AN: Did I start a new fic? Yes. Am I remotely finished with my other two fics? No. Will that stop me? Also no. Anyway, what started as a little project to relieve stress is now a fully fledged drabble fic. Yes, this is a SessKag fic, but its a very slow going one. Sessh actually won't make an appearance till much later. So just a heads up. That being said, enjoy. **ML**
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
She loved Inuyasha. She loved his boyish nature and his toothy smile. She loved his brashness, the way he drove head first into battle to protect her. She loved the way he held her and told her everything would be okay when she broke down from the stress of responsibility.
In the safety of her fantasies, Inuyasha would pick her over Kikyo, and they would spend years together. Sometimes when Kagome was feeling adventurous, she would imagine a life where she would bear Inuyasha's children. They would be happy.
They would all be happy.
Kagome loved Inuyasha. He was the first person who offered her help in an unknown world. This bloodied petal must be for him.
So then why was her heart telling her otherwise?