Something I cooked up in my spare time.



Annabeth sat under a tree in Central Park, waiting for her girlfriends to arrive for the fun day they had planned. Next to her was a purse filled with secret goodies; if you were to look inside without any context, you'd probably think that Annabeth had an incontinence problem, and she'd let you think exactly that.

"Annabeth!" a voice called, and the blonde in question smiled at the approaching demigoddess.

When Piper got close enough, Annabeth rose to her feet and greeted her best friend with a hug and a sisterly kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Piper. How have you been?"

"Eh, same old, same old. A monster here, a monster there, and I swear Jason has a period."

Annabeth snickered. "Yep. Percy totally gets a period, too. He'll go from bubbly to depressed at the drop of a hat."

Piper giggled, and then asked, "So, are you ready for today?"

Smirking conspiratorially, Annabeth lifted the hem of her t-shirt and lowered her jeans a little bit, just enough to reveal the stylized waistband of a girl's Goodnite. "I'm ready. Are you?"

Piper smirked back, lifting her shirt up and tugging the waistband of her own Goodnite up and out of her shorts for anyone to see. "Ready and waiting."

Right on cue, the shadows under the tree darkened considerably, before they returned to their natural shade. Out of the obscurity came Hazel and Reyna, both Romans dressed in the same kind of casual wear as Annabeth and Piper.

"Hey, girls!"

"Hey Annabeth!" the Romans greeted.

They all engaged in a group hug, standing directly opposite their corresponding camp-mate. With that kind of position, Annabeth was able to slip her hands down the back of Hazel and Reyna's pants, making them yelp in surprise at the sudden intrusion, but that was nothing compared to the sound they made when Annabeth gripped tightly their panties, and yanked up so hard and fast that they were lifted off the ground, and the next second were dropped to their feet because their underwear ripped.

"Ow~," Hazel moaned, though there was a lucid smile upon her lips.

"I'm so going to get you back for that, Chase," Reyna promised.

Annabeth smirked. "Oh, puh-leez. This is the fifth time we've done this, and the last two times you were both wearing panties when I told you not to, and I gave both of you tearing wedgies then. Don't pretend like you hate it when I give you wedgies and tear your panties apart. You both love it when I tear your panties. Maybe next time I'll hang you both on tree branches and let you dangle until you both rip."

"Whatever," Reyna mumbled, though her face was hot as fantasies ran through her head.

Still smirking, Annabeth walked over to her purse. Putting her "trophies" inside, she pulled out two Goodnites. As the HoO series takes place during the year of 2011 if you stop and do a little bit of homework, the Goodnites designs at the time were the purple tiger print with the hearts, and the white with the butterfly, flowers, and peace symbols. Annabeth tossed the butterfly one at Reyna and the tiger one at Hazel.

"Put on those on and we can get started."

Smiling in anticipation of this long-awaited day of vacation from the stresses of the camps, the Romans wasted no time and had zero reservations about simply stepping behind a tree, removing their shoes and pants, rolling up their ruined underwear after peeling it out from between their lips and cheeks, stepping into their diapers, pulling them up into place, and then redressing. Going back to Piper and Annabeth, they handed the latter their ripped panties, and she put them in her purse.

It was bad news for a demigod to litter, after all, especially in such a place as Central Park.

Lots of nature spirits.

"Alright then," Annabeth said with barely contained energy. "Let's go have some fun!"

Piper, Hazel, and Reyna all pumped their fists in the air with a cheer.


It was almost five months back when Annabeth, of all people, suggested that the girls get together and do this. Specifically the part with the diapers. Finding it weird but funny, Piper, Reyna and Hazel had no problem with it, so when they gathered and Annabeth had a pack of Goodnites with her, they all put one on in place of their underwear. The first time they just went about and had your typical girls' day, albeit in pull-ups.

The next time they got together was when things got interesting. Annabeth set up a little betting system that was totally optional, but the other three agreed, finding themselves driven by competition. The first one to wet herself bought their campmate a snack, like an ice cream or a cookie. The first girl to mess herself bought their campmate an article of clothing of their choosing, whether that be socks, panties, a bottom, a top, a hat, or some other article. And the first girl to have a diaper blowout, getting pee and poop all over themselves because they overfilled their pants, was treated like a queen by the others until they were all ready to be done for the day.

