Hiccup Haddock was ready to beat his head against the wall. What had started out as a simple trip to the store had turned into a one going on two hour long shopping spree. He scowled at the back of the person responsible. The 20-year-old loved his boyfriend more than anything in the world, his larger than life personality, the way he smothered Hiccup with affection and made him laugh even when he was the butt of the joke. And it was that same guy Hiccup wanted to throttle right now.

He and Jack had gone for what should've been a quick and painless trip to the store for baby gifts. Their friend Tia was due in less than a month and despite having just had her baby shower there were still some things she needed. Hiccup sighed glancing down once more at the list on his phone, things like bath care items, diapers and other essentials were still unchecked on her registry. He really didn't get it, things like that should be number one priority for people to buy when getting someone baby gifts. True she'd gotten many essentials already including a crib, changing table, tons of wipes, bottles, and an endless supply of outfits.

When he and Jack had heard what she was still in need of Jack had practically sprinted out to the car, stopped only by Hiccup reminding him that he was only in his boxers. But he had to admit he felt pretty bad for her too, after all she was going at this alone and needed all the help she could get. His scowl deepened as he thought of the baby's father and how the bastard had taken off like a coward as soon as Tia had told him she was pregnant. Neither he or Jack had ever liked the guy, he'd lost count of the number of times they'd told her she could do better. Her ex was to put it bluntly the definition of a fuckboy. For him it was all about sex and nothing else, sure he claimed he wanted a relationship but he never put any effort beyond convincing her to sleep with him.

Unfortunately Tia was a fairly easy target for him, she'd never had a boyfriend before and naively believed every word he said no matter how often everyone else warned her that what he was doing was not normal. She forgave the countless times he cheated on her, often he blamed the other girls and Tia would always take his side. It wasn't until she revealed her pregnancy that he finally showed his true colors and she realized how wrong she'd really been. He'd called her a whore, saying there was no way it was his and that he was glad he'd fucked all those other women because at least they were smart enough to not get pregnant.

Poor Tia she'd been left in tears, alone and scared she'd called Jack and within minutes both he and Hiccup were at her apartment comforting her. They offered her whatever assistance she needed, Jack even going so far as to say he would make sure her ex was in an unfortunate "accident." Honestly Hiccup had never seen Jack that mad before, sure he was furious too but Jack was livid. It'd taken both of them to calm him down and make him realize that while attacking her boyfriend may seem justified, he wouldn't be able to help Tia if he was in prison for murder. Or wake up next to Hiccup every morning.

So they focused their energy and time on helping Tia instead, at least one of them if not both went to her doctor's appointments with her and helped her weigh out her options if she chose to keep the baby or not. Sure she had her parents living in the next town over but it was easier to have Jack or Hiccup or both help her out since they were literally ten minutes down the road. She had a few other close friends too but none who were as dedicated to helping as they were. Hiccup didn't hold it against any of them, really at this age the last thing any of them needed to be thinking about was having a baby. Barely a couple years out of high school it was hard enough balancing work, college for those who elected to go and having a social life.

But Tia was one of their closest friends and had been there for them more times than either of them could count. There was no way they could let her go through this alone. Which is how they ended up at the store on a busy Saturday afternoon shopping for extra baby supplies. Or at least they would be if Jack hadn't got sidetracked by the section of baby clothes. Brightly colored fabrics and patterns made for the tiniest of humans took up a good chunk of the clothing area, if it wasn't for Jack's bleached white hair Hiccup might've actually lost him in there. He tried not to groan as he watched Jack wander about excitedly picking up every cute outfit he could find, gasping in delight as if he'd found gold before he'd toss the garments into the cart despite Hiccup's protests.

As of now the cart had probably a dozen or so outfits ranging from onesies to pants and shirts even a baby tuxedo. Hiccup shook his head he loved Jack but damn it if the boy couldn't stay on task just once.

"Oh my God Hiccup this is the cutest thing ever," Jack exclaimed rushing towards him, "seriously we have to get it!"

Hiccup surveyed the navy blue onesie in Jack's outstretched hand, it had tons of paint splotches printed on it in various shades of yellow, green, red and light blue. He had to admit it was cute and totally fit Tia's personality but considering they were a little tight on cash as it was Hiccup shook his head.

"Put it back it's not what we came here for," Hiccup replied sternly, "same goes for these too." Hiccup pointed to the clothes in the cart.

"Aww but come on she needs these," Jack pouted, "baby's need a lot of clothes you know." Oh brother of all the excuses Jack could use.

