Hermione stood at the long bathroom counter brushing her teeth with the spare toothbrush that Fred provided. After their discussion, she felt lighter. She still wasn't certain that they should take their relationship to the next level that night though. They'd agreed to just let things develop naturally, but she was worried that Fred would wake up tomorrow with regrets if they were magically bonded.

"I can hear you thinking from over here," Fred's voice came from the doorway. "I'm not going to pressure you into anything that you're not ready for, but I assure you that I'm not worried about the potential consequences. Honestly, I'm thrilled."

Looking over her shoulder at him curiously, she asked, "Thrilled? What makes you say that?"

Fred sighed, "Since George's wedding, I've felt like a part of me is missing. It's not because my twin got married and moved out either. It's because that was the first time you and I really connected. That night, I felt like the empty space inside was finally filled. Since then, when we've been apart, I feel that emptiness more than ever. You're what's been missing, I'm certain. My biggest regret is that I wasn't brave enough to make you aware of my feelings before now. If I had, we could have felt secure in our relationship before this happened."

As Fred was speaking, he moved closer to Hermione. By the time he'd spoken the final word, he was standing right in front of her. He kissed her softly, running his hands up her arms, then asked, "Do you still have reservations?"

"Not anymore," she shook her head. "I was just terrified that you would resent me and feel like I'd trapped you if we ended up accidentally bonded. You've convinced me that you won't."

Kissing her again, more deeply this time, Fred ran his hands down her back until he reached the curve of her arse. When he skimmed the hem of the jersey she wore, he slid his hands underneath. He gasped when he found that she was bare beneath his fingers, as she had discarded the joggers but hadn't yet put on knickers. Dragging his mouth away from hers with an obvious effort, he took a shaky breath. "Before I completely lose control, I need to say this. I'm fairly certain that I'm in love with you. I needed you to know that because I fully intend to make love to you as many times as you will allow."

Hermione's heart swelled. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined that this was how today would end. When she'd woken that morning, everything seemed normal, but it had turned into an extraordinary day. And, ironically enough, it was all because she'd made a mistake.

She was broken from her reverie by the deep timbre of Fred's voice in her ear, "Turn around." The two short words sent a shiver of excitement running down her spine. She turned slowly, meeting his gaze in the mirror as she faced the counter. With a sexy wink that caused a flutter low in her belly, Fred dropped to his knees behind her, leaning down to place an open-mouthed kiss on the inside of her calf. Gasping at the unexpectedly sensual touch, Hermione unconsciously widened her stance, her heart racing in anticipation.

Fred placed a hand on each of her calves and ran them up until he reached where the hem of his jersey hit just below her arse. He continued his path upward, hiking the garment over her hips as he reverently palmed the pert cheeks. "As much as I like seeing my name written across your back, this needs to go."

Reaching down, Hermione gripped the shirt and pulled it up and over her head. She felt Fred stand, trailing his hands over the length of her body as he moved upward. He pressed his still fully clothed body against her back as he reached around to caress her breasts. Sucking the lobe of her ear into his mouth, he murmured, "beautiful," before proceeding to explore every inch of skin that he could reach with his lips, tongue, and teeth.

What on earth was he doing to her? Hermione was beyond the point of coherent thought and he'd barely even touched her. Would it always be this way with him? She needed more. He needed to be naked and inside her. In an attempt to make this happen, Hermione squirmed against Fred, wanting to turn around so she could face him.

Chuckling against her neck, Fred momentarily stopped his ministrations. "Be patient. I'm not done." With that promise made, he lowered himself slowly to the ground once again, trailing kisses along her shoulders and down her spine as he went.

He pushed her legs further apart, his tongue seeking the soft, sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Hermione had to grab the countertop for support as pleasure and desire coursed through her body. "Please," the single word slipped from her tongue on a gasping moan. She didn't recognise her own voice, but even she could hear the desperation. The sheer neediness should have embarrassed her, but all she could think of was Fred.

There had been no response to her plea. He continued laving her skin, moving closer to her centre but never allowing contact with the place that she wanted him most. The movement of his mouth stilled suddenly and she felt him blowing lightly on the small patch of curls covering her sex. Before she could react to the new sensation, a single finger ran through her folds followed by his tongue. She cried out, "Fred!"

