"Help! Somebody stop him!" An old lady screamed as a thug holding her purse started to run off as fast as he could. Before the thug could get too far a chop sound rang through the streets and he fell unconscious, in front of him stood a boy dressed in a blue gi, yellow pants with a white belt to hold them up. The boy had golden hair that shined thanks to the fiery golden aura that surrounded him this boy was the vigilante Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong grabbed the purse with his golden monkey tail and walked towards the old lady. "Here you go, ma'am," he said giving her purse back.

"Thank you, young man, here have this as a little reward." She fiddled around her purse and held out a piece of candy for him.

"It's alright, I don't do this for rewards."

Then and there thick wooden branches wrapped around the vigilante's body behind him was a hero known as Kamui Woods. " Sun Wukong you are under arrest for Vigilantism, unauthorized quirk usage, and resisting arrest multiple times!"

"You again?" The vigilante said unamused he looked towards the old lady. "You should leave."

Both Sun Wukong and Kamui woods gave her and every civilian in the area a minute to clear out all the while making small talk.

"You know, I don't get why you heroes are so insistent on getting in my way I'm not hurting anyone... well anyone innocent at least."

"You look like a smart kid you should know by now that what you're doing is illegal. Actually, I have a few questions for you if you don't mind."

" Sure why not?"

" How old are you?" Kamui woods asked he had seen the young vigilante before but now only standing a few feet away from him he realized this kid couldn't be older than a pre-teen.

"Can't say if I did it would make it easier for you to find out who I really am."

"Well then, what is your quirk?"

Noticing that the citizens had cleared out Sun Wukong released ki from all around his body, the blast broke all the wood that was around him and cracked a few windows in the immediate vicinity. Kamui Woods was sent flying the only thing that kept him from being blown away from one end of the city to the other was the fact he used his wooden branches to hold unto a streetlight.

"Your too slow." Sun Wukong appeared in front of him and punched Kamui woods hard enough to send him crashing to the ground. When the hero got back up the Vigilante was gone. "Damn it lost him again, might as well put this one in jail." Kamui looked at the purse snatcher Sun Wukong apprehended.

In a bedroom full of hero merchandise Sun Wukong teleported in using instant transmission he turned off his transformation his golden hair faded in color going from gold to dark green, his tail went from gold to a dull brown color, and his eyes went from blue to emerald green.

"Izuku dinners ready!" His father's voice said.


Izuku quickly undressed replacing his vigilante suit with more casual clothes. The boy went out of his room and went into the kitchen where his father sat on a wooden chair eating a bowl of ramen at the table.

"Ah, there you are my boy I already prepared a bowl for you sit and eat."

Izuku stared at his father for a second before accepting the offer. For as long as Izuku could remember his father was all skin and bones with sunken blue eyes and a really bad problem with coughing up blood. When he was a kid supposedly he got into an accident with a villain that left him really injured.

"So... What's wrong?" Izuku asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Dad you're a workaholic, you barely ever make time to sleep much less cook dinner, and when you do it's because you want to talk about something."

Yagi Toshinori simply smiled at his son. "As observant as always, you get that from your mother."

Clearing his throat, Toshinori began the conversation. " Do you know what you're going to do with your life? You're entering high school now and you should begin to think about what you want to do."

"Oh... Well, I'm not really sure about that, but I know that I want to go to U.A."

Toshinori coughed up blood in surprise. "U.A! I thought you didn't want to be a hero because and I quote "heroes are glorified cops" why go to U.A?

"I don't but U.A. is a good school if go to the General education course and graduate from there it would look good on a college application."

"That's true."

"Hey, dad can I go visit grandpa tomorrow."

"Of course, say hello to him for me."

With that, they both continued eating trying to come up with small talk.

It was night time now and Toshinori was on his laptop he was looking at a picture that was a little over a decade old. In the picture stood him, his wife Inko, his father in law Goku, and last but not least Izuku who was only four years old at the time, next to him was Inko her tail wrapped comfortably around his waist. Toshinori paused as he saw the big smile on her face and allowed himself to shed a tear.

"If only you were here, everyday he gets more and more like you, sometimes it hurts to look at him."

The number one hero rubbed his eyes. " I shouldn't torture myself with the past like this. I have work to do."

He then began to look up all the recent incidents involving the famous vigilante Sun Wukong as the public dubbed him. This boy has been active for about two years in that time he has apprehended fifty villains busted two major human trafficking groups and saved dozens of lives, the hero association has recently ordered him to capture the boy for breaking the law.

Now, why would they send the strongest hero to fight a mere child? Simple Sun Wukong was making them look bad, the vigilante has fought with almost every hero in the city at least once and every time he has won and escaped hell the boy fought Endeavor on three separate occasions and essentially humiliated the number two hero. The last time those two fought Endeavor knocked himself out by overheating his body, this caused the flame hero to publicly swear that he would capture Sun Wukong.

The first thing to do was figure out who Sun Wukong was he would need his Agency to coordinate with the police department to find out who had a quirk that matched Sun Wukong's. The vigilante had incredible abilities flight, super strength, Super durability, energy projection, and a monkey tail.

It's almost as if he has multiple quirks wait a minute...

No! That's impossible he killed All For One punched his head into a bloody paste. How could this child have so many powers? Oh, God... Did All For One have children? Is that why the boy was a vigilante so that he could steal quirks from villains?

That night the number one hero had a lot of trouble going to sleep.

End of chapter.

What did you think? Should I continue?