Chapter 1
I sigh. This was not how this was supposed to go. The school had expelled her and now they wanted her back without punishing Lila for lying. She was done. Lila had been bullying her for months and no one believed her. Everyone thought that Lila could do no wrong.
Now she was sitting in a meeting about how they were letting her back and listening to Lila spin her latest story about… I don't even know. I stopped paying attention ten minutes ago. But they were letting her back into school. That was good. But why do I feel bad about this? I didn't do anything wrong and I now have a bad mark on my record. She did everything that she could to frame me and gets rewarded. Man, I really hate her. I hate this school. I hate my life at this point. But it isn't my fault at all. I tried to help everyone and they threw me away for some new girl who lies as easily as she breathes. 'I just say what they want to hear,' I think back to the bathroom. If what they want to hear is not the truth then I don't want to hear from then. I turn to my parents who are looking at me as if they can hear my thoughts.
"Stop!" I hear from someone in the room and it takes me a solid minute to realize that I was the one to say that.
"Sorry, but she is lying. I know you don't believe me and I don't have any proof but she has been lying this whole time. There is no way that I am coming back to a school that I have been bullied relentlessly and then told to suck it up!" I say so quickly that I forget to breathe. "I am really sorry. I love this school and most everyone in it but I need to be somewhere that dosn't take a student's word as law. I need someplace that will punish students who are out of line, that won't pardon someone just because of who their parents are. I need teachers that will do what they need to do to maintain order. I think..." I pause thinking through my next word very carefully.
"I think that I need to transfer to a new school."