This is my first attempt at the new Battlestar Galactica 2003 and Stargate cross over, as always, I do not own nothing, this is for fun only.
"The Cylons Were Created by Man. They Rebelled. They Evolved. They Look and Feel Human. Some are programmed to think they are Human. There are many copies. And they have a Plan."
The Tau'ri had always been handed a lucky break, this time the Lion found the lucky break. Will the Lion bite off more than it could chew? Or will they build their forces and wait until the Americans open the Stargate? This is not cannon, posting first chapter to see if it's ok.
HMS Thunderchild
Chapter one
The Twelve Colonies
The Cyrannus star system
Second Cylon War
The second Cylon war began with a surprise attack on the colonies after 40 years, using a computer virus, they shut down all colonial warships. Except for Commander William Adama ship the Galactica, as a Jupiter and ready to be a Museum, it was not considered as a threat. Several other Battlestars also survived, with their own refugee fleet to start new colonies far away from The Cyrannus star system. One ship and its crew however didn't survive as well as the others, the Mercury-class Battlestar Thunderchild.
The Battlestar was commanded by Admiral Athena "dammit" Adama, she was Adama's half-sister, lost in miles of red tape, and she lost contact with the family in several secret missions just before the fall. William, or Bill as he liked being called, had no clue where she was until she appeared at the firefight that was known as Ragnar Anchorage while the last of humanity tried to flee from the Cylons. The Thunderchild was the last Mercury Battlestar to be launched from the construction docks, and her computers were not even been finished and the reason why the virus did not affect the ship. Athena was standing firm at her console, when her ship and the Galactica had another Cylon nuke impact the hulls of the ships, "Bring this ship to broadside and give them all we have! And tell the Galactica that we have their back if they want to jump!"
"Yes Ma'am, helm! Show them our guns" said Commander Paul Butcher
"Commander Adama said "May the gods be with you" and Athena just nodded as she watched the last of the refugee ships leave, with the Galactica close behind. The Thunderchild and the Galactica were up against 5 Cylon baseships blocking the path of the refugee fleet when they came out of the Ragnar Anchorage, they quickly taken care of two but still had to hold the line until the last civilian ship and the Galactica jumped.
By the time they had destroyed the third baseship, the Thunderchild was starting to suffer, it was time to get out of this mess. "What's the status of the civilian fleet?"
"They are almost gone Ma'am," said Butcher
"We can't take much more of this! we already have hull breaches on all decks."
"The last one is gone now, ma'am! And there goes the Galactica"
"Well for the love of the Lords! Jump" said Adama
Then Thunderchild jumps, but unfortunately just as the jump drive starts up! two nukes detonate next to the engineering section and give the jump drive a massive power boost. It created a large wormhole that forces the Thunderchild into its mouth in a blinding white flash when the flash died down, there was no trace of the Battlestar. The Cylon Raiders and Baseships quickly jumped away from the danger, thinking that the Thunderchild was lost forever.
Earth 1928
Two alien devices are discovered and unearthed at Giza in Egypt by a Professor Paul Langford, with the looming war approaching, The Professor loaded the artifacts on an American ship by the name of Achilles to bring them to America in 1939, this was to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Nazis.
Earth 1935
Simpson Desert, Australia
Geologist and surveyors Exploration team camp
50 kilometers west of Dalhousie Springs
The Winds that blew in this part of the desert were hot, they were picking up the sand and throwing it against anything that stood in the way, practically sandblasting any metal surfaces, that really stings your face when they hit you, the reason why that most time's you had to wear a hanky over your face. Whirlwinds, or as the local Aussie call them Willy Willys, these came in many sizes and even race in all directions across the desert sand, giving the area a look of a primitive Armageddon.
It was coming close to 6:00 pm and it was still hot, the survey teams had spent the last week walking across this ground measuring the smallest hills and testing the ground stability. These teams would be finishing up for the day and will soon be returning back to camp for a good meal. Brendon Timothy James is the teams cook and he had earned his trade as a cook in Sydney, this was his first job after getting his trade and it had offered good pay.
