A/N: Going off the beaten path for this one.

This will stay the MK verse while I take a small break from writing the dialogues for Arc III. I've been thinking about this since the end of Arc II but felt it made no sense, given the context of the story's direction and the characters involved. As for the story's canon, I'm debating whether or not to make it part of the lore. As of now, let's say it's not and will be a stand-alone one-shot. I think that's for the best.

With that being said, here's A Night of Malice.

Earthrealm; 11:00 P.M.: Aftermath of Jade, Sareena, and Benji's Wedding Reception.

Benji's POV:

I never imagined myself to be married at such a young age. Well, young for an Edenian anyway. It must be even more surreal for Jade, who's roughly 9,000 years younger than me. Hell, Sareena is only a few centuries old. I couldn't be happier despite Cal's initial doubts. She gave them both consent, and the marriage was finalized.

Honestly, I would've done so regardless of my sister's opinion.

The Afterparty took the whole day, no worries about any invasion or defending someplace. Just friends and family having a wonderful time for what seemed like forever. Eventually, everyone who showed had dispersed. Regardless, it was an enjoyable experience and beautiful to see everyone together for so long without a shred of wrongful tension.

With everyone gone from the Estate, I found myself sitting on the couch after we all cleaned the place. Sleep was sounding extremely appealing right now since I have two beautiful women to share my bed with. Well, if they don't want to consummate the marriage, but I doubt it. Jade and Sareena are still recovering from the wounds Tanya inflicted on them at the Koliseum.


I don't think I've ever met someone who can be so evil. Tanya's supposed infatuation with me has become rabid to the point where seeing me being engaged to Jade and Sareena made her lash out in anger. Her seemingly destined hatred and rivalry with Jade is another level of madness. And to fall for me of all people while hiding her feelings for all these millennia. I would've seriously considered courting and caring for her.

Loving her...

As dastardly and darkened as she is, I'd be a fool to say that Tanya isn't attractive, and parts of her proposal sounded appealing. Yet, I cannot rule as I'm no monarch, and with her as Queen, it'll be a modern dictatorship.

Her looks, motions, and movements back at Shao Kahn's Palace in that damned hallway didn't seduce me but now invaded my thoughts like cancer. Instead of going away or healing over time, those thoughts evolved into... fantasies, what-ifs. Strokes, groans, and moans decorating the room as we commit the carnal sin of sex.

I shouldn't be having these thoughts! Especially now that I'm hitched to two of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen!

"Benny... Is something wrong?"

I look and see one of my wives, Sareena, out of her wedding dress and wearing what she usually does. She had a warm smile, the moonlight bringing out her beauty even more than the sunlight.

Sitting next to me, she interlocked our hands before kissing me on the cheek. "You looked conflicted as if something is plaguing your thoughts."

"I was just thinking of what Tanya did to you and Jade in Outworld," I answered half-honestly.

Sareena felt her recovering wound instinctively, which causes her to flinch but not as much as when she first received it. Were it not for my mother's quick thinking, we could've lost my demoness for good.

"Damn that woman. I regret not seeing Jade introduce her to the Koliseum dirt," she answered bitterly. "But that can't be all, Benny. The look you had was too guilt-ridden to have that be your sole thought. What's really wrong?"

Nothing can get past her. I'm not surprised since I didn't marry an idiot.

I laughed bitterly. "Nothing gets by you, huh honey? Jade must've told you about Tanya's offer for me, yes?" Sareena nodded before I continued. "Tanya had had feelings for me long before I met you and Jade. She did a fantastic job of hiding them, and I never knew until we fought in Outworld. Though I denied her and the deal she proposed, those thoughts change into more... raunchy and lewd images."

"Does that including sleeping with her?" Sareena asked me bluntly.

"I know I shouldn't be having these thoughts, Saree, but they constantly plagued my mind despite our newly formed union. I'm so sorry..." I said as I hung my head in shame.

Sareena tilted my head up to retain eye contact, a sad smile on her face. "It's ok, Benny. I completely understand. Tanya may be the scum of the earth, but she did know you and apparently had feelings for you the longest out of the three of us. If you're experiencing these thoughts, that means you return them, to an extent. An understandable, if not slightly disappointing truth."

