didn't matter if Bonnie wanted to spread some rumors, or try and plant something in Kim's locker, or straight up try to fight her (not that she would ever stoop so low)! Besides, Kim was trained in martial arts, she was pretty much impossible to beat. Hell, Bonnie remembered seeing her redheaded rival fighting, and winning, against men bigger and stronger than she was with unbelievable ease! On TV, no less!

'Team Possible saves the world again!' was the headline she'd read, once again, before heading to school. Bonnie couldn't remember any movie stars, or politicians, even coming close to the kind of brand-recognition that her rival enjoyed.

Kim this, Kim that! Kim is so amazing, so great, so pretty! She'd simply had enough of that name!

And the worst part was, she didn't even notice it! That redheaded bitch didn't so much as acknowledge all the attention she was getting! So much fame, so many people admired her, and she didn't give a damn about it!

It was maddening! Pure insanity! Why the hell would she put in the effort, if she wasn't even going to enjoy the sweet taste of the rewards?!

The only things she seemed to care about, was doing good deeds and helping others! Bonnie didn't buy it, she refused to believe that Kim's motivations were as simple as that! There was something else going on, she was sure of it!

That bitch was enjoying her fame. She just wasn't showing it, at least not at school. She was probably laughing about it when she was alone, or with that blonde loser of hers.

'Wait, that's it!' the brunette cheerleader crowed. She was currently sitting with the rest of the cheer team, minus Possible. Her gaze was locked on Kim, sitting at a table on the other end of the cafeteria. The only ones sitting with her were her usual handful of friends.

One was the new ravenette student, who'd just started attending a few months ago. 'I think she was Monique, or something?' Whatever her name was, that girl was truly unfortunate to be stuck with Possible. That had instantly made her an outcast in the eyes of all popular kids in the school. 'Too bad. She seemed like a cool, fashionable girl' the brunette mused, before squashing those weak thoughts completely.

The third student at that table was another face she was used to seeing, 'even if I wish I didn't have to!' A familiar, annoyed feeling shot through her body as she glanced at the blonde loser/mascot of the cheer team. Most notably, he was Possible's best friend- Ron Stoppable.

The stupid loser was, once again, wearing his usual outfit. It consisted of two shirts, a combination of red and black, along with his over-sized baggy pants. 'God, do you even own anything else? I'm feeling embarrassed enough, just looking at you!' Bonnie snarked for the thousandth time. Being a natural born loser, obviously he didn't even try. How fitting for Possible's friend. It also showed how much she cared about her friend, when she hadn't even attempted to change his image, some friend she was!

The brunette queen suddenly noticed another person approaching Kim's table. 'Josh!' He was Possible's boyfriend, another one of the many things that redheaded bitch had stolen from her. Bonnie had been planning on asking the blonde artist out, but that bitch had stolen her chance and made her move before Bonnie could.

It only made Bonnie even more annoyed with her rival, for ruining her chance to get rid of Brick and exchange him for a new model. Her blonde boyfriend, or really more like ex-boyfriend, was pissing her off to no end lately. Blaming HER, for being even meaner than she usually was. Still refusing to give him something 'he so desperately needed'.

'Not my problem' Bonnie vowed, recalling telling him that she wasn't in the mood, or occasionally admitting that she simply wasn't ready to take that step. And that was true… to a point. 'Please, like I would give that idiot a prize for being a placeholder!' She'd never really thought of the blonde jock as anything more than a tool, one to boost her own popularity even more. After all, the head cheerleader- and most popular girl at school- was SUPPOSED to date the quarterback.

And she had! It hadn't exactly been enjoyable for her, but it had made her even greater than she'd already been. He would have to suffice, until she could find someone even better! At this point, she wouldn't even consider Josh anymore. She wasn't about to touch Possible's leftovers, unless of course the blonde boy broke things off with Kim to hook up with her. Hell, if he made it painful, she'd even consider giving him a little 'something'.

The blonde pretty-boy didn't even wait, instantly pulling something out of his jacket and flashing it at his girlfriend. She didn't jump, sadly, simply smiling as if she knew he'd been there.

The blonde boy played it off, smiling towards the other two at the table. More at the ravenette girl than The Loser.

'So he IS a player, no matter. If anything, it'll make Possible jealous of every girl they come across!' That particularly nasty thought made Bonnie smirk. She noticed a slight shift in the blonde artist's face as he looked at The Loser. For a split-second she could see it, the utter boredom of seeing the other boy.

