bopdog111: What can Kevin do?

Ulrich362: Well hopefully he can take down the seemingly unbeatable Shadow Rider Camula. She's already beaten Dr. Crowler and Zane.

bopdog111: Though she seems to have something in her sleeves.

Ulrich362: True, let's see what that something is. Enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX but we own the OCs!

"Kevin..." Alexis started nervously as the group was waiting outside the Slifer Dorm.

Kevin looked over to her.

"It wasn't your fault." she whispered.

"Thanks Lex." Kevin smiled softly at that.

"What do we do now?" Bastion questioned. "She knows our decks and out strategies and even if we can come up with new plans that card is still a factor."

"Yeah, Illusion Gate." Jaden agreed.

"Don't you worry about it." Kevin told them.

Jaden frowned. "Are you sure you can handle this Kevin?"

"Doubt it. But I won't let her win. Cause this card here..." Kevin pulled out a card looking at it, "Is gonna help me make sure I will take her down no matter the cost."

The others all nodded at that.

"Well, we'll find out tonight." Chazz admitted.

"Okay let's do this." Kevin said slipping the card in his deck.

The others all nodded in agreement at that. They all walked in the castle down the dark red rug.

"So you've come." Camula stated coldly.

Kevin looked up calmly, "Well now Camula. Time for us to face off."

"I'm well aware Malek." Camula replied only to pause. "No... Kevin Yuki."

Kevin walked to position, "That's right Malek is gone, and I'm here now."

She just nodded. "Can we just get started?"

That's when they noticed she wasn't wearing her choker.

"Hey, she can't use Illusion Gate's power without that necklace on her." Chazz said seeing that.

"I have no need to use the power of those who will betray me." Camula told him coldly. "The Shadow Riders are no longer any allies of mine."

"Their not anyone?" Jaden asked surprised, "Then why are you...?"

She glared at him. "For what you humans have done to my people."

"Your people as in the Vampire Kind." Kevin said hearing that, "From what I heard your people were peaceful but we're feared upon."

Camula frowned. "We lived isolated from humanity, but due to their fears and hatred we were driven to extinction... or I suppose near extinction would be more accurate."

"But you survived in solitude until the Shadow Riders freed you." Kevin realized.

"That's correct, I was told that the power of the Sacred Beasts would bring my fellow vampires back. However I should have known better than to trust humans, even those who serve the Shadows." Camula told him. "Starting now I will take matters into my own hands, and I will start with you Kevin Yuki. The first of a new age of vampires."

"But if you turned your back on the Shadow Riders then that must mean we can work something out. I will admit what our ancestors done on your people are unforgivable but we are not like them. We can help you out." Kevin told her offering a hand.

"You take me for a fool?" Camula questioned. "I won't be deceived by any more human lies."

With that she activated her Duel Disk.

"Prepare for the last duel of your life."

Kevin narrowed his eyes, "Then I'll prove to you that I'm different."

with that he activated his Duel Disk ready.


(Dueling Theme: Suffer by New Years Day)

Kevin: 4000

Camula: 4000

Let the Duel begin!

Camula 1st Turn:

"I will go first, and I'll begin by setting one card and summoning Gozuki in attack mode." Camula told him.


Earth Type

Level 4


ATK: 1700

DEF: 800

During your Main Phase: You can send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY. If this card is sent to the GY: You can banish 1 Zombie monster from your GY, except "Gozuki"; Special Summon 1 Zombie monster from your hand. You can only use each effect of "Gozuki" once per turn.

"I end my turn by using Gozuki's ability to send the Zombie monster Uni-Zombie to my graveyard."

"Uni-Zombie. I never heard of that Zombie." Bastion said hearing that.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Alexis frowned.

Kevin 1st Turn:

"Okay draw!" Kevin called drawing looking, 'And it's the card that can help me out. Alright.' "First I'll set one card, and then summon The Black Stone of Legend!"

At that a glowing black stone appeared.

The Black Stone of Legend

Dark Type

Level 1


ATK: 0

DEF: 0

You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster from your Deck, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick". If this card is in your Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster in your Graveyard, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick"; shuffle it into the Deck, and if you do, add this card to your hand. You can only use 1 "The Black Stone of Legend" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

"Nice." Syrus smiled seeing the monster.

"That will definitely help him out." Bastion agreed.