"But I can't stand her! I hate and abhor Tanya with every fiber in my being! I-"

My demoness wife cut me off with a kiss but broke it off before I can return it. Always a tease, she is. "We all do, Benny. But a feeling of attraction remains steadfast above the hatred. For that, there is only one solution."

"And what might that be?" I asked.

"Sleep with her," Sareena answered.

I just stared at her, eyes wide. She did not just say that with a straight face, did she? Before I can even open my mouth to tell her what a harebrained idea it was, our other wife angrily inserted herself into the conversation.

"A MILLION TIMES NO!" Jade interjected with a bellow.

"Uh, oh." I meekly got out, knowing the fury that was now unleashed as my fingers rubbed against my temples.

"How dare you suggest such a ridiculous idea a day after we all were bonded in matrimony, Sareena!" Jade then turned and pointed her finger at me. "And you! How dare you have such thoughts for the same woman who nearly killed us both! Have you forgotten what that witch has done to me!? She- she murdered my mother, your potential Mother-in-law! How can you have such thoughts, knowing that Tanya's wishes are dipped in conceit and deception!"

If I couldn't feel any lower, my Edenian wife brought me down as far as you could possibly imagine. Tanya admitting to killing Destiny without remorse was appalling. Mother felt the same sadness and rage, but it paled to what Jade felt. Never have I seen anyone display that kind of animosity for another being.

Before I could attempt to reply, Sareena jumped to my defense. "Jade, near-death experience aside, it makes sense for him to have these thoughts. As vile as Tanya is, her feelings for Benji, as corrupted as they are, remain just as genuine and deep as ours, if not more so. Hell, if it weren't for her personality and motivations, I would probably have the same thoughts. She's a beautiful woman, Jade, as much as you despise her you can't deny that."

Jade folded her arms together and huffed. "Even if some of your points have merit, having Benji fornicate with her is not the right answer."

"Really? If you've got a better idea that doesn't involve a spell or some kind of manipulation, then let's hear it." That caused Jade to remain silent. "Besides, when we consummate the marriage, on the meager chance he doesn't deal with these carnal thoughts, what if he calls out Tanya's name?"

"Sareena!" Jade was losing her dwindling patience.

"I doubt it would get that problematic," I respond but shake that hideous thought from my head.

"If it can be dealt with, I rather not deal with that chance, as minuscule as it is," Sareena responded.

Jade's agitation remained the same throughout the explanation, her words coming in a growl. "Fine. It's 11:00 P.M. here, meaning it's barely 9 in Outworld." Her eyes bore into mine with an uncomfortable intensity. "You have tonight to find Tanya and do what you must to kill these ill thoughts you have of her. After tonight, I do not want to hear her name uttered within these walls. Understand?"

I nodded slowly, knowing that sleeping with a mortal enemy is probably the best option, proving Sareena's intuition right.

"Good. Put on some comfortable clothes and go before I change my mind." Jade ordered before marching to our room and slamming the door.

I winced and sighed defeatedly as I know this angered her beyond comprehension. "This is really happening."

Sareena pecked my cheek to calm me. "Give Jade time, Benny. She has every right to feel the way she does. But this is for the best. As much as I hate seeing you off to go sleep with that harlot, I'm convinced this is the only way. Come, you have to get dressed."

We both stand up. After removing my suit, I put on what I wore when I represented Earthrealm in the first tournament. Before I go, Sareena and Jade wanted to see me off, the latter still upset as tears threatened to spill out her eyes.

"Best of luck, sweetie. Remember, even if you're doing this out of obligation to expel the evil, you're still attracted. You don't have to like Tanya tomorrow, but when you find her tonight, she's your world. So have some fun, ok?"

"I'll make an attempt, but bedding the person who nearly killed you and Jade makes my stomach churn."

"Toss those thoughts aside for tonight. Your carnal thoughts should and will take priority over those. It better or else our marriage is doomed." Sareena responded before giving me one last kiss.

I summoned a portal to Outworld but didn't enter right away as a hand tightly gripped my shoulder. Turning around, I wasn't surprised to see Jade, her sadness on display as she could no longer hold in her tears.

"Be safe," was all she said.

Without a second thought, I embraced her tightly before we kissed passionately. "Regardless of what happens tonight, I will never love Tanya the way I do you and Sareena. That I promise you, Jade."