It created the incentive to get a job or at least devise some method of reliable income so that you could keep up with the game, and it made things interesting. Soiling yourself meant you had to buy your other something of their choice, making you spend your money, but soiling yourself enough to where you ruined your clothes provided the reward of the others basically becoming your servants.

Now, why would these four powerful demigoddesses, these heroines that had become immortalized like Achilles, Theseus, and the original Perseus, why would they put on diapers and make them dirty all for the sake of a little bit of fun when there were so many other things they could do? Well, the answer was in the question.

With the heroic and capable reputation they all had, they were looked up to, depended upon, and asked to do things. The campers their age all came to them with their problems in the hopes of receiving counsel and advice. The littler campers exalted them in the same light as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Iron Man, and Spiderman. The kids all put this expectation on the girls to live and be and act a certain way. Not to mention the odd god popping up at random, often inconvenient times to ask (tell) them to go and do something for them, often something menial that the god could do themselves but were too lazy to.

It was hard, it was stressful, and after so many battles and quests, the girls were tired. They needed to take a load off every now and then, and this method was their chosen. Put on some diapers, dirty them like little kids, go through the day just doing normal girl stuff, get a diaper change when ready, and when they were done, simply put it all behind them, get a good night of rest, and then face the music once more until their next diaper day came around.

Of course, the game wouldn't have much to it if the girls were all coming with empty stomachs, bladders, and bowels, so what they did was eat and drink all they wanted to, and make great strides in holding it all in, and a few hours before they left to meet up, they all took a laxative and a diuretic to get their already straining systems even more churned up and begging for release.

It was in this state that we find them now, all more or less doing a potty dance in the clothing section of Macy's.


As the girls went through the clothes, their bodies were set to the point of bursting. Annabeth hadn't used the toilet in three days, Piper in the same amount of time, likewise with Hazel and Reyna. It was a testament to all of their sphincters that they've been clenched for as long as they had been, and still were, even with the laxatives and diuretics working on them. Desperate as they all were for some relief, neither girl wanted to be in the position of having to buy the other something, but they were all gunning for that queenly status.

"This one," Piper managed, holding up a simple blue blouse. "Percy would love to see you in it."

"He sure...huh...would," Annabeth said, a hand pressed tight between her legs in an otherwise obscene manner.

"You guys need more training," Reyna smirked, enjoying their struggle to not have accidents.

"Yeah, more potty training," Hazel jumped in.

"Can it, you two," Annabeth huffed. "You're just as ready to blow as we are."

"Yep," the praetor nodded. "Haven't pooped in half a week and I can tell my diaper's gonna blow out as soon as I let go."

Admittedly, Reyna did not calculate correctly after she said that. Since the ultimate goal of this little get together was to see who could make themselves the messiest, dirtiest girl of the day, telling everyone that she was more or less guaranteed to win after a single go was more than enough incentive for Annabeth and Piper to release their aching muscles. With twin sighs of relief, they relaxed.

The stream that erupted from their bladders poured into their waiting Goodnites with audible force, and that was the signal for Hazel and Reyna to let go too in order to keep vying for victory. As for their backsides, there were no loud farts or noises, as there was no air between the muscles and the waste. Their buttholes immediately dilated and their bowels pushed everything out that they could. Between the resistance of their diapers, pants, and bodies, all of their loads, made soft and squishy by the laxatives loosening it all up, got mashed and pressed all over the insides of their Goodnites. Noticeable bulges instantly formed in the seats of their jeans, and after the denim quickly reached its yield capacity and started pushing back, the girls' messes pushed everywhere else.

Forward, towards their girlhoods, backwards, threatening to spill over the waistband, and outwards, pushing the leakguards to their limits. Now, if the girls were just pushing out so many hours of accumulated poop, the Goodnites would've fared better, but it wasn't just poop, but also nearly two pints of tinkle. While the exact capacity of a Goodnite had never been properly measured, they are designed for girls between clothing sizes 8-14, for weights between 60-125 pounds, at least, the L-XL sizes Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, and Hazel were currently flooding, so it can be safely assumed that a girl in size 11, clocking in at 95 pounds, just for middle measurements, does not have the same bladder capacity as a teenage demigod girl.

Besides, at their rate, they weren't giving their diapers any time to absorb and distribute.

