Author's Note:

I wanted to say thank you for the support. It means a lot to me that people are taking the time to read the story. Also sorry for the lack of updates this chapter was hard to start. I am also going to set up a schedule soon of my stories, I am taking a break from the cross over and focusing more on Harry fanfics. However, I will be starting fanfic with Harry Potter/Susan Bones focusing on the fifth year. Now I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 7: Finally Home

As we apparated toward Diagon Alley. Harry could not help but feel nervous. It was not the first time that he had gone to Gringotts, but for this time it was dealing with family homes. After talking with Sirius about possible places to stay it was decided that there were only two places left after the war. One was a Potter cabin which was a small cabin near a small lake. The big problem was that since no one was able to get the inheritance back and the fact that no one knew who owned the house anymore.

The other option was the Black house which was Sirius old house and front he words that he has stated the house was atrocious. The only guarantee that the house would be safe due to the Fidelis Charm that the house has, however, the bigger problem would be the amount of work that it would take to make the house livable would mean that they would need a place to stay meanwhile.

Now they were entering the family account manager of the Potters. As Sirius transformed back into a human being and was able to stretch his body as well. They were greeted by FireBlade who proceeds to tell them that since both the Potter children were here that the will reading could be read. At first, it was a shock since the will was sealed by the minister, but after talking the goblin laughed and stated, "Those bigotted idiots think that they can control us, but their rules do not apply here at Gringotts. So if you read the will would piss off the pompous prick of the bad faith family with pleasure we will make it legal as long as the main people of the will are present being Mr and Ms Potter."

"Could you tell us why the Malfoy's sealed the will?"
"Well, they have been using the Blacks holdings to fund the minister campaign. Secondly, they were able to control the seats of the Blacks and block anyone from using the Potter's seats making their control of the minister absolute. However, even so, we cannot do anything in the ministry we can at least stop their banking power. Mr Blacks if you may?"

"With pleasure, FireBlade, I allow the will of James Pooter and Lily Potter nee Evans to be read. As the magical guardian of the Potters and proxy for them until they are of legal age I allow the reading to begin."

"I second the motion. As head of the DMLE I hereby act as a legal witness for this hearing," said Amelia Bones who had been quiet and observant for any chances of deception. However, the more she was present the more the frown on her face deepened at the thought of the oppression that the Malfoy had on the ministry.

"Very well," The goblin said chuckling, "At this time I present the will of James Potter and Lily Potter."

At that moment a magical parchment appeared and started to state.

"This is the will of Lily and James Potter. If you are reading/hearing this it means we passed away The first thing that I want to state that if we passed away is the fact that Sirius was not the secret keeper, but it was Peter Pettigrew. Next statement is that the custody of both Susan Lily Potter and Harry James Potter would go as followed, first Sirius Black, Maria Bones, then Remus Lupin, Amelia Bones, and lastly the Longbottom family would be the last. However, if my sister finally left that idiot and pathetic excuse of a husband of hers I am willing to give her the allowance of custody for Harry and Susan if the following families cannot take care of them.

Next, we leave the following items to the following families. To Sirius Black since money is no problem for you, we leave you the Marauder journal with the promise you share it with our daughter and son when they enter Hogwarts. Next, we leave you as well we leave you the Saphire ring that you adored the last time you accompanied me, with the promise you finally tie the knot with the girl of your dreams.

For Lupin we leave you 150,000 galleons for you to live in a good place and ability to get Wolfbane potion. Next, we also leave you our theoretic book so that you can get a carrier in private research. We also ask you to teach both Susan and Harry politics and magic since you are more responsible than Sirius.

To Maria Bones, we leave you 100,000 galleons. If for any chance you pass away then we give it to your closest relative.

To Severus Snape, I James Potter leave you a letter and apology for not being a better man. I know that you will not be able to forgive the things that I have done, but I ask you to look over my children from the rest of the Death Eaters as you did with Lily when she was at Hogwarts. We also leave you 50,000 galleons with hopes you can leave that horrible home. Lastly I Lily leave you a letter as well and a thank you for the protection you gave me all those years in Hogwarts

For the Longbottom family, we continue our Alliance and at the same time the ability to be Proxy of the Potter family until our kids become of age. Your family has always been the political savvy and all we ask for you to teach our kids how the wizarding world works.

For our son and daughter, we leave everything else including Potter Cabin for whoever is taking care of you. We also leave you our private journals respectively Harry your fathers and Susan your mothers. Lastly, we want you both to know we love you. Live a long life and also since you two would be the last living relatives of Ignotus Peverell we also give you both full access to the family vault, we ask that you continue honouring the family motto, et praesidia contra malum (Protectors against evil.)

At that moment no one spoke Susan was confused as to what had just happened, Harry was mad at the fact that this will changed a lot of factors and gave Harry protection from the Dursleys and also freed his godfather and most importantly keeping Susan and him separated.
While there were many mysteries the goblin quickly made the transfers and made them receive their heir and heiress rings for the Potter and Peverell family. It was also in that moment where Sirius also stated that Harry was going to be the Black heir and a ring appeared on his finger. The same was said for Susan who got the Bones heiress ring for her.

With that, they left only to receive the Peverell grimoire with the words in them stating, Et est amicus autem mors Legatum. (The Friend of Death's Legacy) It was a black book with a black horse-like creature made out of skeletons and bat wings.

They decided to go to Potter Cabin grabbing a Portkey they travelled away and arrived at a three-story cabin. Where there was a beautiful view of the lake and a forest in the back. As everyone arrived we were greeted by an over-energetic house-elf named Dobby.

"Great Master Harry is here. I have been keeping the home clean while the master was away." Dobby said with a huge smile.

"Dobby why did you call me master?" Harry said with a confused look in his face.
"I need magic to survive if not Dobby dies, so when old master freed Dobby I bonded with the greatest wizard ever Harry Potter heir of the Potter and Peverell and Black family," he said.

"Ok, Dobby do I need to properly bond you to make sure you get enough magic or you are automatically bonded already."

"I am bonded already. Great Harry Potter we usually bond to the first wizard who frees us or in case of our owners disowning us we go straight to Hogwarts or the ministry since they have strong magic residue to save us from going crazy till we can live off later."

"Ok Dobby well let me present you to the family, this is my sister Susan Potter, That is Sirius Black, my godfather, that over there is Aunt Amelia she is the one who took care of Suzie for the past years. Now Dobby could you show us the house?" Harry said.

So Dobby did and then showed the cottage with the seven bedrooms and five bathrooms a ballroom a magical training room and a potion lab. A small library was on the corner there were four books with a small set of wards around them.

"That is the family research books of the Peverells," Sirius said with a grin. "You two are the only ones that can go there, but if I am correct that is what helped us make the Marauder's map we combined my families enchant book with the Peverell location enchant and we got the map."

"It is wonderful this will help a lot with my research in runes and arithmancy," Susan said with a huge smile in her face.

As they explored the house more they saw at the front a small gallery of pictures of Harry and Susan as they were little. However the closer they got there were also pictures of there parents, looking at them and smiling.

Tears were running down the teens' cheeks as they saw their` parents as they were dancing happily with eachother. The day quickly went quick and as everyone went to sleep, there was a second wand that appeared next to both Harry's and Susan's wands.

Author POV:
I am sorry for the small chapter I was feeling writer's block dealing with a home location so I opted for a third-person view and a short chapter. Next is going to be there birthday party and the World Cup