He had answered an ad in the paper for a cook with a mining company and learned fast that most of these blokes their food to be good simple food and a lots of it, mostly stews. The camp oven was lite hours ago and it was burning just enough to simmer the evening meal, in the pot was a mixture of meat of Kangaroo and Rabbit, with spuds and onions thrown in. It had taken him a few days and all of his skill to learn to cook the meat tender enough to eat, the first few meals were disasters and had to been thrown out to the dingo's, some of the blokes were also thinking of throwing him to the dingo's as well! If he didn't improve. Thankfully for him, he did. Every few nights, the teams would go out and shoot something for the evening meal, Kangaroos, Rabbits, camel, anything that comes into sight. Brendon thought to himself when he returned to civilization, he might even open a restaurant somewhere with some of these dishes on the menu.
Brendon noticed that the kitchen firewood was low for the evening meal, the evening's and nights out here become really cold and they needed a fire to keep them warm before turning in for the night. So he towards the large pile of wood that was gathered and staked near the sandhill that was close to the camp, some of the blokes would gather wood when teams would go out hunting, or even when they were out working and come across wood laying around, and throw it into the ute for the camp. Some nights or even in the middle of the day, some creatures, some very deadly ones would try to find shade or shelter and would hide within the pile, the worst of them were the snakes. Most of the Australian snakes are the deadliest snakes in the world, and out here there was no antivenom for a thousand miles, and death came quickly.
As he grabs the first log, A Mulga snake (Pseudechis australis) one of the highly venomous snakes found in Australia. First described by the English zoologist John Edward Gray in 1842, it is a robust snake between 1.5 and 3 m long. It is one of the longest venomous snakes in the world and is the second-longest in Australia (surpassed only by the coastal taipan). Its alternative common name is king brown snake, although it is a species in the genus Pseudechis family (black snakes) and only distantly related to true brown snakes. The snake stood up on his tail ready to strike and without any hesitation, Brendon threw the biggest log in his hands at it. The log, a good 6 inches in diameter, struck the snake just below its head a crashed it into another long.
Then as it started to slithered away, the log and the snake start to disappear into the sand, then as he watched! a hole appeared and began to expand faster and faster, it started to swallow the woodpile and then the sandhill in front of him. He turned and ran as the sides of the hole expand further and further out Than with a thump, it turned into one of the biggest sinkhole's he had ever seen.
In just a few seconds, the hole had swallowed the wood heap, the sandhill and some of the camp-site and soon stabilized on his side, With losing anything else from the campsite. Most of the campsite was on solid ground, Brendon just stood there and watch the hole expand on the other side to swallow another sandhill and into the valley behind. He had heard of many cars and trucks disappearing in these type's of holes when they open up on a road, even train tracks have been destroyed by them, But this was the first he had ever witnessed, it was something that you had to witness to see the raw power of one of these things forming.
Luckily for the campsite, they only lost one tent, but all around him, the sand was still falling away into a huge hole, creating a new valley. Brendon slowly walked over to the edge, still keeping an eye on the hole just in case this side decided to fall in. Still completely stunned, He still had to get the evening meal ready. Lucky for him, there was still wood left for him to use. The crews should be coming in shortly and Keith is not going to be happy, it was his tent that the sinkhole took.
By the time the evening meal was ready, Brendon walked slowly towards the edge of the hole and notice something that was completely out of place. The hole was no longer a hole as some of the sand that fell into an underground river, washing it away to the river in the distance. Now he had an idea what happened, an underground river was removing enough sand to begin the wash away when he threw that log at the snake.
The crews arrived at camp with a whole range of colorful language that would even make a truckie blush, they were shocked at the site of what they were seeing. Brendon stood and walked over to Tom "Tom! We have a problem,"
"What did you do?" asked Tom
"Nothing! We just lost the desert!" said Brendon
"Holy shit! Will you look at that?" said Peter, it was just coming on to dark, but they still could see that they were the highest part of the area now and the dunes were all gone.
"Where did the sand go?" yelled Dave
"That's is what I am trying to tell you! I threw a log at a snake and all the sand just slid down to the river!"
"Look's like one of those underground rivers had undermined the area, I heard about these things years ago, and from what I can see, we were lucky we made camp here," said Tom. Tom King was a Geologist out of Canberra and was the head of a team of geologists and surveyors looking for any iron ore, minerals, and other resources, Canberra believed that there's going to be another war on the horizon, and if one comes! Then they will be looking for as many resources they can get their hands on, may as well dig for it, rather than buying the stuff. Tom looked over the edge "What the hell is that?"
"Not sure Tom, but it looks like a huge ancient building down there" then everyone carefully walked up to the edge of this new valley "Looks like a huge Egyptian Pyramid of some kind, going into the cliff wall," said Brendon, what they would find out later is that the structure would soon be known as an Ancient outpost with a few surprises still inside.
