Hey guys, I've been reading some other Avatar stories so sorry if I haven't updated this in awhile. I'm still deciding where to continue through this story.

Aang woke up to the sounds of chirping birds. He groaned and stretched his arms outwards, and then rubbed his eyes. The events of yesterday flooded through, his heart ached. He still remembered that Katara had cheated on him. No, there was no point of dwelling on this anymore, I lost her... A single tear rolled down his cheeks. He quickly wiped away and went downstairs to the living room, where Gyatso was taking a nap in his recliner chair. He walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. He took a bowl of strawberries and a single banana, and then blended it together to make a strawberry-banana smoothie. "Ahhh, just what I needed" Aang said after taking a sip. He quickly gulped it down and went upstairs to his room. His room had a small desk near the window, a queen sized bed with orange blankets and pillows. Various framed pictures accompanied the small desk. His phone rung and he answered it.

"Hello?" Aang said.

"Hey Aang, It's Suki, I just wanted to know if we can hang out today. We could go to that one coffee shop that just opened down near our neighborhood" Suki replied.

"Yeah sure, I would like that. What time do you want me to pick you up?"

"How about in an hour?"

"That's good for me. See you there, Bye Suki."

"Bye Aang."

Aang hung up and put his phone to charge. It was 10:30 AM. He usually didn't wake up that late but yesterday was too much for him so he decided that sleep was the answer. He went towards his closet and opened it. There was an assortment of clothes, some hoodies, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts and shirts. He decided that a white beanie with a blue arrow going down the middle, a plain white t-shirt, some light-blue ripped jeans and a pair of all white Air Force 1s. A classic outfit for an friend date with the girl you li- Did I just say I like Suki? Pfffftttt, no way I like her, I just got out of a relationship. Come on Aang, She doesn't like you Aang, just as a friend. He quickly shook away these thoughts and decided to take a shower. He closed the bathroom door and stripped off his boxers. He stepped in the shower and closed the door. He turned the knob and cold water splashed onto his body. Shit that's really cold... He adjusted the knob to warmer water. He took his coconut scented shampoo and lathered his hair. After a few minutes, he let the water flood his hair, and reached down to the dish where he kept his bar of coconut scented soap. He washed the soap off and got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his lean, muscular frame. He dried himself off and got dressed into his clothes. He took a quick look in the mirror. Hey there cutie, you looking good... He chuckled at his own joke and went to his bed and laid down. He turned on his phone and looked at the time, 11:00 AM, looks like I have some free time to myself.

Suki's phone rung and she picked it up and answered.

"What's up Yue?"

"Oh I just wanted to know if you were alright after what happened yesterday." Yue said in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine, I would be sulking right now but I asked Aang on a friendly date..."

"Wow, you moved on to Aang, your such a slut Suks.."

"Hey! It's a friendly date, there are no mutual romantic feelings here." Suki lied.

"Sure you do Suks, I mean look at Aang! He might be lacking some height, but he's easy on the eyes and that body of his..." Yue sighed dreamily.

"Okay, I might think he's kinda hot but still, we both just got out of toxic relationships, I don't know if we are both ready for some type of relationship." Suki sighed.

"I don't know Suks, he might think of you in the same way. You have to know if he is somewhat attracted to you."

"I know I know, I will try to but I have to get ready for this date..."

"You are one lucky girl Suks, If you weren't interested in him, I would be all over that."

Suki rolled her eyes. "Good to know Yue, but I have to go, Bye."

"Bye, make sure he wears a condom" Yue said teasingly.

Suki blushed furiously and hung up. She looked at the time, 10:50 AM, well... I do want to smell good for Aang. She smirked and went to her closet. She pulled out a light-blue jean jacket with a plain white t-shirt with some ripped dark-blue jeans with some low-top white vans. She went towards the bathroom, dropped her bra and panties, and entered the shower. She turned the knob all the way, avoiding the freezing cold water. She grabbed her strawberry shampoo and massaged her hair with it. She rinsed off the shampoo and reached for the lavender scented soap. She ran it all over her B-cup breasts, and then to her womanhood. She moaned at the contact and put the soap back into its dish. She put two fingers into her womanhood, moaning loudly. She began fantasizing about Aang, furiously pumping her fingers in and out of her for about 3 minutes. She panted heavily and felt her release coming. She cried out his name "Aang!", She slumped against the wall and felt the water engulfing her head. Did I just finger myself to Aang? I'm such a hornball. She stood up and turned the knob off. She dried herself off with a towel and changed into her clothes. She looked into the mirror and brushed her auburn hair. Once satisfied, she threw the brush onto her bed and sprayed some perfume all over her body. She looked at her phone and dialed Aang's number.

"Suki, It hasn't been an hour yet."

"I know but I'm eager to go try out this new coffee shop, It must be busy there already!" Suki said eagerly.

"Aren't you one impatient little girl?" Aang joked.

"Are you gonna pick me up or what!" Suki replied annoyingly.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

Suki hung up and went downstairs towards her porch and sat in one of the chairs. Exactly 5 minutes passed and she saw Aang's white corvette. She beamed and quickly walked over to his car. Aang saw her and his jaw dropped. Her jean jacket complimented her teal eyes, her jeans hugged her curves and her auburn hair stood out. He felt himself drooling a little bit. Wow, she looks really beautiful... He was soon interrupted by her words, where she peered through the rolled down window.

"Hey Aang! I like your car by the way."

"Yeah, Gyatso actually got me this for my birthday. It matches my outfit."

Suki looked at him and couldn't help but admire his body. His white t-shirt hugged his toned chest. His white beanie covered his usually short wavy hair, and those stormy gray eyes. She could get lost into the storms called eyes. She quickly exited these thoughts when a hand waved in her face.

"Suki, is everything alright, you look lost in thought" Aang asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine Aang."

She opened the passenger seat door and got in. Aang drove away towards the coffee shop. There was an awkward silence the whole drive. They both were in thought thinking about each other while sneaking occasional glances, both looking away blushing. They soon arrived and parked in the last parking spot. "Wait..." Aang quickly got out and went to the passenger side door and opened the door for her. What a gentleman... She stepped out and thanked Aang while blushing a rose color. They approached the coffee shop that said "The Jasmine Dragon" in bright green letters. The building itself was a nice building. The windows had nice rose petals surrounding the windows and from the chattering inside, it was packed. They entered and were waiting for someone to tend them to a table. A tall, pale skin boy with shaggy black hair with golden eyes appeared from one of the neighboring tables.

"Uncle we need more coffee!" The boy shouted towards the kitchen.

The boy suddenly glanced over towards the entrance of the coffee shop and his eyes widened. The boy and Aang made brief eye contact, both frozen in their spot.

"What is it Aang?" Suki said, worried.

"Zuko..." Aang said in horror, not breaking eye contact with him.

Sorry guys, I had to leave on a cliffhanger! I will try to update this ASAP but I need to figure out the plot and everything. Leave a review please! Its currently 4 in the morning when I am finished with this :o