In a storm at the middle of the Atlantic ocean, a canary ship is going against the harsh waves of the ocean. Inside, two crewmen were playing cards.

"So when do you think the storm is gonna be over?" The first man said as he drew a card. The other man who seemed much older than the other man stared at his hand before sighing and pulling another card.

"When Gilbert finally gets a girlfriend." The older man indifferently.

"Man, you're just a ray of sunshine aren't you," his friend then gave him a cheeky grin as he placed his cards down getting a perfect 21. "Eat shit asshat."

The two shared a laugh until the radar began to beep. The older man stood up, and slowly made his way to the radar.

"Nick, look at this." The old man says with panic clear in his voice.

"Why, what's happening George?" Nick looks over George's shoulder and his eyes instantly widened, as a massive thing is heading their way. Nick ran out of the room into the harsh storm,and pulled the alarm, alarming the crew. Workers began to panic, as the ship began to sway side to side. The sounds of thunder were filling everyone's ears, drowning out the sounds of a man screaming as something was heading towards them.

A loud groan is heard as Gorge looks at the window, only for a tail to hit the boat and throw him back. Inside, crewmen who were running through the corridors, were killed as large sharp teeth sunk into the sides of the boats. Water began to fill the ship, causing it to sink.

In the distance, all of the lights from the boat were gone. And all could be heard through the storm was a roar of an unknown creature.

The next morning...

In downtown Manhattan, a man is seen buying a hot dog from a stand and is now walking back over to a building, a news network.

He is soon seen walking over to his desk and placing down his things. He finishes his hotdog and crumbles up his trash and puts it on the edge of the table. He sighs and places his head on the table, until a folder slams on his desk. He jolts up to see a stern woman staring at him. Her platinum blond hair tied in a bun, and her Emerald green staring at his tired brown eyes. She wore a fitted suit, while he wore a loose brown coat, over his black vest which was missing a few buttons.

"Oh, Hey Trey." He said in a slur manner. Her eyebrows frown and she scuffs before opening the folder.

"First off it's Tracy, second you aren't allowed to call me that, I'm your boss, not a friend so call me Ms. Jones. Lastly, I need you to get off your drunken butt, and do your job! You haven't given me a new story in three weeks!" She slides the folder closer to him. "You give me a story, or your ass is mine!

"Geez Trey, at least take me out to dinner first," he says as he grabs the folder. Her eyes twitched in anger, before she could yell anything, she quickly took a deep breath, and pushed up her glasses, and looked at him in the eyes.

"That behavior isn't appropriate here Ethan. Just get me a story by the end of the week please…" He sighs and scratches his scruffy beard and raises his hands in defeat.

"Okay, I'll get you something soon okay?"

"Thanks Ethan… I'll be at my office if you need me." She walks away, leaving Ethan in his seat. He lays back on his chair and puts his hand over his eyes. He lets out a heavy sigh before opening the folder she gave him. It was a series of current events. The election for mayor coming up, crimes, ect. Things that most people had already covered. Ethan then suddenly gets a phone call. He reads the name, and his face cringes. He put his phone down, however he noticed his coworkers looking at him, clearly annoyed by the ringing.

"Sorry," he grumbles as he answers the phone, "Hey James…"

Over at a penthouse near central park a man was walking around the living room. He sits down on the couch as two kids run behind the couch, with toys in hand. He places his hand over the phone and looks at his kids.

"Hey slow down you two!" He exclaimed, the two children giggle and look at their father.

"Okay!" The two children yell as they continue playing.

"Sorry about that Ethan, you know those two," He chuckles as he looks at his kid.

On the other line, Ethan nods and rubs his forehead.

"What do you want James?" Ethan groaned.

"Hey, no need to be rude, man. I just wanted to invite you to a farewell party." James sighs as he looks at his kids. "Next week, my family and I are moving to Chicago. So we're gonna throw a party, to sorta, lift the kids' spirits. You know how Alice is." James gets up and begins to walk towards the kitchen, where his wife, Abigail, is cooking dinner.

"...When is the party? And who's going?" Ethan asked as he slowly began to write down the information.

"Well, of course. The party is in two days at our home. Few of our neighbors, coworkers and friends will be there. Heh, even some of the guys from high school are coming. But well, of course the kids are gonna have their own little party, Jake and Lucy are going to hang out with the kids downstairs." James chuckles a bit.

"Okay, but what about Billy? Is he coming?"

"Yeah… about that, I kinda need your help." Ethan groaned as he lowered his head.

"Let me guess, he won't talk to you?"

"I don't get it, it's been two years, and he still isn't gonna talk to us, he hasn't even visited his nephew and nieces!" Ethan scratches his hair, Billy has been the most quiet out of the three. However he had a good reason that only Ethan knew why."Listen, I just want to see if you can convince Billy to come to the party. Could you do it?" James pleads.

"... I'll try,"


"Not for you. I'm doing it for your kids, they should at least know him." Ethan hisses, he hangs up and sighs.

Ethan puts his hands over his face and groans before standing up. He begins to pack up before putting his scarf on and walking towards the exit.

"And where are you going?" Tracy calls out. Ethan sluggishly turns to Tracy standing outside her office.

"A family emergency, James asked me to Find Billy," Ethan answers. Tracy raises an eyebrow and looks at him concerned.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to tell him about a goodbye party James is throwing." He puts his phone and wallet away before

"Really? You're gonna ditch work, to tell your brother about a party?"

"Don't worry Ms. Jones, I'll go searching for a story. Probably ruin someone's life on the way." He cracks a smile towards her, expecting her to laugh, but instead she just stares at him distastefully before heading back to her office. Although, before she leaves the room, she tells him this.

"... just please do your job. I know about your situation, and I don't want to fire you anytime soon." She closes her door leaving a confused Ethan by the exit. Then when it clicked on what she said, he merely frowned and groaned realizing what this meant. He only has the job right now out of pity.

He walks out of the building, and heads straight to a liquor store and buys a bottle of beer, and begins his walk to his little brother's house.