The people voted and they wanted quirked, class 1-B Izumi x Pony (Thanks to everyone who let me know)

To everyone who voted for the other stories, I'll still be doing them but they'll be a bit later down the line. The Quirkless Izumi x Rumi (Miruko) romance story came in 2nd place.

This story is definitely gonna be a mix of fun action, and comedy. I mean when you get two, well nerds, like Izumi and Pony together that's bound to happen.

Disclaimer: I don't own BNHA or any of the animes and mangas I make a reference to (Since Pony is here that means a lot of them appear) I mean even the name is a reference to the 1985 anime Dirty Pair

Enjoy! Usual notes at the end.

English speech is Underlined and Italicized: "Hey there!"

Chapter 1: Friendship and Anime

*Pony POV*

Pony was admittedly worried about being so far away from both her home and family but she remembered that this was her choice. She had wanted to go to U.A and had worked hard to learn Japanese, even if she didn't have a full grasp on it yet, so she could be here. She considered herself lucky with how things were turning out as well.

Her dad had a co-worker who was from and had family living in Japan and after learning that Pony wanted to go to U.A, like his daughter who was her age, he both helped teach her Japanese and asked his wife if Pony could live at their house during her stay.

Her parents had initially been worried because they didn't want to take advantage of their friend's, Mr. Midoriya's, kindness but he assured them that part of the reason was because he hoped Pony and his daughter would be good friends. Apparently his daughter was a bit of a lonely and shy girl, a tad like Pony, but she was also very kind and helpful.

They eventually took his offer and they knew she would be in good hands especially since her parents had met Mrs. Midoriya before. So here Pony was, waiting to be picked up by Mr. Midoriya's family. The blonde girl puffed a breath into her hands and rubbed her cheeks in an attempt to warm up. She had come mid December with the entrance exams being in January and it was much colder here than back home.

"T-Tsunotori-san?" A timid voice called from the girl's side. Pony turned her head towards its direction and took in the appearance of the girl in front of her. She was at least a few inches taller than the horned girl and had long fluffy blackish green hair that ended around her mid back. A pair of black rectangular glasses slightly obscured the girl's large round green eyes and little diamond like freckles spotted all across her cheeks. She wore a pair of overly red sneakers, black leggings, light gray shorts, a white sweater, and a long red scarf that was snugly wrapped around her neck. "Um, I-I'm Midoriya Izumi. M-mom got c-called into work suddenly s-so I'm here to p-pick you up."

Pony quickly got to her feet to introduce herself, "It's nice to meet Midoriya-san. Thank you for coming to pick me up. I'll be in your care." The blonde bowed, she hoped her Japanese didn't sound too weird.

"O-of course Tsunotori-san, let's head off." The greenette replied with a smile.

Pony smiled back and began following her to be roommate, so far so good.


The two girls had caught the train back to the Midoriya residence and Pony was eagerly taking in the sights outside of the window. Even if she had been nervous, Pony was still extremely excited to finally be here and she would have to ask Midoriya to guide her around sometime. While she was here to attend U.A and become a Pro Hero that didn't mean she couldn't also have a good time and she was especially hoping to see all kinds of anime related things. The horned girl couldn't help it, she loved watching anime and reading manga so she hoped to indulge her hobby.

"B-by the way Tsunotori-san, is there something you'd like to eat tonight?" Midoriya asked from beside her.

"Would katsudon be alright?" Pony asked, remembering how Mr. Midoriya had always mentioned how much he loved his wife's katsudon.

Midoriya's eyes brightened a bit behind her glasses, "That sounds great Tsunotori-san!" she beamed, before settling back down, "It's uhh, actually my favorite dish ehehe..." the freckled girl chuckled awkwardly at her small outbursts.

Pony still felt weird being addressed by her last name since it kind of made her feel like she was in trouble, "M-Midoriya-san? Would it be alright if you just called me Pony?" the blonde asked, feeling a bit timid about her request.

Midoriya seemed a little surprised initially but then offered Pony a kind smile, "O-of course Pony. Actually it would probably be best if you called me Izumi as well. T-then mom won't get confused."

"O-okay then Izumi." Pony nodded shyly, this was a good step in making a friend too right?


Pony sat in the room she'd be living in, carefully unpacking and putting away her things. The room was relatively bare except for a bed, desk, and shelves and Izumi had told her that she was free to decorate it as she pleased since she'd be living here for at least the next 3 years. Pony smiled while she piled things onto shelves and into drawers, Izumi was nice and so far Pony quite liked it here. Suddenly, she felt her stomach growl and she decided she'd ask Izumi about when dinner would be. Exiting her new room, Pony made her way down the hall and found Izumi's opened door. Peering in she was met with an exciting sight.