"And now with Black Stone of Legend's ability I can summon this card!" Kevin called as Black Stone vanished as Red-Eyes appeared roaring.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Dark Type

Level 7


ATK: 2400

DEF: 2000

A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack.

"That dragon you and Nightshroud are so fond of." Camula frowned.

"Well I'll sure you'll remember this!" Kevin called revealing a spell.

Inferno Fire Blast

Normal Spell Card

Target 1 "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" in your Monster Zone; inflict damage to your opponent equal to its original ATK. "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" cannot attack the turn you activate this card.

Camula's eyes widened in shock before bracing herself for the blast.

(Camula: 1600)

"Due to it Red-Eyes isn't allowed to attack this turn. But at dealing a lot of damage is worth the price." Kevin said ending his turn.

Kevin: 4000

Camula: 1600

Camula 2nd Turn:

Camula drew her card only for her eyes to widen as she smirked. "Perfect, I start with Vampire Takeover!"

Vampire Takeover

Normal Trap Card

If you have no card in your Field Zone and all face-up monsters you control (min. 1) are Zombie-Type: Activate 1 "Vampire Kingdom" directly from your Deck, then, you can Special Summon 1 DARK "Vampire" monster from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position. You can only activate 1 "Vampire Takeover" per turn.

"Since I don't have a Field Spell in play and I only control Zombie monsters I'm allowed to activate Vampire Kingdom from my deck."

Vampire Kingdom

Field Spell Card

Zombie-Type monsters gain 500 ATK during damage calculation only. Once per turn, when a card(s) is sent from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard: Target 1 card on the field; send 1 DARK "Vampire" monster from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, destroy that target.

They appeared at a castle unlike Infernalvania looking around.

"Now with that done, allow me to show you the power humans can never hope to comprehend." Camula stated. "I call on the Tuner Monster Tatsunecro in attack mode."

A zombiefied seahorse appeared.


Dark Type

Level 3


ATK: 500

DEF: 1700

If this Normal Summoned/Set monster would be used as Synchro Material, 1 monster in your hand can be used as 1 of the other materials. If you do this, all materials from that Summon are banished instead of being sent to the GY. You cannot Special Summon monsters, except Zombie monsters.

"Wait Tuner Monster? What's that?" Kevin asked hearing that.

"You'll learn soon enough, Tatsunecro has a special ability allowing me to tune him with the level four Vampire Lady in my hand." Camula stated as Tatsunecro began glowing before becoming three green rings and Vampire Lady flew in the middle of them before becoming four stars.

(LV: 3 + 4 = 7)

"Now, you should be honored to witness the true power of a Vampire. I Synchro Summon Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon!"

From that a zombie Dragon appeared roaring.

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon

Dark Type

Level 7


ATK: 2400

DEF: 2000

1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Gains 100 ATK/DEF for each Zombie monster on the field and in the GYs. When another Zombie monster is destroyed by battle: You can Special Summon 1 Zombie monster from either player's GY to your field. You can only use this effect of "Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon" once per turn.

"What the!?" Chazz asked in shock.

"Great Scott!" Bastion cried.

"Oh man!" Syrus cried.

"What's Synchro Summoning?" Jaden asked in shock.

"As I told you, it's the true power of the vampire race." Camula stated. "For every Zombie in play or in our graveyards Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon gains 100 attack points, unfortunately Tatsunecro's ability banishes the monsters I used to summon him but that's still 200 more points."

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon: (ATK: 2400 + (100 * 3) = 2700)

"And Gozuki sends another zombie each turn increasing it's power by 100 every time it's your turn." Kevin said hearing that.

"Exactly, but first things first Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon attacks your Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Camula declared. "Since a Zombie is battling in my Zombie Kingdom it gains 500 more points!"

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon: (ATK: 2700 + 500 = 3200)

Necro Dragon attacked destroying Red-Eyes as Kevin grunted. (Kevin: 3200)

"Now Gozuki attack Kevin directly!" Camula smirked.

Gozuki: (ATK: 1700 + 500 = 2200)

Gozuki landed a clear strike forcing Kevin down a knee. (Kevin: 1000)

"Now I'll have Gozuki send my Vampire Lord to the graveyard." Camula mentioned. "That ends my turn."

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon: (ATK: 3200 - 500 + 100 = 2800)

Gozuki: (ATK: 2200 - 500 = 1700)

Kevin grunted standing up to his knees breathing.

"Kevin!" Jaden cried in horror.

