The next day Providence was blacking out a clothing store as the ponies turned anthro E.V.O were getting cloths, the cutie mark crusaders, walked out dressed like their humanselves.
Lofty walked out in a sweater the color of her old one and a dark blue ankle length skirt and flats. Holiday walked out in her scarf a yellow tank top blue bell bottom pants and middle heal sandals.
at that point a green car raced in and grabbed Holiday making Lofty scream, "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!?" she covered her mouth at the human curses she just used.
Rex sighed, "Green fist an E.V.O rights group that just don't seem to have common sense!" he then took off with his rex ride down after the Car speeding away.
In the back of it a tied up Holiday said, "Me and my wife were their by choice you nut jobs are the kidnappers here not Rex!"
before they could do anything someone said, "Rex gaining on us!"
That is when Valentina came out swinging a Bola and when it hit Rex he just knocked it away with a left smack hand to her shock as he caught up and trade his ride for his back landing before changing form his smack hand to a bad axe on the right arm and block party on the left as he said, "yeah got some upgrades sense then!"
she then throw a toxic flower only for Rex to block it with his shield as he used the Axe to stab the roof of the car and cut it open she tried to strike him with a whip only for Rex to Block it with the shield as he said, "Do you not see the shield lady!"
he then trade his axe for the whip and grabbed Holiday out of their to him, as he said, "It's odd you have the same name as Doctor Holiday , Holiday I guess we'll have to call her Rebecca!" he then used his block party's shield edge to cut her ropes before trading his whip arm for his sky slider and grabbing the pony and flying off.
the Pony woman held on to his as she said, "EARTH PONIES DON'T FLY!"
Rex then dropped block party as he said, "yeah And humans don't grow high tech robotic weapons and alien's are fake!"
Holiday blinked and before she could ask Rex said, "Teamed up with one form another dimension his name was Ben! He turned into this blob thing and fused with me! It was creepy!"
Later on in providence Doctor Rebecca holiday and Caesar were working on something and they finished and he hit a button on the side of his goggles and said, "big brother to little brother Big up Rex!"
Rex Meanwhile was roped in to a tea party with the CMC and he was sitting at the little table drinking Tea as he looked to Noah and said, " Take a picture and or tell Bobo and you are saving yourself next time!"
Noah put his phone away as Rex's Goggles sound and he hit the button and said, "What's up big brother?"
doctor Rebecca holiday then said, "What's up is we finished what we were working on Rex, A tracker that can track this magic thing and we programmed it to turn a blind eye to ones in the base."
Scootaloo rolled her eyes and she said, "And what does that even mean?"
Noah then said, "the computer can now find you lot and others of your kind like the missing one form the school house!"
Sweetie belle spat her tea out and yelled, "YEAH COMPUTERS!"
Caesar then spoke up again, "And me and doctor Bonita found some already but your not going to like the location!"
Applebloom had teary eyes as she said, "Please tell us mr! those are our friend!?"
Rebecca then said, "that badlands home of Gatlocke the road pirate!" the little girls eyes widened.
Rex then rolled his eyes ,"I hate that guy!"
Later on Noah Rex and Bobo were in a truck and Rex tapped on the back, "I know you three are back their so just join us in the front!"
the door thing slide open as Scootaloo said, "their isn't enough room!"
Noah blinked, "why am I here and what is the plan?"
Bobo then point to Noah and said, " meat shield, and plan simple in the back is a container or some of Rex's activate nanites and I twitted about it! becoming an Evo with them will be something no Road pirate will want to pass up it's worth billions!" he then looked into the rearview as he said, "And there are those road pirates!