She nodded. "Do not let that minx lay one hand on you that isn't sexual. If Tanya harms you in any way," Jade drew out her bladed boomerang. "I'm coming to Outworld and tearing her head off."

"I won't stop you then, and I'll make it up to you when I return. I'll see you both soon," I said to them as I walked through the portal.

Outworld: Lei Chen

As Jade predicted, it's nighttime and drizzling in Outworld. Fitting. Now, where do I go from here? If I get caught by anyone but Tanya, I'm going to get attacked, or worse, give Shao Kahn a justification for another tournament.

I whistled twice quietly to summon Lulie. "Hi, girl. I need you to find Tanya. Do so quickly and try not to get caught."

She cawed before flying fast around the immediate area, searching for the object of my attractions. Deciding to explore with her, I walked around the perimeter as the rain slowly grew heavier. As I finished the circle Lulie, cawing disappointingly. She couldn't find her, it seems.

Sighing, I already gave up. "Oh, well. Thanks anyway, Lulie. You may go now."

After cuddling my neck swiftly, she flew through her portal. I had a feeling that this was going to happen. At least I'm near Lei Chen, where I can head into the abandoned house and wait for the rain to cease before returning to Earthrealm. Or so I thought.

I turned to enter the city and saw who I was looking for.


Neither of us said anything, the precipitation growing heavier and to show how thick the tension became.


Lightning struck, just as Tanya disappeared from my sight.


"Don't move..."

Her words lingered amidst the downpour, Tanya's voice sharp as a blade ringing into my ear. She once again managed to avoid detection from Lulie, much to my astonishment. Hell, I couldn't even sense her approach as Tanya pressed against my back, her Kobu-Jutsu at my throat.

My heart began pounding as the coldness of steel inched closer to my neck, but not enough to break through the skin. Tanya then immobilized my left arm by the wrist, taking away my dominant hand.

Any sudden movement will result in my death.

Tanya didn't smirk out of the corner of my eye, her expression one of disdain mixed with sorrow. Neither of us moved from our positions as the rain steadily increased. Judging by the cloak she was wearing, it seemed like Tanya snuck out of the palace.

"You came back." I heard her say, the rain so heavy that it practically muted all sound. "Come to rub it in that Jade won?"

On a combination of trying to ease her pain, impulse, and affection, I raised my free hand in surrender. Tanya's eyes widened at my gesture but never relinquished her hold on my left wrist.

"We need to talk but out of this rain," I calmly said.

"Talk?" she repeated condescendingly. "You mean to tell me you risked your livelihood coming here for a mere chat?" I felt the blade shift, placed closer to my jugular. "I don't know whether I should be amused or insulted."

As soon as Tanya marginally loosened her grip, I made a risky move and broke away by landing a sharp elbow against her eye socket before breaking away. With space between us, it allowed me to grab her by the throat. I wasn't planning on doing this, but she needs to know that I'm not playing games.

"Do I have your attention now?" I inquired.

Struggling in my grip, Tanya figured it was useless to keep resisting, putting a stop to her thrashing. She briefly glanced at my lips before staring at my eyes, biting her bottom lip before nodding as lightning struck again.

"What do you want?" Tanya croaked out.

I then released her. "I'll explain once we're out of this storm."

Being a gentleman, I lent her a hand. Reluctantly, Tanya took my hand, allowing me to lead her to the abandoned house in Lei Chen. When we got inside, I cornered her body by pinning her to the wall.

"What the hell!?" she yelled while being startled by my actions.

"..." I said nothing but ogled Tanya's sinful body, one that I'm going to absolute ravage throughout the night. Not before I gave her an explanation.

"B-Benny?" Tanya repeated as our eyes locked, a few bolts of lightning streaking across the sky. "Why are you here?"

"For you," I answered bluntly.

Her eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. "For me? But you're..." She caught a gleam on my ring finger, which wore my bond of love to my wives. "Married."

"I don't think my marital status would ever stop you after nearly killing Jade and Sareena for a possibility at having me to yourself."

"But I lost. I don't see why you would come-" Tanya started until she stopped to assess why I am here. Then, her smirk returned in full force. "You came back to accept my offer, after all. I knew you'd come around, Benny."

"No." I shot her down immediately. "I will never be your King, Tanya. I despise you for what you've done in the past and when you nearly killed Jade and Sareena. Furthermore, your admittance to murdering Destiny is something I will never forgive."