"Holy crap!" said Collin
"It must be very old! Just think of all the sandstorms it took to bury it," said Tom
"Do you think it's a little late to go and have a look now?" said Toby
"Yes! It's too dark now, we have to wait until morning," said Fred Jones, the team's safety officer, and medic
"HEY! Where's my tent?" came a voice behind them
"Sorry, Keith! It's probably at the coast by now" Brendon pointed down the hole
"looks like you might have to sleep with Toby tonight," said Tom with a smile on his face
"dam it, Blasted landslide has taken all my things? You better not snore Toby! Or fart," Finished Keith and everyone laughed
Then Tom said "Okay everyone, listen up! We are on a cliff at the moment and it's safe, cookie has a feed ready, so let's have a feed and get a good night's sleep! We got a lot to do tomorrow, and don't walk too far from the camp tonight, lord know where you end up."
The Next Day
After a long night of rumbles and water noise, what hit their eyes first thing in the morning was a valley stretching for miles into the distance, something they had to investigate after a good breakfast. Tom sent one of the teams back to civilization in one of the trucks to contact Head office and to get some more supplies, including a new tent for Keith. Then he sorted out the rest of the crews into their duties. First, they have to survey everything "Fred, what ropes do we have?"
"We won't need them!" said Toby
"Just encase," said Tom
Fred Henry Jones was the leading safety expert as if there was any in those days "Three 1000 foot and two 700 foot ropes, along with four harnesses, and five Kerosene lanterns,"
"Okay, Keith, Fred, Peter, and I will slowly walk down to that river and make our way to the structure. Brendon and Matt will stay in camp and move everything back away from the cliff, the rest of the team! I want a full survey of the area," said Tom "Collin and Jeff will head around the left side, while Toby and Dave go around the other side. Take the theodolites and measure and survey everything, also take the other camera with you and take as many pictures of the hole as you can, head office would want to see everything"
The men then walked to the truck and started to collect all of the gear they need, then the four men made their way down to the new river. Looking as to where the river had come from, they spotted why the ground fell into the now exposed river. A huge cave was carved out of the soft rock by the underground river, there must have just been to much sand on top of it to hold any longer. Luckily, they had made camp on more solid ground.
Keith walked ahead and found what was left of his tent and what of his things he could salvage, Fred and Tom, walked along the now exposed smooth riverbed. "Wonder how long until this area going to change with all this water?" said Peter as he was looking into the water "There is already fish here!"
"Give it ten year's, it will be like any well fertilized and watered area," said Tom
"The birds are coming already," said Fred as they watched a few Rainbow lorikeets, Rosella, and a few noisy Galah coming down to have a drink. "They can find water anywhere,"
The team walked down the new valley for an hour and a half before they came to the structure, they could see that it was not stone or concrete, but rather metal, and it was old. The four men walked up to what they would call an aircraft hanger or a huge ship dock. Tom stood at the mouth of it and was gobbed smacked "Okay, let's start with what we are good at! Fred and Peter, grab the theodolite and see if you can measure this opening, Keith! Come with me and let's start taking pictures." Keith and Tom then walked all over the entrance of the structure taking pictures and placing markers so that the theodolite could measure the horizontal and vertical angles. Thirty minutes later, Fred sat down with a pencil and paper. Fred was about the best surveyor in his field, if he could work out the horizontal and vertical angles in the distance of six feet, he could give a rough measurement of height
"Tom! If I am working this right, that tunnel is about 6,561 feet high!" said Fred
"Whose game to come with me to have a look?" said Tom, Tom and Keith walked into a huge cavern, "Well it is man-made," as the torches shine along the wall
"Man-made! I don't think so? If Man made this, they had to have very advanced technique's better than what we have today! No this is hundreds of thousands of years old" said Keith
"So what are you saying Keith! Aliens built this?" said Peter and they all froze, the light coming in seems to fade away just a few feet from the floor, whatever this is! The darkness was thick. Then as they walked, one of the beams of light landed on the nose of what looked like an aircraft "What on Earth is that?" it was more of a statement than a question.
"It's not from Earth that's for sure!" said Peter
"It looks like an Aircraft! But bigger"
"How did it get in here?" finish Keith and as they walked closer to the aircraft "This does not look like any aircraft I have ever seen!" As Tom and Keith walked slowly around the ship, "This thing is about 2 or three miles long, I think we better let the big boys know about this! It's way above my pay grade."