Cisco arrived home, still somewhat depressed. Ever since he and Kamilla had broken up he asked himself "Why can't I make it work?" He couldn't make it work with Kamilla, Gypsy, Kendra. Cisco always considered himself the good guy, he'd saved Kamilla from the mirror verse. Obviously Barry and the rest of team Flash helped save Kamilla, captain Singh, Iris, but Cisco had played an important part in that rescue operation. But somehow he and Kamilla just couldn't make it work after that. Then Cisco arrived home, and there was an unexpected visitor here, two actually. Leonard Snart, and his sister Lisa. This suprised Cisco, Leonard was suppossed to be dead, and he hadn't seen Lisa in five years and assumed the worst. Lisa was unconsciouss, clearly she'd been hurt recently.


Cisco: What's going on?

Leonard: Someone is coming after me and the rest of the team.

Cisco: Team? You mean the legends?

Leonard: If you want to call Rip Hunter's team that, fine. The point is they're coming after our families, those we love. Admittedly for me that's a short list, but Lisa here is on it. We rescued them, but I need to hide her. I'm hoping they won't look a few years into the future. And even if they do, I trust you and team Flash can protect her.

Cisco: Yeah, ofcourse. So you're from 2016?

Leonard: Time seems relative at the moment, but I did join the Waverider in 2016.

Cisco: There's something you should know.

Leonard: Don't tell me too much about the future.

Cisco: But to save your...

Leonard: Don't. I just need you to protect my sister.

Cisco: You're more concerned with her than yourself.

Leonard: Very short list, pretty much just her. One more thing. I'm not naive or a prude. What Lisa chooses to do with you is between you and her. But if you take advantage of her, particularly when she's hurt or unconsciouss...

Cisco: I would never do that.

Leonard: I know, that's one reason I chose you. But as her big brother I still feel the need to say that, if you do, I will kill you. Even if that means rising from the depths of Hell. And don't think I won't find a wat to do that.

Cisco: I believe you, and I respect it. Take care.

Leonard: You too.