Kevin 2nd Turn:

'Okay to have a chance, I need to take out Gozuki so it can't power up Necro Dragon each turn.' Kevin thought drawing looking, 'Not what I want but it'll do!' "Okay, to start this off I'll activate Monster Reborn to summon Red-Eyes!"

Monster Reborn

Normal Spell Card

Target 1 monster in either GY; Special Summon it.

Red-Eyes appeared again roaring, "Now attack Gozuki!"

Gozuki: (ATK: 1700 + 500 = 2200)

Even with the power boost Gozuki was overwhelmed by the attack and shattered.

(Camula: 1400)

"One card down, and that's all." Kevin said only to see Necro Dragon glowing.

"Oh, did I forget to mention my Necro Dragon's other ability?" Camula inquired. "Whenever another Zombie is destroyed I can revive any Zombie from the graveyard in its place, so I'll bring back Uni-Zombie."

A singing zombie duo appeared.


Dark Type

Level 3


ATK: 1300

DEF: 0

You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; discard 1 card, and if you do, increase that target's Level by 1. You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; monsters you control cannot attack for the rest of this turn, except Zombie monsters, also send 1 Zombie monster from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, increase that target's Level by 1. You can only use each effect of "Uni-Zombie" once per turn.

"And I'm gonna bet on my soul here that is also a Tuner right?" Kevin guessed.

"You would be correct, not that it matters. This duel is over." Camula smirked.

Kevin grunted ending his turn.

Kevin: 1000

Camula: 1400

Camula 3rd Turn:

"Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon attack!" she declared.

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon: (ATK: 2800 + 500 = 3300)

"Not this time! Negate Attack!" Kevin called as a barrier popped up.

Negate Attack

Counter Trap Card

When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Target the attacking monster; negate the attack, then end the Battle Phase.

Camula frowned at that. "I end my turn, but know this. With only 1000 life points I need just one more Zombie to end this duel."

Kevin 3rd Turn:

'Okay, I gotta take care of that dragon!' Kevin grunted drawing, "I use Upstart Goblin!"

Upstart Goblin

Normal Spell Card

Draw 1 card, then your opponent gains 1000 LP.

He drew before widening his eyes as Red-Eyes was enveloped in flames, "Come Alternative Black Dragon!"

The evolved Dragon appeared roaring.

Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon

Dark Type

Level 7


ATK: 2400

DEF: 2000

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your hand or field. You can only Special Summon "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon " once per turn this way. If this card is destroyed by battle, or if this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster in your GY, except "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon "; Special Summon it, and if it was a "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" that was Special Summoned, its original ATK becomes doubled.

(Camula: 2400)

"Your new dragon is far too weak." Camula pointed out.

"Not for long. Alternative attack her dragon!" Kevin called as Alternative charged.

"What, why would you do something so foolish?" Camula questioned.

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon: (ATK: 2800 + 500 = 3300)

The Zombie destroyed Red-Eyes Alternative as Kevin grunted. (Kevin: 0100)

Red-Eyes burst again roaring. (ATK: 2400 x 2 = 4800)

Camula's eyes widened in shock. "That's what you were planning, but that would mean..."

"Kevin wins!" Syrus cheered.

"Red-Eyes finish off that Zombie!" Kevin called as Red-Eyes attacked Necro Dragon.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock at that.

Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon: (ATK: 2800 + 500 = 3300)

It tried fighting back only for the original Red-Eyes to overpower and destroy it.

(Camula: 0900)

"Why did you attack my dragon and not Uni-Zombie?" she asked.

"I told you: I'm different, and I want to help you." Kevin answered.

Her eyes seemed to widen at that before they heard a deafening roar. Hearing that they looked around as Kevin ended his turn.

Kevin: 0100

Camula: 0900

Camula 4th Turn:

"I see, you wish to put his word to the test as well." Camula smiled. "Very well, this will be the end of our duel and of you Kevin Yuki."

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked hearing that.

"I begin by summoning Zombie Master in attack mode." Camula answered.

Zombie Master

Dark Type

Level 4


ATK: 1800

DEF: 0

Once per turn: You can send 1 monster from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie monster in either GY; Special Summon that target. This monster must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

"Now, level three Uni-Zombie tune with level four Zombie Master!"

"She's got another Necro Dragon?" Jaden asked in shock seeing that as Uni-Zombie turned to 3 rings, and Zombie Master turned to 4 stars.