I gave out a frustrated huff. "Damn you, Tanya. Damn your attitude, actions, betrayal, and snake-like nature."

She did an excellent job of hiding it, but I could tell Tanya was scared by how I confronted her.

But then, the contents of what I meant shifted slightly. "Damn your beautiful features, perfect frame, lustful stares, and your swaying hips. Damn it all!"

Closing the distance between us, Tanya's smirk turned into dumbfounded elation. She put the pieces together, gasping after completing the puzzle. "You wish to-"

"Sleep together? Fornicate? Fuck? Make love? Yes, to all," I finished for her. "I know I'm married, but I need to get you out of my system permanently. I can love Jade and Sareena for the rest of my days starting tomorrow. But tonight, I will treat you like the Empress you selfishly want to be. I will love you and you only, that I promise."

"But there are limits. I do not want you to tell Shao Kahn of my being here, nor do I want you to call for an ambush during or after this. Finally, I will not impregnate you, so don't bother asking. Those are my demands. Accept those, and I will sleep with you. Are we clear?" I explained, my gaze never deviating from her beautiful hazel eyes that flickered as the lightning continues booming outside.

"You sure know what you want, Benny. I guess we're both perverted." Tanya began as she started undressing me with her eyes alone. "I don't care what your demands are. I would've surrendered to them from the moment you revealed you wanted to bed me."

A blush crept on her cheeks. "I may be seeing Rain, but now that this opportunity has revealed itself for one chance, I will take it." She placed her hands on my face. "I just want you to love me back, Benny. Tonight will be enough. I won't tell a soul about this encounter and won't report you to Shao Kahn. Though this may surprise you, I never wanted children as I'm infertile."

Her blush was deep, red all across her face as her hands moved from my cheeks down my shoulders as I removed her cloak to reveal her outfit - a midriff with grey leather pants and matching heels.

"Are you ready, lover?" I asked huskily.

"For you," Tanya leaned into my ear. "I will always be ready."

I smiled before caressing her face. "That's my girl."

Warning! Lemon incoming! If you want to skip it, keep scrolling until you see the All Clear! Otherwise, enjoy!

Lust quickly taking over, we melded our lips together, tongues dancing together so seamlessly. Each of us moaned, failing to hide our shared pleasure. I pulled Tanya closer as our kiss deepened, the lightning outside striking hard. We separate momentarily before I turned her around to caress her body.

Her body was perfect, an athletic build without an ounce of fat anywhere.

I slid my hand down her pants while grabbing her panties to pull them up, causing her to jolt slightly from the pressure. When Tanya gasped, I pounce on her for a more lustful kiss laced with malice. Sticking my hand inside, I started rubbing on her clit, a raspy moan being the reward for my troubles as I suckled on her neck. I felt her hand rest on the nape of my neck, both actions causing her to sway. I took my hand off her aching pussy as I see glands of her juices latch onto my fingers. I put them close to her lips, and she hungrily sucked them.

"We won't be needing these," I whispered as I pulled off her midriff.

That action exposed Tanya's perky breasts, her nipples prodding the air with intensity. I pinched each before lightly gnawing on her earlobe, a gasp escaping her.

"Stop being a fucking tease, Benny." Tanya managed to rasp before another moan left her.

"You voice your lack of interest, but with how hot your body feels, dare I say it loves it." I countered before grabbing both orbs with a grunt, another raspy moan creeping out of her mouth.

"Yeah, that's more like it, Benny. Take me..." Tanya spoke, uncharacteristically softly.

I pecked her lips lovingly. "In time, Tanya. But first, your body demands my service. And I will take pleasure in doing so."

She kissed me, her tongue sliding across mine in a passionate assault before I knelt down, pulling her pants down to reveal her ass and soaking wet panties. Helping her get the pants and shoes off, I spun her around to see that her kitten is leaking.

"Someone is happy to see me." I teased her some more.

"It's been like this from the moment you pinned me against the wall," she admitted.

I snickered, my voice drawing in her ear. "Turned on so easily. I wonder if you orgasm without difficulty too."

Pulling her in for an embrace, our bodies meshed flawlessly as if she was destined to be my lover. But I knew better than that. I'm still clothed, and it's as if she's melting on top of me, in a good way.