Apple bloom in the back was holding the Container as someone cut the door open and one of the gang said, "boss they got three more of those funny Evo's in the back!" in a moment a smack hand grabbed him and throw him away and Rex came in to view.
he dropped the build and took the jar and petted the ponies head," I'll get your friends back!" he then jumped out and build his blight back and flow off to Gatlocke who was shooting at him with his arms laser mode till he held out the jar.
the cyborg stopped as Rex land on the jeep dropping the build as he said, "this nanites come form me Gatlocke you want them and your minion confirmed you got the Evos we want! So here's the deal them for the jar!"
Gatlocke smirked and said, "you drive hard bargain but I'll take it! now give me the jar!?" he held out the hand. Only for rex to hand him a sigh that he then read out loud, 'you're the bad guy you'll not give me the evos if I give you the jar stupid! Evos first then you get the jar!"
the road pirate returned his robotic arms to normal as he point at him, "Smart butt have we! Ok then! Radio your truck we'll meet!"
later on at the Anarchist camp the group was waiting as the mission students and the teacher Ms Cheerilee dressed in rags came out and Gatlocke said, "come on go go go! Sooner your over to their side of the line sooner I get my nanites!"
when the last one was on their side Rex throw the jar and quickly to the shock of the ponies build Block party as he said, "and now time for you lot to Run Bobo I am trusting the henchmen to you and noah!"
Noah pulled out a gun as Gatlocke opened the jar and drank it and in a moment red circuit lines ran through his body and his eyes glow read making everyone jump as what looked like two Twist three fingered grey alien looking arms popped out of his side they head read circuit patterns.
the left arm changed and altered so it was on his back as a Slam cannon and he smirked as he made a bullet with the ground behind him and fired on Rex who summoned Funchuck and span it around to go and hit him!
Only for Gatlocke to use his left robotic arms shield to block it as he smiled, "I HAVE YOUR POWERS SO COOL AND GETS RID OF MY EVO ENVY!" he smiled as the other arm became a smack hand in red and Rex used his shield to Block the strike as he changed his fun chuck to Blast charger to whip at him!
But Gatlocke used his other robotic arm to block it as he smiled and changed both his new Evo arms into big fucking swords, his were red and shaped more like scimitars as he went in to slash with his robotic arms in blade mode as he said, "four swords!"
Rex had to switch to two Block parties as he smiled to see the henchmen falling thanks to Noah and Bobo as he said, "and your out gunned!"
that is when a two blade staff weapon span around and slashed off one of the Evo arms on Gatlocke making him scream as the weapon returned to show six standing on the top of a cliff.
his remaining arm became Smach hand in drill mode to try and strike at Rex as his left robotic arm became a blaster as he fired on six who was using his staff to deflect the blast and he said, "this is hardly far!"
he then made his other robotic arm into a shield to block a shot form Noah with allowed a red shot to him in the back and he screamed.
Bobo smirked as he said, "That'll do it!" Six then throw his staff again cutting off the remaining Evo arm!
Rex then smirked and tackled the Cyborg and smiled as he tackled him his right arm still I nblock party mode and grabbed him by the neck with his left!
Watching form the cliff side Scootaloo said,"… I love this bad were he takes the evil things powers away!"
Gatlocke struggled using his robot arms to slash and fire on Rex but the shield protected him as he said, "I don't love this!" He said as he glow white before returning to normal Depowered as Rex smiled as he jumped back, "now your out gunned and out manned!" he said making his arms go to Smach hand mode as he point with one of the large metal fingers, "What's your move mr lost his powers!"
Gatlocke charged his arms to blade mode and charged, "GO DOWN FIGHTING LIKE A PIRATE SHOULD MATEY!" he was then knocked out with one metal left hook!
Rex dropped the build and hit the side of his googles and said, "yeah big brother you were right even to the part were he would drink it! witch is gross as it was technically a jar of my blood!""
Meanwhile in Equestria.
discord finished his story to a dizzy Fluttershy who held her head saying, "That was a lot to take in Discord you a scientist and a dad!"
that is when Rainbow dash walked in to hear Discord was a father and she backed up saying, "Nope nope nope!"
to be continued.