Peeing much more than they were messing, the girls very quickly overflowed their Goodnites, making the gooey filth even more icky than it already was, while also soaking their pants. Wet spots appeared on the sides of their crotches and instantly went streaming down, causing their pants to rapidly darken about the insides of their legs, spread around to cover their butts, and it differed from there for each girl.

Annabeth was wearing skinny jeans, and so her pee soaked all the way down her legs into her socks and shoes, and continued flooding into a puddle around herself.

Piper was wearing shorts, and so when the stream reached the leg holes, it lost surface tension and went cascading downward, smacking the floor with an audible, embarrassing sound, while also getting her own socks and shoes wet.

Reyna, wearing skinny jeans just like Annabeth, had mostly the same experience, however, somehow, her stream also traveled up, leaving the confines of the waistband of her jeans to also soak the bottom of her purple t-shirt at the back and her left side.

Hazel was wearing an open skirt that went down to her knees, a fashion she still clung to from her days living in the 1940s. As such, when her Goodnite leaked, she merely spread her feet as far apart as her skirt would allow her legs to go, and so it appeared that a faintly golden waterfall had magically appeared between her legs. Her shoes only got a few errant droplets on them, but other than that, Hazel was undisputedly the cleanest girl there, as far as outerwear went.

After their stream died off and their muscles were singing the praises at finally being able to relax after being flexed and clenched for so long, the girls just stood there for a few seconds, basking in the warmth and the wetness between their legs, coating their legs, and the stickiness at their butts. And then, as if playing musical chairs and the music stopped, they all rushed to sit down, throwing their weight into their descents. With the poop in their pants having similar consistency with fresh mud, the force of their bodies coming down on their loads against the hard floor created a similar effect of stepping in actual mud.

The girls' massive loads instantly went oozing out the sides of the Goodnites, coating their butts and the insides of their legs with poop, and also their lower backs, getting their shirts all different kinds of dirty. Sitting down where they stood also sent them plopping into their pee puddles, getting them even dirtier.

They stared at each other for a moment, and then they all burst into a fit of giggles.

Giggling like they were, the image of a bunch of toddlers was complete. The four girls, wearing pull-up diapers that they had overflowed with pee and poop, ruining their pants, their shirts and their socks and shoes, diapers that they had proceeded to forcefully sit in, getting them even dirtier than they already were. Just like toddlers, they were giggling at the gooey squishiness in their pants, completely and totally not caring about the gigantic messes they had made, not caring about the gigantic messes they had become.

And then the whole moment was nearly ruined when someone said, "You girls are sick!"

The saviors of the world were broken from their reverie at the judgmental voice, and that's when they noticed that there was a decent-sized crowd of people around them with their phones out, taking pictures and videos of them. It was certainly the case that they even had videos and pictures of them in them peeing and pooping themselves like babies.

Were they perturbed or panicked at being caught and exposed in their wet and messy pants/diapers? Not at all.

"Girls, shall we?" Annabeth asked.

She received nods and hums of agreement, and together, with a collective snap of their fingers, the four demigoddesses created a mass warp of the Mist, making everyone around them, and everyone in the mall that could've witnessed and already fled the scene, forget what they saw, and delete any pictures and videos they had.

The crowd started dispersing, all of them with glazed looks in their eyes.

"What now?" Piper asked. "Pretty sure we all tied in peeing, pooping, and blowing out our Goodnites."

Annabeth taped her chin in thought, trying to think of a solution to this situation of no clean winners and losers, and then she just shrugged. "Let's just have a fun, wet and messy day together."

Everyone was on board with that idea.

Warping the Mist around themselves to hide their appearances and smells, the girls went about their day. Getting a big collection of clothes together, they went up to the clerk and split the bill. They altered the Mist a little bit so that their collective stink was detected, and they all repressed smiles and giggles as the clerk girl suddenly wrinkled her nose at the smell of pee and poop.

"Is everything all right?" Annabeth asked innocently.

"Yeah...I just smell...I think there's a baby that needs a diaper change."

"Yep, I think so too. In fact, I think that baby is you."


Hazel picked up on Annabeth's little prank, and snapped her fingers. Without warning, the clerk instantly pooped her pants with a muffled fart, and started peeing herself. Her eyes watered and she fell to her butt, bawling. Another clerk came around the corner, confused. Her eyes widened.