'So even Josh knows that he's a loser?' That gave him even more points in Bonnie's book. 'He's probably putting up with him for Little Miss Perfect. I wonder if she asked him to, or did he decide to on his own?' she questioned, but quickly chose to ignore the mystery, as it didn't really matter to her.

Kim smiled as she saw what he'd pulled out of his jacket, getting up from her seat, saying goodbye to the two at the table. They kept eating and talking, before Monique finished up. She moved away from the table, leaving The Loser alone.

Bonnie kept watching the scene unfold in front of her. She hadn't said a word for the past several minutes, but her team knew better than to bother her if she was thinking about something.

She kept staring at the blonde loser, as he kept eating and talking with that ugly pet of his. Talking to it? Just another thing that proved he was at the bottom of the food chain.

"Okay, I'm doing it!" exclaimed someone next to her, startling the brunette and shaking her from her thoughts.

Bonnie glanced to the seat next to her, to seen her blonde friend Tara stand up. Her gaze was locked on the far table ahead, most probably on The Loser. "Tara!" she barked, her tone being the first warning she gave.

"Don't 'Tara' me Bonnie, I've told you before that I want to ask him out!" the blonde cheerleader shot back at her friend.

'This nonsense again?' She couldn't understand what her friend's deal was with The Loser. "And I told you before that as a cheerleader, and one of the highest people on the food chain, you can't talk to someone like him… let alone ask him out."

"But I really want to!" the girl responded, looking more than a bit annoyed. "I don't want to date a member of the football team!"

Yep, this was the same conversation they'd had last time: I don't want to, they're a bunch of stupid jocks, they keep getting too handsy with me!

Honestly, Bonnie agreed with most of her issues. She MAY have even been willing to admit that out loud, if Tara hadn't insisted on dating Possible's loser.

"And I told you that you can date ANYBODY else! Anyone except for 'him'! Do you want to destroy your image, just to have a lousy time with him?" Bonnie replied, making Tara flinch. The brunette didn't doubt for a second that her friend would do it, if only she was sure it wouldn't blow up in her face. Tara was still scared it seemed, to Bonnie that was the only good thing about the situation.

"Honestly, I feel like you only insist on him because you know you're not supposed to" Jessica accused, making it seem like a forbidden fruit situation. "And besides, what do you think Kim will do if you try to date her blonde besty?" the blonde added, making the rest mull the question over as well.

It was a bit hard to guess, without any basis to work off of. They'd heard that The Loser had dated some girl before, apparently Kim had been okay with it. But that didn't mean she would be fine if a cheerleader was to date him. Or, even worse, if it was a member of Bonnie's group.

"Wow, can you imagine what Kim would do if she found out one of us was dating him?" Liz added. The girls all took a moment, before they all arrived at the same conclusion.

She would be mad- No, the redheaded captain would probably be absolutely livid!

"I can already imagine it, the horror" Marcella teased, most of the girls laughed in response.

"That's true!" the brunette leader suddenly exclaimed, her friends stared at her in wonder. 'It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it!' She suddenly smiled.

"Umm, what's up, Bonnie? You're looking a bit too serious" Tara asked, unnerved by the expression on her friend's face.

"Tara…" Bonnie looked up at her friend, smiling. "How would you liked to have that date with Possible's little friend?" she asked sweetly.

There was a brief silence, the rest of the team staring at their leader in disbelief. Tara's face broke into a wide smile. "Wait, d-do you m-mean that I-I can date Ronnie?!" The smile on her face clearly conveyed just how much the idea excited her.

"Wait, before you run over and jump him right here and now, there are a few things you should know" Bonnie explained. For the first time her blonde friend listened with absolute focus, as if her life depended on it.

'I bet she really WOULD have bolted over there. Well, whatever.' Bonnie took a moment, before she continued. "You know that Possible will probably despise the idea of her friend dating a cheerleader, right? But what if she wasn't his friend anymore?" Bonnie explained, the rest of the team looked at her confused.

"What I mean is… If, by chance, they were to have a big fight and stopped being all buddy-buddy then I wouldn't have any issue with you dating him!" True to her word, Bonnie really wouldn't mind it. It wouldn't make him any more popular, but it would make him less of a loser than he was. …and that was saying a lot!