"Yes they do but she already has a whole closet full and we already decided to buy her the bath time kit instead," Hiccup argued handing the clothes back to him. Jack continued to pout as he methodically put back each of the items he'd pulled, pausing occasionally to sigh dramatically acting as if not buying the clothes was the equivalent of letting her unborn baby freeze to death.

Hiccup tried not to laugh, yes he loved his boyfriend but he could be the world's biggest drama queen. He glanced up as Jack approached him, stubbornly holding onto three of the remaining outfits. "Jack we talked about this," Hiccup warned not wanting to argue further. "Please Hic they're all on sale we could easily afford these along with the bath time kit," Jack begged, "I crunched the numbers in my head we could do it."

Hiccup inhaled sharply as he took a look at the clothes in Jack's outstretched hands. He could clearly see the sales tags and truthfully they probably could make it work since the bath stuff wasn't too expensive. But Hiccup was a frugal guy and well no matter how practical it would be for her to have extra baby clothes he still couldn't fully justify buying them.

"Please Hic please," Jack whined batting his big blue eyes. Hiccup chuckled, "oh can those eyes get any bigger? Alright let me think about it." Jack fist pumped the air in victory, honestly it was hard to believe he was actually older than Hiccup by a few months. Hiccup turned back once more to his phone to double check the price of the bath kit but was interrupted by the sound of a baby cooing. Oh no. Hearing Jack gasp he fought hard not to roll his eyes, this trip was never going to end. "Oh well hello little one," Jack gushed as he waved at the baby who was situated in a cart that pulled up next to theirs. "You are so cute," Jack continued, "oh Hiccup look isn't she adorable."

Hiccup glanced over at the baby who was giggling and clapping her hands at having received the attention. "Yeah she is," Hiccup agreed. A woman appeared from behind one of the racks smiling apologetically at the boys as she came up to her cart. "Sorry are we in your way," she asked timidly. Her slightly disheveled blonde hair and make-up free face told them she was a fairly new mom. "No not at all I was just thinking this has to be the cutest baby I've ever seen," Jack replied kindly waving at the baby again. The woman smiled in relief, "oh thank you this is Samantha." "Aww hi Samantha," Jack said nearly giddy, "how old is she?"

"10 months," the woman answered sweetly. "Aww big girl now huh," Jack asked as Samantha reached out a pudgy hand trying to grab him. "Wow you sure are good with kids," the woman commented, "normally she's a little shy around strangers." Jack shrugged, "had to help with a lot of babies over the years, I'm Jack by the way and that's my boyfriend over there Hiccup." He gestured with his thumb in Hiccup's general direction and frankly Hiccup would've preferred if he hadn't, they really didn't have time for a chat as they were already late.

"Nice to meet you I'm Caroline," she replied, "shopping for your own baby?" She motioned to the clothes Jack was still holding. "Oh no our friend is due in a few weeks so we're just getting her a few remaining things," Jack explained. "Oh that's sweet does she know if it's a boy or a girl," Caroline asked. "A boy," Jack answered, "she's really excited and so are we since we get to be surrogate uncles right Hic?"

Hiccup nodded, "oh yeah speaking of which…"

"We still need to choose an outfit," Jack interrupted missing the cue completely, "which one do you think is cutest?"

Caroline shook her head bashfully, "oh I don't know they're all adorable." Jack thought for a moment eyeing the garments then got an idea. Walking up to Samantha he held up two of the footie pajamas he'd picked out, he already decided he'd get the paint splattered onesie. "Which do you like best," he asked her softly. Samantha merely eyeballed the pajamas curiously her bright blue eyes darting back and forth between them. One pair had brown and white stripes with a fuzzy teddy bear head on the chest and the other was light blue with a fuzzy turtle on the tummy. "Jack uh what're you doing," Hiccup said confused, "she's a baby." "Duh who better to pick a baby outfit," Jack replied as if it were the most obvious answer.

Hiccup thought this was ridiculous, they were already gonna be late as it was to visit with Tia and they had yet to pick up what they actually came for. He couldn't imagine how a baby was gonna help them choose anything. Samantha reached her hand out and made a grab for the pajamas with the teddy bear on it giggling playfully. "And we have a winner," Jack announced happily placing the turtle pj's back on the rack. Hiccup's eyebrows nearly shot off his head how had that just happened? He watched as Jack continued to make Samantha laugh by making silly faces or playing peek-a-boo. Hiccup honestly felt a bit out of place.