The green haired girl's room was adorned with hero and anime merchandise! From figures to posters, box sets to manga magazines, and everything in between and Pony couldn't help but marvel at the collection. Izumi, who was scribbling at her desk, turned to Pony in surprise and Pony couldn't hold herself back.

"Izumi! I didn't know you were such a big fan of anime! What genres do you like? Ooh what kinds of mangas do you read? Wait are those the box sets for Sailor Moon?" Pony rambled in glee, not realizing that she had switched back to her native tongue.

Izumi didn't answer and instead stared at her wide eyed, overwhelmed by the American's sudden burst of excitement. Pony's mouth immediately snapped shut and her face grew red in embarrassment. She hadn't expected to say all that, let alone shift back to speaking English. Was Izumi not going to want to be her friend anymore?

"I-I'm sorry Pony. I couldn't keep up with everything you said." Izumi admitted, and Pony's ears perked at hearing the girl speaking English.

"Wait, you can speak English Izumi?" The blonde questioned, still using her native tongue.

"Y-yes, but I'm not very confident with it and I have to talk slowly." She replied.

"How did you learn?" Pony wondered aloud.

"T-there were some heroes t-that I was interested in that are in America, and All Might had some roots in America during his early career." Izumi informed her, Pony once again perking up when Izumi brought up All Might.

"All Might is the main reason I want to go to U.A honestly." Pony admitted, remembering how much she wanted to go to the school the number one hero graduated from. "Ah, I'm sorry about my outburst Izumi. I got too excited." the blonde said, switching back to Japanese.

Following suit, Izumi swapped back to her native language, "That's alright Pony. I get excited like that too. Also, If you ever need to speak in English then feel free." The greenette offered.

Pony smiled at her host, "Thank you Izumi. While I'm here I'm going to try to mainly speak Japanese but I will need your assistance some times."

Izumi beamed at the horned girl before continuing, "I take it you're a big anime fan?" the freckled girl questioned and Pony flushed a little, "You don't have to feel embarrassed about it. I'm sure you noticed I'm a fan too." She chuckled, gesturing at her collection.

"Yes I was really impressed with it", Pony praised, "Do you thi-" the sound of her stomach rumbling caused the girl to pause and blush.

"How about we get started on dinner first?" Izumi offered, giving a small smile.

"Yes please."


"Mom isn't going to be home until later so I'll cook dinner." Izumi said, tying her hair up into a ponytail. "Oh there are some apples on the counter if you want a snack Pony."

Pony's mouth watered a little, "Apples?" She asked looking around for them.

"I-I kinda asked my dad what foods you liked." The green haired girl blushed, scratching her cheek timidly and Pony blushed a little as well.

Pony sat at the table and crunched on an apple while she watched Izumi cook, the greenette moving about the kitchen smoothly.

"By the way Pony, what's your quirk?" Izumi asked, still monitoring the stove.

Swallowing the piece of apple she was eating, Pony went and explained her quirk. "It's called Horn Cannon. I can launch horns from my head and control them remotely. They regrow quickly and they're pretty strong. I can control 4 at once and can even ride on them. Also, I have good speed and stamina like a horse." Pony finished the quirk overview alongside her apple.

"T-that's an amazing quirk Pony! It's fantastic for hero work and you could probably-" Izumi began before descending into a muttering mess, her hands moving as if she was trying to take notes.

"Umm, Izumi? Izumi?" Pony tried to call, confused about what was happening.

The girl in question snapped out of her storm of words and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, "S-sorry about that. I j-just get so excited about quirks."

Pony giggled at her new friend, "It's okay Izumi, I did the same earlier." The blonde reminded her. "What about your quirk Izumi?" Pony asked curiously.

Izumi squirmed a little and a scarlet blush drew across her cheeks again, "I can show you after dinner. It's kind of weird."

"Okay, but you have to promise!" Pony exclaimed, wanting to know the girl's quirk even more.

"I promise." Izumi murmured, twirling her hair with her finger.

Pony couldn't, her stomach growled, -almost couldn't wait.


"Now will you show me your quirk Izumi?!" Pony begged excitedly. After having a wonderful katsudon dinner, cleaning up, and then reading manga in Izumi's room, Pony remembered the greenette's promise of showing off her quirk.

Izumi adopted an embarrassed expression once again but nodded at Pony's question. The horse girl's mind jumped from power to power trying to work out what Izumi's quirk was in her head.

"A-alright, d-don't get too surprised okay Pony?" The girl stuttered, moving to stand in the center of the room while Pony sat on the bed. Izumi took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and placed one hand by her head. Pony watched in wonder as Izumi's raised hand created a visible circle, like a halo, above her head then suddenly thrusted it straight down. The circle followed, expanding around her and Izumi briefly flashed which caused Pony to shield her eyes. Once the light died down, Pony took in Izumi's appearance and felt her heart pounding.