The smile on Tara started to waver. "Oh? But they're best friends, I don't think I've ever seen them fight! Like EVER!" The blonde was right.

"Right, so that's where my plan comes in~"

"Plan? What plan?" the blonde beauty asked.

"Simple, I'll date him!" Bonnie declared, an all-too-confident smirk on her face.

The silence was deafening, the entire group still processing what their leader had just said.

"Um, Bonnie?" the first one to speak was Hope. "A-Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, you do realize what you just said, right?" Marcella added. For some reason, Tara didn't look amused at all.

"I know what you mean. And yes, but hear me out on this one" their leader insisted. "Possible is very protective of her little friend, she'd probably never fight him. So, we need to cause some friction between them, right? And what better way than the one person she hates more than anything, dating him?" The rest of the girls seemed to understand what she meant.

"Him siding with his girlfriend, then fighting her in the process?"

"But then YOU would be dating him, Bonnie" Tara responded, clearly not seeing the point to this nonsense.

"Only for as long as he stays her friend. With me consistently fighting with her, as well as making him chose me over her? It'll only be a matter of time before they stop being friends. And then? I'll simply break things off with him. Gently, insisting that it isn't working out" she added at the end, as she noticed Tara's face. "After that, all you would need to do-" Bonnie pointed at Tara. "Is to just take over for me, he would be completely yours. No Possible to come in-between you and him." She'd nearly sold the deal, if Tara's face was anything to go by.

"W-Well, I still think that's a bit much. Can't I just date him and that's it, does he have to stop being her friend?" she asked, still uncomfortable with the idea of breaking up the two best friends.

'You are just too nice to be crushing on someone like him, Tara' the brunette mused, but kept going. "Look… you can pretty much kiss your chances goodbye if you wait for him, or try anything when 'she's' around. So, what's it going to be?" Bonnie finished. Tara's defenses down, she surrendered to the inevitable.

The brunette smirked. 'Good, that was the hard part.' She looked towards the lone blonde at the far table, just finishing up his meal.

It was time to begin the hunt!


As lunch was already over, the students cleared out of the cafeteria. Among them was the blonde member of Team Possible, he was currently looking inside his locker. He checked to see if there was anything else he needed for his next class, be it books or anything else.

Lunch had been good, sitting with Kim and Monique was always pleasant. It didn't really bother him that Josh had come over and essentially taken the redhead away.

She WAS his girlfriend, so it really wasn't his place to object, despite what Monique had insinuated at the time.

"You know you could have said something, right?" the ravenette spoke up, staring at the couple walking away from the table.

"Um, why?" he asked, unsure what she meant.

"Maybe because instead of joining us for lunch, like a good boyfriend would, instead he dragged her away to sit alone" she finished.

"Well, he is her boyfriend. He does have good reason, and she didn't say no, so-" Ron explained.

At this point Monique simply stared at the blonde, paying little attention to what he was saying. The ravenette girl could honestly say that she liked Ron very much. He was a awesome friend, easy to talk to, not to mention that he was a big fan of wrestling- just like she was. More than anything however, he was a good and decent person! None of this fake personality stuff that she'd seen her whole life. He was honest to a fault and cared deeply about his friends, along with just about everybody else! He and Kim both were like that! It was one of the main reasons that she liked them so much!

So, that was how she could say that she didn't like Kim's current boyfriend. It wasn't that he wasn't nice, or pleasant to talk to, just that talking to him gave her a bad vibe. Like he was trying too hard, or just putting up an act in front of Kim.

And then she'd noticed the way he looked at Ron. The way his eyes narrowed for a moment, as if he was looking at someone less important than himself. That had definitely confirmed her hunch about him.

But the worst part was that Kim had apparently failed to notice any of this. Hell, she'd simply agreed with him and walked away. She'd said that she'd see the two of them later.

Was she blind? Or was the pretty face of her boyfriend too distracting? Whatever the reason, Monique vowed to have a short talk with Kim about her boyfriend. She wasn't hoping to break them up, she just wanted to make sure that her redheaded friend was aware of what was going on right in front of her.

The two teens continued talking about their last class, just how was Mr. Barkin able to teach so many classes? Ron's theory was that the older man had a few clones running around the school. All in all, a pretty normal afternoon with the blonde boy.

After a few more minutes she finished her lunch and excused herself to check up on a few things, ultimately leaving Ron alone with Rufus.