(LV: 3 + 4 = 7)

"You may find this hard to believe, but this next monster is no Zombie." Camula stated as the roar echoed again. "It is a monster that has been a great ally to myself and my fellow vampires for a long time however. Now Kevin, allow me to introduce you to my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!"

A white Dragon with green wings having a long tail appeared with yellow eyes, and having a horn on it's head appeared roaring flying behind Camula.

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

Wind Type

Level 7


ATK: 2500

DEF: 2000

1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, when another Level 5 or higher monster activates its effect on the field (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. Once per turn, when a monster effect is activated that targets 1 Level 5 or higher monster on the field (and no other cards) (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. If this card's effect destroys a monster, this card gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK until the end of this turn.

"A Dragon not a Zombie?" Kevin asked feeling something different about this one.

Clear Wing roared as to their shock it was the same roar they'd heard before.

"Hey was that Dragon what we heard?" Bastion asked hearing it's roar.

"My, what a shocker!" Banner cried at this hugging Pharaoh.

"Kevin be careful!" Alexis said to him who nodded.

"Next, a spell you should recognize from my duel with your instructor. Book of Life." Camula continued playing the spell. "It banishes your Alternative Dragon to revive Vampire Lord from my graveyard."

The royal vampire appears.

Book of Life

Normal Spell Card

Target 1 Zombie monster in your GY and 1 monster in your opponent's GY; Special Summon the first target, also banish the second target.

Vampire Lord

Dark Type

Level 5


ATK: 2000

DEF: 1500

When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: Declare 1 type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap); your opponent sends 1 card of that type from their Deck to the GY. Once per turn, during your next Standby Phase after this card in your possession was destroyed and sent to your GY by an opponent's card effect: Special Summon this card from the GY.

"With Lord that means you can summon... " Kevin trailed off.

"Precisely, I sacrifice Vampire Lord in order to summon Vampire Genesis in attack mode!" Camula stated as the monster appeared.

Vampire Genesis

Dark Type

Level 8


ATK: 3000

DEF: 2100

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Vampire Lord" you control, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn: You can discard 1 Zombie-Type monster to the Graveyard, then target 1 Zombie-Type monster in your Graveyard with a Level less than the discarded Zombie-Type monster's; Special Summon that target.

"Big deal there not strong against his dragon." Chazz points out.

"I activate the special ability of Vampire Genesis." Camula declared. "By sending Ryu Kokki in my hand to the graveyard I can revive a Zombie with a lower level."

"6 or lower, either Uni-Zombie, Gozuki, or Zombie Master." Bastion said hearing that.

That's when Camula smirked. "I activate Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's special ability, when a level five or higher monster activates its ability or a monster targets a level five or higher monster with its special ability, I can negate that ability and destroy that monster. Clear Wing Synchro Dragon destroy Vampire Genesis, Dichroic Mirror!"

Clear Wing shot a lethal light destroying Genesis.

"Huh? Why would she do something like that?" Alexis asked confused.

Camula's eyes widened. "You're right, what could I have possibly been thinking destroying my most powerful monster like that?"

Kevin at that soon widen his eyes staring at Clear Wing, "It's because... Clear Wing's power relies on negation!"

"You're rather quick to pick up on the small details." Camula smirked. "Or in this case, the detail that Clear Wing Synchro Dragon gains the attack points of the monster it destroyed until the end of this turn."

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon: (ATK: 2500 + 3000 = 5500)

"5500!? Kevin!" Jaden cried seeing that.

"You were mildly impressive, but as I told you at the beginning of our duel Kevin you will be the first of a new generation of vampires." Camula told him. "Clear Wing Synchro Dragon destroy the Red-Eyes Black Dragon and wipe out the last of his life points!"

Clear Wing roared charging, and striking Red-Eyes destroying it as Kevin grunted, "It's not over yet!"

"You only have 100 life points and this attack deals 700 points of damage. Unless you're failing your math lessons you know that means you've lost." Camula pointed out.

"Except this." Kevin said revealing above him was a Kuriboh.

Camula frowned. "No matter, with your dragon gone you have nothing powerful enough to defeat Clear Wing Synchro Dragon."

"Your right. But I do have something to end this match right now. You destroying my Dragon set it off, and it's the card I set at the start of my first turn!" Kevin declared pointing to his set card.

"A card that can..." Jaden started before his eyes widened.

"Wait does he mean what I think he means?" Alexis asked in shock.