We both stared at each other longingly, sharing one more deep kiss before separating. I lowered myself, my mouth near her walls as I drank her nectar. Her hands twirled my hair, most likely using it as leverage to keep herself standing. I licked, sucked, and bit her quiver box as if my life depended on it, her moans and groans motivating me in more ways than one. I felt her tense, meaning she was close to orgasming... so I stopped.

"You damn tease," Tanya muttered angrily. "Why must you toy with me like this?"

"Oh, shut up. You know you love it," I countered without a second thought.

She huffed. "How can we be bitter enemies, but you somehow know me so well?"

"Because we've known each other for millennia. You're the one who ruined everything and have no one to blame but yourself. But let's not dwell on that." I changed the topic to stay in the mood.

Slowly, I eased my duster off my shoulders before doing the same to my shirt, exposing my upper body.

"My Gods..." Tanya murmured as she embraced me again. "Your body is superior to mine." She gazed into my eyes. "And... it's mine tonight?"

Rubbing my thumb on her bottom lip, we shared another passionate kiss, the lust replaced with love and longing. Her nipples grew harder as they teasingly prodded my chest. I felt her hand grip my shaft despite my pants still being on when we separated.

Tanya gasped at its restrained girth. "You're so hard."

I pecked her cheek. "All for you, Tanya."

Her face lit up like she received a gift from the Elder Gods themselves. "Well then," Tanya seductively but excitedly smooched my jawline. "Let me return the favor, handsome."

I complied as Tanya stripped me, left in nothing but my boxers. "Gods, Benny. You are so well built, even more so than when I fantasize about you. But one item of clothing remains."

She yanked my boxers down to reveal my seven-inch manhood, standing fully at attention as she lightly gripped the shaft. Licking her lips, Tanya tenderly stroked my hardness, moans escaping me in the same manner as she had done earlier. Her strokes slowly fluctuated between speeds, my cock throbbing and twitching in pleasure from the loving motions. Then, my eyes flipped into my head as Tanya fondled my testicles.

"Wow, Benny. I didn't know you were hiding such a weapon of mass destruction in your trousers." Tanya complimented as she bit her lip. "Its allure is mesmerizing - a lovely piece of equipment. I envy Jade and Sareena if this is what they're going to enjoy for the rest of their lives. But tonight, it's all mine, and I demand a taste."

Tanya continued stroking me before taking hold of my legs, slowly placing my cock in her mouth. My dick muffled her moans of pleasure as she coated the tip and shaft with her saliva, not caring that it spilled on her breasts. The view only reinforced my erection. She began to deep throat, nearly taking the entire length while averting her gag reflex. Tanya released my organ to stroke it some more, moving underneath me to suck on my testicles. I groaned loudly as lightning struck in response to me voicing my enjoyment.

"Are you ready for the main event?" Tanya cooed as she stood up.

"Are you?" I retorted.

I pinned her chest first against the wall, my phallus aimed at her walls before rubbing over her clit.

Tanya's legs began to shake, not taking too kindly to the teasing as she slapped my arm. "Damnit, Benny! Stop playing with me!"

"Why are you in such a rush to get this over with? This is what you wanted. Your body's on fire, so stop lying to yourself." I whispered hotly in her ear.

Without her knowing, I sneakingly penetrated her vice, a long gasp leaving her lips as she palmed the wall to prevent herself from falling. Her core felt like a vice grip; it was so tight. Gently, I stroke to loosen her up, biting my lip as if not to yell profanities in pleasure. Noticing her asshole, I wet my thumb in saliva, placing it inside the puckered orifice as I went faster.

"Oh, shit. Benny, you feel so good inside me." Tanya moaned, her breasts swinging like a pendulum.

I leaned into her ear before commanding with a malicious smirk, "Repeat it."

"You feel so good inside me!" she did so with a scream.

"Am I better than Rain?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Tanya replied, "So much better. He was so disappointing."

I stifled my laughter at the last fact. "How about I make you feel even better?"

Taking my hand, I began rubbing her clit while prolonging my strokes. On reaction, she held my wrist but relented as I sped up, my other hand grasping her hip. Her hands were over mine as I continued thrusting deeper into her suffocating walls.