Long, white boots with forest green lines going down the outer sides reached up to the girl's mid thighs and a pair of matching white gloves with the same accents ended around her elbows. A white sailor suit covered her body with a dark green skirt and tucked scarf that matched Izumi's normal hair, a red bow on her lower back and chest with a dazzling light green gem that shifted like water was inside of it on the front one. Around her neck was a dark green choker with another light green gem housing a Sakura flower in the middle of it and her glasses had become a green visor that mysteriously stayed on her face. Her long fluffy hair turned a summer mint green color and was pulled into a high ponytail with a red ribbon. Finally, in her hands Izumi carried a silver and white musket with mint green accents travelling down its body.

"So umm...this is my quirk." Izumi mumbled, her face red and feet shifting in place.

Pony squealed in delight, "I'M ROOMING WITH A MAGICAL GIRL!"


*Izumi POV*

With the horned girl speaking in English, Izumi tried her best to keep up with Pony's quick fire questions about her quirk. This must be what other people felt about her mutterings.

"P-Pony, slow down a little please!" The greenette begged.

"AH SORR- er, sorry Izumi." Pony relented, transferring back to Japanese.

Izumi took a breath to calm herself, "That's a-alright Pony. I-I'll explain my quirk for you." She paused before getting a eager nod from the blonde. "A-anyway I call it 'Sailor Shooter' and as you saw I can transform into this form and I wield a musket that fires energy blasts. I can control the type of blast and the power of the shots but different ones require different amounts of energy or focus. When I'm in this form I'm slightly stronger, faster, and more durable but the main thing is my vision gets much better allowing me to better support from long ranges. I can- you're not really processing this huh?" Izumi asked, watching Pony's eyes dart all about her outfit in child like glee.

"Ah, I'm sorry Izumi! I just well, you're quirk is just so awesome." she praised, gesturing to all of Izumi. Pony was going to have to slow down on all the compliments or Izumi was going to pass out!

"T-thanks for that Pony. I don't really use my quirk a lot and well, you're the first person to compliment me about it in a while." Izumi admitted, remembering how some people had bullied her for 'pretending' to be a hero.

"WELL THEN THEY'RE DUMB, GOSH I HATE BULLIES! DON'T LISTEN TO THEM THEY JUST HAVE THEIR OWN STUPID PROBLEMS AND ARE BEING JERKS ABOUT IT!" The american girl ranted, apparently also switching to English when she became angry.

Izumi felt a laugh bubble in her throat and she slowly fell into a fit of giggles while Pony huffed and puffed about dumb bullies. Wiping at her eyes, Izumi smiled at her friend, "Thanks Pony."

The horse girl took on a bit of a shy look and pressed her fingers together, "Umm Izumi, d-do you mind if I give you a hug? I-I don't want to make you uncomfortable but it's something we do a lot in the states to make friends feel better so..."

"I think I'd like that Pony." Izumi admitted, stepping towards the girl who had her arms open. Izumi melted into the shorter girl's embrace, the tension releasing from her entire body. She was looking forward to living with Pony.

"Can I also take some pictures of you?"

Izumi's face burned, Pony was seriously going to make her faint.

Wooo I used Hisashi's job abroad to score Pony a place to stay as well as a slightly better grasp on the language.

Pony will still have issues with phrases and some times getting tricked into saying stuff but according to the fandom page she has a pretty decent grasp on the Japanese language. She also kinda switches between being very formal with her Japanese dialogue and being conversational. Of course she also switches to speaking in English when really excited or mad. I had to reference from the fandom page as well for her personality and apparently she can be a bit timid at times and pairing that with being a foreigner will sometimes make her shy. She's also a little naive so good thing Izumi is here with her. Though of course she's a pretty thoughtful and hard working person. Hope I'm not too off the mark with how I've written her so far.

She's also a mega anime fan that started anime viewings in the 1-B dorms with her class canonically. So expect a lot of anime stuff. (Help me that's a lot of research going forward) With that being what it is I decided I wanted Izumi to have a magical girl quirk and that had plenty of anime references in itself.

The transformation sequence is based on Panty's transformation from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

Her outfit is a very slightly altered version of the Sailor Scouts' Sailor Suit from Sailor Moon (I used Sailor Jupiter's outfit as the main reference and the visor is like Sailor Mercury's)

The musket is a reference to Isuzu Sento and her magical gun, Steinberger, from Amagi Brilliant Park

I also maybe kinda wanted to do a Magical Girl Midoriya story so it works out great.

Anyway I'm also kinda debating on if I want Izumi and Pony's relationship to begin even before they get to U.A which is in 4 months. It might be fun to write with an established relationship. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you have some opinions on the matter.

Hope you enjoyed and looking forward to more updates from me!