At Crystal Cove museum, Morgan Brown, who owned the museum, was locking up for the night. He pulled the key out of the keyhole and put on his bowler hat. He dropped the keys into his pocket and patted it.

Suddenly, a shadow zoomed past him.

He stroked his pointy,grey beard and looked around at all four corners of the entrance.

Another shadow zoomed past.

"Hello?" He shouted. "I-is anyone there?"

A glowing light caught his eye.

A pair of ominous, red eyes stared at him in the shadows. He couldn't see whose eyes they were but Mr. Brown knew that things were about to get serious. The shadow emerged out of the darkness. It towered over him, wielding a long, intricately written-in sword. Mr Brown took a few steps back.


He turned around and saw ANOTHER ONE, pointing their sword right at his chest.

The third and final one walked in. It gestured for the other two to back off and he looked at Mr. Brown.

"Wh..wh..who are you!? What are you doing here!?" He said in a trembling voice.

"We are the Smoke Knights of the 19th century. Keep that Victorian exhibit of yours in there up." He pointed to the doors as he mentioned the exhibit. "And everything that you love will go down in flames."

All three Smoke Knights cackled as they barged out of the metal gates and vanished.

Mr. Brown was silent. He wondered what this Smoke Knight thing would mean for him and his museum.