"Oh, Gods! I'm cumming!" Tanya got out before shaking violently, her fluids squirting all over my member.

Her eyes rolled from the pleasure before regaining feeling in her body. I exited her walls, my cock still throbbing hard. Tanya wasted little time getting on her knees to suck her juices off, moving with more vigor than before, hungrily sucking and stroking my shaft. She took my dick out and smacked it on her tongue.

"Gods, Benny. I've never cum that hard before. But the night's still young. Let's go to the bedroom."

Tanya sloppily frenched me before taking my hand and leading me to the bedroom while greedily staring at her toned backside as it swayed. Sliding onto the bed, my lover for the night got on all fours.

"More please." Was all she said, and that's all I needed.

I approached her prone position but didn't enter her immediately. Instead, I began to clean out her snatch, my tongue dancing along the outer lines of her sex before creeping upward to her asshole. Tanya howled as I stimulated both her openings.

After finishing, her ass was presented to me, her back arched with each leg spread wide. I gripped her posterior, admiring the shape in my hands before memorizing her spine. Tanya curled into my caresses with soft coos. My knob slid through the gap between her thighs and into her drenched entrance. Letting out a groan, I deftly eased my way in, the sensations alone igniting a fire within my soul. Tanya moaned in satisfaction, her face sinking down into the mattress as she submitted herself to me.

The smack of my hips against Tanya's behind was music to my ears. However, I wanted to hear her loud and clear. She rose up and sat on her knees, body parallel with mine as I kept a brisk pace, her ass jiggling from my thrusts.

"Mmmm, fuck," Tanya cursed in pleasure.

I slapped her ass, reveling in her squeal. "Oh! Fuck! Smack me again! Please, baby!"

A chorus of spanks turned her cheeks rosy red. I tenderly squeezed her melons while increasing my speed, my groin rhythmically colliding against her bountiful ass. Feeling mischievous, I sunk a hand down her navel, a pair of fingers hovering just above her entrance. I embedded my mouth between her neck and collarbone. Each breath was huffed laboriously as I pounded Tanya, her head rolling back to face me. Shuddering, she kissed me hard as her moans became lustful cries of passion.

"Turn around," I commanded.

Tanya obeyed instantly as I got on top, instantly penetrating her again. Our eyes connected, each set piercing the other with longing. I used slower strokes but gained more power, causing her tits to bounce.

"Hold me, Benny," she gasped.

Laying on top of her, Tanya hugged me as we continued making love. "Tell me you love me."

I stopped and stared at her, practically into her soul. It wasn't a look of anger, more so confusion and sadness. Her face blushed, and for the first time since this encounter, she averted my gaze.

"You don't have to mean it," Tanya relented. "I just want to hear you say it."

I moved her face back to mine. "I love you, Tanya."

Did I mean it? I don't know, and it's too late to figure that out, but I made it sound convincing.

"I love you too, Benny. Gods, I wish I didn't do all those things. I didn't want to kill those people, but my love for you was so perverted that I thought it was the only way to grab your attention. I'm such a fool." Tanya admitted through her moans.

No way. I can't believe she apologized. Hell, I'm damn near in disbelief.

"Jade and Sareena deserve you, and I hope they make you happy," she continued before diverting her gaze again.

I placed a finger over her lips. "Shhh. It's not about them tonight. It's about you. Let's take care of each other for this one night. Ok?"

She nodded with a sincere smile. "Keep going."

I started stroking again, passion motivating every thrust.

Tanya requested, no pleaded for more. "Faster, Benny. Come on. Fuck me faster."

Following her command, I stroked faster and harder, the conversation devolved into nothing. All that was left between us was mindless fuck, precisely what I needed to ensure Tanya doesn't invade my mind ever again.

"Shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck," she hissed while clutching me for dear life. "I'm close, Benny."

"I'm close, too," I replied right after, groaning in sheer ecstasy.

Her desperation was apparent from her next words. "Cum inside me, Benny. I won't get pregnant, I promise. Please... Give this to me."

I didn't have enough time to pull out anyway. "I'm cumming! Tanya!"


We both released our orgasms at the same time. Tanya's clutch was nearly as tight as her walls, which I exited after finally going limp. I looked down to see my seed leaking out of her. Gods, I creampied her, meaning I really wanted this bad.

All Clear! Now get back to reading, Killjoy.

