# A fluffy conclusion!

- J.Aanto

"Ah crap... My clothes got wet real fast." Ishigami complained.

The rain had come out of nowhere and startled both of them, and they had ran for cover to the cottage. It wasn't a big field like the others next to it, so they were able to reach the cottage soon enough. They were both dripping wet, cold and shivering. The rain had no intention of letting up soon, so they decided to stay for a while.

A change of clothes was give to both of them, and it was almost their size so they managed. "Talk about ruining a date, I wish we spent more time with the flowers." Iino sighed.

"We can always come back, though." Ishigami replied. He had just entered the room after changing clothes, right when Iino started to complain and curse the gods for making it rain. He sat down next to her, looking out the window.

"Do you want to come back?" Iino asked him, her voice small, her head bowed.

"Obviously. I loved it. It felt... Peaceful, I guess." Ishigami replied without hesitation. The rain drops were striking against the window, making a rhythm unique to rainfall. The flowers were completely invisible through the foggy window.

"What will happen to the flowers then? Won't they drown and wilt?" Ishigami said with a wistful tone, his hand on his cheek, and a soul piercing gaze through the window.

"Probably, I don't know. But it'll grow back. It's their business after all." Iino patted his back as she said it. "We can come back when it does."

"With the whole student council? I kinda want them to see this." Ishigami told her. He turned to looks at her and ask for confirmation, but she turned her face away. "Iino?" Ishigami asked her, puzzled.

"How tactless." She murmured, then sighed. It's just how he is, after all. She laid her head on his shoulders, startling him. He stabilized, however, and patted her head slowly. "I wish we coul stay like this forever..." Iino said, her voice dreamy.

"You said you didn't like the rain, though." Ishigami replied to her. She gave him a sharp look, and he burst out laughing. "Anyways, I'm glad I reserved some flowers safely."


"Oh, you didn't see that?" Ishigami continued, "I took some in my hands when we started running away from the rain." he left the room for a while and returned with handful of flowers. In his hand were three flowers. A poppy, a lavender, a sunflower.

"Meaning I swear to give devotion, pleasure and adoration to you." Ishigami told her with a wide grin on his face. He looked very satisfied with himself. Iino looked down immediately, but her ears were red, and Ishigami knew her face was too. This was an romantic success.

"Is that your marriage proposal?" Iino decided to play along. But she never got a reply. All she could hear was the sound of the wind crackling through the gaps, carrying a chill breeze, and the rain hitting against the windows. She turned around to look at him, and saw that his face was bright red. It took her a moment to sink in what she had just said.

There was nothing but silence for a while. She sat back in her seat, and he sat next to her awkwardly, not saying a word. The wind was cold enough to send a shiver up the spine, but the temperature in the room went up a notch thanks to the lover's tension. Then a loud sound emanated from the roof, startling both of them.

Iino hugged Ishigami without a second thought. She was scared. Ishigami flailed his arms, but she just held him tightly. He couldn't make sense of it until he saw her face. She was scared of the loud noise. Oh I'm an idiot, he told himself. He pulled her close, held her tight until the sounds stopped. The rain had stopped, but she still didn't let go. He didn't mind.

Atleast, not until he saw that it was 7 in the night. "Oh crap, I'm so done for! Iino, hey! Let's go-" but she was not responding. Ishigami feared the worst, and it was confirmed that very second.

She was asleep.

It would take a miracle to wake her up now, he thought. So he decided to carry her back home. He loosened the grip, and was freed for a while. He told the old couple thanks for their hospitality, and went back to try and wake up Iino. Failure ensued.

The ride back home was hard, especially the bus. It took him quite a while to explain to the officers that he was not kidnapping her. And as he somehow made it to the station, he found a train back home and boarded it with her in tow. He settled in his seat and let out a heavy sigh. She was still clinging onto him by the neck.