'I didn't really need to say anything, right?' he wondered for the third time in as many minutes. Despite his ravenette friend assuring him he could have spoke up, he was unable to bring himself to do so. Kim was his best friend, possibly embarrassing her in front of her boyfriend wasn't something he wanted to do.

He could still remember all of the times she'd been too nervous to talk to Josh, before they'd started dating officially. Back when she was too awkward and intimidating for some people, according to her.

He'd never really understood what was so scary about his redheaded friend. All he'd ever seen in her was the most sweet, caring and incredible person he'd ever met. Definitely one of a kind!

So her talking about herself like that at the time was all the more reason for him to help push her forward, to confront her crush.

It was a good thing he had, he was happy to help. So why did he just sigh again in exhaustion? This wasn't like him. Especially when he only did so when he was alone, not wanting any of his friends to see him like this.

"Hello there" someone next to him greeted.

Ron was usually extremely perceptive. Or at least he'd like to think so, after all this time going on mission with Kim. But what he hadn't expected was to suddenly be called out to by that particular voice. The blonde jumped, his body hitting his locker hard, as if he'd intended to fuse with it to get away.

Heart hammering inside his chest, he looked up. He saw someone who rarely talked to him, other than to throw insults. "B-Bonnie?" he stuttered out, relaxing a bit upon seeing only the brunette beauty without her group. "Um, what's up?"

The girl stared at him for a few moments, before glancing around them. They weren't alone, a few other students were walking around. "Oh, nothing much. Just that I didn't see Kim around you, that's unusual" she prompted, pointing out the obvious.

"Oh, KP? She went with Josh to have lunch" he explained.

"Did she? I wondered why you were sitting all alone."

'She was watching?' he puzzled, but didn't comment on it. "Oh, did you want to say something to KP? I can tell her that you wanted to talk to her." He assumed that she needed to talk to Kim about the cheer team, or something else like that.

"No," she shook her head. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you, Ron" the brunette informed, smiling.

"Eh?" 'This is probably a hallucination' he insisted, as that seemed to be the only logical explanation.

"Why are you surprised? Don't I talk to you and Kim often?" the cheerleader asked.

'If by talk, you mean make fun of, then yes' the blonde boy groused, but didn't dare say anything. "I-I guess you do."

The brunette noticed just how meek he was when he wasn't around Kim. 'I have to stomach this loser, for now.' She was disgusted by the mere idea, but it would all be worth it in the end. 'God, I can't wait for Possible to find out!' She smiled at the thought. "Don't sound so worried, I only wanted to asked you something." She proceeded to give a short excuse about forgetting her notebook and needing to borrow his, just to have something to write on. Bonnie didn't think the request would be a problem. She honestly doubted that he even gave a damn about school, or his studies.

"Oh, um, sure!" he quickly answered, turning towards his locker. He fumbled around for a few seconds, trying to find what the girl needed.

'So easy,' she smirked at his back. Oh how simple it had been, for her to make him believe the smallest excuse. Like she would ever need something so trivial, from someone like him. She was one of the best students in the school, she never forgot anything. Besides, she had the whole school at her fingertips. She forgot her book? Please, she could snap her fingers, her subjects would write a new one for her themselves!

After a few more seconds he finally turned around, to see her smiling at him. "Well, h-here you go Bonnie, I hope it helps." He sounded a bit embarrassed, as he handed it to her.

"Thanks. Don't worry, I'll get it back to you as soon as class ends. See you around, Ron." She'd been all but whispering at the end, it made his eyes go wide in shock.

She didn't even have to glance back to see him staring at her, the brunette could practically feel his eyes on her body. 'Step one is complete. Now, all I have to do is wait until after classes. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to make Possible blow a gasket by the end of the day!' With that last pleasant thought, she moved on to her next class. She couldn't wait for the end of the school day.

Ron Stoppable was just exiting his last class. He was feeling odd, to say the least. It wasn't unusual for him to feel like this, from time to time. But this time he was worried for a real reason, and he knew exactly what it was.

It was all because of the brunette girl walking next to him.

Bonnie Rockwaller was strolling slowly down the halls of Middleton High, right next to him. But, unlike what the people around them thought, it wasn't just a freak accident.