Hiccup wouldn't say he was bad with kids but Jack was on a whole different level when it came to being around them. Of course Jack had had a ton of practice over the years, he was 8 years older than his little sister and had two younger cousins one of which was barely above 2 years old. Hiccup had plenty of extended family including small cousins but he only saw them a few times a year so it was really no surprise that between the two of them Jack was more confident when it came to babies.

"Aww you're gonna be amazing if you decide to have kids," Caroline commented as Jack made her daughter fall into another fit of giggles.

"Thanks I definitely want kids," he paused turning to Hiccup, "hey Hic we should have a baby!"

Hiccup just about fainted was Jack serious? They'd talked about possibly having kids in the future but that was a long ways off as far as Hiccup was concerned. "Jack we can't have a baby right now," Hiccup pointed out, "I mean we'd either have to adopt or use a surrogate, do you have any idea how much that costs?" Jack bit his lip as he thought about it. "Um a lot," he said in honest confusion. Hiccup face palmed wondering how on Earth his boyfriend could be so dense at times.

"Let me put it to you this way take our combined monthly income and multiply it by at least 20," Hiccup said matter-of-factly. He tried to keep a straight face as Jack did the calculations in his head, Hiccup had researched it before mostly because he too wanted a family someday. Though he liked women and men he was fairly certain he was gonna end up with a man. Then Jack had come along and well it pretty much confirmed what he already knew.

Jack's eyes grew wide as he figured out the final tally. "That's almost $60,000," Jack exclaimed. Hiccup nodded, "yep adoption is usually $50,000 and surrogacy is anywhere from $60,000 to $100,000. Sorry Jack but we're gonna have to wait a little longer." Jack pouted as he thought of how much it would cost them to have a baby, no wonder people complained so much about how difficult it was.

"But we will someday right," Jack asked. Hiccup smiled, "yeah someday but in the meantime we do have a little nephew who's due to arrive any day." That made Jack smile and he leaned forward giving Hiccup a big kiss on the cheek. So they weren't gonna be parents for a while, that was okay they would soon have a nephew to dote on. "Aww that's so sweet," Caroline said wiping a stray tear away, "well I have to get going but it was wonderful meeting you both and I do wish you the best in your future plans to have children." "Thank you and it was nice meeting you too," Jack replied smiling while Hiccup nodded, "and you too Miss Samantha." Samantha only clapped and giggled more but they were pretty sure she was saying the same thing.

After waving goodbye Jack went back to perusing the clothes picking up a formal white christening gown in a plastic bag. "Huh didn't know they made wedding gowns for babies," Jack commented giving it a once over. Hiccup smirked, "Jack that's a christening gown, you know when families take their children to church and have them christened?" Jack frowned immediately shoving it back on the rack, he wasn't raised religiously and no one in his immediate family was either but he'd heard of christenings and didn't really like the idea. Honestly he thought dumping water on the poor baby's head was just mean unless it was bath time. Hiccup was raised similarly except some members of his extended family were religious and so he'd gone to a few christenings in his time, like Jack he too wasn't a fan.

"Ok Jack enough with the outfits we're already late," Hiccup urged checking his phone for the hundredth time. "Hang on you still need to pick out an outfit for the little munchkin," Jack argued, "I already picked out the onesie I like and we can both go in on the pj's so now you need to pick a onesie." Hiccup groaned, "Jack I don't need to pick out anything now let's go." But Jack wasn't giving up, before Hiccup even had a chance to react he'd grabbed his arm and dragged him over the clothes rack with a large 30% off sign on top. "Come on Hic would it kill you to pick something that's both practical and fun?"

Hiccup sighed sharply knowing damn well he was not going to get out of this and well the baby clothes were pretty adorable. He supposed it really couldn't hurt seeing as babies did tend to outgrow their clothes quickly and it was for their soon-to-be born nephew. Doing his best not to look at Jack because he couldn't stand to see that triumphant smile of his, he began perusing the onesies knowing he was gonna kick himself later for letting Jack talk him into this. Three onesies in he found the perfect one, light gray with red, green and blue dinosaur shapes covering every inch of it. He could clearly make out the T-rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Apatosaurus silhouettes, it was honestly too cute for him to ignore.

"That is so adorable," Jack squealed excitedly, "she's gonna love it." Hiccup nodded, "yeah we both managed to pick out something that she'd love." It was true the painted onesie Jack picked definitely spoke to Tia's artistic side while the dinosaurs spoke to her love of the Jurassic Park films. Setting the clothes into their cart they made a mad dash towards the bath aisle before finally making it out of the store and heading to Tia's, nearly half an hour late.