"Now how the hell am I gonna explain this to her parents?" he asked himself, and came up with zero answers. All possible answers led to court and jail sentence. He shivered a bit, although he wasn't sure if it was due to the cold weather or due to the impending sense of doom.

He tried to move Iino a bit, but she just grunted in her sleep and pulled him closer. "Mhm.. Ishigami.." she murmured, and he just froze.

Is she dreaming about me? He thought to himself. He looked at her sleeping face. it's nothing dirty right? But he won't be surprised if it was.

"Oh stop being cute for a damn second." he pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips. He wanted to stay that way for a while, but it would be awkward to kiss a sleeping girl in a train for too long, so he pulled back. What he didn't expect was Iino to be awake. She looked surprised, her face pink, her eyes sparkling. Ishigami was embarrassed so much that he wanted to die. He turned around quickly.

The rain had stopped a while ago, but now it was snowing slightly. It looked wonderful, a thin layer of snow over the lamps and streets. The houses looked really cozy, too. The smell of food from the hotel nearby was stimulating to say the least. The breeze was cold and wet and all Ishigami could think of was this: "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH she woke up at the worst damned time how am I gonna face her oh god-" he felt a sharp pain in his cheek and turned around to see a pouting Iino.

"Why did you turn around, dummy?" she asked, her voice no louder than the wind that carried it. "Care to explain what happened? Why am I here? What time is it?"

He explained everything slowly and clearly, and watched the horror unfold on her face. It was satisfying to say the least, her expressions were so golden he wanted to record every single second of it. She didn't reply for a while.

"...I'm sorry." she said. "That must have been troublesome, huh..." Iino's head was bowed so low he thought it was gonna fall off.

"Nah, don't worry. I'm your boyfriend after all. That was fun to do. And, umm," he hesitated, "Sorry for kissing you out of the blue. You just looked too cute and I couldn't help it."

"You could make up by kissing me now."

Ishigami froze for a second, let that sentence sink in, then pulled her face close. "I heard that, you know?"

"That's why I said it. We never got to kiss in the garden after all." Iino said, her breath steadily increasing in speed.

The corner of his mouth tugged at a smile, then he kissed her. It was slow, romantic, blissful. Time didn't matter, the whole world felt slower. Their faces felt hotter than a stove, and their hands were locked with each other. One hand on the other's cheek, the other one holding the other's hand. They didn't let go for quite a while.

The train had reached their stations, and Iino left for her home, waving him good bye. He left for his house too, ecstatic.

The week days began and Iino was talking about her date with Onodera and Osaragi, both of them who looked like they heard this a million times already. She made for her classroom, and was about to sit down when someone pointed out:

"There's a flower on your chair."

Surprised, Iino took the flower in her hand, and saw that it was a poppy. "Pleasure,huh..." she said to herself. She smiled and kept it in her desk, while the rest of the class started pestering her about the date. Somehow the information had leaked.

Ishigami on the other hand was talking to Shinomiya and Shirogane about the date. They occasionally made smug faces, but when he got to the flower conversation, they looked surprised. "You really can show some tact, Ishigami." Shinomiya replied, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not that bad, what are you fake-crying for?!" Ishigami said, outraged. They all laughed together. He continued on. They actually swooned when he told them about the kiss on the train, at which he got up, left the room, and didn't come back. The duo tried to pull him back inside, but they were too busy laughing, so they gave up.

It was destined to be a fluffy romance for sure, they thought to themselves. They were not wrong. After all, it's two dorks in a relationship for the first time. They knew that feeling all too well. Silently, they wished these two a happy romance.

Author's note: Phew! I'm finally done with this series, thanks for sticking around. It was just a fluffy romance story, so I couldn't come up with a better ending without ruining the whole point of fluff. I mean, it's not supposed to have any continuity, LOL. I had a lot of fun writing this, I hope you felt the same reading this too. We'll meet again folks, when I write another fanfic about Kaguya, and you bet it's gonna be soon enough.