"Oh, my! How did you get here little one? And-oh, goodness, you really need a change, don't you?"

The demigoddesses gathered their things and left the store, giggling to themselves as the magic worked on the other clerk to make her see her coworker as just a dirty baby.

The bulges in their pants were obvious indicators of their poopy state, but because it all went oozing out, their bottoms were also stained a nasty brown, on top of the darkened pee stains. Even Hazel's skirt had stains on its back. Their shirts were all in the same state, with brown stains riding along the backs of the bottom hemlines. As they walked the mall, stopping in other stores like Nike, Aeropostale, GameStop, they kept up the illusion around themselves, dropping it partially to let their smell be known, just to see people wrinkle their noses and cough.

All that walking worked up an appetite, and they found themselves at the food court with all their stolen purchases. They all got McDonalds and made a group get up and leave their table with the Mist. Sitting down further squished their poopy Goodnites, making them giggle. They ate lunch, their pants steadily losing the warmth provided by their pee, becoming damp and clammy. After they were done eating, their bellies full, Piper presented the question.

"What next?"

"I think we've had a great time at the mall," Annabeth said. "I say we get cleaned up and changed, and go to the movies."

"I'm down," the poopy praetor said.

"Same," agreed Hazel.

Piper nodded. She had come to enjoy pooping herself, even going so far as to poop her panties when she was home alone, and wear Goodnites to bed, peeing and pooping in them before drifting off to sleep, but she had a limit to how long she was willing to stay in her poopy underwear.

After throwing away their trash, they wound their way through the mall back to Macy's, and went to the back of the department store where there was a women's restroom, a men's restroom, a family restroom, and a maternity room. The girls all went into the maternity room, where the lights were dim and the walls were a calming shade of tan, as well as the comfy benches and recliners. There was a changing table, a sink, and a woman in there.

"Hello, babies," she greeted warmly.

"Hi, Mommy," the girls said together, their eyes covered in a faint, glassy sheen.

"Goodness gracious, you've all made very nasty messes of yourselves. Whatever am I going to do with you little stinkers?"

"Put us in diapers, Mommy. We're not ready for pull-ups."

"An excellent idea! Wittle Rey-Rey, you're first. Girls, you behave and stand right there while I clean up your sister."

"Yes, Mommy," Annabeth, Piper and Hazel chorused.

The goddess levitated Reyna to her, not at all about to get her hands anywhere near these filthy girls. Honestly, she had seen pigs in cleaner condition. Though, this was completely her fault, as it was her little subliminal suggestion so many months ago into Annabeth's head that had resulted in the most powerful demigoddesses of the day pooping and peeing in their pull-ups, blowing them out and then going for so long in their dirty clothes without a care in the world, just like a bunch of babies.

Anyway, with some hand motions and a few simple applications of divine power, Reyna was stripped to her birthday suit, and all the waste that was on her was stripped away and dumped in the toilet, while her nasty clothes and Goodnites were balled up and zapped from existence. Next, the goddess conjured a plastic-backed, royal purple, very thick, teen-sized diaper covered in cartoon baby blocks bearing the Latin alphabet, and had it taped onto Reyna after applying a generous amount of baby powder. The goddess conjured up a simple purple polo shirt and put it on the praetor, followed by a pair of purple denim shortalls with Imperial gold buckles and buttons, with a snap crotch for future diaper changes, those buttons also Imperial gold. To finish the simple, toddler-esque look, the goddess put a simple pair of sneakers on Reyna's feet. The praetor's diaper was so thick and her shortalls so tight, that to anyone with halfway decent peripheral vision it was obvious the mighty daughter of Bellona was diapered like a little girl.

Sensing she was done being redressed by Mommy, Reyna clapped and giggled, her diaper crinkling loudly. The goddess smiled and made a Disney princess sippy cup, giving it to Reyna after she sat the praetor down in one of the recliners. Next up was Hazel.