As soon as classes had ended, Kim had been dragged away by Josh yet again. Something about a show, or a concert, or something. Ron hadn't really paid much attention, he had been far too busy glancing at the brunette queen of the school. 'Why did she come over and ask me for that notebook?' he was still wondering. The question had been stuck in his head for hours now. Ever since his mind had stopped racing from the fact that she'd even approached him at all. He blamed himself, and how he'd been feeling about Kim, for missing the fact that THE Queen B had asked something of him.

He hadn't even had a chance to talk to Kim about what'd happened. He'd been left alone, as Bonnie moved from her seat and moved closer to his. She handed him his notebook back. "Thanks again Ron, I just took a few pages so I can copy it to my own notebook back at home." She smiled at him.

"Oh, sure, I'm not one to write during class" he explained awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I already knew that." She stared at him, letting out a slight giggle. She didn't like acting so nice, but she kept herself focused on her goal.

"I prefer to think of it as a strategy. Filter out the relevant information that Mr. B gives us" the blonde teen joked. He was starting to feel a bit more comfortable with talking to her, the more he did so.

To Bonnie's surprise, she found his response amusing enough to roll her eyes and genuinely smile. "I can't argue with that! Anyway, I couldn't help but notice Possible walking away with her boyfriend, just as class ended."

"Yeah. They had a date, or something, planned… I think?" He wasn't exactly sure, but had figured that it was something along those lines.

"Oh? So, that means your walking home alone?"

"Yeah, I guess I am." Ron looked around, trying to find Monique. He was hoping to join her, but she wasn't around. 'She's probably going to laugh at me walking alone.' He remembered her doing that in the past, the memories encouraging him to prepare for the inevitable teasing that was to come.

"Well, maybe we can walk home together?" she asked, unveiling the second part of her plan. The brunette watched him closely, his eyes suddenly opening up completely in shock. 'Yeah, that was the response I was expecting' she thought, it only made sense.

"Y-You mean, you and me?" he asked.

She nodded for confirmation, smiling at him like she had at so many other guys in the past. It was so very easy, for her to get boys to agree to almost anything.

That had been the case every time so far, which made her all the more surprised to see him take a moment to think about it. 'I-Is he thinking it over?' She was amazed for a moment, before clarity came to her. 'He's probably worried that this is some sort of plan on my part, to do something to him.' Well, he wasn't wrong, but she needed to make him lower his guard for her scheme to work.

"You don't want to? Planning to leave poor, little, defenseless old me alone?" It was time to bring out the big guns. Even the more resistant ones were putty in her hands, when she used that tone. Hell, she'd made Brick do just about anything when she asked like that. It was so EASY to stroke his ego, to make him feel like a strong man.

"It's not that…" he answered her.

'And so he agrees, just like the rest.' She was barely holding herself from smirking at his coming response.

"It's just that I already promised Rufus that we'd go for some Bueno Nacho today. Sorry Bonnie" he apologized honestly, starting to walk away.

'WHAT?' She must have been hearing things, or coming down with something terrible, because it sounded like the blonde loser had just passed up an opportunity to walk her home! Who the hell did he think he was! Did he forget who she was?! 'Well, I better remind him why he should fear m-' Her thoughts suddenly stopped, remembering why she'd she even bothered to talk to Possible's loser in the first place. She gritted her teeth for a moment, before taking a deep breath to calm herself. 'I need to stay focused! And, after I'm done, you'll regret ever siding with Possible over me!' (JRC1700: I'd just like to quickly point out Bonnie, Ron didn't side with KIM over you. Ron sided with A NAKED MOLE RAT over you. Just thought I'd clarify that one XD)

The brunette moved faster, catching up to and walking next to him. "What a coincidence, I was thinking of getting something to eat too! You don't mind if I join you, right?"


"Hey Mon, what's up?" asked the redheaded heroine, standing in line with her boyfriend. Said girl was currently on her phone, as she had a few minutes before the concert started.

"What's up?! Where are you? I've called you at least SIX times!" the ravenette replied loudly, but not in anger. She could barely make out Kim's voice, over the people around her in line.

"I noticed after the fifth time! Couldn't really hear it Mon, sorry. So, what's so important that it couldn't wait?" The redheaded girl wondered if there was some sort of new sale at the mall, or maybe she needed some-

"I just saw Ron and the Queen B walking out of the school, together!" Monique exclaimed. She didn't hear a response, but she recognized the sound of Kim's phone dropping to the floor.


Posted on July 14