This is my first ever story so constructive criticism is welcome.



*Sound Effect/Action*

[Unsacred Hellgate]




"Gaaah!" shouted a man dressed in all blue except for his boots, being brown. He wears a coat along with a vest and slacks. His hair's spiked back while being a snow white as he gazes at the ground with his blue eyes. He wields 2 legendary swords of Sparda; Force Edge in its unawakened form and Yamato the sword said to cut through anything. His name is Vergil, the oldest son of Sparda.

'Not too shabby Verg.' Thought another man similar to Vergil in appearance but adorns a red coat, brown cargo pants, and black boots. He has the same hair color as Vergil but it's unkempt and rests on the sides of his face. He's equipped with Ebony and Ivory his signature pistols and his father's sword Rebellion that can unite man and devil. His name is Dante, the youngest son of Sparda and Vergil's twin brother.

"Am I... being defeated?" Vergil mutters as he gets his bearings together.

'All that talk about power and that's all he can muster.' Dante concludes as he takes in the scenery of the battle field. The water flowing through their feet, the white tavern around them, the black sphere in the sky that seems to be taking in black energy while also emitting a light around it. Yup, this was definitely the gate connecting the human and demon world.

What a night it has been for the red-clad devil hunter. From starting out the evening with having his newly purchased building in shambles to meeting a sexy rocket launching babe that threatened to kill him many times over to fighting a really, really, REALLY annoying clown. At least his dear old brother was the same as the year before. Cold, ruthless, and sarcastic; good ol' classic Vergil.

Even though a year has passed Vergil still hasn't changed one bit, personality wise but in terms of strength yes. First, he decided to show it by jamming Rebellion through Dante's chest as demonstration on top of the tower. Then, he got cocky in the chamber where he and Dante kept making each other bleed. Finally, here he is on the ground of the final match for the night using Sparda's sword Force Edge and Yamato to defeat his younger brother.

It wasn't all bad though since some demons actually were fun to hang around with throughout the time he has spent in this tower. Cerberus, angry little pooch who likes to play fetch with you as the toy. Agni and Rudra, demon twins who can never seem to shut up. Nevan, *whistle* she can definitely pull a devil's trigger. Beowulf ahh classic demon that had bad blood with his father and wanting to take revenge on his son.

Oh and you can't kill demons without being stylish. In fact there was Geryon that loves to run over you with his time stop ability. Doppelganger man what a complete loser trying to copy style just because he doesn't have his own, foolish. With them defeated Dante now has more ways on how one can battle in style.

'Wait a minute? Foolish? Is Vergil rubbing off on me?' Dante thought to himself.



'Hmm? Oh yea.' Realized he was to deep in thought Dante came back to the battle.

"What's wrong? Is that all you got? Come on get up. You can do better than that." Dante said as he expects his ever-so-more powerful brother to get back in the fight.

Unable to be bested by his younger brother, Vergil grunts as he gets back up.

"The portal to the human world is closing Dante because the amulets have been separated." Vergil utters as the ground slowly starts to shake.

"Let's finish this Vergil. I have to stop you even if it means killing you." Dante responds even though deep inside he truly didn't want to. Sure Vergil destroyed many buildings and killed countless people but he was still his brother and his only family left alive.

'Gladly.' Vergil thought as he swings Force Edge to his side as he takes off in a sprint. He needs to be strong as his father no matter what. He needs more power. Dante does the same but with Rebellion. 'Mom please forgive me.' Dante concludes as the distance between them become smaller and smaller.


Blood leaked and flowed into the water from non other than the man in blue. Vergil fell to his knees as he dropped Force Edge. Yes he can heal but with no strength left it angered him that he is once again bested by his sibling. The ground gradually shakes even more violently. 'Dammit failed again. I need to get stronger, I NEED MORE POWER.' Vergil thinks as he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings.

Dante puts his sword away as he steadies himself and looks at his surroundings. Portals of all shapes and sizes appear before him and Vergil. In one there is a white masked man with black blobs swishing throughout the center while talking to a naked blue man. In another there are four anthropomorphic green turtles chowing down on pizza. To his left was a samurai with the biggest afro flowing in the wind slaughtering a group of swordsmen. It was something new for Dante to say the least if it weren't for the fact that too many were opening at once.

'These don't look like normal demon portals. It sure as hell ain't the demon world since nothing's coming out to eat me. Will it be safe to cross?' Dante questioned himself.

