Hello Guys, you miss me? Of course, you did because I got a new one for ya! So, this gonna be short and sweet but I hope you guys like it! So, I recently watched the new Dumbo movie and for some reason I fell in love with this certain song! And I know I just had to make something out of it. So please without further ado…. happy reading ;)

Baby of Mine

'WAAA! WAAAA!' He cried and cried! It was 3am and this was the 5th time he cried! Goku and chichi groaned as they had just put him down 30 minutes ago! And it was driving them crazy from exhaustion!

'I don't get it Chi! We fed him, he changed him, we burped him! What more does he need!?' Goku said, he rarely got annoyed with his son but it was the middle of the night and he needed sleep. Chichi sat up and rubbed her head

'I don't know Goku! I think he just needs to sleep' She yawned

'Well he's gonna have to at some point!'

'Can you go tend to him?' she asked curdling back into bed

'Why do I have to do it? I'm the one who changed him!' Goku huffed

'Yeah and I'm the one who fed him! Remember! I am on booby duty, you are on booty duty!' Chichi said

'Come on You go!'

'Okay how are we gonna decide?' Chichi asked as their son continued to cry out

'I guess we can do it the old fashioned way?' Goku suggested as she lowered her head

'Alright Goku….. you're asking for it'

'We'll see about that…' he nodded as they both sat up

'Ready…..ROCK…PAPER…SCISSORS….HA!' They both yelled as Goku called rock and chichi called scissors!

'Yes! I did it!' Goku said jumping back into bed as chichi huffed!

'Yeah you beat me babe, but there's a good chance you'll get your turn soon enough' she said putting on her robe as he looked up at her

'Gee thanks, but if you didn't want to go, you should have chosen paper' Goku winked as she rolled her eyes and headed into their son's nursery, and there he was in his crib crying his eyes out for attention, he was wearing a light blue onsie with yellow clouds printed on it and a little blue hat to keep his head warm, chichi picked him up in his red blanket and held him close to her.

'Come on Gohan, your daddy and I are really tired and we gotta sleep, what's it gonna take for you to stop crying for us hmm?' She asked softly as he continued to cry, Chichi brought him over to the window to look up at the stars as she looked down at the little angel in her arms

'You know, my dad once told me that my mother would hold me close to the window too, to look up into the night and tell me, that no star shined as brought as the little bundle in her arms. I know exactly how she feels. From the moment you were born you have been nothing but light in my eyes, and your daddy's' She said as Gohan stopped his screaming but there were still faint whimpers in his voice.

'My mother would also sing me a small lullaby to get to sleep, and every time she did, I knew I felt safe in her arms, and that is exactly how I want you to feel. My sweet little Gohan...' she whispered as she began to hum the melody

Chichi: Baby mine, don't you cry.
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your head close to my heart,
Never to part, baby of mine.

Goku lied down in his bed when he began to hear her voice, he had never heard her sing so beautifully before, he rose from his bed and crept into his Son's nursery and there he saw his wife cradling their boy in her arms unaware of her husband's presence.

Chichi: Little one, when you play,
Don't you mind what they say.
Let those eyes sparkle and shine,
Never a tear, baby of mine.

Goku continued to listen to her. Her voice was like an angel from above. Gohan had stopped whimpering and slowly began to giggle in his mother's arms; chichi smiled down at her baby and continued her melody.

Chichi: If they knew sweet little you,
They'd end up loving you, too.
All those same people who scold you,
What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

Chichi: From your head down to your toes,
You're not much, goodness knows.
But, you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be, baby of mine.

Gohan's eyes began to close slowly, she knew the song was working, Goku stood here in awe. How had he gotten so lucky to have her as a wife, Gohan as his son. From that moment he promised that nothing would ever harm his family, as long as there was fight left in him, he would make sure he and his family lived in peace. Chichi swayed Gohan slowly as she continued with her lullaby.

Chichi: All those same people who scold you,
What they'd give just for the right to hold you.

Chichi: From your head down to your toes,
You're not much, goodness knows.
But, you're so precious to me,
Sweet as can be, baby of mine.

Finally, Gohan had fallen asleep in her arms. She slowly placed him back in his crib and gave him a sweet kiss on his forehead and turned on the mobile that hung above his crib, Goku had handcrafted it himself, and there was a model of Himself, of Chichi, The Ox King and the 4 star Ball.

Chichi: Baby of mine.

Gohan began to suck on his thumb as he heard the last verses of his mother's lullaby

Chichi: Baby of mine.

Chichi finished her song as the music on the Mobile began to play; Gohan had drifted into a deep slumber. Something told her he wouldn't be disturbing her and her Husband's sleep for the rest of the evening. Chichi kissed her Baby's head very gently and turned around to find her husband standing in the archway of her Baby's nursery and began to blush

'Ummmmm….how long were you standing there?' She asked

'Enough to tell you your voice is beautiful' He said wrapping his arms around her waist as she giggled

'Well I guess it did the trick' she smiled as they both looked at their sleeping baby, so peaceful.

'I love you Chichi. I love you and our boy! And I won't let anything happen to you for as long as I live' Goku said as Chichi smiled

'I know. And I love you too' She whispered and leaned in to kiss him. Goku happily accepted and lifted her up as she giggled and brought him back into their bedroom, finally for a decent slumber.

The end

What did you think? Wanna cry? I did! Not ashamed! Especially when I heard the version of this song. Look for this song on you tube! The subscribers are called The Hound + the Fox! The song is beautiful! Anyway that's all for now! I shall be back soon x x

Penelope out ;)