Day 31 (August 6th). Going My Way!: Today is the last day, but we still have the road to tomorrow. What does the future hold? Today's prompt is open-ended to the future of the characters.
Aki walked up and down nervously, checking her outfit every now and then in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect. She sighed, not a hundred percent happy with her hair, but she didn't have much time to fix it, since Sherry would be here soon to pick her up so that they could go to that fancy restaurant Sherry wanted to go to for quite a while now. It's a French restaurant and since Sherry moved in with Aki after a year and a half of dating she hadn't eaten in a French restaurant ever since, the only French meals both of them have eaten being the ones she herself cooked every now and then for special occasions.
A small knock on the door snapped Aki out of her thoughts and her miserable try to "fix" her hair. She went over to the door, grabbing her purse on the way, and opened it up to be greeted by Sherrys small smile. "Are you ready to go?", Sherry asked the red-head who nodded happily, replying with a short "of course". The restaurant wasn't far away from their apartment, so they decided to walk there. That's not only more romantic but it also allowed them to order a bottle of wine since they wouldn't be driving anyways. After about fifteen minutes of walking they arrived at the restaurant and a fancy waiter guided them to their place. Unsurprisingly there weren't many people there, after all the restaurant was a bit pricey, but with their jobs Aki and Sherry could afford eating at any expensive restaurant every day if they wanted to.
After ordering their food with a fitting wine, they sat there talking about how their day had been so far. Sherry did notice that Aki seemed a nervous, yet she decided to not address it right now, after all she wanted to enjoy their date. Ever since Aki had started working in the hospital their occasional dates had been drastically reduced, as the red-haired woman was loaded with work, which Sherry obviously wasn't fond of as she couldn't spend as much time with her girlfriend any more. Still, she was happy that Aki had found a job that she loved doing, so she could live with having less dates.
The fancy waiter brought them their meals, saying "bon appétit" to both of them, before disappearing again. Both of them were enjoying their food, while simultaneously being engaged in a conversation, or rather a one-sided conversation since Aki seemed a bit more distracted than before. She wasn't even eating much of her food, which obviously caused Sherry to be concerned. "Is everything alright?", the blonde woman asked, which Aki only responded with a low "sure". Sherry didn't seem convinced, so she put her fork back on the table so that she could place her hand on top of Akis. "Really?", she asked, even more concerned now. "You seem very distracted, did something bad happen?", she continued, which caused the red-head to shake her head slightly. "No, nothing bad happened," she said, her nervousness still clearly audible in her voice. "So why are you distracted then?", Sherry asked, being both confused and concerned about Akis behaviour.
Aki let out a sigh, after all she had a perfect plan for this evening. She wanted to have a nice dinner with Sherry, before going into the park where Sherrys favourite plants were blooming now to ask the blonde woman if she wanted to marry her. Obviously she was nervous about asking Sherry that question, but she didn't expect it to be that obvious that Sherry would be asking her questions during their dinner. "Aki?", Sherry said to gain the red-heads attention again. "You know you can tell me anything, right?", she told Aki, concern still written all over her face. Aki only nodded to that, before taking a deep breath. "Well," she started, not knowing the right words to continue now. "So… nothing bad happened," she continued, trying to erase Sherrys concern with confirming what she had already said before. "It's just-," she said, looking around a bit to ease her nervousness. "I had a plan," she then said, which caused Sherry to be confused even more. "A plan?", she asked, raising one of her eye-brows. "You mean a plan like those other plans you've had to impress me that never worked out because something happened?", Sherry then asked, which caused Aki to blush. "Pretty much," she said lowly, looking at her plate.
Sherry caressed Akis hand slightly with her own that had never left the red-heads hand. "Didn't I tell you already that you don't need any plans to impress me?", Sherry asked lowly while smiling brightly at the smaller woman. "Yes, I know," Aki said before looking at Sherry again. "But for some occasions it's better to have a plan," she said, "at least for me," she added lowly, causing Sherry to laugh slightly. "Whatever you say," she said, a smile still on her lips. "So what exactly was your plan then?", she asked curiously, which caused Aki to blush again. "Ah- well," she started, her gaze lowering again. "It's- uh," she started, trying to get rid of her nervousness that got worse and worse every second now. "After the dinner, I wanted to go to the park with you," she continued. "That sounds like a good idea," Sherry said, nodding her head in approval. "But it's not really a reason to be nervous," she continued, looking questioningly at the red-head, who was now biting her lip nervously, humming a bit. "Well I," she started, her hands clumsily searching in her purse for something, "I wanted to ask you something," she said once she found the small box that she now placed on the table, which caused Sherry to laugh a bit. It was now Akis turn to be confused, as she certainly expected a different reaction than that. Sherry fumbled in the pocket of her jacket a bit, until she placed a similar box on the table as well. "I guess we had the same thought," Sherry said, smiling widely at Aki who's nervousness was now completely vanished. "I guess so too," she said, opening the box Sherry had placed on the table, looking at the shining ring. "Yes," Aki then said, putting the ring on her finger, smiling brightly at Sherry, who put the ring Aki had bought on her finger as well. They then continued eating their now already cold food, both of them having a huge smile on their lips.
A/N: The last story for 5D's month and it's yet again a story that connects with my headcanon story. It takes place around four years after the story of Day 20, Aki and Sherry have been living together for quite a while there.
Also one of my headcanons is that Aki always comes up with "plans" on how she could impress Sherry or "plans" that would make their dates perfect. It was included in yesterdays promt as well, but I thought that I'd mention it too.
Thanks for everyone that has brought this month onto this website, I really enjoyed participating and introduce you to my headcanons for the best paring that exists (Roseknight). Thanks to all the reviewers who have left their nice feedback and also some critisism here and there, I hope I'll see you all in my next fanfiction too! Until then, I hope everyone stays safe, be sure to wear a mask whenever you go outside!