Star Trek Hunter
Episode 27: The Sword of Destiny
Scene 11: Su'


Despite scattered victories and with the exceptions of the stalemates on and in orbit of Vulcan and Saketh, Star Fleet and the Romulan Star Navy were losing this war. Klingon forces were now entrenched on more than 30 planets within the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. Wherever klingon ships attacked, Star Fleet and the Romulan Star Navy were forced to retreat.


And then the fighting just stopped. Weapon systems would not respond. Klingon ground forces stopped advancing. With phasers and disruptors suddenly inoperable, Star Fleet and Romulan ground forces retreated.


Every viewscreen in the Alpha Quadrant suddenly went blank. Every tricorder screen went blank. Every reader went blank. All holographic systems went down. On planets where pre-warp populations had developed television and radio but were not yet aware of the vast number of advanced civilizations all around them - those primitive television and computer screens, monitors and cell phones went blank. Screens that did not have power suddenly activated - even if they were not connected to a power source.


Then on each screen, in homes, theaters, offices, ships, and on public billboards, using the language of the people looking at them, were displayed the following words. These same words were spoken throughout the Alpha Quadrant on sophisticated comm systems, wire networks and primitive radio receivers alike:


*Su' – (thlingn – Stand By)

27 – The Sword of Destiny