AN: Hello guys this is just a bit of info for those of you who actually bother to read this (If you're wondering if I mean the fic or the AN, I mean both) this is my first attempt at writing a fic so I expect you guys to be extra heavy on the criticism. English isn't my first language so please feel free to point out any errors you may find. In fact I encourage you to do so. And with that out the way let's get to it.

Disclaimer: In case it isn't obvious I do not own Young Justice

"Where the hell am I how did I get here?"


'There has to be a reasonable explanation maybe I'm in a coma or something'


'Aerospace engineering can be defined as the study of…'




He didn't remember dying, not in its entirety.


He remembered the sequence of events that led to his death. The shock. The knife wounds. The pain. Bleeding profusely out of numerous wounds dealt to his upper torso in an alley in what most would call the bad side of town.

His admittedly lacklustre life not flashing so much as strolling before his eyes. He remembered calling out for help hoping someone would hear him, hoping someone would save him.

"H..Help please I don't wanna die…"

He remembered when the screams for help turned into whispers and sobs when he realised no one would.

'I don't want to die please, anyone please I don't deserve to die, not like this.'

But…he didn't remember dying.

Project Cadmus, Washington, D.C, U.S.A

June 21 2010 approx-21:23 EDT

Mark Desmond was not what most would call a kind man or an ethical one.

Kind men did not kidnap an entire team of geneticists and force said geneticists to work for them through constant exposure to telepathic compulsions of loyalty and a compulsive, bordering on obsessive need to listen to them.

Ethical men, men with morals and a strong sense of right and wrong, did not force grow a clone using the illegally acquired DNA of the earth's strongest superhero on two different occasions.

No, Dr. Desmond was not a kind man nor an ethical one; he knew this. He was however a great scientist one of the best-no, the best- in his field and science, despite what the majority of the modern world may choose to believe, could not afford be held back by mere ethics and morals.

As he stood in Cadmus' 52nd sub floor he could not help but admire how what he had deemed his life's greatest achievement proved that sentiment.

On March 21, 2010, Project Cadmus initiated Project Kr. It was based on Project Match, an earlier attempt to clone Superman. Because of the incomplete DNA sequences, "Match" was deemed a failure, a mistake they did not repeat on Project Kr. For this new project, the gaps in the sequences were filled with human DNA, with one of Cadmus' board of directors acting as the donor.

The clone was kept in a containment pod along with three G-Gnomes, who telepathically controlled their fellow Genomorph and educated it with the knowledge far beyond a boy of its physiological age could ever hope to attain.

A containment pod he and one Doctor Amanda Spence now stood in front of. Unlike the rest of the ill acquired staff only she was truly unexpandable in regards to the success of Desmond's Genomorph research.

Having had enough pondering for the day He cleared his throat and faced his fellow scientist

"How is it responding to the conditioning? Any adverse side effects? The board won't tolerate another Match, I would hate for negligence to be the cause for a second failure when ignorance was the cause for the first."

Amanda as she always tended to do looked at the data recorded on her clipboard

"None Doctor, Project Kr is responding relatively well to the G-Gnomes under the circumstances, no irregular brain activity has yet to be recorded. This in turn could be a result of it itself being a Genomorph however we have noticed that the subject seems to have developed an enlarged amygdala and hippocampus. The areas in the brain in charge of aggression and memory, emotion and learning respe-''

"I know what they're in charge of Doctor" He sniped, irritated at her needless rambling he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing "What I do not know however is if Project Kr is a viable candidate for what the board has planned, there is no room for error Doctor Spencer."

"I understand that sir but an enlarged Hippocampus could could be a sign of anything from Major Depressive Disorder to Autism there is no way to truly know the extent of the problem if there even is one." Amanda continued on apparently unaffected by the rude interruption

Doctor Desmond took a couple of steps closer to the pod wordlessly beckoning her to follow, after a few terse silent seconds filled only with the echo of their footsteps they both stood a mere couple of feet away from the pod. Desmond as he was prone to do when faced with a problem stood with his hands folded behind his back, his shoulders terse and his eyes closed, after a minute or so of silent contemplation he finally turned to address her "How can we be sure?" He asked not fully managing to keep the slight tremor of fear out his voice "I have invested countless hours in this project, struck deals and bargains with individuals who do not let constant failure go unpunished so... how can we know?"

Doctor Spencer turned her eyes away from Desmond and faced the pod in which project Kr was housed. The Genomorph was a partial genetic clone of Superman, and as such shared many of Superman's physical traits. A Caucasian male with short black hair and what she knew to be blue eyes under closed eyelids. It was noticeably taller than most people of its physiological age and was quite muscular, likely due to its partial Kryptonian genes it could be regarded as handsome she noted idly.

Finished with her quick assessment she responded "Well the only way to be truly sure would be to wake it up ahead of schedule sir, I'm fully prepared to initia-"

"That won't be necessary Doctor you may leave"

As if responding to a nonverbal command (which it probably was) the horns on the G-Gnome that was placed on Desmond's shoulder lit up in an eerie red glow Doctor Spencer's face quickly turned blank and without so much as a word protest she turned around and left the room.

Now alone in the chamber, Desmond crossed what little distance was left between him and Project Krypton, a forlorn look marred his visage as he pressed his hand against thick glass that seperated them.

"Divinci created the Mona Lisa...Michael Angelo the Sistine chapel, Oppenheimer the Atom Bomb, they were all praised as great men worshiped for the foresight for their greater minds...but you Kr, my Magnum Opus my greatest work are proof that I am greater then they could have ever hoped to be." He took a deep shakey breath seemingly to calm himself down.

"Paintings and overhyped dirty bombs are nothing compared to the creation of life itself and I can not afford to have you be another failure." His eyes turned to the Genomorphs on Kr's shoulders. Eyes filled with a random assortment of emotions, excitement at the prospect of success a budding fear at the seemingly greater prospect of failure. 'No it won't be another failure I have learnt from my mistakes.' seemingly resolute in his decision he gave them the order.

'Wake it up'

AN: So yea there it is the first chapter and my first attempt at writing something l. anyway sorry for the short length but this was mostly just for me to get a feel of writing something so please give me feedback on this the main premise is an OC getting inserted into the body of Project Kr incase that wasn't obvious, flames altough not exactly welcome are more than acceptable in the way of aggressive constructive criticisms.