Soon the probing finger slipped inside her, his lips latching onto her swollen clit. With only a few steady strokes, she was overcome by pulsing waves of ecstasy as the orgasm took her by surprise. Moaning and babbling incoherently, she was only half aware of Fred getting to his feet. When her vision cleared, she was surprised to see that he'd shed all of his clothing and was standing naked, watching her intently in the mirror.

Meeting his gaze, she knew without a doubt that he was it for her. Smiling softly, she told him, "I didn't get to say so because you thoroughly distracted me, but I need you to know that I love you too. I'm so in love with you." As those words left her lips, Fred closed his eyes, his face relaxing and a small smile gracing his lips. When he opened them again, she could see the intensity of his feelings shining through.

He moved forward then, pressing himself fully against her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He turned her face and captured her lips in a deep, emotional kiss, shifting his stance until she felt his hard cock press against her entrance. Trailing kisses down her neck, he asked, "Are you certain?"


"Watch me. I want you to look in that mirror and watch as I make you mine."

On a sharp intake of breath, Hermione drew her head up and focused on their reflection. Nothing in her life had ever felt like this before. She felt her heart flutter with excitement, joy, and nerves. Making love with Fred for the first time was everything.

As he gripped her hips, she grabbed the counter to steady herself, arching her back to allow him easier access. She watched, transfixed as he gripped himself and guided his length into her. His eyes met hers and although they weren't face to face, she could see and feel the absolute love he exuded as he slid inside her, joining them for the first time.

As Fred began to move inside her, he leaned closer to her, his chest pressing into her back. His mouth found her neck once again, gently sucking and nipping on her pulse point. She knew that he would mark her there, but she couldn't find it within herself to care. As Fred slowly fucked her from behind, Hermione was surprised to find that this angle was amazing. She'd never come from internal stimulation alone, but now she wondered if she might. His cock was sliding firmly along the front wall of her vagina with every thrust, the constant, firm pressure swiftly bringing her toward a second release.

"Play with your tits for me. I want to see you touch yourself," he requested in a husky voice. As she moved to comply, he wrapped one arm around her waist to assist her as she awkwardly changed her position. Using her elbows to brace against the hard surface, she brought her hands up and began to roll and pinch her nipples. Fred's breath was hot on her ear, "Merlin, that's so sexy. I don't think I'm going to last much longer. Can you come for me? I want to feel you come around my cock."

Fred's words brought her to the edge. "I'm so close," she moaned. With a wickedly sexy grin, he reached down with a single finger and pressed against the tiny bundle of nerves at the top of her slit. With that, she came undone. The orgasm was the most powerful and all-encompassing she'd ever experienced. As she rode the waves of intense pleasure, she felt him tense behind her as he too found his release with a groan.

He fell forward, bracing himself to not crush her as they caught their breath. Leaning down, he peppered kisses over her shoulders and back, then slowly he withdrew his softening penis from inside her. Carefully, he turned her into his arms and murmured into her ear. "That was perfect, you're perfect. I love you so much."

"I love you too." Feeling as if she was floating on air, Hermione rose up on her tiptoes, wrapping both arms around his neck, pulling him into a sensual kiss that she poured her emotions into. She thought to herself that the only thing that she wanted to do now was to spend the night wrapped in Fred's arms. "Can we go to bed now?"

"Of course." Fred located his wand, waving it over both of them. "Cleaning charms for now. We can have a shower in the morning," waggling his eyebrows, he added, "together, of course."

"That sounds perfect to me," Hermione agreed with a smile as they strode together down the hallway into his bedroom.

They fell into bed, exhausted by the events of that evening. After exchanging softly spoken words of love, they snuggled together, still naked, and fell asleep.

After waking sometime in the night to make love once again, she came awake slowly with the soft morning light streaming in through Fred's bedroom window. Feeling eyes on her, she looked up to see him watching her with a gentle smile. His grin broadened when he noticed that she was awake. "Good morning, love," he greeted her with a kiss.

Returning the greeting, she sighed happily. She knew that she would be content to wake like this every morning for the rest of her life. For a moment, she indulged in imagining what it might be like with children climbing into their bed someday. It was a lovely prospect.

Already bereft at the thought that she would have to leave Fred's arms, even just for the day, she snuggled in closer, basking in the utter sense of rightness and comfort she felt. This was unlike anything she'd experienced before. His embrace felt like home... It was then that she knew with certainty that no matter what the day's research would bring, the two of them were going to be just fine.