Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

Triggered pt3.

Luke's pov.

Mr. Mason stormed over to our table. A stern look was plastered on his face as he hovered over me

"I'll repeat myself, Mr. Briggs. What do you think you're doing?" he said sternly.

I quickly thought of an excuse. I straightened myself and gave him a look I hoped looked innocent.

"It was an accident Mr. Mason. I wasn't paying attention to what I was grabbing, and Miss O'Sullivan's hair is so soft that I was caught off guard," I lied, hoping he bought it.

Mr. Mason looked like he might believe me, and I was hoping Erica wouldn't contradict me. It seemed my prayers were answered, because Erica remained quiet, but Mr. Mason told us to see him after class. In the meantime, he had Isaac switch seats with Erica.

I hated to admit it but I was embarrassed, and I expected this stunt to ruin any chance I had at getting through this school year without being known as a freak; so I was surprised when Isaac leaned over when the teacher had his back turned and whispered how cool it was that I had the nerve to touch O'Sullivan.

I was taken aback by his awe because, back home in California, that same stunt would have immediately put me on the freak list. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here after all.

Soon the bell rang signaling the end of class. I stayed in my seat waiting for the students to trickle out before I went up to Mr. Mason's desk. He looked at me sternly before addressing me

"I'm willing to let this incident slide since this is your first day, Mr. Briggs, but only if that is alright with Miss O'Sullivan," he said, turning to Erica who stood beside me.

Erica glanced slightly at me before turning to Mr. Mason

"That's fine, Mr. Mason, but I request to switch seats," she said. Mr. Mason nodded and agreed, and then he dismissed us.

I hurried out of the classroom, relieved to have dodged a bullet. I was surprised to find Isaac and Ashley waiting for me. When they saw me, they ran up to me. Ashley was the first to speak

"Isaac told me what happened. I can't believe you had the guts to touch O'Sullivan, let alone her hair," she said slightly out of breath.

I was taken aback by the way she didn't see it as weird that I had touched the hair of a girl that I didn't even know, or maybe it was just because it was Erica's hair I had touched that she didn't mind.

"It was an accident, " I lied, wanting to forget the incident entirely; although I didn't feel guilty about it, I did, however, hate looking bad in front of people.

The three of us walked towards gym class together, with Isaac still talking to Ashley about the incident. He found Erica's reaction hilarious; and Ashley, in turn, did too.

Gym went without incident, and, by the time it was over I was ready to go home. As I walked into the parking lot, I saw Erica and her family headed towards the Mustang and Motorcycle I saw earlier.

Erica didn't look at me, but the Egyptian girl Nephti threw me a dirty look before getting on the back of the Motorcycle and wrapping her arms around 'Aron.

I watched as Darien opened the passenger side door for Erica and she got inside. Kenji and Sara got in the back and Darien took his place in the driver's seat. He started the car and sped away.

Most people would have let that be the end of it, but I was not most people, and I found myself intrigued by Erica O'Sullivan. I wanted to know more about her and I was going to.

When I got home, I checked the fridge and found stuff to make a sandwich. After I finished eating, I started on my homework and quickly finished it. I laid on my bed a moment deciding what I should do next, when I decided to search Erica up on Facebook.

I quickly booted my laptop up and typed up her name. To my surprise, there were no Erica O'Sullivan's living in Forks, Washington on Facebook. I decided to try Erica Faustus and still got nothing. Weird I thought. Most people had some form of social media these days, but it seemed Erica was the exception. I tried searching other members of her family but with the same results. Weird, it was like these people were ghosts.

I closed my computer, feeling disappointed but not defeated. If I couldn't find information about her on the web, I would just have to gain it the old fashioned way. I smiled. It looked like Erica O'Sullivan and her family were a mystery. I found myself excited for the challenge.

Erica's pov

As Darien drove us home from school I was seething. How dare the school act like what that Luke kid did was some sort of heroic stunt. I only agreed to let it slide because I didn't want to bring any unwanted spotlight on myself or my family, but then Isaac Barnes and Ashley Martins had run up to Luke treating him like a superhero instead of a freak. If I was alive my blood would be boiling.

I was pulled from my rage-filled thoughts as we pulled into the garage. I hopped out of the car the moment we were stopped, and hurried inside the house. Mom was waiting for us the moment we stepped through the door.

"Hello darling," she said when she saw me and planted a kiss on my forehead, she pulled back and frowned, "What's wrong Erica, you look upset," she said.

Nephti answered for me as she came in,

"The new boy touched her hair in Bio today and Ashley and Isaac were treated him like a hero," she said.

A flash of anger flickered in Mom's eyes when she heard that, "I'm so sorry Erica," she said, pulling me into a hug which I returned.

After we released each other, I hurried into the library so I could think. I hadn't told my family yet about Luke's soul.

I guess I should explain. You see, I'm a soul reader; meaning I can see a person's soul and know pretty much everything about them. The color of one's soul usually determines their personality.

For example, a person with a red soul has a fiery personality, a person with a pink or light blue soul is childlike, a person with a golden soul is pure; but a person with a grey soul is disturbed and is at high risk of their soul turning black, which, is the color most psychopaths have.

I would have to watch Luke more closely than I planned.

Authors note: I know the first chapters are seeming to be just a rewrite of Twilight but I promise I'm just using this as the foundation of my story so please be patient. Second. I would really appreciate it if you guys would review and let me know your thoughts on the story so far. Thank you, Nerdzone6.