Cisco and Caitlin were getting into Caitlin's car when Cisco's phone buzzed.
"What's that?" Caitlin asked her boyfriend.
"It's an alert that someone has breached Star Labs. Fortunately, when I upgraded the facility's security system, I also included a feature that allows me to lock the whole building down remotely." Cisco said as he tapped a button on his phone.
"That's useful." Caitlin said.
"Yeah, but it looks like we'll have to breach back to Star Labs instead of drive." Cisco said.
"Thank god you perfected the suit ring tech. No more having to find a corner to change behind or worrying about finding a place to stash my normal clothes." Caitlin said, since she'd been lucky so far to avoid any awkward situations.
"Tell me about it." Cisco said as they looked around before they each slid their rings on to their fingers, Caitlin's with an icy blue background with a snowflake insignia on it and Cisco's had a gold background with what looked several swirling circles, similar to how Cisco's fists looked when he accessed breach energy and they both activated them and immediately, the rings interacted with their individual powers (Cisco had obviously given the Team Flash rings a few extra features), and in a blur of breach energy and ice, they were wearing their suits and Caitlin had shifted to frost.
"I have to admit, I like the new transition." Frost said and Vibe nodded with a grin, since it had taken a bit of extra work on his part to figure out how to make it work, but he had.
"You know I always save the best toys for us." Vibe said.
"Yep. Though I can't help but notice that you give yourself the very best." Frost said, since Cisco had upgraded both his ring and his gauntlets with several additional features.
"Let's just go. We need to figure out who is breaking into Star Labs and why." Vibe said and Frost nodded in agreement as Vibe opened the breach and they jumped through it.
When they exited the breach, they found themselves in the cortex and alarms were raised in Star Labs.
"Please tell me we can still use our comms." Frost said.
"Yes, we're not in babel protocol. And it's a good thing my gauntlets weren't the only thing I upgraded." Vibe said as he tapped the side of his goggles.
"Call Barry's cell phone." Vibe said.
"Did you put Siri in your goggles?" Frost asked, amused.
"More or less." Vibe said.
"Cisco, what's up?" Barry asked as he and Jesse ran towards Star Labs.
"When you and Jesse get back here, make sure you're suited up. We've got an intruder and I've had to put Star Labs on lockdown." Vibe said.
"Copy that. We're almost there. Ralph said he was going on his own, so you can get in touch with him over his suit's comms, since I think he's doing that same thing he did when Rag Doll held me captive, but Iris is traveling through the mirrors and I'm not sure she gets reception when she does that." Barry said, right as Iris popped out of a monitor in the cortex, dressed in her Mirage suit.
"I saw that we were in lockdown mode when I first arrived, so I changed while I was on my way here to the cortex." Mirage explained.
"Jesse and I are almost there. See if you can figure out who the intruders are and what they want in the meantime." Barry said.
"Got it." Vibe said as he ended the call.
"What's going on?" Jesse asked her brother as she noticed him put his ring on.
"Intruders at Star Labs." Barry said as he released his suit from it's ring and Jesse quickly did the same as they sped into their suits and arrived at Star Labs to find black vans there.
"The ASA." Flash said.
"Why are they here? They would've had to discover that the place is empty." Jesse said.
"Unless Dr. Snow isn't the only thing they're after." Flash said.
"What else could they be after?" Jesse asked.
"I don't know. But let's find out." Flash said, right as they both dodged bullet shots.
"Looks like we'll need to deal with this first." Jesse said.
"You want right or left?" Flash asked.
"I'll take left." Jesse said and Flash grinned as they quickly got to work taking down the ASA operatives around the building.