
Chapter 1:Prologue

Author's note:I do not own South Park nor its characters. Inspired by the song "Dandelion" by Gabbie Hanna.

A small blonde watched as kids ran down the street in their superhero regalia laughing oblivious to their friend who was left behind. Butters didn't even know what he was grounded for this time. But when had that really ever mattered. Heck, he didn't even bother to argue with the punishment. It's not like anyone missed him anyway. Catching sight of teenager dressed in a purple cloak he smiled to himself. Okay maybe not everybody forgot about him. As male below could hear his thoughts he glanced at Butters and gave a grimace and a small nod. Kenny always did stay in character no matter what so Butters could forgive the somewhat distant response to his imprisonment. At least Ken would acknowledge his presence. A small smile found itself pulling at his lips.

"Butters, do you find being grounded fun mister?" Oh hamburgers he forgot that his father had recently installed cameras to make sure the boy didn't try to escape. Apparently they would also mean that he wouldn't be safe except deep inside his own mind. Butters was almost sure this constituted as something illegal but he didn't know. Apparently Ken- Mysterion he really should remember that agreed as the frown he wore in costume seemed to grow a little more intense. He didn't mean to make Mysterion upset, well he did but that was Professor Chaos not Butters. Butters shook his head. It was his fault for being such a bad kid. "Good that's what I thought." Oh dear he had forgotten he was asked a question. See he really was a bad kid. He was sure his parents were just trying their best and he shouldn't be so quick to think it was unfair.

A small voice inside whispered that it was unfair and they should pay but it was easy to push away. Chaos was grounded too right now and that meant no playing the villain. He tilted his head to assure the other blonde he'd be fine. Kenny seemed unsure but after a moments pause conceded and followed the others who had never even stopped. Today Butters would behave and do as he was told. The dark voice within piped up but tomorrow would be different.

So this the start of a superhero Bunny story I plan on expanding on.

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