The goddess repeated the same cleaning process, but instead of redressing Hazel like a toddler ready for daycare, she instead dressed her up like a baby ready for church. The goddess conjured up a pastel yellow dress with a babyish little duck on the chest, white lace fringes, puffy shoulders, and a little white Peter Pan collar. She did Hazel's hair up into a pair of very frizzy pigtails, and covered her legs in a pair of white stockings with little bows at their tops, and very shiny Mary Jane shoes. For Hazel's diaper, instead of going disposable, the daughter of Pluto instead received a big, thick cloth diaper and a pair of transparent yellow plastic panties, of which her dress did nothing to cover.

Hazel giggled and clapped, also receiving a princess sippy cup as she was placed next to Reyna.

"And now for Piper."

The charmspeaker squealed and was treated to the same cleaning as the Romans, and got a toddler-like makeover similar to Reyna. Piper's diaper was cloth-backed, and therefore much quieter, but no less thick, and was all white save for a pattern across the top of the diaper, where the tapes went, featuring cartoon fairies against a pink backdrop. A white t-shirt went over Piper's head, declaring her to be "Daddy's Little Princess" in pink, blocky letters contained in a lighter pink oval on the chest. Piper's lower half was clothed by a pastel pink tutu skirt, and her feet by pink themed running shoes. The back of her shirt was intentionally tucked into diaper, and her diaper raised over her skirt, that way her diaper was visible to all from the back, just like a toddler. To finish, her hair was put back by a princess tiara headband.

She was sat next to her "sisters" with her own sippy cup.

"And there was one," the goddess said.

Annabeth giggled, reaching up with grabby hands. "Mommy!"

The goddess wrinkled her nose at the blonde. Annabeth had managed make herself the nastiest, stinkiest girl of them all. Her jeans and shoes were obviously soaked in pee, and the back was coated in a generous amount of poop, but her shirt was also sporting a fair share of muck, much of it having secreted from the weak confines of her diaper.

Still, cleaning her and changing her was no big deal for some godly magic, and in no time at all, Annabeth was spotless and smelling of baby powder. Being the smart(ass)est of the quartet of demigod diaper girls, the goddess decided to let that reflect in the girl's new appearance, and it had nothing to do with the little grudge the goddess bore against the girl for her past disrespect. Recalling a three-panel comic of Samus she had seen, the goddess recreated the effects, putting a pair of classic nerd glasses over Annabeth's eyes, made her face break out in a small smattering of pimples and zits, and enlarged her front teeth into a set of buck teeth, and put a set of braces on the blonde. The goddess dressed Annabeth in a big, puffy diaper covered in mathematical symbols, and that was it as far as her bottom half went, sans dress shoes over her feet. Her top was clothed in a collared shirt with a tie, and bright orange blazer. Her curly blonde princess hair was tied back into a single, thick ponytail, and in her hands appeared a small stack of children's books. With her enlarged teeth, Annabeth was incapable of stopping a stream of drool from leaving her mouth, and so the goddess exercised just a bit of pity and added a simple bib.

"There we go," the goddess exclaimed, "Mommy's girls are all clean and diapered up for the rest of the day."

"Thank you, Mommy!" the girl chorused, though Annabeth's response was a bit butchered due to her buck teeth.

"Now then. You four have had a nice long day together, and I think it's time for you all to be put down for your naps. Even big girls like yourselves need a nap, or else you all get cranky."

"Cranky girls get spankies, and we don't want spankies," they said.

The goddess nodded. "That's right. Good girls don't get spankings, but bad girls certainly do, and I know you four are all very good girls, right?"

"Yes, Mommy!"

"That's right. And good girls like yourselves are all ready for a nap, right?"

"Right, Mommy!"

"Night, night, then, my little diaper girls."

"Night, night, Mommy!"

The goddess snapped her fingers, and the diapered girls were all instantly conked out. With another snap, they were all teleported back to their respective cabins/barracks at their camps. When they woke up, they would have no memory of their diaper changes and makeovers, which would be undone, but instead a false memory of simply using their own magic to clean themselves before changing into clean Goodnites and clothes, with Hazel shadow-traveling them all back to their camps for the day.

However, beheld in the goddess' hand, was a picture of the girls all in their makeovers, smiling at the camera like the little goofballs they looked like.

Hera smirked to herself as she traveled back to Olympus. Most certainly, she was going to have to get the girls back together for another day of dirty diapers, and maybe even invite the boys...


That's all for now.

You might think it's a cliffhanger, but nope. This is just a one-shot.

Hope you liked it!