"I activate, Red-Eyes Burn!" Kevin revealed he trap.

Red-Eyes Burn

Normal Trap Card

If a face-up "Red-Eyes" monster(s) you control, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick", is destroyed by battle or card effect: Target 1 of those monsters; both players take damage equal to its original ATK. You can only activate 1 "Red-Eyes Burn" per turn.

"So now we both take damage equal to Red-Eyes' original points!" Kevin called.

Camula's eyes widened in shock at that. As the blast started Kevin smiled to her, "I told you that I'm different. I don't want to send you to the Shadow Realm, and I would help you out. Even if it means I get taken down as well."

She stared at him in shock as the blast enveloped them both.

Kevin: 0000

Camula: 0000


Everyone braced from the explosion as Clear Wing remained even after the duel ended. Camula stared at Kevin before closing her eyes as she took out her Choker and touched it causing the two dolls to begin glowing. The two turned back to their true selves at that.

"Zane?" Syrus asked hesitantly seeing that.

"S-Syrus?" Zane asked sitting up placing a hand on his head.

Syrus embraced him with tears.

Kevin smiled before turning to Camula. She closed her eyes. "I'll leave the island, but know that the remaining Shadow Riders are still out there."

Kevin walked offering a hand.

"Kevin, I have no right to remain here on this island now that I've been defeated." Camula pointed out.

"Well you do." Kevin told her.

"What do you mean?" she inquired.

"I stated before, I'm different, and I said, I want to help you out." Kevin smiled to her.

She looked at him before closing her eyes. "We'll have to figure out the logistics of me staying, but we should at least leave this castle for now."

"I got your... Thing figured out." Kevin admitted.

She raised an eyebrow at that before the group left the castle. Kevin at that unsleeved his arm offering it, "As long as it's not my neck, I should be fine."

Camula blinked before her eyes widened. "I meant having somewhere to live, that's something else entirely and isn't an issue at the moment."

"But still your hunger for blood can't be ignored." Kevin said with a smile.

"We'll address that when it becomes necessary." Camula told him with a faint blush.

Kevin rolled down his sleeve offering a hand again. She took it. "You're unusual for a human."

"Well I'm different." Kevin said gently pulling her to her feet, "Unlike my ancestors I'm not afraid of you."

Camula smiled before pausing. "We still have to figure out how I can stay... but if we can come up with a solution may I ask you something?"

"Of course." Kevin smiled to her nodding.

She smiled. "Could we come back here tonight, just the two of us?"

Kevin looked around, and nodded, "Okay, I can stick around here with ya."

"Thank you." she smiled.

Jaden meanwhile suddenly blushed. "Um... Alexis?"

Alexis looked over, "Yeah?"

He was red. "Um... do you... I mean would it be ok if..."

He looked down nervously. Alexis soon realizes, and blinked, "Oh."

Alexis took his hand, "You mean at the Springs."

He blushed more but nodded. "Yeah... do you mind?"

Alexis smiled nodding, "Okay we can."

Jaden smiled hearing that.

"I can't imagine what it's like being the only part of a species. But I'll be sure your given care." Kevin smiled to Camula.

Camula blushed at that.

"And be sure to tell me of your hunger." Kevin said to her.


A few minutes later in Chancellor Sheppard's office...

"And that's the story." Kevin finished explaining to Sheppard.

"That's quite the story, but if you all are willing to vouch for her I'll see if Nurse Fontaine has a room for her." Sheppard mentioned.

"If Kevin said she's okay then she's okay." Jaden said for them.

"Very well, for now do you mind letting her room with you Alexis?" Sheppard asked.

"Oh, okay." Alexis nodded to him.

"Though for the night she'll stay at the castle." Kevin told them, "I'll be with her in case something happens."

Sheppard nodded at that. "Very well."

With that they walked out of the room.

Later that night...

Alexis arrived at the Hot Springs holding a small bag looking around, "Jaden?"

"Over here." Jaden's voice called.

Alexis walked over at the direction. Jaden was blushing and in a towel. Alexis softly blushed but smiled, "Have you ever entered a Spring before?"

"No, I haven't." Jaden admitted.

"Well I'll tell you from experience it's amazing." Alexis admitted with a smile.

Jaden smiled at that.

"Now... Can you look away for a sec?" Alexis asked him.

Jaden nodded turning away. He hears shuffling before saying, "Okay."