"Benny," Tanya's voice brought me back to reality as fatigue caught us both. "Stay with me tonight. I won't report you, I promise. I just want to hold you through to the morning. Don't make love to me, and leave me like I am a harlot."

It seemed that she was desperate for companionship. "Ok, I'll stay with you. But we should take a shower. Pregnant or not, you should wash out our climaxes."

"I agree. Let's take a quick shower before we head to sleep."

Leading me to the bathroom, we showered before heading to bed. A few hours passed as Tanya laid on my chest, sleeping away like a rock. I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. Don't get me wrong. The sex with Tanya was better than I anticipated. But my willingness to do so may have opened Pandora's Box. I can only hope I don't come to regret this decision later.

The next morning, I woke up first and got dressed quickly, hoping to leave before my bedmate noticed. However, before I could make it to the front door, I heard a voice. "Leaving without saying goodbye?"

I turned to see Tanya, dressed as well. She hugged me, and I reluctantly returned it. "I enjoyed myself last night. Thank you for this, Benny. I needed it."

"I should be thanking you, Tanya. Remember the promise you made last night."

She nodded. "I understand your skepticism, but I made a promise I intend on keeping. I'm going to miss you. Even if you don't feel the same, I'm glad you gave me one night to feel like a Queen. Thank you so much."

I stroke her hair before kissing her forehead. "Find someone better than Rain. You don't love him, and you may know from his intentions that he isn't worth your time."

"But who, Benny?" Tanya inquired.

"Mileena isn't so bad," I suggested

"No, but she's childish and bratty."

"Then help her mature. Gods know the girl needs companionship, and Shao Kahn won't be the one to give it to her," I pointed out.

She laughed sadly. "He seems to have a hardon for Earthrealm despite losing it forever." We broke away. "Be careful, Benny."

"You too, Tanya. You should know that courtroom is filled with snakes. Best of luck with Mileena." I wished her the best as I summoned the portal to Earthrealm, but she grabbed my arm before walking through.

"Benny," She began. "I'm sorry... for everything. I hope that you can forgive me one day."

I kissed her one last time; the last time.

"I already have, Tanya. Goodbye," I said as I went through the portal, leaving Outworld and Tanya...


3rd Person POV: (Bonus Material)

After Benji's departure, the portal closed as Tanya stood there, contemplating everything that had just transpired between them. They made sweet, uninhibited, raw love throughout the night after coming to an agreement to never do this again.

If only things were that simple.

Tanya threw on her cloak and vacated Lei Chen to return back to the palace. Upon arrival, she saw the numerous members of Shao Kahn's court struggling mightily to figure out their next plan of action. Their warlord was still in critical condition, the wound to his eye nearly blinding him.

Shang Tsung, who was still fuming from his loss, saw Tanya approach him. "Where have you been?"

"Out in town, sorting out my thoughts," she replied.

"Otherwise, your failure in eliminating Jade?" he snidely remarked.

Tanya threw him a nasty glare. "You're one to talk after letting Benny and Callie Ann best you and Quan Chi without much effort. Shao Kahn sure places a lot of unwarranted faith in you."

The sorcerer growled. "Had I not decided I needed you, I would've killed you for that."

She raised an eyebrow. "You need my help?"

Shang Tsung nodded. "Should you do so, the doctor can be all yours while I eliminate his meddlesome friends and family. And as a token of my gratitude, I'll leave Jade's fate in your hands. Interested?"

Biting her lip, Tanya knew she was backed into a corner, just after Benji had forgiven her for all the misdeeds and misery she bestowed on others. However, she still wanted one last chance to have him to herself, with all of Shao Kahn's opponents becoming his slaves, prisoners, or his next line of casualties.

"I'm listening, sorcerer..." Tanya couldn't believe she was going through with this.

"Excellent." Shang Tsung smiled evilly. "I'm sure you're aware of your former ally's track record of... assassinations."

A/N: Shit, that was intense, with a bit of foreboding.

I was expecting to make this a bit shorter but couldn't help myself but put some plot in here. Whether it's a part of the lore or not, I'll leave that up to you all. If you think so, then this takes place a month before Bonus Chapter 3. And if it is, then perhaps consider this the start of a Tanya redemption arc? Only time will tell. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it.

See you all soon.