Unbeknownst to him, he would soon find his answer.

As Vergil was groaning in pain he fails to notice his most prized possession falling from his neck and into the water. As he finally regains his senses Vergil was too late as he spots a portal appearing in front of the path of his amulet.

"No. NOOOOO!" yells Vergil as it falls in.

With what little strength he had left grabbed Force Edge with Yamato at his hip and leaped into the portal uncaring of where it will take him.

"My mother gave me that. It belongs to me, I CAN'T LOSE IT!" Vergil declares as reality distorts itself and soon finds himself swimming through a rainbow of light.

He just needs his amulet and nothing else.

Dante turned around when he heard his brother scream. His eyes widened as his worst fear is that the portal will take his brother to a place not even Yamato can bring him back to. So, being the caring brother he is runs after him however the image within the portal distorts and changes. He notices it and stops his running but his momentum combined with the water and the quaking causes him to slip and fall into it anyway.

"DAMN YOU PHYSIIIIIIIICS!" was all he could say as he enters into a whole new world.

Dante is now in a state where he rarely himself in, worrying. Here he was swimming through a rainbow of light not sure if the change of image on the portal was just for show. He doesn't see his brother, he doesn't feel his aura anywhere. But he knows he's getting to close to him or at least the same place. Must be the brotherly bond he will never openly acknowledge.

"Huh. Hell yeah, the end of this light show. Who knew doing nothing can actually get you somewhere. Vergil you better be there." Dante exclaimed approaching the end of the tunnel. As he got closer he looked to the sides and the light transformed into various images consisting of women in black with blind-folds, old abandoned buildings, and giant robots?

"Neat. Seems like this won't be a boring party after all." Dante finishes as he reached the end. However as soon as he hit the edge a blow went throughout his body knocking the air out his lungs. "Gah."Dante gasped as he didn't expect this. As he approached the ground from above he felt light headed and was succumbing to unconsciousness. 'Shit. This is gonna hurt.' As Dante hit the ground head first knocking him out and breaking his neck in the process.

[Resistance Camp]

"This is such an hassle." a tired male Resistance worker grunted.

"Just do it or else Anemone will get your ass again."a female Resistance worker said.

"Yeah yeah I know."the male worker grudged as he finished making the scouting point. Machines have been spotted more frequently lately more specifically near the Camp of Resistance Androids. Thus the leader of the Camp Anemone, ordered to build more scouting points around the perimeter to keep the machines in check.

"You were the one that volunteered." the female worker reminded him.

"When I did I expected this to be a team effort but nooo you just been going to other places while I do all the work." the male said as female smirked.

"Hey you should know that us androids get bored too. Whenever we see opportunity to do something else we take it." the female proudly declared as she raised her arm and clenched her hand. The male just ignored as he got down from the post and onto solid ground.

"I could use better tools. This would've gone by much faster."the male worker complained.

"DO WE LOOK LIKE YORHA?"the female yelled angrily.

"No but this wouldn't have happened if you didn't go out looking at birds."the male accused.

"It's not my fault they look cute and fluffy. HAVE YOU SEEN THEM UP CLOSE? Their so adorable." the female cooed.

"And it's cause of that the machines took the majority of our tools and supplies."the male exclaimed as he pointed over the 2 feet tall pile of metal they had. "You are so lucky that nobody from camp can hear us from where we are or else Anemone would take care of you permanently."

"Oh yea wel-"the female got interrupted as she saw something in the sky.

"What, what are y-"the male questioned before he turned around to see what made her stop her sentence.

Up in the sky far away from the camp was something, emanating a blue light and was circular. Grabbing the binoculars she had for bird watching the female worker got a closer glimpse of the anomaly in the sky.

"What the hell?" she questioned.

"What do you think it is?" the male replied back.

"Might be some...type...of...transporter I dunno."the female grunted.

"Lemme see."the male said as she passed him the binoculars.


"Well?" the female asked waiting for an answer.

Just then both witnessed something appearing out of the anomaly. Due to how fast it was falling he couldn't directly confirm what it was, only a color of red. However, it made a large crash miles away resulting in a small dust cloud rising in the distance.

"We need to report this to Anemone now."the male concluded as he walked off to camp.

"What why?"the female questioned while following suit.

"It might be something dangerous or something useful. Better check it out before the machines get to it first." the male stated.