Jaden turned back slowly. Alexis was in a hot pink towel covering her body after putting her clothes in the bag. Jaden blushed. "You look amazing."

Alexis blushed before smiling, "Thanks."

"Should... we get in?" he asked.

"Of course." Alexis nodded taking his hand.

He smiled as they walked into the hot spring and he sighed.

"This is so relaxing."

"Yeah it is." Alexis smiled to him, "The Girls Dorm has one too."

"I remember... I saw it before our picnic." Jaden mentioned.

She took his hand hearing that.

"Alexis?" he asked.

"I love you Jaden." Alexis smiled to him.

Jaden blushed but smiled back. "I love you too Alexis."

Alexis then asked, "Well... Can I trust you if I..."

She moved a hand to her towel at that. His eyes widened. "Oh... sure."

Alexis closed her eyes before pulling it off. Jaden instinctively looked at her body only to blush and look back at her face. "Sorry."

"No... It's okay." Alexis said blushing but was smiling.

Jaden blushed more. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable though and... I don't want you to think I'm just a creep."

"Your anything but that." Alexis assured him.

Jaden smiled before blushing again. "Then... do you mind if I..."

Alexis slowly nodded. Jaden took a slow breath as he took his own towel off only to sigh and close his eyes in contentment. Alexis smiled to him blushing, "Good thing no-one comes at night huh?"

"Yeah." Jaden agreed.

Alexis swam to him. Jaden didn't notice because his eyes were closed as he relaxed. Alexis then pulled him close. Jaden's eyes shot open. "Alexis?"

"Thanks for being you." Alexis smiled looking up at him.

Jaden smiled before embracing her gently. Alexis leaned her body close to him. Jaden blushed more at that. "Um... Alexis I..."

She looked up at him. He was bright red. "We're... not wearing our towels remember?"

She only smiled to him, "I know."

She kissed him closing her eyes. His eyes widened as he kissed her back.

Meanwhile at Camula's Castle...

Camula was sitting at the edge of the lake with Kevin.

"You're certain you won't regret this?" she asked him.

"Of course I'm certain. I decided to give you care in our match." Kevin smiled to her.

Camula smiled before pausing. "Kevin, can you swim?"

Kevin blinked before smiling, "Yeah, I had swim at my hometown's pool during the summer."

Camula smiled before taking her dress off revealing she was naked underneath it before swimming into the lake. "Join me?"

Kevin blinked with a slightly opened mouth in shock before blushing, "Uh okay. Can you let me get ready?"

"Of course." she smiled.

Kevin at slowly undressed until only a pair of white briefs remain. Camula chuckled at that. Kevin at that blushed finishing up before swimming in.

"Is something wrong?" she asked him.

"I... Never done this before." Kevin admitted to her.

"Gone swimming with a vampire you offered to help?" Camula inquired.

"More like... Be with a girl like this." Kevin told her.

She chuckled at that. "We're just having a relaxing swim, or would you prefer we do more?"

"What... What do you mean 'more'?" Kevin asked her at that.

"I think you know." Camula replied.

Kevin turned red, "Well... It's just I didn't realize all you wear was your dress. I guess it's due that the cold had no effect on you."

"Oh it does, that's just a myth. Vampires can get cold, we just don't mind it as much." Camula explained.

"Oh okay. Well, I should figure some clothing for you to have." Kevin admitted.

"Alright, though you never did answer my question." she smirked.

Kevin turned red at that, "I uh... At least not now... I'm still a student, and I uh..."

"I know." she replied calmly.

Kevin continued blushing before looking at her.

"It's quite alright. Looking isn't an issue." she told him.

He isn't paying attention looking as the water, and moonlight glisten off her figure. Camula chuckled at that. "I take it you approve?"

Kevin blushed a bit brighter, "Your amazing..."

"Thank you." she smiled softly. "Shall we?"

Kevin blinked hearing that.

"Swim Kevin, you didn't want to do anything else but we are in the lake after all." Camula pointed out.

"Oh." Kevin said feeling stupid like that before he starts swimming.

Camula chuckled as she joined him.

Ulrich362: Huh... well not what I was expecting. Camula's becoming Kevin's friend?

bopdog111: More like girlfriend this way.

Ulrich362: Well we'll have to see won't we?

bopdog111: Yeah we will soon enough.

Ulrich362: Yup, see you in the next chapter.

bopdog111: Be sure to review!